(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Re Stretch Mark Cream: I’m too lazy to use any now. Maybe I should start using them.

Apple: Ya, push by 15 days is a lot. Hb said if really on 1st Oct will be good, then he will be a present to FIL, coz my FIL’s birthday is on 2nd Oct. Like my #1, his birthday is on 2nd Sept, my MIL is on 1st Sept. So he is also a present to my MIL. My skin near my mouth start to peel during the 1st trimester, now it’s better. Just keep on applying moisturizer.

Hello all! I'm new to this thread... happy to see so many Oct 2010 Mummys-to-be... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


U can check the spree sites within motherhood website. There are quite a few going on. The other day I went Gap but seems that the sale did not apply for the rompers. That's why did not get. Maybe will go down and check out again.

Syann ...

I like the crystal jade at paragon oso ... cant rem its name but its the high-end crystal jade =) my hubby not a huge fan for dim sum and I am crazy abt it heehee

If your gynae is concerned then dun take the risk ... if not go book a hotel at sentosa for a short get-away ... heard that Hard Rock is nice =)

re stroller..

yo, i am having both combi and maclaren.

combi is miracle turn (orange). light and easy to use. esp good if dun have car. can it can reverse so tat the baby can face you. and can easily fold up using one hand. it's a great help wehn my boy was an infant. cos it can recline all the way and when he falls asleep when outside, we just need to adjust the seat.

maclaren, i got the volo when my boy was abt 10mths. this one is light too. but cannot recline. it's good for bringing toddlers out and for short shopping trips. but once he start walking actively. we seldom put him in the stroller. the only downside abt maclaren is i find it's harder to fold up. have to use the foot to loosen the hinges and then bend down to close and then pick up the folded stroller. while combi is just unlock and one push.

oo. my personal opinions. hehe

Apple ...

My #1 boy was using it so we decided to buy a 2nd one since it was on sale ... but then nowadays my #1 hardly use the stroller cos he is always on the run. And frankly my #2 seldom go out after I was preg ... so we say that he is abit 'mountain tortise' =p

We can always have 1 more lunch when you back to Sg ... then we can bring bb too hahahaha

Princess Dia ...

Yar see if can arrange for lunch heehee Dim Sum is good for me anytime heehee

Jac ...

I dunno the model number but its those 3-fold and reversible type ... normal price was $268 or something. Originally we wanted to buy a maclaren or prego one for my #2 but it was too heavy and of cos the price was v 'pretty' too ... so in the end we decided to go and just buy a capella since my #1 survived one hahahahaha

Of cos when he is 20kg it is q hard to push but maybe cos he is v active and he is the type who can play n play n play kid ... so he seldom use the stroller unless he is in the 'fighting for attention' mood =p

ade: you should start using the stretch cream if u wanna minimise the scars.. heard from nurse can start from 4th mth onwards.. i more kiasu i started using the palmers from 3rd mth and switched to my doc's brand..

sian.. my mum has stretch marks! quite visible.. or cld it be because she had 2 kids? hmmm..

hmmmm, dim sum....yum yum!

Re: Stretch mark cream

I am using palmers and have been diligently using it everyday. But i did'nt apply it on my boobs area and guess what, i have stretch mark there!

Red stretch marks!!!! So ugly...


your "twins" must be GROWING! hahaha!!


be patient yah? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] few weeks back we were also discussing on how to make baby move in tummy and some mummies said bend over and squash tummy a bit against the thighs. sure move 'cos feel pressure inside. did you try?


i use palmers also. the concentrated cream. just don't really like the smell very much.

yanling: for the combi one, is it more for newborns datz why u got another one for your boy? it cannot be used till they are 1 or 2 years old?

i'm kinda lazy to go into exploring the technical aspects of stroller.. =_= my sis-in-law is using the combi one u mentioned and i thot it looks good cos easy to keep especially if u're out alone... so i thot just get the combi one as well..

cynthia: do stretch marks start out as red marks? lately i find my tum tum bit red ne.. i thot maybe cos i sratch.. u mean it cld be stretch marks? oops! off to toilet to apply some emergency hand cream first! from crabtree.. intensive kind.. muhahaha!

Helo all, been busy and hvnt had the time to logon.

Stretch marks cream, I have been using since i know i preggie lor. Initially using Palmers, but due to senses changing then changed to use Clarins. Day n nite diligently applying. keke.. but still my tight got stretch marks, think prob bcos i have rashes there and keep stretching tht area..

My bb is very active wor.. almost every hr movemt since 11am.

You gals are tempting me wth the dim sums. But I cannot eat so much, else dunno how my sugar level and weigh gains comes about. Now need to control, gynae says put on weigh too fast. haha.. so bb going to diet for a month before nxt visit to gynae! heehee..


combi one can lah. can use for up to 3 years.

just tat we wanted to try out the maclaren brand, plus volo is wat they called buggy, lighter and not cushioned. so when it's folded up, it takes up a smaller space. since he started to walk, we didn't keep him in the stroller most of the time.

well now the combi one can be used for the 2nd one liao. one each also quite good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Halo ladies

went for my detail scan yesterday and everything was in good order and gynae even said bb is of good size =) I put on 6.5kg so far at 21+ weeks. Is it consider alot? I am trying to watch what i eat from now on. I really don't want to put on 2 much.

SM Cream

still have 3/4 of the clarin tonic oil. Been procrastinating about using it. Lazy to use. I have SM all over tummy already from last 2 births so applying now is i think to make skin more supple and maybe to lighten the marks?? hopefully hot..


i am afraid yes...SM cream started red and be like that all the way till u deliver and then after that will slowly fade to become silvery lines....then not so obvious le...


SM can appear on boobs also hor...but hor if apply SM cream..which part of boob to apply? The entire boob???

yup, the stretch marks started as red ones, even my gf told me her belly stretch mark are red ones... i guess we need to apply more cream on those area.

Those stretch marks can get abit itchy, do you feel the same?

Ivy, i saw ur FB pics, you are slim what.... gynae say put on weight too fast? I put on 9kg already leh...


whole boob, but not the areola and nipple as may cause sensitivities there. remember to apply on the extreme sides of the boobs, near the armpit part also. i don't like applying on boobs because my chest have tendency to get sensitive and have pimples one. very er xin when have. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i am here! haha i am seriously busy this week with no one to cover me and i'm going on leave to take care of my kids b'cos my parents will be away tomorrow for an important appointment. so i basically have to work from home because the deadline doesn't change! i don't even have time to catch up with the thread!! will do so when i can sneak in more time. now must do lots of system testings. need to focus naaa.. sorry for my sudden "disappearance" hahaha. flattered that i'm being missed.. :p


maybe cuz my boobs never really grow in size so hor no Sm there??? for both pregnancies also the same le..they said if boobs grow the milk supply be alot...fi not grow means no or not much milk??


i also put on 6.5kg le at 21+ weeks....you are not alone.....

Hi All mommies

Sorry to disrupt,im 2009 mummy, have a few brandnew items to let go

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BrandNew Philips Newborn Starter Set[Price$36,Original Price:$45.90]

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Munchkin Drying Rack[Price:$10, Original Price:$15]


Cradler gotten from Taka BabyFair

[Price:$15,Original Price:$21.90]

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MyBreast@Friends from MotherCare[100% BrandNew]

[Price: $70, Original Price$81.90 ]

[PriceTag intact]


Montaly GiftSet_100% Cotton

[Price:$15,Original: Unknown]

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Item 6:

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100% Original Chateau De Sable

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that pis was 2mths back lor. He says i put on too fast leh for this round, 3.3kgs increase wor. Kena from him lor, says must watch what i eat and control sugar intake. No fruit juice and soft drinks. haiz... so i think this month i going to diet and watch my food intake = only healthy food! hopfully by the time i see him again, everything is back to normal! wahaha.. then i can cheong all the good food that you gals are recommending. makes me drooling liao..

Etelle, i love the Clarins tonic oil, it's good! I only apply it alternate days after shower. Probably will start to do so everyday on 3rd tri lor.


initially i thought so, but a few mummies here actually assured me that small boob doesn't mean no milk, and big boobs doesn't mean more milk also. whether got milk or not must wait till deliver then know lor. i'm hopping for the best 'cos i am small size also. still waiting for them to grow, but still stuck at being a big A / small B.

oh no, if your gynae says 3.3kg in 3 weeks plus in too much, then i better curb my diet too.

I put on 3kg in two weeks....but Dr.woody does'nt take my weight at each visit. Not so sure why?

i think my gynae scare i diabetes la, cos my sugar level was high previously. He still wants me to cut dwn on sugar intake. ..

Gals keep us updated on what's the best buy at tomorrow's motherhood sale hor. :p

=_= i'm the winner lo!

i oso put on abt 3.4kg within 3 weeks+ when i was abt 13 weeks..

now i'm 19w1d and i oredi gained 10kg so far. o_0 sobs! between last gynae visit on 8th may and now, i've gained another 2.1kg.. *laughs bitterly*

i'm oso trying to monitor wat i'm eating now.. i never big eat big drink ne~ oso put on so much weight. =s

Pearlyn: ya, will start using it again, too lazy for this pregnancy. For my 1st, will apply it very diligently. Am allergic to the palmer’s one. Initially thought I could escape from SM for my 1st, but the SM starts to appear at 32 weeks! SM are very itchy. After I gave birth, it gets even worse. Have to use my son’s diaper cream to ease the itch.

Cynthia, it’s ok on your weight gain lah. You are having 2 leh. Dr Woody dun take weight wan. For my #1, he din even take a single time. Monitor the weight yourself.


nonsense lah what no change in cup size means little/no milk? my boobs are DEAD! haha they never grow! but i BF my #2 till she's 16 months old. she's healthy leh and sleep through the night by 3rd month onwards. there's absolutely no linkage between size of boobs and milk supply. lactation is part of nature. it's food for the baby. human food for human baby.

wah i missed long long posts about BF yeah. i really don't care what pple think of BF but it's wrong to condemn either choice it'll just upset people who wants to try but incapable of giving or some bf-fanatic who looks down on those who chose not to.

stretch marks,

oh my i'm always embarrassed to announce that i'm the lucky one who don't suffer from stretch marks throughout my 2 pregnancies. for my #1, i did apply diligently using Palmer's so no SM. for #2, i was just very boh chup and never put on anything, also no stretch mark! for now, i didn't put on either b'cos my boh chup mode is turned on MAX mode also, i find that my tummy isn't as big as my previous pregnancies. i think i'm blessed to be SM-free. no wonder la my hubby always ask to ML one hahahaa.. but hor, anyone having cramps after big O or not? i always have it! my tums will be so tight and uncomfortable!


lucky you, no SM! i have cramps after the big O also. but last less than a minute. not painful. like tighten and heavy only. however i always feel guilty and will pat pat tummy to reassure baby.

re: boob size

i thought the milk-producing glands need to enlarge a bit, i.e. some increase in size of the breast also? the glands don't "mature" then how to produce milk?

my hubby says mine don't look like grown a lot, but definitely firmer.

Ade, i think i put on way too much cos i am not expecting twins.... these days, i like to eat fast food and drink bubble tea, so i guess that's where my weight gain comes from.

And not to forget, i get hungry very easily!

Well melissa, lucky you! My hubby does'nt want to ML to me, i was joking that i will 'rape' him this weekend when we go for our holiday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melissa, how ENVY leh. No SM wor!

anyway, hope you enjoy your trip this wkend.

just out of curiosity, mummies that have given birth before. If you boob size increase during pregnancy, does it goes back to original size or remains after tht? i heard frm my gfs that some of their boobs gets smaller after birth leh. how scary!


wah! amazing. good job! lucky u no SM!!!


think Dr Ho doesn't care about weight increase de. For my past 2 pregnacies. I put on weight till 17.5kg and he doesn't bother de...haha he feels that u put on moerate weight easier for you to lose weight and gain back ur figure but if u put on much more...we gonn a have a hard time losing weight lor...hee hee so juts eat what u want la..sometimes got craving hard to say NO also...

I got craving for bubble tea le..sugary drink...everyday also want to drink...cham...


are u doing glucose test ah? i be doing when i am near 28 weeks or before le..to test if go gestational diabetes or not..cuz my dad has diabetes so they scared inherit lor...that one scary..haiz kena poke needle 3 time every hourly draw blood then have to fast overnight....cham man..


haha it goes back to the same size where it was after u stopped breastfeeding. If you continue to BF, your boobs be big with envy overflowing...but hor stop breastfeeding it shrink back lor..dun think ebcome smalelr than before la...


we share the same liking..haha fast food and bubble tea..but for me more of bubble tea almost a cup a day...fast food not so much...hee hee...


i heard boobies will SAG. scared of that.

cyn, etelle,

i love bubble tea since sec sch days. trying to control but some days just cannot say no! hahaha! too yummy!!

Hi all,

I saw this at other forum.

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oh i know what's koi already lah! silly me... i tried their bubble tea in taiwan, ximending last winter. maybe it was really super cold there so i didn't feel that there is any significantly outstanding about it than the sweet talk ones in singapore. my senses were quite numb then. hubby liked it though!

This thread is moving real fast.

Bubble Tea & Fast Food

Weird. I also have strong craving for bubble tea & fast food. In fact, I made my dh to drive all the way to AMK to get Koi bubble tea for me. He got the biggest cup. Haha...


Not to worry if the cramp is on the right hand side. It might be due to round ligament pains - the stretching of muscles nad ligaments supporting your enlarging uterus. My cramp was on the lower left, where the uterus is. So needs more attention.

Stretch Marks

My colleague has none on her tummy but her breasts are full of it. She showed hers to me (heehee) and it is really quite scary.

Cyn: Sorry, sorry, i tot you are the one expecting twins! Blur me. Try not to eat too much fast food, not healthy leh. For this pregnancy, the sight of fast food turn me off. I also like bubble tea, but try not to take too much of the pearl.

teoong: My boobs went back to original size. But my hb comment it did sag a bit.*sad*

Geylang got this dim sum wen Dao something n thé one opp thé béef hor fun aso v Nice. I always go there n eat.

Diveera, yar i Think it is more worth for u to get a new one.

Babydes, i Dun havé vaseline but Think lip balm is thé Same, might apply lip balm. Maybe i shld really apply diligently liao. I Dun wan to regret.

Diveera, yar i Think it is more worth for u to get a new one.

Babydes, i Dun havé vaseline but Think lip balm is thé Same, might apply lip balm. Maybe i shld really apply stretch Mark cream diligently liao. I Dun wan to regret.

Seabreeze I m a dim sum lover too, thou alot of things i Dun eat, but alot other things i eat too. Another half a yr n slightly more we Can havé thé dim sum gathering with Our babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

suddenly i thot of thé Silver fish fried Rice at peony at Clark quay. Their restaurant aso quite famous de.... Always got wedding there....

Anytime for dim sum for me. I Will not get sick of it. I Think i tried zhou's kitchen dim sum so so only....


not true for me too. My twins grew much but I not much milk too. Only managed to tbf my dd for 3 mths n she was a small drinker.


my breasts grew n grew n I m not proud. I actually prefer smaller ones if I have a choice. Pre-preggy for no 1 = b cup, during n after = very big. After stop bf = d cup. 2nd preggy grow again. I have problems finding bras now n I hope they will not be bigger than d after I stop bf. Not fun with extra huge breasts...

