(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


Got it!! hee...

princess diamond,

Hi5 back!

hee... i really like the silence lor... I can pump right beside my hubby on the bed and he can sleep as per normal... so its quite helpful... wun wake the bb too... hee...

For those who are wondering how come this Ameda brand wasn't that common or often heard before compared to other brands, from what i know, Ameda was not distributed as home used product when it started and only hospitals used them last time and in other countries. But it was so good and eventually it was distributed out for ppl to buy for home use. And those ppl who had it, loves it.. keke...



Hope your boy recovers soon! U take care too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I agreed with you that Ameda is good! I'm oso using that ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee hee...good and the price won't hurt the pockets too much!


Thanks for yr lovely pink bbdusts!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can start shopping for yr princess!! Nice!!


yea.. In US this brand is kinda well known as it's reccommended by lactation consultants !

The breadtfeeding book I was reading also did mentioned Ameda n this brand actually are used at certain hospitals in The States[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

like others, my gf asked what I want for bb shower , I said a pump but n she went ahead to buy me the popular brand! Unfortunately it didn't work for me n I almost given up cos kept thinking I dun have enough milk till my massage lady explained me so much + some referal from books... I got my pump changed ! Best part , It didn't caused my nipples sore n I fun need full forced power to express the milk!!!!! Double thumbs up for ameda![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my hubby's siblings are all boys! 3 boys altogether. i understand how you can feel down about it. but cheer up. i understand my MIL's loneliness so we try to visit her whenever we can or we welcome her into our home anytime she wishes. sometimes i will just talk to her on the phone because she asked me too. in a way, i'm implying that who knows you might get a good DIL in future to keep you company. my aunt has 4 boys and she's already prepared herself to be more independent however one of her boys is very talkative and shared everything with her. where else, for me having all girls (at the moment), my future company really depends on their husband's mercy. i always believe that a wife should respect hubby's wishes. (i'm a bit traditional). so if hubby insist they live with his mother, i have to respect their wishes too. it's ok i'm sure that we'll all come to terms with it one day and just live it the way it was predestined to be [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for the baby dust. i kiasu take a lot! LOL.


all weight mentioned at this point of time are just estimates. no big no small. from 2nd trimester onwards, babies will grow at their own pace and weight so any chart guidelines will be unreliable. i think that at 18 weeks, 201g is pretty much accurate and normal range [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i don't wanna sound like i'm paid for supporting you but i own an Amedia dual electric pump too and i swear by what you said!!! hahahaa. it's quiet and works just as well. just too bad it didn't gain the kind of popularity that Medela does. it's reliable too! but hor but hor.. after that i switched to Avent manual haha b'cos it's most silent (no electrical parts mah) and it's light. otherwise i have to lug around heavy bags with my FTG + Ameda.. oh no so heavy..

hi ladies!

thanks for the concern. gynae said i strained a muscle. did a scan and baby is fine. that's all i wanted to hear, really. guess i got to slow down. need to get used to my huge tummy and adjust the way i move around.

as i am away from work, i just got a depressing sms from a colleague. another colleague of mine who is expecting (2010 dec mtb) and close to me was on mc yesterday. i thought she was down with the flu. turns out she was spotting again. and when she went for scan baby no heartbeat. when i read the sms my heart really break. i know it wasn't easy for my colleague to conceive. she'll be going for d & c this friday. we were so happy that both of us were expecting again and looked forward to going through the journey together the second time around. i really dunno how to face her tomorrow when i go back to work. what am i going to say??? sigh

Blessed Mummy,

Good to know that all is well for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

*pat pat* sorry to hear about yr colleague...hope she will recover from the episode soon...

blessed mommy,

don't say anything more. your big tummy is going to be painful for her to watch. a reminder of what she wanted but she couldn't have. just say sorry will do. oh and hug.

blessed mummy, gd to hear u and baby are fine. move ard slowly ya.

abt yr colleague, it's so heartbreaking,. I won't know how to feel if I still have to wait till fri for d&c and knowing my baby is no longer alive in there. I hope she's strong and recovers well enough to try again.

Melissa, I kanchiong la! Coz I asked the sonograoher she just gave as sharp 'it's ok'

Blessed mummy,

please rest well... Be careful next time when moving around k... Some time during pregnancy, it's our most clumsiest days too! Glad that bb is fine n doing great!

I do get lots n lots or bruises! On my pelvis , hips n thigh ! Dunno from where ? Lol

as for your friend .... Maybe you might not wanna bring it up till she do n c what's the situations! Good to be her listener at thus time but please dun get too hard on your side! It is nvr easy to accept loss..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sorry for her.. Hope she will be bless with a smooth pregnancy in future! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello ladies,

Just like Marissa, I've seen my gynae today.....& the verdict for me is........

a BOY!!

My gynae was so funny.....when he told me it's a boy, I told my hubby.....it's a boy....no hope for you liao.....he was hopping for another girl!! My gynae said.....still have hope. I said I'm 40 already!! Gynae said he have patient give birth at 47!! Hahaha

My next gynae visit is 26May. Gonna do my detailed scan & see gynae before I head off for my Shanghai-Hong Kong-Tokyo trip. Glad that the wait this time wouldn't be soooooooooooo long.

Blessed mummy, glad all is fine for you....do take care!! As for your colleague, think a simple sorry to hear the news is good for now & give her some space after that. When she is ready to share more, just be a good listener.

Apple....glad the ruyi oil has worked for you. Here's a list for you gotten off the internet.

List of Foods That Will Cause Gas

* Apples

* Artichokes

* Asparagus

* Beans

* Broccoli

* Brussel Sprouts

* Cabbage

* Cheese

* Corn

* Fruit Drinks

* Ice Cream

* Milk and Milk Products

* Onions

* Pasta

* Peaches

* Pears

* Potatoes

* Prunes

* Soft Drinks

* Whole Wheat

Hope this helps.


Congrats!! Lol v very funny!!!good la! One boy one girl !

Think Melissa is waiting for your bb dust now!

And good news for you ... Shopping for the blues!!

How far along are you now? 18 weeks?

Wahahaha...... Mel, I was waiting for your reply... Lol! Share share k.... Lol, sprinkle some here too! Wahahahah.... I will know on the 18th n will wAit for yours on the 19th!

I really wanted to close shop but HB thinks 2 is really not enough!! Grrr.... .....


Thank you ... Lol! Actually It wad just for fun! From the last visit where u can't see anything, I knew it might b a girl Liao ! Lol... Thanks anyway, love! Muacks .....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thank you for the bb dust! I will make sure to swallowed the dusts n not to s%^# till next tue n see if it's work ! Kakakaka...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Haha your husband wants 6? Mine wants 6 too!

1 for your mum

1 for your dad

1 for my mum

1 for my dad

1 for each of us... total 6!

I nearly fainted.


Yah I know this owner. I also do my research on BP sellers before I buy. Coz I dun want to get cheated... Heehee.


Frankly, very few mothers dun produce breastmilk. More often, its the lack of motivation and determination that results in failure to breastfeeding. And a good pump does help make a difference between making it well or not. And breastmilk being your baby's food, I am not too keen on borrowing unless you change almost all the parts (except the motor).


Electric dual pumps are definitely better than manual or electric singles. Basically to me, from best, its electric dual synchronised kind, electric dual non-synchronised kind, electric single, manual. Boob size and milk supply has no relation actually. I was a -A before my #1 and I had oversupply for her. I din have to supplement with FM and all the milk that I freeze as spare was used to bathe her - milk spa 2 weeks.


You wont regret it. Medela Freestyle is a great pump.

Hi Mums to be,

There's a talk in health promotion board on the 22nd may @ 130pm. The talk is about Child Birth Process, Vacination & Nutrition. It will be very educational esp for 1st time mums. Call 18006886886 for free registration. I heard there's very limited seats

Snoopy congrats on a boy and thanks for thé list. So much things cannot eat.... But i Dun wan to suffer thé terrible combi again... Will try to avoid all thé food u mention if possible n eat v small meals.


wah! you were able to supply sooo much! some more got excess for milk spa. amazing leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for sharing, and the tip on breast pump. which brand did you get?


blow me some baby boy dust too! i am helping my hubby to collect. haha! very night he will speak to my tummy as if confirmed boy already. we will know for sure on saturday! fingers crossed baby will be good and show us.


For breast pump, my personal fav is Medela Freestyle. It suits me. Medela is the brand that most local hospitals use for their hospital pumps. But like some of the others said, some people may suit other pumps.

Generally, breastfeeding is a committment. Its about hard work, sacrifice and determination. Latch every 2-3 hourly from the start, even through the night. When baby drops night feeds, pump instead (yes, wake up in the middle of the night to pump). Only when supply is very very well established, then can slowly stretch pumping times but no short cuts from the start.

Morning ladies

Am feeling ok now. Called up my gynae to check if I could take charcoal pills. The nurse told me must make sure I could still feel baby kicking. Charcoal pills are safe to consume.

Good to hear that ruyi oil can be used too. Cos hubby insisted on applying for me the other day but I wasn't comfortable with the idea.

Can I get Ameda spare parts at Robinsons and all? Mine's already about 5 years old... so think must change the parts. :p Ameda is quite good... the dual pump saves time too!

starrymommy, more babyboy dust to you!

btw breast size can increase after delivery when the milk supply comes in. That's why some salesperson will actually tell you to get a cup size or 2 bigger for the nursing bra.

Gd morning!!

Emmie....glad to hear you are feeling better now.

Starrymommy * sprinkle lots of baby boy dust on you*

Yesterday night after dinner, I got up from the chair & felt a sharp pain at the back right middle of my waist. Almost couldn't walk!! After a while, I realized that if I walk forward, I am fine. But I cannot do the crab walk. Will feel the pain very keenly if I do that. Thank God, this morning the episode seem to be over. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies, I'm itching to go see gynae today since I am on leave. 16wk4d today.. Think I'll be able to see gender by now or still a bit early? Any mummy also found out gender before week 17?


my firstborn showed us his gender before week 14 and this round we confirmed the gender just before i hit week 16. It all depends on how cooperative they are. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks snoopy. Realised I do get more panicky when the body is not well during pregnancy. :p i do get sharp pains too at times... then i got to remind myself to slow down all movements.


thanks! I'll ask my hubby if he wanna go with me later. I am very eager to know and start shopping! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning Ladies

Jac you shd be able to find out the gender now if baby is willing.. haha unless like mine, remains in crouching position all the time during the scan. Cannot even see hands.

I must tahan for another week to know gender..

I thk my hubby secretly prefers a boy so that he can do all the boy stuff with baby. hahaha..

Hot hot... working from home today..

Starrymommy, after I knew it was confirm a boy yesterday, I bought a cute romper with giraffes on it from Robinson (Having sale this 2 days), & a cute t-shirt with dinosaurs on it too.....hehe....couldn't resist.


like you, I won't be able to resist also! Nevermind boy or girl, I'll start shopping. Hee hee!! In fact, my MIL beat me to it. She already started shopping 2 weeks ago! She told me she couldn't resist and bought a few sets of baby clothes in neutral colour, boy or girl also can wear. Lol!


Good that you are doing well, just rest more if you can [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Most likely can see le especially if boy even more obvious!! Talk to your baby ask baby to co-operate later!! keke...

Think i'm going to my gynae oso later, keep having cramps and sharp pains tis few days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] *sighs*

My firstborn's gender was revealed at Wk 11 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Whoa! All MIL is getting all hype! hee hee ^_^

I can't resist the shopping for baby too!!! A fews weeks back at the baby fair, my hubby bought some neutral colour tops for baby already.

Now i am just patiently waiting for the answer to be reveal then start decorating the nursery room [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good morning ladies,

Wow!Last night soooo quiet!Didn't know until i last logged in at 1am!hahah...no hot topic?

Me was on a conversation with a very depressed ex-colleague !LOL....


Glad you are doing ok...,do rest well k[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow,your first born detected early...boy oso?I do heard many would says that if its a boy,usually can be detected early but also depends on the position of the baby![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw,i dunno if i saw this hop selling Ameda's spare parts!Its at Paragon!

I had couple of spare parts but been used up cos i lent it a a friend!

Wonder where can i get it too![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Wow!Ok ok..we all will wait for your results here...so gan cheong for you!Must start talking to your baby and ask bb to be cooperative later so you can see in DETAILS!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i would too if im you!Dinosaur..giraffe!Soo cute....I am holding back on some shopping while waiting patiently to next Tue!


How come working from home?

Another week can pass very fast ..not like another 3-4weeks...wah!that is a killer!

I have a love hate feeling seeing my gynae bcos b4 visit i ll be estatic but b4 i leave his room i'll be gloomy and bored cos he will say...o,K I WILL SEE YOU IN A MONTH TIME!blehhhhh..LOLHate the wait!

Anyway,my belly button is expanding and there's no more hole in one on my tummy!It expanded and protrude out and it looks so....WEIRD!It's bigger than a 50cents coin now!

Before i think what i should do after birth i must go find a good surgeon to reconstruct back my navel if its doesnt goes back to normal!huhuhuhuhu

Good morning girlssssss!!!

finally i have time to breathe after i hand in 2 projects!! that thing really keep me busy for a month! even dreamed about it at nights. haizz really stressed!

ok for those who are looking for Ameda parts, i have purchased parts from here before http://www.mumsfairy.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=16&Itemid=31&pageno=1&cat=6 tadaaa.. there was also one BP selling pump parts as well.. they sell it cheaper. unfortunately i can't remember who the organizer is. i got my Ameda membrane from her for only 5 bucks. cheaper than mumsfairy.

princess diamond,

was your belly button different during your first pregnancy and now? mine is the same when pregnant it will just close out, leaving a very small hole there kekeke.. but i know that it will get back to its normal look once we get back our pre-pregnancy size.


you going for a scan next week too? my bub is also hiding its privates. i can't even guess! hopefully it will cooperate with me during my detail scan!


yes actually you can spot the gender much earlier if the baby cooperates. mine is always naughty, i never had the luck before 20 weeks scan! hope yours is detectable earlier!

Morning mummies,

The other day some of you were talking about strollers. Those who are considering Capella S705, I saw that the 2009 versions are on 20% off to clear stocks since 2010 has been launched. Personally, I feel the 2009 are nicer than the 2010 versions - dun like the prints. So if you all want to buy, can see if you like 2009 or 2010.

Ladies, my boss has started to discuss about my maternity leave. he wants me to find temp to replace for the 3/4 mths. But he wants me to decide also whether to take 4 straight months or 3months + 4th month spread for later use. Which one u think is better?


thanks for the link!

Will get form them ans saved all the trouble on looking around!

My belly button are slightly diff to compare to my first pregnancy!When i had my girl,it expanded cos my tummy was HUGE!But it flatten out and got no hole!

This time it it flatten up then those flesh started to fill in and then now it protrudes out so obviously wor..LOLInitially i found that it looks cute then now i got scared looking at it cos its so big!!!!!just put a 50cents on the navel to compare!Just imagined those flesh all are spilling out!But its soft when i lie down and its harder when i stands up!LOL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Errmmm...taking all 4mths can be good and bad..i ve just met a friend who split up her maternity leaves just to get adjusts back to work!But she has got a good help at home and that she works with ease!

She told me when she con'ts her 3rd n 4th mths..

on a separate occasions ,she felt better and planned for her holidays with the newborn and hb!She took the opportunity to rest and relax!

I think that would be a brilliant idea if bosses gives you a choice![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Its' very nice of your boss to offer but izit gonna be hard for you to find a temp replacement?



It depends on your work arrangements after you go back.

Will the 4th month be taken on weekly basis or on daily basis?

If daily, good to keep some for bringing baby for jabs, visit to lactation consultants, etc.

Will your colleagues have problem covering you during the 4th month - i.e. will you get attitude from them?

If yes, then better to clear all 4 mths since there is a replacement.

Is your boss the pro-family kind or will mark you down if you are always on leave?

If you clear 4 mths, it seems like its over and done with after you come back but if you spread out, you will seem to be always on leave. Although total is the same duration but its perception.

