(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


hahhahaa..yah wat?who asked him to purposely not buying presents for me?Last nite skype him ..he said cannot find anything for me...boo...LOL

But lots of stuffs for his girls lor...^^

see la..when he come back...if he can read my mind,he better come back with something...whahahahahahahahah LOL

He sure won't let the DIY happen la..Wahahhaha


yea,2nd trimester is the HEAT period man!But its ok la...im sure your HB will understand....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i think if wanna "enjoy" better do so now. once 3rd trimester hits will be difficult already.


use more lubricant?? i realize i tend to dry up a lot faster. and really very uncomfortable halfway through.


that's wat happen to me too, think i shld try using lubricant ba but was real wet before it starts to dry up... frankly hb & i have nv used anything before wor even condoms lo....

Princess D,

maybe he's planning surprise gifts for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just to share... Spring Maternity Promotion..



dun worry... It's very common n normal! It hit me sometimes too!

When you are not comfortable just relax then other day when the mood hits you again then try again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies,

I'm back from seeing Dr Woody!

Saw my 100% boy & his cute lil fren! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my EDD suddenly advanced by 2wks to 5 Oct.

Howcome huh?? The scan pic show AT 17.7cm.

Wat does that means, any one knows??

I feel smhow the EDD not accurate one.


Probably it's due to the growth of the baby, tht's why EDD push fwd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Afternn, mummies!

Wah! today's topic is so 'hot' ah.. Princess, that's a good one for thinking that way! wahaha..

No pressies, no ML.

haha.. me more tired than to think of ML leh. Now i'm starting to wonder whoever says 2nd Tri is honeymoon? still feeling tired easily.

congrats Momotan!

hehe.. actually my EDD base on the scan also brought forward to end Sept lor, but got 2 dates la. Also dunno which one to believe.. so i jus take it as 2nd Oct.. since all these while scanning still showing at 2nd Oct. muahahaha.. Tell myself to enjoy bb kicking in tummy for a long while.

who's getting a confinement nanny?

sigh.. i'm still deliberating.. haf to look for a reliable one and preferably abt $2k for a live-in nanny..


If you are seriously considering to get one, better start searching, becos normally at tis time those good ones are already booked way way in advance.


great idea!!! upgrading wedding band sounds neat!! i have been wearing my wedding band as a pendant eversince i gave birth to my #1 hahaa!!

that maid is so disgusting. i thought pedophiles are predominantly male! now i'm just disgusted at such revelation!!!

motherhood fair,

i'm skipping it. nothing much to see. i'll just get it from department stores since there's GSS now. wish i could go to Bangkok and get Carter's rompers! love Carter's boy designs!


jia you on the ML thing for tonight!! give yourself a good scrub, a good shave, nice perfume, tuck the kids early and have a great ML session!! hehehe

princess diamond,

LOL on your welcome plan!! i'm sure he will bring back something for you lar!! so poor thing must DIY!


congrats on seeing your boy and his friend! haha. i can't wait for my next scan at end June too! seems like a long wait but boh pian b'cos gynae is on long leave so that's the best date they could come up with.

wah! u booked so early? initially i decided i dont want since my MIL offered to cook and look after for me in the day time. i thot i cld look after bb myself at nite with minimum help from hubby.. but my fren reminded me dat baby will not fall asleep automatically after feed..need coaxing and this takes energy too.. i never thot of dat.. so now worried if i can haf enuf rest..

and now my SIL is gonna move in with my PIL with a 6 mth old baby which will be looked after by my MIL too.. so i thot this wld affect my MIL's energy level too.. i prefer someone who can pay more attention to my bb.. so change of circumstances is prompting me to get one lo.


my #1 is with cordlife and #2 is with stemcord and this #3 i intend to use cordlife =)

If you guys are keen to sign up for cord blood banking. I suggest you come up with a list of people who intend to sign then one recommend one u get some discounts =) think is $50 capital land voucher =)


welcome welcome...


yeah all attention on bb is impt..think can still find...just have to call asap le..

Cord Blood Banking

what i mean is withint our thread for those who are keen. You can compile a list of people keen. Then hor when speaking to the consultant you just tell her you have a list of friends all keen, so can they like one recommend the other so that they can get benefits from the recommend a friend scheme [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cus u recommend people and being recommended also can get benefits de =)


U really do your homework leh!

A good list for new moms-to-be and a refresher list for 2nd time moms-to-be [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Btw for the cord spirit/powder, need not buy first becos normally upon discharge the hospital will give you a bottle of the spirit and when you bring baby to the PD within days of birth, they will also give you the powder for it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haha i still keep these 2 files with me ever since i had my #1...haha cuz i know i gonna have more kids mah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] glad that it helps you guys out =)

Hi ladies,

I just walk 1 big round in the bb fair.

It's slightly better than the previous one.

- cordlife

- moo moo cloth diapers (which I cnt resist temptations & bot it)

- medela, pigeon & avent counters

- Heinz bb food

- not many strollers

- some bb clothes

- munchkin

- motherhood mag subscription

- pampers, huggies, drypers & some weird brands

- J&J bb pdts

- puku bb pdts

- got sell some cheap cots < $200


went out for some groceries shopping...felt so sleepy half way and giving the bb fair a pass today!


I ve booked mine couple of moths b4 too!

Is the night time that im worrying coz bb usualy wake up many times to poo or to be fed!The first months is really for you to rest so getting aCL is good choice!

Im sure you can get one if start looking now...there are plenty around..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks for sharing...

princess diamond

yeah lor both my elder 2 boys are hardest to handle at 1 st month le...so hor this time round hiring a CL to ease my suffering...LOL...the past 2 were done by my mum and being my mum i let her sleep and i do night duty on alternate days with har...so kinda still tiring..so this time round decided to have a CL!!

By the way recently my friend had such an episode with the CL she chose. On the day of her delivery, she called the CL and was told she cannot come and she has instructed her sis to come and take over her. It made my friend upset cuz its like a last min thing and nothing she can do. Then when the replacement came, she told my friend can only do one week for her cuz her own confinement booking has complication on ehr delivery so need her to go do CL earlier. So my friend is left without CL and frantically searching for one to replace.

Heardsay now many CL will confirmed your booking but on the actual day of delivery then tell you they cannot make it and will send their sis to replace. Just take note...nothing we can do about it but jsut pray our CL dun fly us kite lor


initially hb oso want his mum to do my confinement!fwahhh..thank god i insist..the night duties is tiring for all...

now w/o hesitation...CL is good..

wah your friend kena play out..wats th cl name?

Etelle: employing CL takes luck too.. my fren's CL oso told her cannot make it last min.. luckily my fren's mum doesn't work so can help out.. so i thot cld it be better if i get thru agency?

i've got one highly recommended by my fren.. but the last time she did for my fren, she had the intention of retiring oredi.. so i really hope she's willing to do for me.. =p she sounds really fantastic!

Re: confinement lady.

Hmm… lucky someone recommended one last month. Cos my previous got booked oredi. Hopefully she turns out well.

actually with CL, still have to wake up at nite mah. Esp if you are breastfeeding. I remembered for my first one. even though I got a confinement lady, I still woke up every 2-3 hours to pump. If not the breasts will start dripping with milk.. and plus tat time I was troubled with blocked ducts and blisters on the nipples. And all the discomfort from lochia. So I also never slept well. Well the plus side is she can help out with the washing… wash and sterilization of pump parts. And wash/change the baby if baby poos.

Hi Starrymommy, i did'nt login yesterday after my last post so i just saw you were asking where can you find koi bubble tea?

Koi bubble tea can be found at parkway parade, toa payoh, ang mo kio central and bishan...try it when you have the chance, it really taste like those taiwan bubble tea.

Re- Baby fair

Maybe i feel that its too early to get diapers, toiletries for baby, but there's really good buy for those. I only bought 2 booties for baby which cost me $5.50 , a good buy!

Check out bumswear, its really cute. But i think those Starrymommy bought are really fashionable and cheaper at $15, the bumswear ones are $27 and inserts are $7 each...


after asking about Koi then i remember i had Koi is taiwan, at ximending. silly me forgot about it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can't remember the taste already, though.. hee! post up pics of your purchase!


thanks for sharing abt the fair. is it bigger than last time, which was only half the hall?

Koi Bubble tea

I tried it 2 times before and i find it very sweet. I only take chocolate ice blended flavour and they said cannot reduce sugar level for this...but their bubble is tasty to chew . LOL but i prefer sweet talk bubble tea not as sweet though... Maybe i shd try other flavour from Koi...hee hee

princess diamond

think is opposite hawker center that row of shops there...always long queue i heard. My hb buys for me. I have never been there though...


where else bubble tea do u recommend? LOL i am a bubble tea lover!!


izit inside parkway parade or outside of the building? Fwahhh damn difficult to find the bubble Tea around thus area but seeing ppl holding a cup or two ! Grrrr....


I'm used to sweet talk already! Found Koi's tea colour too pale, doesn't look as enticing as sweet talk's. Probably psychological bah. :p The large cup does look shiok though!


yes, the fair is definitely bigger this time.

I rem u oso bot moomoo cloth diapers ri?? So cute hor??? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Koi bubble tea

I'm a fan too! It's really nice!

I only noe tpy & Chinatown hv.

But now preggy ok to drink tea mah??

Wat is the cord spirit, cord powder for? For the cord to heal n close up?

Would just like to ask anyone survivied without help fr anyone before after delivery? Really hope pple with such circumstances can share.

hi mummies! how have you all been? sigh been so busy at work lazy... go home eat and sleep sigh so tired and stressed out...

when are u all going the expo fair?? maybe can meet u all there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i drink the chocolate ice blend totally no tea at all but even if have also alright cuz hor one day 2 cups of tea or 1 cup of coffee mah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee hee


the cord spirit is for the belly button off the baby. Cuz after few days then it will drop. So for the first few days have to make sure the area is clean properly to avoid infection...

Eat a lot day

Ate 2 bread for breakfast. Macdonald Filet meal for Lunch, Bah Kut Teh for Dinner and slurp up a chocolate bubble tea after that. Feel so ultimately full. LOl...Gosh. Anyone eat more than me today?? Let's compare...LOL


I had big bao + hot milk tea for breakfast, cze char bee hoon for lunch, small cup noodle before dinner cos too hungry, duck rice set for dinner + bubble milk tea. Later grapes are on the menu! Hee hee!!


good to see you online again. So bz lately??


I didn't buy the moomoo brand. Mine are happy heiny's, blueberry minky and bumgenius. If I'm not wrong, moomoo brand is created by local mummies. very nice also!


sama sama la hor...hee hee...still feeling so full now though wahahah but sometimes feel very full but yet still feel like eating...do u have that kinda feeling too?

Etelle n jacq, same!! Had yong taufoo for breakfast chk chop for lunch curry n fried prawns for dinner then fruits... N just finish a loaf of garlic bread!!! think today's dishes too delicious for me to resist! N i feel like having a kinder bueno now hmmm


Hi ladies!!

Greetings from Hong Kong!! Took me much time to finish all the postings!!

Temperature here is 20-24 degrees. Surprisingly cooler than I expected. Spent today in Disneyland, & plan to do the same tomorrow. Most likely off to Pacific Place for dim sum on Saturday & Stanley Market on Sunday. Too tired to post more today....will see if I'm up to posting more tomorrow. Take care all!!

