(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Re: Boy or Gal

I think its all crap hahahahaha my 1st tri for both my boys were tough with constant vomiting and excessive salivation ... totlly hate sweet stuff and BIG NOSE hahahahaha

So I keep telling ppl that maybe its boy and we have 'conflicting hormones' thats why more tiring and ugly hahahaha

This round (before the scan) we thought its going to be another boy cos same same ... constant vomiting and excessive salivation and now I dun fancy sweet stuff oso cos they leave a aftertaste which I find it very irritating. Maybe the nose havent grow big YET hahahaha

So I think its all myth lar ... just listen to wat you like to listen if it makes you feel better heehee

Princess Diamond ...

Yar this is my #3 and I am going to close factory after this one heehee esp when the age gap bet my #2 and #3 is very small (in my opinion lar) ... only 19mth difference and by calendar yr only 1 yr ... almost fainted when I found out that I was preg =p

Jac ...

Yar after a while once you get used to pumping ... you can do it at your desk. I oso lug my big bag with pump and cooler bag on the train ... but I guess not much choice if you want to BF =)


Congrats Seabreeze on your baby gal!! And thanks for the tips, din know there's such thing as a cooler bag. Will check it out. If pump 2x at work seems fine. I thought must pump every 2 hrs

Adelyn, ya it seems unfair.. ask yr principal to forward yr ML.

Princess, me too been gaining steadily now 18weeks, already put on 4kg..eeps! And today i finally realised how round my tummy is. I wonder how big it will get at 9 months *shudders*

My cousins and i all carry girls, tummy round and high and my cousins are almost bursting and they look so erm bloated and suffocated. I think with boys u'll glow.


Yup, their holidays is also our holidays. Last time, everyone commented teachers so good, cause the holiday break is so long but now it is no longer the case...alot of remedials, supplementary lessons, CCA trainings and also enrichment activities organized during holidays.

When I compared with my HB who has 25 + 2 (family leave) annual leave, I know how pathetic my leave was. In fact the 27 days are working days excluding Sat & Sun lor and best of all can choose when to utilise. Mine only confined to June and End-Nov til Mid-Dec, which falls on super peak during holidays.

Hee...but my poor HB needs to accomodate my leave and hence we always travel during the most Bo Hua period.

oi oi talk about big nose huh?

when i had my two girls i have a big nose and an elephant feet but that doesn't happen until i'm well over 3rd trimester. so for now, i really can't tell what i'm having. the only difference is, everyone around me, my dreams, my chinese calendar and old wives myths quizzes are telling me boy. hahahaa..


congrats on having a girl after 2 boys! wish i could have your luck! except opposite lah. i already have 2 girls. kekeke.


i also use my FTG to store my BM. every morning when i reach office, i will place my FTG in the freezer so that it could absorb the temperature of the ice. then i pump 3x or 2x according to my mood. that's when i take out my FTG and store my BM in there. i also pump in the toilet b'cos no where else to pump. make sure you get those FTG type that could remain cold for at least 8 hours. the more the better. but i find that, the breastfeeding years really greatly reduced my social life. i have to rush home immediately after work and even take work home because i have to make sure my BM stays cold and fresh for consumption the next day. in this SG hot weather, the FTG can't stay that cold for a long time.

- 20w3d

TGIF everyone!!

Adelyn ...

I guess pro and cons ... if you already have kids who are schooling then that leave period is ideal cos your leave coincides with them. In fact, I am considering if I should do a career switch since my #1 is starting Pri 1 in 2 years time heehee but I do see my frens who are teachers who tell me that the hours are longer than it seem cos still need to do marking at home =p and stress from all the ranking exercise doesnt help.

Melissa ...

Wish you luck for your #3 .. guess at the end of the day having a healthy bb is the most impt. Just that the having diff gender among the kids are more 'fun'

Thanks Melissa for the tips, any good FTG brands to recommend?

Even before i found out baby is a girl I noticed my nose is wider and hubby said my legs look like tree trunks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Me, me, me. I got high BP and also pre-eclampsia during no. 1. BP started climbing in week 16 and I was on medication but always hover around 130+/ 80+. On the day of delivery, I was 170/110 and I had so many doctors working on me at the same time. I saw that my BP seems to be climbing during the last visit but I am praying and believeing that it will remain stable. Doc says that my chance of getting pregnancy induced hypertension is very high.

I felt terrible towards the end of 2nd trimester until delivery. Constant giddy spells. I was so bloated with water rentention. Cannot even see my ankle towards the end. Very bad..

Re: Travelling

Go, go, go. Otherwise, have to wait long time after baby comes along. Travelling is fine, especially in 2nd trimester and if you feel great. I went HKG when I was 7 weeks preggy and just came back from Genting last month. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


FTG or Fridge-To-Go is a brand hehe. The Singapore website is here http://www.fridge-to-go.com.sg/productsmain.html. Get one that could fit 4-6 regular small bottles or wide-necked bottles, whichever types of bottle that you used for your pump.


Yes of course it's more fun. Nothing wrong with wishing. If you notice I've been collecting boy baby dusts from mommies of boys in here hahaa. My detail scan is next week. I hope that I'll be happy with whatever I'm going to get. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


If you hadn't explain your leave I would also assume that teachers has most leave. Maybe it was true many years ago but now i really pity them. Too much time dedicated to work. What to do? We have the most kiasu educational system in the WORLD. No doubt we can produce top notch academic success internationally. But really kesian the teachers lor. My sister is a senior teacher too. She is too busy with work that her hubby had to quit his job to take care of their kids! Her hubby is now a house-husband. He has been at it for many, many years already! It helps that he's also a handyman and able to do house chores.

ADELYN & STARRY: the big nose myth is really just the nose big.. rest of the face remains relatively the same. i saw 2 of my colleagues who went thru it and i kinda believe it.

if expecting girls, erm, almost everything bloated. hahaha! cos they'll fight for "beauty" from mummy.

princess d: u're much further than me le.. u're almost hitting 20wks! and i'm only 16W3D.. =( unless i can maintain.. i better get a weighing scale at home soon. must monitor..

someone in my office just commented almost cant recognise me cos i pulled my fringe up and i wearing loose fitting dress.. and she said i put on weight. =_= but i guess she doesnt know i'm preggers.

Melissa.. oh ok lol!

Ya I always thot teachers have more holidays than us. until my bro married a teacher and she said it's not. After deducting weekends and the extra days they have to come back for CCA, markings etc. it's actually not that much. And it's so restrictive, only June and Dec. Go holidays also expensive coz peak period. But their bonuses good la!


The bonuses ok onli la[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] When I compare with my HB, I always feel misearble and keep thinking how I wish I can choose my career again. If only I had chosen banking and finance rather than life Science in the beginning.

Even the medical benefits is s***, haa. We can only claim $10 for medical, unless we go polyclinic. I have been claiming from my HB's company since we got married, under spouse scheme. And this really comes in handy now, especially all the A and E charges, gynae checks, pre-natal supplements, Oscar and detailed scan have chalked up almost 2k since I got pregnant!

And his company still give baby bonus for employee with kids[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I keep telling him I wanna change job, but I know its hard cause I have no relevant experience, really stuck here[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


It's quite true. My colleague also like that when expecting a girl.

I have 1 colleague when she expecting a boy last time, she really glow! the skin was so beautiful and she really so pretty. Even prettier than before she was pregnant!

My frd jus gives birth to a boy.. she is also glowing, no changes in her nose. Pretty pretty!

Another one also having boy, the symptons is totally different. Her face is not glowing and

nose changes wor..

Adelyn, i totally understand you. My sister is also a teacher.. work long hours and school holidays are also like 3wks during mid-yr but lots of activties. Really chiamz!

Hello fellow myth busters!LOL

Still talking about big nose ah?hahhahaha

I think the best is too follow you gut feeling!!But soemtimes,gut feeling also can play us out!


It really depends on the mother herself![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Some mothers i know looks the same for all her pregnancies like 3-4 but their tummy and craving are the same and all different gender![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my prev pregnancy,my skin glow with rosy cheeks..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]but my nose tip grew bigger and rounder![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Tummy was big and round but low....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ok ok...you win..LOL

But i already went way ahead of my desire weight gain despite of snacking healthily![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]hahahha..but to compare,last time at week 20 i easily gained 12kg by now...![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i also put on 5kg to date at 19 weeks.Scary hor...trying to slow down the rate but somehow it's escalating...

princess diamond

so go on and snack unhealthily...more durians pls!!! haha since no different whether u eat healthy or not..LOL jsut teasing...eat moderately bah...


think all are myths la about big nose la, uglier if girl and prettier if boy kinda thing...LOl...if it's boy it's boy if it's girl it's girl...haha maybe all these are just some tools for us to have some hope to dream about the gender we want hor...hee hee


LOL!If you guys are determined to workout hard to sheds those kilos off...then can indulged freely...

i ve learnt my lessons but still this round like mission impossible again..wahhahahhahahaaaaaaaa.....

maybe water retention..i snack on fruits n fruits!...

My gf's that carry girls all looks good..one thing in common is they really have tiny tummy but rounded ones...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

one of them who having a girl in AUg..now with a bra cup size E-F now!So heavy for her..looking at her 3 bumps[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Her skin glow too..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]so far her nose still tiny n cute..no changed![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

I went to KK to have a check today coz still having cramps/pain and nearly fell again coz suddenly no strength. BB is ok but doc gave me some medicine coz the there are suspicions that my cramps are related to my little bit of stomach upset.

Now heading to rest so later then come in an chat. See ya ladies.


yah yah thats what i was thinking..but last time hor,only me and HB..SO EVENIF I SNAKED ON MY BED NOBODY DISTURB ME LOR..now????Hiaz...i can't afford to be big cos still needs to run around with my DD!And she will attack my snacks too!So if i snack on chips,she will too!lol[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I ate so much durian last round,making my girl loves them too!So............i won't say NO to durians ler..heheehe

princess diamond,

was laughing when i read your post yeah remember the days when pregnant with #1, nobody to disturb me! i can rest, sleep, snack as much as i want to and my hubby will be extra caring for me. come #2, i am disturbed by my #1. can't sleep! unless it's her nap time, so i nap together with her. ok can adjust. now come #3, i have problems napping!!! b'cos my #1 and #2 can never have the same nap time! if #1 nap, #2 will jump on the bed and if #2 naps, #1 will sing on top of her voice or jump the bed too! then when both wake up, the BOTH will jump on me! aiyoh! it's really tiring. i must be crazy thinking of having #3. imagine when they're bigger. i can say bye bye to resting in the afternoon. but if it's any consolation, I AM WORKING in the afternoon! haha so that's my only moment of sanity. wah think enough lah #3 is the max i could cope!!! will pity my parents having to take care of all 3 while i disappear @ daylight! LOL.

Melissa ...

Same same ... I find it so tiring this round cos got to handle the 2 kiddos *yawn* and doesnt help that my #2 is too young to understand when I say - DUN STEP ON MY STOMACH hahahaha he only stare at me then start stepping again.

And every morning ... I am so afraid of my #1 waking up first cos he will come to my room and dunno why ... #1's voice is like alarm clock to my #2 ... my #1 just 'mummy' then my #2 will open his eyes and jump up liao!

My #1 is in full day child care and my mum is suggesting that I get a maid to help with #2 and #3 so that I dun need to send my #2 to child care at such young age ... still thinking thinking thinking ....

Hahshahaha..... That's really wanna make me stop at 2! I know myself ! I can't cope with many !

SAHM is never easy n it's so tiring ! Lol

that's h when HB commented that I'm smaller to compare to my prev pregnancy , I told him that I'm running out of energy chasing after my girl![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bring her to school , shoppings, picnic n swimming! All these keep her n I occupied n is draining me...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but I do enjoy my time with her but dunno if I will still have that kind if energy after no.2? Lol

princess diamond,

even if you don't u still need to MAKE energy hahaha.. how about going through umm.. photosynthesis? lol....


hahah yeah such is the sacrifice for being a mother! i always think that having one child is really easy but one is not enough. i don't want my child to be lonely and only have to depend on me for things. worse if they go to school, they will be more attached to friends than family. so 2 is a nice number. i don't know why i came out with 3. maybe because i finally became adjusted well to 2? day care + maid wouldn't that be pretty hefty? how old is your #1 and #2?

Melissa ,

I know[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] that's Mother!make time for everyone.. Bb n HB![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] lol

Hihi Mummies

Whats the hot topic for today?

Finally finish my meetings.. so looking forward to the weekend now!!

Anyone has remedy for sore throat?

Melissa ...

We always wanted 3 although during each pregnancy I tell everyone thats the LAST hahaha cos my MS is so bad that I am usually at home for at least 2-3 months before I can return to work ... puke puke puke *sigh*

Maybe cos we both came from family of 3 kids + the fact that my HB's colleagues who are in their 50s kept telling him that they regreted stopping at 2 cos now the kids are too busy to accompany them heehee

Anyway I am only sending my #1 to child care for now and my mum has her own maid. My #1 is in K1 this year so by the time I finish my ML he is in K2 (last yr of CC) and maybe will get the maid before I return to work only. So 'siong' a few months only ... cos with a maid, I can send my #2 to a normal kindergarden instead of child care.

My #1 is going 5yr old and my #2 is now going 14mth (March 09 bb) =)

How old are your #1 and #2?

Melissa, Sea Breeze

Actually for me at first i thought 2 is a fine number for me but i go ahead with #3 cuz i wanted to try for a girl and at the same time feel that 3 kids at home would really make the house merrier. My 2 boys are quite easy to handle and though they are 4 years old and 29 months. So with no. 3 at home think it qill be quite copeable...i hope..


i shared the same woes on the dun jump on my tummy part for my #2. When he see me lying down on the bed. He will come over and "MUMMMY!" and plop comes down on me. I have to shiled with bolster or pillow or with whatever in sight to prevent him from directly jumping on my tummy...

fun to have more kids so jia you everyone!!!

princess D

i love durians but dun eat also okie...hee hee


just jio my HB for durian ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

he gave me two choices.. Assam laksa or durian!?

I chose Assam laksa AND durian ! Lol

think I'm gonna pig out again later![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


todays hot topic is about weight gained so far and myths! Any input to these topics?

Princess D

I gained more than 6kgs so far!!! Dont know if it is too much! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I like assam laksa... where got nice ones? The best I had was in KL. Haven't got chance to go penang to try.

i haven't weigh myself but according to my broken scale, i have gained about 2kg heehee. my MS is finally completely gone!! it's time to pig out!! just for breakfast, i had a large hot dog, 3 curry puffs and 3-in-1 cereal, then nasi lemak for lunch, and for tea break is 2 more curry puffs and instant teh tarik. i will have rice for dinner later.. kekeke.. just going at food for a vengeance! the last 4 months has been miserable for me!


my girls are 4 and 2. their age gap is actually 1.5 years old only. i got preggy again when #1 was 10 months old. yeah what's with 2 year olds jumping on the tummy! so far i heard this from 4 other mommies with 2 yr olds!! that's what they do! LOL. my 4-yr old is in nursery. i'm lucky that my parents moved in with me so they took care of my kids.

Hehe..i'm having my #3 for the same reasons that Etelle does. Wanna try for a boy but i know that it's possible i will have a girl again. Anyway the more the merrier!! I have always loved children! How i wish I can be a SAHM and really take care of them with my own hands, like our tai tai Princess Diamond here hahaa..


just drink lots of water or honey water with lemon or take a spoonful of honey and drink lots of water. make sure you mix the concoction or take the honey directly with plastic or ceramic spoon, not metal spoon yeah. i find those lozenges and cough medicines useless.


how far along are you now? Me so far 7.2kg at week 19-20! Lol...honey lemon sounds good for sore throat !


Ooi! 2kg only? I shouldn't have reveal my weight gained ! So shy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Me not TAI TAI le.... Sahm also was my HB' s idea! And I'm also not keen in letting others to raised my child! So I was kinda prepared to go w/o annual leave and MC.. It doesn't work for sahm! No public holidays for me too!!!

Etelle & Melissa ...

Yar ... kids are alot of fun heehee I always envy frens with 3 kids cos thats kinda of my own personal 'goal' cum 'limit' hahahaha

Any intention to ligate after this ar?? Am considering this option since we SERIOUSLY want to stop at 3 =p


We discover this place at CIty Plaza while waiting for my maid to finish shopping!

It's a small stall in the building selling only Penang food !

HB n I finished 2 bowls of Assam laksa, char kway teow n 1 bowl of prawn noodles !

So best lor! They informed us that they ll b having another stall at bedok central market! Last week HB found them n ...... Sorry for the late reply... Burp ! I just finished my bowl of Assam laksa[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]shiok![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


going HK for leisure? Have you did any homework on where to shop? I'm tagging along hubby going for business, likely to stay in city centre but haven't do homework yet, guess may be too tired to walk, will end up watching TV or surf net in hotel. LOL..


Ya the gynae says you either travel now, or not able to travel any where after you pop! haha!

Weightgain :

I gain 2.5kg so far, but tummy still very small and doesn't look like I'm preg.

Swollen nose :

Btw, just found out that I'm having a boy, my MIL keep saying that my nose looks like it has swollen, I don't think so! But why must the nose be swollen if it's a boy? Anyone with boy has swollen nose?


nope..only heard girls have boys got swollen nose..my nose still the same le...


i also asked gynae about the ligate options...he said there are 2 types of ligation. One is to do within 24 hours after delivery and it's 99.5% of not conceiving. Then the other is 6 weeks after delivery which is 99.8% chance of not conceiving. In lay man terms be 1:200 for option 1 and 1: 500 for option 2.

Both hb and me find the margin still evry narrow and risky to get the chance of conceviing. ligation is clipping of the fallopian tubes...hmmm i dun think i will choose to ligate ...but will use condom as protection lor..nothing's fool proof wor...


i have been a sahm for about 4 years now and i am glad i chosen to be sahm. The time spent with the kids and watching them grow and all is unbelievable i tell you...but the downside of this is we dun really get to rest completely cuz no leave, no MC no off days LOl it's a 24/7 365 days kinda thing...but no regret after i made the choice...

helloooooo ladies! Big tum tum is here...hahaha

ok so lets see whats the topic today...hmmm big nose.

Empress 7

When im expecting my boy..i still look pretty with glowing cheek. No swollen nose but swollen feet during the last trimester. Tummy was huge, sharp and carried low. My colleagues even commented i looked even more radiant [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess diamond

Now my tummy is the trademark in this thread wahahaa...am in 18weeks now and already balloon even bigger, previously u saw my tummy is low and sharp but its seem like rounder abit now as compared to my previous pregnancy. Aiyo..am so scare to have the swollen big nose leh when will this happen?

Oh ya my belly button think we are in the same boat...belly cant find extra skin to stretch anymore..oh man will it burst???!!!!

Princess D I am going to 20 weeks tomorrow. Don't know if my weight gain is too much. :p

oh the city plaza assam laksa is nice? Ok next time I try. I never been to city plaza before. The traffic at paya lebar is quite bad.

Thanks Melissa will try out the lemon honey tmr. I tried the coke with salt mtd which was shiok but the relief was only temporary.

Hi Empress7,

my hubby is working in hk and only flys back twice a month. He has been wanting me to join him b4 i was pregnant. Finally, i decided to join him b4 deliver else dont knw when's next trip.

Hubby is always working late on most days, guess will only shop during wkends. My purpose is more of to accompany him. Wkdays may stay in the hotel watching tvs. Travelling during pregnant is indeed abit troublesome as need to bring supplements and milk powder, stretch marks cream etc...

really late (or early!) post.

strong winds kept me awake. slammed the room toilet door so it was sliding in and out by the wind. so scary! preggy make me very jumpy and tense. i kept touching my tummy and taking deep breaths! waiting for a while more b4 going to bed snuggle with hb.

I went to Pink Parlour to get my wax done and was pleased with their service. signed up a cheap package with them, and will consider getting another one after I've used this up. enjoyed the experience a lot! I've tried a waxing saloons before and I think this is one of the better ones i'll recommend in terms of service & pain factor. my worse experience is Strip. Feel that it's the most painful & I went not during pregnancy. During my pregnancy i've been to Honeypot as well and they also have good service & not so painful. but price is a bit higher, though I think almost same as Strip.

Dropping by my gynae's office on Monday morning. Am already 16 weeks so hopefully babies will be big & good enough for us to check their private parts! really excited as i've been wanting to start packing clothes but don't know how to start cause dunno their genders!

gonna spend tmr getting my hubby to fix up the furniture we bought from IKEA. need more storage space for toys & books and hopefully my girl's room will be neater!

see u ladies soon!

Princess, melissa,

You all reminded me of my 1st preggy days. Then, during weekends, when I am too lazy, I will just laze aorund at home and watch korean drama, disc after disc. Now, my DD will tell mummy to bring her kaikai or to watch barney and Hi-5 with her. -.o"


Me too, I prefer to work than to stay at home to look after DD. Sometimes, I feel so bad about it.


I am tinking of travelling before I give birth too, but hb busy with work recently. I think I will plan a short trip in July. Hehehe. We only started traveling after DD turned 6 mths and we went to crusie. Hardly did anything much with an infant.

Re: Weight gain

I am 16w 6 days and gain 3kg so far. Already gain 1.5kg since the start of the 2 trimester wor. So fast, so scary.. Very hard to maintain weight gain.. And I realised that the cravings are very strong, though I dun get hungry so often now and I dun eat as much as the 1st trimester. Still lah. I think preggy women put on weight even when they eat air. Lol!

morning ladies!

going for my scan later in the afternoon...can't wait to see my little bub again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Before that we are also going for assam laksa and carrot cake! hopefully Iwouldn't be disappointed this round.

Talking about big nose, my ex-colleagues did comment that my nose got rounder when I had my son. My skin was quite good then...at least I don't recall having breakouts... but this round I seem to have more pimples and rashes. wonder why.

Good morning ladies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey hey..its SATURDAY!LOL...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Never mind if you have put on a little..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I must thanked my ex maid that suggested the place for her shoppings if not i wouldnt have step in there and found that stall!!!haah,if you are at the east,can try it at the Bedok NTUC food court!They have another stall there![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HELOOOOOOO BIG TUM TUM IRISH![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How have you been...hahahah..we've been talking about round tummy,big tummy and all the myths tummy shape=gender![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So,your tum tum now rounder and bigger?You last pic showed your tummy pointed ler...AS for then nose,by now your nose should be slowly growing...BUT NOT ALL WILL GET ROUND NOSE LOOKING AT SOME STORIES GIVEN BY MOMMIES HERE![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so,you pray hard won't happen to you lor...

Me too crossing my fingers and hope that history won't happened[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So far(touch wood) OKAY![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yeah...those days is like,so relax and spoilt!After bb arrives..NO TIME FOR ALL THE Lazing around and snacking on bed cos must set good example!wahhahaha..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But i really do enjoy my time with my DD as she is more sensible and she knows how to make my day![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovely girl!Shopping is easier too cos,she is just as vain as her great grandma,grandma and momma!hahah..it all runs in the blood!Hehehhehe


Hey,remember to report bakc her later after your scan...its been awhile we've no postings of scans ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

let us see if its a mei mei or didi for you k....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all Mummies,

I am from Dec09 MTB Forum. I have the following items for sale!

1. BNIB Little Giant Milk bags (made in korea)

1 for $18, 2 for $16 each, 4 for $14 each

2. Preloved My best friend Breast Pillow

Lightly used for only 4months

condition: 8/10

Price: $49

3. Pigeon disposable Breast Pads

30pcs $5

4. Brand new Thomson Baby diaper sling black bag $10

5. BNIB Carters 6-9mths 5pcs rompers for boy $20

10% discount off all prices if you buy all!!

Free 1 preloved 125ml Avent bottle and 1 cooler bag! Free Preloved assorted newborn baby boy clothes!!

Self Collect near Parkway Parade or Raffles Place or Bt Batok or via postage!

PM for more details/ questions!!

good morning mummies! what a beautiful saturday! but wasted... i need to do housework and reply emails. haha!


gaining 3kg is considered ok mah. you are still having cravings? my cravings all gone lo... just realized this today when i found myself not wanting anything in particular. last week was craving for curry fish head or assam fish. this week, nothing... not even mcdonald breakfast tempt me.


later post your scan k? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: baby gender

my hubby asks me a few times everyday if our baby is going to be a boy. really funny leh.. wake up ask, before lunch ask, after lunch, dinner, before we sleep! i think he is obsessed! but of course he assured me if it's a girl, he will love her just as much, if boy it's a bonus lor. now gotta wait till 5 June for final revealing of gender. i am very tempted to just go and see gynae next week and try my luck!

Wow, really excited for everyone here! I hope I can see their genders on Monday. Having to wait another month is dreadful! Hahaha. I actually want to know more for preparing baby items as I want to get everything prepared before July ends, then I can focus on looking after my elder girl & growing my 2 darlings inside.

Weight gain:

i gained 5kg so far, which I think is okay & gradual enough. Not sure if this will be enough for a twin pregnancy though.

Tummy shape/size:

when i was carrying my girl, every1 thought I'm carrying a boy by looking at the shape of my tummy & I was carrying low. So it doesn't really apply to me. According to my sis, she also said I didn't look very pretty when I had my girl!


Amazingly my bb just showed his/her first visible kick n punch to HB n DD! 2 kicks only! Haha ...HB n dd is singing loudly n me lying down with exposed tummy! Lol![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess diamond,

so amazing! my hubby always wanted to look out for baby's kicks & punches during my #1 pregnancy. Such a heart-warming moment!

I dunno the theory behind works for everyone but I always realized that whever I drank my juice, bb moves alot!

Yest I spent 1 hr lying down after a glass of juice n can feel bb moves alot! Something like turning here n there ... Today I asked HB to lookout for it after I gulp I glass of juice again! True enough our lil friend showing some kungfu kicks! Nice!!

Maybe Also bb excited hearing HB n dd singing out loudly![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Happy saturday to all. I went to measure my waistline and I am 34" at 18 weeks. My hubby is 32". He said for the first time he is slimmer than me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

9 days to scan

