(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Princess Diamond

Working from home coz my part time cleaner coming in to clean the place. My workplace is quite flexible so can work from home if required but I prefer going into office. Got aircon and colleagues' company haha..


Yup my detailed scan is on the 20th! Cant wait to know my baby's gender! Counting down....


I thk we were looking at the Capella S705 stroller. How much is the 2009 version after discount? According to the salesman attending to us, the 2009 and 2010 version difference is only the fabric used for the seat. 2010 fabric suppose to be more breathable. But he also said should just get the 2009 version as it is cheaper.


Thanks princess, fifi!

My boss is pro-family and he's open on how I want to spread out the 4th month. Initially I thought that if i spread out the 4th month it seems like as though i'm always on leave. Taking 4 months straight is easier done with. But then im a 1st time mummy, im not sure how often does my baby needs to go for check-up etc at the later stage?


I'm sure your boss had thought about it too when he offered you the choices..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Do you have time to discuss this with your hb or boss is rushing you for an answer?think about it and planned it well..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It is always good to have choice tan none..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


When i had my #2, I took 2 months straight and spread the last month to 3-days work week. I am off on Mondays and Fridays. I love that arrangement because it means I have longer weekends vs weekdays and still able to catch up with work. I might consider the same arrangements again this year. But if possible, to take 3 months straight then break apart the last month. Back in 2008, Maternity Leave is only 12 weeks niaaa.. But Fifi is right, it depends on your boss's character and your work situation. Usually male bosses are forgiving and more flexible, it's the FEMALE ones that's horrible!! Even though they are also mothers!

princess diamond,

ok then somehow i'm thinking u'll get a boy this time? judging from how different your belly buttons looked? good luck hor! kekekee...


hahahahaha..i dunno?I really doubt it can go back to normal or i'll find a big stud to cover it up!

I m not putting in too much hope for having a boy tho but thanks anyway...we will know ON TUESDAY!wahahhaa.......[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess, so early belly button pop already. Most of my friends with protuding belly buttons have boys.. u might be lucky!

Melissa, thanks for the suggestions! Wow i looove your 3 day work arrangement! Coz my mom who initially said she wanted to retire and take care of baby is now scrapping her plans .. boooo! hubby has 3 off days during the weekdays in a week. Maybe I should take the other 2 weekdays off to cover duty. I'm calculating, this arrangement should go on for the next 3 1/2 mths after im back from yr maternity leave right?


Its $295.20 including delivery. From what I know is also mainly the fabric. But the 2010 the print not so nice leh. I saw the actual piece the other day. The prints says "capella".

Do you know that before discount, the 2009 is actually more ex than the 2010. Heehee.

If you want, faster order ba. The BP seller told me that its whilst stocks last and warehouse told him running out soon. One of my personal friends is also getting that's why I was helping to monitor.


And yes, I hate female bosses!! I'm in finance and lady boses are always the hardcore, ruthless ones. The males strangely are more domesticated and pro-family


Jabs are almost monthly if you take 5 in 1 (till 6 mths). If 6 in 1, then 2-monthly.

For my #1, I went back to work after 9 weeks coz its peak period for my office & I dun want the stand-in to screw up the work. Any mistakes made during that time are irreversible.

However, after that time, I had a hard time clearing the remaining 7 weeks. Practically take leave 2 days a week & my mistake was it was not scheduled on fixed days so colleagues commented that they dunno when I am ard, etc. Also had some not nice ones say "you always not ard what".

This time, in a new department, I will plan it better. Likely take 3 mths, leave 1 mth. Subject again to work committments.

I just came back from gynae. Baby was lazy and didn't really want to move. Initially gynae said can't see between the legs cos baby was lying on it's back, side view facing us. Then I turned on my right side and we were able to see between the legs. BUT gynae said can't be sure what gender. So disappointing!! Couldn't see any birdie leh... Hubby thinks highly likely a girl. What do you mummies think??

hi ladies

i've got a question.. my hubby heard from a female fren who had given birth and she saw this myth from SMH too.

is it true that drinking soya milk (yellow soya beans) produce more female hormones? ie: not ideal if you're expecting a boy and u drink too much soya milk, he'll end up bit sissy. =_=

i love to drink hot soya milk in the morning.. so this is quite a disappointing piece of news. but i haven found out the gender of my bb yet. =p

anyone heard of this myth before?


You are now at week 16 rite?It can be too early too but if you didn't see the birdie in between the legs also can be a girl BUT..since gynae refused to confirmed,then lets wait again lor..don't be disappointed...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MIne also the same case but only bb was moving all over and kicking so hard and gyane can't even take a proper pic...gynae also said..nothing is certain,lets not commit!BANG!!!LOL...

when will your next check up be?


Yes,there were this myth saying if a MTB's drink lots of soya bean can produce more female hormones to the fetus if its a BOY!

We had this discussion before and someone did posted a link saying that there's study shown too...

I have got no comment on this cos i dun like soya bean this this..last time,i drink it by the cartons everyday![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


SOme mommies found out their BOY gender at week 19 or maybe during detail scans!

Like you,when i knew i couldnt see at week 16,i think most likely is a girl cos usually what i knew form friends who carries BOY they knew their gender very very early!

Having said that,now,everyone telling me i'm carrying a BOY ..10/10 people i saw![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Go have drink and chill out with some nice music...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Girl or boy,doesn't really matter..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess d,

aiyoh... Headache lor. Need to wait till 5 June for detailed scan to find out. Another 3 weeks plus wait. I think my gynae's machine also not very clear as the images were a bit fuzzy.

Babydes, Fifi,

I'm also keen in the S705 stroller! But looks like the promo period is over le.. Did you manage to check with seller if the promo price is still available?


Now a bit early to get the stroller right? Will check with my hubby tonight. Thanks for the info though! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I saw the studies too. But what I think is if drink in moderation should be ok. It's not just soya bean milk, all soy products too. For us asians hard to avoid since we take tofu and other soy products.


Let's all wait for the detailed scan for confirmation ba... For my case we could not see between the legs at all. Baby's legs were clammed together. Can see the butt and thighs only. So I was telling my gynae, maybe is a girl then. Gynae also dont want to confirm.


The original promo period is over but distributor wanted to clear the 2009 stocks so confirm 20% for S705 whilst stocks last/further notice. But its whilst stocks last lah... so dunno how long the promo is for & heard the stocks low. Better than the original promo actually. I am sure on this coz I have actually said before, I know the owner of De Baby Shoppe.

princess d,

boy or girl doesn't matter to me, but I wanna start my retail therapy! Haha!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Actually if it's a boy, I'd wish for a girl. If girl, I'd wish it's a boy. Lol! Fickle-minded hor? But no doubt I will love it and dote on it which ever gender it turns out to be, after all it's God's gift to me and hubby.


you saw gynae already? How's the cramp/pain? Last night I woke up with a sharp pain in the lower back again, on the right side. Agony leh.. But like previous time, it was gone in a while. Yesterday I also have a mild cramp feeling in the uterus. But gone very fast. Probably it was uterus stretching bah.


thanks for sharing your leave scheme. I like the 3 day work week too! Sounds shiok leh. 3 days work, 4 days with baby.

fifi & princess d: thanks for the tip. i think i shall still drink then! only warm soya milk in the morning.. shall stop buying those cartons of soya and put in fridge.. shall drink juices at home now. =)

starry: when i had my regular scan last sat i oso couldn't see anything similar to a birdie when doc briefly scanned past.. and bb's legs were oso in the way. so maybe mine's a girl.. hee.. dunno lah. but then again, my tummy is kinda small now.. so lots of contradictions. but i suggest u relax and try not to wonder too much like wat i'm doing. i feel if bb wants to reveal then it'll reveal.. my detailed scan is later than urs.. on 14th june! haf to wait longer than u wor.. =s


thanks!! I'll ask hubby to email the seller now! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 20% off is a very good deal for brand new models. Hopefully still have stocks.


I'll relax and not think too much. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] How come your detailed scan is later?

Going to see doc for routine check up todae.

Last saw him at 14 weeks and now I'm 18 weeks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Don't know if can see gender but i hope so. Heh.

But at least I can see baby again. This past 4 weeks a bit depressing cuz people were saying my bump so small... compared to a colleague who was 4 months plus already before, she was huge alr; also her first baby.



Just realised my detailed scan is the same day as you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I found out the gender during 15wk3days. Gynae said 80% confirmed. We were quite lucky as baby was moving his legs when gynae was scanning from below.

But I think I will wait til detailed scan to confirm gender again before shopping commences[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

By the way, guess its quite true if belly small, most probably a boy. How big is your tummy now?

Thanks for the link fifi! i kinda like the capella s226. I'm looking for a stroller that can recline, faces me and lightweight. This looks like it fits the bill. But the S707 - S705 looks good too but heavier than S226.

All these while I was looking at combi urban walker prestige. Love the canopy but v limited colours.


Its not S226 can convert to infant car seat. Its the infant car seat (sold seperately) can be attached to the S226. Heehee.

Generally the S2XX series are smaller, and not so spacious. S7XX series are larger, more spacious & have 1 extra panel at the feet there for foot rest - i.e. more legroom for child when lying down & can be lowered as a leg rest when sitting up. But heavier lah.

That's why I say you all must decide your usage, what you need before you decide on stroller. Some people want 1 thing, some people want other things. Like if you are always taking bus with no help, then I will definitely not advice heavy strollers. But if you are always pushing & driving, then more space is good for baby. Bigger wheels, etc also means more stability.

Anyway, the S226 not on promo now so if you are looking for this, can afford to wait.


Dun worry abt bump. For my #1, I din really show till 5-6 mths. Before that dun even look pregnant. But after that, I ballooned!


Think of the brighter side! Not much workout for you after birth![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so long bb growing well, that's the most important![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


at least this is your first bb, boy girl really doesn't matter god I'm sure u will have another one.

Like some other mommies , I might close shop after this n was thinking having different gender would b gun n EVEN![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so let's wait n c if it's gonna be like what others predicted .[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yea, drink in moderation but when I overdosed with soya milk my concern us the high level of protein that might leads to early birth! Which reAlly happened to me lor... Lol, other myth It reAlly doesn't bother me..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just checked with my hubby, we saw the Capella S705 selling at the expo baby fair a few weeks ago and i think the 2009 version was selling at $294. So the prices are comparable.

Afternn, mummies.

Yday was a quiet nite wor.. seems like everyone went to sleep early. Wah! now talking abt stroller liao. My colleague told me that Robinson sales started le. Me still trying to make a list of the things to buy for bb.

Wah! Melissa, i like the way you plan your maternity leave also. 3 short workday during the week.. hmm prob i can do it this way. if not though of breaking and taking as 4workdays for 1owks in a row. heehee..

Starry, no worries. I'm also like you cannot see bb gender when 16wks. only after going for detailed scan then know. tell bb to cooperative wth you, let you see gender and u can buy nice nice things for bb.

oh ya.. any mummies using the Clarins firming n toning Oil? can tell me how to use? heehee..i jus brought it.

starry: ya lor.. doc pushed me till so late.. i'm now 16w1d actually.. but doc pushed my appt to 5 weeks later..maybe cos his package starts from 18th week and a scan ard 21st week better? according to his nurse, after i do the detailed scan at next appt, if bb is ok, i can start on package meaning next consultation included. i hope so lar! so ex! suck my $.. =_=

oh oso cos they say package is not refundable so haf to see if bb is developing well.. *shrugs*

sigh... i oso wanna go bb shopping! but like u, if i get boy, i'll want girl. if i get girl, i'll want boy. hahaha! but girl shopping is more fun ne.. hee..

wah.... today topic on stroller, so gd that u all can go shopping for stroller. for me cannot buy stroller cos hb already took out the old stroller fr store rm, meaning cannot buy stroller lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Teeong ,

just pour abit after you towel dry your body after shower!you won't feel the oil cos it absorb pretty fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

apply from pelvic to tummy in upwards motions ! Then your arms, thigh n butt where area are prone to SM[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tiffy !

Aiyo ... So fast take out!??? Hehehe ... Tell him u see a nice New model la..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can try??


The nurse told me the detailed scan will cost abt $120.

Aiyo you all making me very tempted to order the Capella now! But I haven't arranged a space in my house to put all my baby's stuff..

I like the red Capella S705. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


mine will cost me $230. i think most expensive. held in private clinic by a different gynae.

Maternity leave,

i'm glad a lot of pple liked my ML schedule. initially my boss wanted me to take half days everyday but when i thought about my transport cost, not worth it. 4 hours at work is really nothing and a bit too rushing so shorten it to 3-days work week, transport for 3 whole days vs 5 half days is cheaper! so i think it's a win-win situation.


hey don't forget the Great Singapore Sale 2010 is coming up soon you might want to consider waiting if you're in no hurry.


so have you resigned for a girl? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am also aching to shop!!


Haven yet leh, juz now the clinic called me asked me to go down since my gynae alrd here but then I can't just leave like dat, was intending to take time off then head down so that my hb can oso tag along...then I called back earlier on they said my gynae having a surgery at 545pm so I muz be there earlier tdy, will head down at 4 pm....how about you? Saw yrs?

The pain is on/off and tis few nights I cldn't zz well becos always got tummy pains -_-""haiz


tks for ur info...


guess our bb wana keep us in suspense ya, giving us the thought of high percentage is a girl..

hope my detailed scan on 2nd June wun give me a surprise by showing me a birdie....

princess d,

cannot lah, he took it out in april leh. haiz... already have 2 stroller at hm how to buy another 1. so i think better save the $ for bloom photoshoot better still lor

princess d: are you the one who went for B wax? can recommend ur waxist at strip? is she gentle? i did it before at honeypot but i did not think the experience was good enuf for return visit.

initially thot of waiting till before delivery but now i think its better to go bare throughout pregnancy.

by the way, when wld u recommend to go for the final wax? few days before EDD? Would they do it for u when u're so close to "popping"? =)

Tiffy !

Ooohhhhhh! 2 strollers! Ok, if can use then of course recycle lor..yeah , that's a good idea to save it for photography!

Talking about photography, I also thinking of going for one when bb arrives but then it ll be pretty unfair for my girl cos we din have any then ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

still thinking if I should ask my photographer to station at the hospital to take the precious moment when the proud father pushes the bb out from delivery room! That's cool isn't it? Lol

Tiffy, I also want to go for the bloom photoshoot but they are going to increase price in June!

Any mommies out there know of any nice maternity photoshoot studio apart fr bloom?


u talking abt The Studio Loft?? I just saw the message on their FB. I mostly will went back to them. Think they will have prom during motherhood fair, n will sign up during the fair.

Princess d,

we took our girl for photoshoot when she ard 8 mth old by Studio Loft. hmm, perhap u can consider family shoot next time.


I dun have a specific waxist simply because I dun anybody to remembery before n after look! Lol!

The think is those ladies there have to back quarterly to get their skills analyzed by trainer n feedback from models, so to be save that all are up to the co. Standard!

The last I had was I think her name is serene or eileen or Lynn ... Something Lynn!I dunno le.. Haha

On my prev pregnancy , I had it done twice.. First was during my 5 th mth then the second time was about 3 weeks b4 EDD! My bb came out one week later after my last wax, so it was still nice n tidy !

I didn't wax all cos I felt tht those forest are grown there for readsons.. Only when I have beach holiday then I will go all bare! Abit chilly if go all bare ..... Brrrrrrr... Lol


Tiffy: Yes studio loft. actually i was quite upset with them leh. when I contacted them last mth, they say i can make a deposit and they will hold the old price for me till end Aug / early Sept for my shoot. so i really send the cheque deposit in lor then they call and say they decide to change policy cannot hold for me. =(

