(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


same problem i have here with my wedding band. sometimes i find that it's a bit hard to take out le. maybe really is water retention.


Yeah, its funny how the wife must initiate sex now when we are preggy! Maybe its really retribution for too much rejections in the past.

Starrymommy & apple - i will definitely buy more baby clothes back to share with you guys. Just pray that there's lots of nice baby clothes there and i won't get a oversized luggage. The last time i went, my luggage was over the limit and i got to pay more than $100 penalty...

Oh ya, i am going to baby fair tomorrow, will update if there's any good buy.

Starrymommy, here not really chinese food, anyway the asia food here sux.

Hahha, I m okie with the myth but hor...I so many SG food wan to eat.

Then I feel I will be v bias leh, Now I buy so much clothes, then if #2 is a girl, all use #1 de....#2 like so poor thing hor. But maybe is a Boy la. Then I will start my shopping craze again. :p

Cynthia, $100 penalty is really alot. Overwt by how many kg?

Btw, did Melissa say where she is going? On Holiday? Din see her around.


my goodness! $100 penalty? which airline did you take? that time i went BKK, luggage overweight, but i paid less than $30 for an extra bag to check in. i flew air asia, i think. can't remember. but it was budget air line.


if happy, just shop lah. haha! now your #1 haven't pop already think of #2? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

something cute to share with you mummies here. about decoding baby's cries. not sure how true.


hmmm can we do anything about water retention? I think I will try to sit with my legs prop up whenever I can... gg to make my HB massage my legs every night before sleeping too! hehe


The link is very interesting.

We can compare the bb crying sound to find out what they really need.


What did you buy? $100 is a lot wor ...

Ladies: There is a storewide 20% for members at Kiddy palace on regular items. Non-member is 15%.

Marrissa: I think Maclaren is a good buy. I have 1 for #1 too. Thinking of getting either a peg prego or Maclaren for #2.

Jacqueline: Just a personal thought. I used to own a capella stroller (can’t rem the model, but I bought it at about $300). I find that it’s actually quite hard to maneuver and on the heavy side. I have no confidence in pushing the stroller up the escalators at all, always got to find a lift instead. Though I like the sturdiness & the fact that I’m able to push it in 2 ways, I gave up on it and went to buy a Maclaren instead. In the end, my MIL used it to push my boy for marketing, etc.

Starrymommy, Jacqueline: Think have to buy car seat right? I’m not using for #1, but heard my MIL that the law is enforcing ppl to use car seat again. It was in the news a few days back. I will be buying a car seat for #2. Buy those that can use from Newborn till 4 yrs old, more value for $. Not sure my #1 want to sit car seat a not. He is always on my lap, which I find can be too dangerous at times.

Cynthia: Bb fair is tmr or fri? I tot on fri? I’m planning to go on Fri, dun wanna join the crowd on the weekends.

Last night went to visit Dr Woody. Baby is at 557gms already and edd seems to push from 15th Oct to 1st Oct! I guess bb is on the big side, so edd push forward.

Apple ...

My #2 is a boy and we kept saying that we will save alot of money cos he can wear Gor Gor's clothes ... how wrong am I ... I oso bought him LOTS of clothes too hahahaha told my cousins and sister that their kids (if boy) will be v lucky lor heehee

Only money that I saved are on toys and story books ... cos they are sharing these items.

Havent had time to check the fish cracker for you =p

Hi, car seat is a must. Remember the family who went to Malaysia and met with an accident? Only the baby survive because she was in a infant car seat! So better fork out this amount and "buy some safety" and I also dont want to get fine if got caught without car seat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I am going to get one for my baby but not the really ex ones as they can only seat in infant seat for about 8 mth to a year and then got to change.

So far I have seen price ranges from $90+ to $300+ for no-brand to branded. Mothercare have 1 (cant remember the brand) selling at $140+. The chinatown shop is selling one (no brand) for $90+

Wanted to go to fair this weekend to see if any is on offer.


no pattern wor. My baby moved as n when he is happy. Lol.

Re: diy

my poorhb used to it liao. My no 1 was complicated n we ml less than 10x during tat 9 mths. Hb used to diy liao. This time, we more active but still bad. Hohoho. I think hb prefer to diy than to urge n excite his lazy wife n get her into mood.


so much ah?? Wah, I can imagine e amt of stuff tat u bought. Can share how is bkk when u r bk? When r u gg huh? I wanted to go too, but worried about instability


hubby and i tested out the capella stroller. we like it that it is firm and steady, but i do have concerns that once add baby's weight or when baby gets older will be difficult to push. anyway i let hubby decide on this. go baby fair first and try out more strollers lor. so far i think we have tried quinny buzz (the best in our opinion, but also most ex at $1000++), capella and maxi-cosi. capella isn't the best, but price-wise, comfort level and practicability wins.

i have a hand-me-down combi stroller also. see how after we try out the other strollers at the fair. hope can get a good deal! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: baby fair

it's from 3 June to 6 June. can refer to today's straits times, life section, if i remember correctly. there is a half-page ad on available good deals daily. saw a palmer butter baby's pack at only $19.90 when original price was like $40.

re: car seat

forgot to tell hubby last night. will get one, think at the fair also. i believe there are some stroller brands that will bundle car seat and stroller together at a very good deal. worth a look-see! thanks, mummies for reminding me that car seats are BY LAW. hahaha! later i kena fined also dunno what happened. :p


yes, there is a brand of car seat on offer at the fair. saw on the straits times ad this morning. Palmax Shears Car Seat, $89 (originally $269) available 3rd June.

i list down all the promo i see in a while..

Thanks Jacqueline! In that case, maybe i go down tmr instead. Dun wanna go with my hb, if not he will restrict me in buying things.

if i remember correctly, i exceeded the limit by 5-7 kg.... so got to pay $100 penalty because they dun allow me to upsize my baggage. Anyway, i bought lots of clothes, bags, shoes and stuffs for my dog the last time so it lead to the oversize baggage.

Zuen, sure i will update when i am back, but last week my friend went, he says everything back to normal and good time to shop. I'll see if its true...

Re: Baby fair

It is from 3 - 6 June as advertise on the television....

Jac ...

I used capella for both my boys .... and till now my #1 is at 20kg and I can still push him on the capella of cos his legs are sticking out and abit uncomfy for him hahaha

To me its value for money and cos we q 'rough' with the stroller ... so even if damaged after a while wont heartache ... and having said that ... my #1 stroller is still usable after 4yrs heehee

But we saw a good deal at BHG last yr ... the capella going for $169 or something only ... so we bought 1 more for #2 heehee


Wah.. quite a number of gals have started their shopping spree already. I guess I'm the only one who have not gotten anything for my bb. I think I will wait till it's nearer to my delivery then I will start with my spree.


I also love Dim Sum. The Imperial @ Taka 5th floor is good. All the talk about dim sum makes me have craving for some. Must pester dh to bring me out for some dim sum over the weekends.


Sob... I also wish that I can have some nice trips. Gynae strongly discouraged me from travelling as he said that my pregnancy is unstable. The moment I mentioned about short trip, my dh opens his eyes so wide as though he is going to kill me.


Sigh..... Ever since the gynae has commented about the unstable pregnancy, ML is like a long forgotten matter. Dh even says that we can ML after delivery. OMG.....

Is the baby fair arounf the corner? There are some sales already going on at Kiddy palace. I am also going for short vacation to San Francisco. Yippee, can finally get some good time shopping around. Have been real tied up at work the last few months. So guess in the quite month of June will be a good time to travel.

If any ladies going for a trip, I would suggest to get a Dr's letter if you can. To ascertain fit for travel.

Did my detailed scan last week and would like to share the lovely news with all that it's a baby boy! Looks like daddy's intuition is quite accurate ;-)

okay ladies.. as advertised on straits times!



hi hi,

hahhaha...Hb just Skype me from States!

He said as he checked-in,he couldn't sleep !SO his first stop was OLD NAVY!!!!wahahahahahhah!!!!!

Showed me few items he bought for JADE!!HE AND HIS JADE!!!!and 6 rompers for loa er!so cute!hahahha and NOTHING FOR ME YET!!!!ARGHHHHHHH!!Never mind,i will wait!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I remember the accident!So horrifying!And poor baby left with no family after that!Was survived cuz she was straped in her car seat![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


think the next meet up,let's plan for Dim SUM la..wahhaahha

wait till Snoopy is back then we go pig ourselves out with those dumplings,carrot cakes,fritters and pAUS!!1wahahahhah...

See la..how to watch my weight if this go on????????[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Who is using stretch Mark cream diligently everyday and who is not?

Anyone got v dry skin? My skin beside My mouth appear v flaky n dry yesterday n My belly Start to itch a little. Scary.


hahaha! that's the spirit! :p my hubby will say this don't buy that don't buy. i prefer to go shopping without him also. he is such a nag sometimes. lol!


your boy 20kg + capella's weight still ok for you? what about manoeuvring, easy? i agree it's quite a rugged stroller, can afford to bump around a bit and not feel the heart pain. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the one BHG, what is the model? i have yet to come across the S705 to go below $300.


congrats on your prince! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hahah Seabreeze, I Think No matter wat My #2 I Will also buy n buy la. I really scare leh.... Now i spend abt close to $700 on clothes liao. Will I really stop buying clothes for now?but i was thinking i m buying some future clothes ma... So still okie?


i am not diligent in using stretchmark cream. from pregnant till now i can count on 1 hand how many times i used. the dry skin only on the back of my hands. other parts of the body are normal.

re: baby fair sale items.

i think not just these are on sale. everyday will have something new so best drop by and see.


i apply my cream and oil everyday and after every shower and before bed!No choice..mine is an explode version..so gotta be hardworking![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ladies,

Thread is buzzing with so much info on shopping hahaha ;p~

Kinda of lost, seems like the baby fair has some good deals! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Seabreeze eh so before u got thé 2nd capella stroller, ur 2 boys take turns to use thé stroller?

Princess Diamond, when I Côme back Can plan for a dim sum gathering with Our babies aso or not? Dun leave me out leh...

CAn share abt thé accident? Is a SG family? Wat happen why accident? Thé rest did not pût on seat belt?


I apply teh cream but i am a kind of lazy ... only apply when i remember.

Baby fair sale items,

Think will ask my hubby to drop by as and when cos he work near expo.

Hehe ... I scare my hubby will out of control buying a lot of thing.

Last weekend we went to Vivo and we went in to Gap, they got sales ... We saw alot of cloth for bb. There is only pair with the words "i Love Mummy" , "I love daddy".

I saw the "I Love Mummy" first and my hubby don't allow me to buy cos he said only mummy not fair. After a while we saw the "I Love daddy" then he quicky get the cloth and said let buy both ...

Wahahaha ...

And he is crazy ... he saw one Stroller from peg prego cost about $800 and he wanted to buy ... So ex ... lucky i am with him ... Or not he sure buy ..

Yewee, hahha so cute, u opposite fr us. We is buy buy buy, Hb must ctrl, u thé opposite.

I not been diligent in applying...lazy... Not sûre shld try to be diligent or not... I Can apply once a fornight only l'or....


Hehe ... on cloth i scare me and my hubby both cannot control ... But i still think stroller no need to buy such ex one ... and also it is very heavy ... I not easy to handle if i am alone.

So i am looking something at the mid range one at least not so heavy ...

apple: i'm also applying stretch cream rather diligently.. once in morning and at night.. quite scared of having visible stretch marks. =p plus tum tum gets little bit itchy occasionally and to prevent the itch, best to apply cream else my poor tum tum will be red from my scratching. hee!

using the brand from Dr Ho's clinic, Pertula or something like dat. previously i bought the palmers one but i realised i really find the smell of cocoa butter yucky.. can't stand to smell it!

on the topic of dim sum, i love geylang's 126! its quite hard to locate if u've never been dere before and parking can be a problem.. but the dim sum dere is yummilicious! and their chilli too! featured in 8 days article this week.. ladies, u can get ur dim sum fix dere!

Apple, I apply it after shower twice a day. I also notice skin near my mouth is dry and peeling over the weekend. So have started to apply night moisturizer daily.

Congrats Celia on your prince

Syann, my bb is fine and hope your pregnancy will be stable soon. Do take good care.

Re: Car Seat

Personally, I feel better be safe and also it is required by law as well. Not sure true or not but I did read somewhere years ago that the baby/toddler is the only survivor on a private plan crash cos he/she was on a car seat. I saw a Caucasian family bring up a car seat on Tiger Airway from Phuket to SG early May.

Re: Shopping

Have started to buy some clothes thru the spree thread. He he he

Received the Robinson sales booklet yesterday. Ameda is on sale for $350, usual price is $388. Contemplating to buy or not, cos my current Ameda is a 2nd hand and almost 7 years old liao and last used was 3 yrs ago. Furthermore it is not BPA free and need to change accessories, by the time I adds up will cost me more than $100. Felt that more worth to buy new one instead.

Apple try and apply vaseline on your mouth area. Cheap but effective. if your lips is flaky brush gently with a soft toothbrush then after that apply the vaseline.

Ooh i love dim sum too. I like the phoenix's feet. Usually will eat at crystal jade or yum cha at Chinatown also not bad.

Stretch mark oil

I have been diligently applying the Clarins' oil and sometimes alternate with my Jergen's ultra healing lotion. That lotion is very good for those with very dry skin, like mine.


I saw the 'I love mummy' and 'I love daddy' rompers too! Really cute. Absolutely love the pink ones... hahaha.. I am going to try buying from spree. Or see if any of my friends going to US will get them to help me shop. hehe..

Jac, thanks for the info on the offer stuff.

Aiyah tomorrow can't go down as just took leave yesterday to do my scan. Maybe after work....

But I'm looking for one that look like this picture - it seem like more comfortable s baby can lie down


Marrissa, it's in today's ST too, the motherhood sales at expo starts tomorrow till 6th

haha princess dia the way u describe ur tummy version is so funny!



syann, how does contraction feels like? i sometimes feel extreme pulling and hardening at the lower tummy near pelvis area, and it subside after 1 min or so, it's on and off.. and last night i feel pain and pulling on the right side after stand up from sitting for a long time. however my friend told me the feeling of contraction is like tummy pain and want to poo that kinda feeling, i wonder if that's the case then how i know if it's contraction, probably jus wan to poo.. mm.. puzzled.

dry & itch


apple, i nvr apply daily coz i don't like the smell but will try to apply on alternate or once in 3 days whenever i remember.. Also having dry flakes near the mouth (not on lips), and also on my legs somewhere above the ankle. Always scratching here and there at night in bed, not restricted to just tummy and legs, already changed bedsheet and hubby not feeling anything, not sure if i'm allergy to anything.



Will be heading to the fair after Detailed Scan tomorrow! Hopefully can settle stroller and car seat at one go. Diveera, i saw some nice peg prego too but i think too high end liao.. haha.. my friend recommended Maclaren saying it's affordable and easy to use. Anyone use combi before? any feedback to share.

Most probably getting Madela pump thru the spree which is like 300+ cheaper.

Just wondering what's the stretch mark for and whether it's safe for the baby inside our tummy..

Will it help to reduce the stretch mark after giving birth?

Becoz I once show there are 2 kinds, 1 is to prevent stretch mark, 2 is to reduce stretch mark.. So far I haven't bought any :$

Before pregnancy I once tried to apply a slimming cream, and it feels burning and very painful.. So right now I don't dare to apply any cream anymore. Afraid not safe for the baby..



that's probably braxton hicks contractions for you. i started feeling that since i was like 17 weeks going on 18 weeks. happens 33 to 4 times everyday. the pain on the ride side sounds like round ligament pain. nothing to be alarmed about, just don't make sudden movements.


stretchmarks are caused by a hereditary skin condition. if you mum didn't have them, likelyhood you won't too. most women will have a few faint lines, some will have very bad stretchmarks. i don't think those creams will reduce the number or severity of stretchmarks, but may help make them look fainter/less obvious.

