(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Etelle, sound okie to me leh ur meal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Etelle, me too. Yesterday feel v v bloated, because of the prawn beehoon soup I drank alot...

But still at nite, I still v full, but my mouth v itchy. Then I go and bake 3 chix wings. Aft eating the 3 chix wings, I still feel like having more, I went to bake another remainder 3 chix wings + 2 Hotdogs....So much salt intake.....

But I felt quite happy after that la....Thou v full too.....

I am thinking of Pizza Hut's Garlic Bread......Sob sob.....Maybe later or wat, I ask hb to go downstair to the mama shop to see got garlic spread or not....

Or maybe over the weekend....

Snoopy, have more dim sum and xu liu shan too and enjoy ur Disneyland fun okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


so shiok...envy envy le...how i wish i can go hk and chill tooo....


haha we like food! haha!!


haha now we have all the right to eat eat eat haha...gain weight is part of this process...haha...self consoling..

Yes Yes Etelle, but I am eating all the junks.

Yesterday finished my Prinkles.....N I am stopping myself to keep eating maggie mee, cos been eating quite alot in 1 week leh...

hi everyone

i have a Bloom session with The Studioloft Maryann at old rate of $180 to let go - please pm if keen to take over. new price is $250 now. thanks

Morning Ladies! Am going down to the fair today. going to look out for car seats & stroller.

Apple: Better to get some help after delivery. When i had #1, i insisted to take care of bb on my own though MIL offered to help me to take care. a bit regretted coz i didn't get to rest much in the end. I think this contributed to my low milk supply too as i wasn't getting enuff rest at all.

Morning ladies,

Me back. Last nite was erh... steamy? haha...

Maybe becoz we haven been MLing since I was diagnosed with high BP... basically we jumped on each other... haha... HS girls, steamy enuff for the early morning?? hehe...

so sianz, today friday feels like going out after work to chill a bit since this week at work is like hell lor... and it turns out that hubby going ktv with his colleagues for team building and I am left all alone. so sad... want to go out but no where and no one to go with... sigh... spoil my friday... tomolo hubby still got to work night shift till sunday morning... looks like my weekend is burnt too... sob sob...

BB: Today 19Weeks!! 1 more week to see my bb!!!

Me: Low morale...


cheer up....last working day of the week, time for relaxation....always rem u r not alone, ur little one is always with u....

Envy ur steamy nite, hope tonight will be my turn since the last time was like errrr.......... heehee....


no need to envy my steamy nite, you can do it too! Otherwise, we have the HS ladies here to give you more ideas to steam up your nite!! haha...

HS girls!! Where are you????

Vivian: Wow, so early make us HS liao ar. Ya, today is a fri, so cheer up. Probably go do sth u like on ur own, shopping, etc? W/o the guys, will be easier to shop right?


haha... coz yesterday the HS girls trying to give me some ideas for last nite mah.. so better come in here to report first lor... haha...

Hmm... shopping ah... problem is dun have anything to buy lor coz dun know boy boy or girl girl mah... that day I went to mothercare sales hor, 30% super tempted but still step out with nothing coz dun know what to buy!! sianz.

And thing i hate most, is to eat out alone... feel so lonely and sad one lor...


wah, the way u call the HS girls is funny! Hahaha! I think u can join the club. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sounds like fun, your night. Jumped on each other some more, so shiok!! Envy also... Last night hubby wanted but I said I was too tired. Want yet don't want. Boring hor. Dunno whether he diy in the end or not. :p

Apple, etelle, rachoho,

I've been a junkie a lot also and feeling guilty abt it. Today colleagues are thinking of going to Jalan kayu's prata shop for some sinful lunch. Then dinner at Big O, sinful again. But cannot resist the good food!!


me too...been having chips & chocolates everyday lor...was feeling extremely guilty last week as i went to The Line with my sis & eat quite alot of oyster & sashimi, really cant resist the temptation after enduring for 30mins....

morning ladies

sounds like a steamy start from vivian :p

will see if my hubby agrees to any action this weekend... hahaha

I'm also addicted to bubble tea...the milk tea that is...now wondering if it will cause me to fail my glucose test next week ...

i miss Jalan Kayu prata! and the durian dessert at big O! Starry, eat more on my behalf!


haha... i thot i in the club liao leh... haha...

Btw, where is this Big O har? Have been reading a lot of it here but got no idea where it is...

Food junkie


hmm... looks like I am the one who is not exactly eating a lot of good food leh... School hor, dun need to think liao, got decent food to eat is already god sent lor. After work hor, just mom's cooking... although nice but still I craved for good food leh.. but din get to eat any leh...

Worse is hubby simply refused to let me eat my fav sashimi!!! beg also no use!!!

Hi mummies,

Need some advice from on breast pump.

Can Medela and Ameda breastpump fit other brands of milk bottles?

I went to the fair yesterday as well and very tempted to get Avent breastpump, as it seems like their bottles are easy to purchase from lots of places.

Whereas for Medela and Ameda, seems like (correct me if I am wrong) the milk bottles harder to find.

But I am in a dilemma cause alot of mums recommends Ameda and Medela


Both medela and Ameda breastpump can fit all milk bottles of the standard size (the traditional type which we using when we are young), not the wide neck type though. Those normal NUK, pigeon, etc even those glass bottles from hospital also can fit medela and ameda so no need to worry.

If I am not wrong, Avent breastpump is the one which cannot fit the glass bottles from hospital coz theirs are wide opening.

Ladies, correct me if I am wrong...

apple, i did my confinement without CL last time , Just to share. For my first confinement i did everything myself even though my MIL was supposed to be doing confinement for me. I prefer to look after baby myself and get things done my way. I find it nopt much diffirence to have a CL if you plan to total latch on as you still need to wake up every 2 hrs to feed baby and for BF baby usually Poo near the feeding time. So feeding and changing done at the same time. I catered my confienment food as MIL doesn't really know how to cook confinement food. Use disposable undies, so no washing to be done other than daily pajamas which can be washed in washing machine. In fact the number of times, my MIL touches my girl in first month can be counted using one hand.She only hand wash my baby's clothes. My hubby helps me out with other things. Personally, i find it managable if your hubby is supportive.

just some personal thoughts ya..

Morning Ladies,

This is my scan fr ytd.

Not v clear bcos photo taken fr iphone.

Bb is suddenly 22wks now.. He's actually crawling in my tummy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Thanks for the info[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Which breastpump you using?

I went to the fair yesterday, missed out on the Medela booth, only went to the Avent one and had a good time there, figuring out their products.

I liked the idea of expressing into their VIA cups which can be stored in the freezer and when i need to feed, just fit the teat will do, dont have to transfer to milk bottles again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Quite tempted to buy their pump bcos of this.

Hi yichen_mummy, thanks for sharing your experience without CL. Which caterer did you order your confinement food from? How's their food?


I had Ameda which I liked it a lot.

Actually I did something like Avent VIA cups too with Ameda. Coz I just pump straight into the glass bottles from hospital, fridge it directly, and when want to feed, warm it up, screw on the NUK bottle teats and serve... hee... no need to transfer too... hee...

Actually all is individual preference lah... all will work... hee..

Thanks for sharing.

Most probably will invest in Ameda since it is highly recommended[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any Robinson sales now? Heard its cheaper to get from Robinsons, during sale, when there is 20% discount[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i will sure eat! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] already thinking about what i should order at the prata shop later. :p


Big O is located at Wheelock Place. not sure if there are any other outlets elsewhere though. they serve standard main courses which in my opinion are not fantastic, but deserts are nice! those mudpies are really very sinful.


can't really tell which way your baby is facing from the pic, but baby looks big now! is that the head and torso we see? think by now can only see about 2/3 of the baby on the screen. sounds cute that baby is crawling in your tummy! haha! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

will finally get to see baby tomorrow at the detailed scan. i MUST know baby's gender then can start shopping. muahahaha!!


if i remember correctly, ameda pump is selling for $300+ at robinson's now. original price was $388 i think.

i also wanna get ameda! but wait till i establish a breast feeding routine first. actually yesterday i already bought a My Brest Friend Deluxe breastfeeding pillow. it is pre-loved, but looks as good as new in the packaging as the nice mummy who sold it had the cover washed and it was only used for a month. good deal!


You scan before 10.30 right? You can go to the bb fair after that .... I plan to go after that to buy some cloth. I show a booth selling bb hat quite nice.


wow... tomolo is your big day huh? so exciting...

Scan pix


Oh... mine is a bit outdated coz I only managed to scan my 16w scan pix much later when i went back to school after bedrest...

Here's my baby one mth ago.. sitting cross-legged with head bow down...


Any mummies using Baby bjorn carrier? What's your opinion? Thinking of getting one, so it will be easier for me to bring #1 & #2 out.

Morning Ladies

All your talk abt bubble tea is making me crave for that too! I tried the koi one and is really quite nice. They are very generous with the pearls. I tried the milk tea. They have a more central branch just outside Illuma.

I just satisfy my craving for avacado drink yesterday! Yummy!

Vivian your scan is really cute! The way ur scan is displayed look like your baby is deep in thought.

Momotan your scan a bit dark though.

Starry rem to put up ur scan after ur checkup tmr!!


yah, mine is the earliest slot at 8am. i'll have to wake up super early! but i won't mind at all. sooo looking forward to it as it has been the longest 4-week wait. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i think the fair starts at 12nn. may be far too early for me to go after detailed scan.


such a cute pose! i think i see a little hand covering the ears. kinda like in deep thoughts in the womb. hee hee!!


have you tried the slings? i was also wondering whether to invest in a sling or a proper carrier.


yah loh. The photo I took is so blur. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but can see bb spine on top & his blurry legs on the scan.

So he must be crawling. Hahahah.

You must be excited tml!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ur scan so clear!!

So cute! Like ur bb is praying!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yup, i'll post scan pic if i am given any after the scan. the last time when i did the Oscar, i was given pics printed on paper. not very good quality and a bit grainy. by the way, need to ask then will be given? my detailed scan is at TMC.

Hi Ade, Yar I very much wanted help, but I cant really find..., got constrain, so a bit worry, see if anyone without help can advise me and share with me what to do or not....thou I will still try to see if I can get help fr anywhere...

good morning ladies![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

WOW vivian....i dun need sun to get burnt!Your morning reports are burning hot!!!wahahaahaa.......glad you had a great night[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


What time will you be going to the Fair?

I might be dropping by at around 2-3pm!Need to go find out where the heck is the Koi bubble tea in Parkway first!wahhahhahahha....


Wah,finally your misery of waiting is ending!Hahha..i can also felt it ..kinda long eh this round?

Hopefully you get what you wanna see k...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Vivian is right!

I used Ameda too! i like it alot[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Isetan is selling the pumps too but not too sure if its cheaper than in Robinsons![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I uses Avent Cups with lids to store my breast milk!I find it useful using the cups than those storaged bags cos i can bring out the cups w/o worrying that it might tear..

WHile storing in the fridge/freezer,it is more tidy![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


eh.....i can figure out where is the baby wor?crawling in the womb?

Wah ,your lil junior so ready for NS ah??LOL..so cute!


Hello! Hello!

Waiting for you to come bakc for a big feast!by then think everyone should know the gender and can get tips from each other when meet up!

Enjoy the FOOD in HKG!!

Starry, the pics given to me were also printed on paper. But TMC scan quality very good. Usually very clear. I did ask the sonographer for the pictures. No harm asking I guess.


After your scan are you going to visit your gynae?

My Gynea ask me rush down to his side after the scan.

Think he will explain to me more detail bah.

I am also looking forward to tomorrow scan.

Want to know the gender.

Last night went to the fair already aim what to buy once i know the gender tomorrow.

The fair start at 11.30am.

Yichen, but how to take care of baby without any experience, as in, eh, like bathing and such? U got attend classes?

Princess diamond,

Thanks for sharing.

1. So after expressing the milk, you pour into Avent cups to store? Or did you express directly into cups?

2. Can I ask when you thaw the milk, can put it into directly into the food and bottle warmer to thaw and heat up directly?

3. If I store in milk bags, how do I thaw the milk, since I cannot put it into warmer straightaway right? And if I thaw the milk, I need to finish the whole bag and unused milk cannot be refrozen.

Thanks so much for helping. I am super super blur mum now and really need advice on breastfeeding[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I asked the sonographer if I can have some of the pictures and she printed 3 to 4 pictures for me on a piece of paper.

Same thing when I went for my Oscar Scan.


oh yes, my gynae said to come see him with the scan details right after the detailed scan. so that means no need to go fair liao. 'cos gynae's clinic is in jurong. from my home (jurong) to TMC, back to jurong then go expo like a bit too much. haha!


Thanks for the information. Will try to ask for the photos tomorrow.


wah that is far ...

Maybe you can go on Sun.


haha... deep in thot ah? I thot more like sleeping away ah... haha...


now that you say hor, it really looks like little hand covering the ears leh.. haha... no wonder she simply refused to change position to show me the private parts!!! haha... naughty baby...

Will be waiting for your scan pix tomolo... so exciting!!

princess d,

haha... next time your turn to burn up my morning hor... haha...

hey, once you found where is the Koi bubble tea hor, can draw a map for us or not? haha...


wow, you going for detailed scan tomolo too? cool... we wait for your updates too!!


i transfer from the pumps btls to the cups.

i labeled the cups which is foremilk n hindsmilk!

Foremilk comes the first 15mins and is thinner(served as water for bb)

hindsmilk that comes later i will be maincourse!

I pour the desire amount of milk into the milk btl and warm up!

! dun use warmer as im afraid it might over heat the milk which has already lost some nutrients during freezing and thawing!

Use those frozen milk when you need to go out!Saved the thawing time and milk will not get spoilt during your day out![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I the case where you need to use frozen milk,thaw it 1night b4 usein the freezer then warm up accordingly..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The reasons why i used cups than bags because,there are instances it leaked and i have to used up all..and its a lil messy!the bags stick on the freezer base and tear.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

You have to attached the milk bag to the feeding btl and warm up from there!

For cups,i can open up the lid and just pour the desire amount i want and store it back to the fridge!I can bring the cups out and store it in a cooler bag![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]i stacked 2 cups which can last me for 2-3 feedings[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You are right,

frozen milk cannot be reused once thawed and best to used all at one go!

I kept my milk in the fridge more than in the freezer..date the milk!Keep for 48hrs and bathe the bb with it,dun throw![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

After 3 months i gave up and latch on directly.those excess milk i will give her together with her cereal and pureed fruits![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sorry if the explanations is a lil confusing..feel free to asked if you dun understand ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]hehehehehe


Jacq, I was using the MIM sling for #1. Loved it. I think it’s a pretty good investment consider the # of times I used. I used it everywhere. But with #2, I think a carrier will be more proper as I need to run around chasing after #1. At least I will always have both hands free to hold on to #1 & keep #2 close to me. With a sling, 1 hand will still need to support the head on the safe side.

Apple: In that case, your hb have to be very supportive & hands-on. My hb is not hands-on, that’s why everything I have to do. You can attend classes to learn how to take care of bb. I did for #1 & find it really good.

Princess D: I should be there around 3+. Will wait my boy to have his afternoon nap b4 I head down, if not he will be very cranky. Hahaha, your cravings for Koi bubble tea is here. Makes me wanna have 1 too.*slurp*

Adelyn, I heard from my sis that metro is having a storewide 20% discount, Not sure whether if it’s over. I need to check out milk bottles too. Gotto change the bottles for #1.

