(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


i will be reluctant to leave spore too..here there is family and maid is available.

Maid can relieve the mundane tasks while we focus on the upbringing of babies

to answer ur qn,

i would choose option 2. with the percentage to contribute should be up to me

like u, i was brought up in a family where my dad was the sole breadwinner and my mum SAH

personally, i feel a husband should be taking the lead when it comes to household expenses..unless he is SAHD

when it comes to household chores, i dun mind him taking the lead too

for now it is a happy situation of no one needs to do household chores.


Hi mummies,

think someone asked me abt infant care sometime back. I sourced ard for infant care when my brig was abt 2 month old back in 2007. I vsited all infant care in the east and decided not to sent to one. I switched to part time for 1 yr till he was 18th month for childcare and went back to work full time.

Babies unlike toddlers need one to one attention which is not given in infant care. The ratio of infant care is 1 to 3 or 1 to 4, which is too high in my opinion. When a baby cries, she needs attention, be it for comfort, milk etc. In infant care, the attention may not be immediate specially if 2 or 3 babies get cranky at the same time. A nanny or grand parent will be a more suitable choice for young baby.

It always a mummy dream to take care of baby full time, but in spore is close to impossible for most families. Not every job allows part time r work fr home. Dun feel guilty if you feels that you cannot provide the best for your child, try to spend mre time during weekends.

For emilee, im working fr home on fri, so that i can have a long weekend with her. With my hb flexi timing and MIL as back up ... things r fine so far but with conflict with MIL too. 

Whatever is the childcare arrangement, don’t feel guilty if you cant spend as much time with your darlings as you want…


Emilee will be going for her 3rd class with gymboree tomorrow.

She was abit cranky last week when i attended class with her, hopefully tmr will be better.

She ha tripled her birth wt at 4th month. he was born at 2kg, now she is slightly more than 6 kg... os really a sense of satisfaction, to think that she is on tube feeding for a week when she is borned.

Hello Mommies! Long time nvr log on. Been busy..dunno with what...but busy.

Anw...good news! I'm moving back to SG early Jan 2011!!1 So can meet up with more of you soon!!!

Clueless: When are you relocating? You going to Melbourne? I've got mommy friends there...can link you up if u need. Honestly, I feel that perhaps your hubby migth be missing you two a lot and he's frustrated you're not with him but doesn't know how to communicate tt? I know movng there isn't ideal when u have a baby, and face prospect of doing it all alone. It was like me when I had my first bb and my hubby and I spent a lot of the time apart. But it's not healthy in the long run for hubby and wife and child to be living in diff countries.Having said this, money matters/ wanting u to be SAHM AND wanting you to relocate are diff maatters and shd be addressed sep.( i haven't been readign posts closely...so pls forgive me if anything i've said anything tt doesn't make sense to u)

LC at Mt Alvernia: Saras is also v good! patient and stays w u for as long as u need from what i exp.

TAMPINES/EASTIES Mommies; We can have more playdates at my place once I get my own home back!

Speaking of which, I'm looking for contacts for HOUSE PAINTING and GRILLS.. Got any to rec for these?

sorry - i don't think I can make it for the CNY gathering..have fun, gals!

i managed to interview a potential babysitter to take care of my baby from Jan 1. she is recommended by an agent..so looks like i will be having a live in babysitter for a few months next year pending the infant care vacancy in June. hope that this arrangement works out.

Chris - thanks for sharing your perspective on infantcare...vs nanny. appreciate the reminder not to feel guilty abt whatever childcare arrangement.

i am heading to bangkok for a break tomorrow...yipee!


soft sheild cannot sterilise otherwise will go out of shape very soon, just used hot water to rinse. Remember once the soft sheild out of shape & doesn't fit yr nn well means time to change soft sheild.

For me, hard sheild is more effective - why don't you change to hard sheild. Sure can produce more than 50ml de.


I did grilles with legate cos my house is under renovation. Those r invisible grilles,they r pretty nice bt abt 30% more exp than normal ones. If u r interested then I pass u their contacts?


Thanks for sharing.I Thot of using a nanny too,bt I m worried that because of e fact that my daughter is so attention seeking n demanding, They may not want to continue to take care of her after realizing that..

Hey mummies, just wondering, how do u mummies put ur babies to sleep? By carrying n patting?cos I m afraid as she gets heavier n older, this will b v strenuous if she gets used to it..n she doesn't want to be laid down n pat to sleep..is she too young for that?

hi jrgal, i dun like the idea of carry and pat her to sleep because as u said, as they gets heavier, it will become more strenuous for us. so when confinement lady left, i train her to sleep on the bed. so now whenever pacifier is on her mouth, she will be 'drowsy' and sleep on her own.. sometime she doesn't like me to carry and pat her.

abt the cny gathering, i wont be able to join. told my husband and he told me his cousin having wedding lunch that day.. haiz..

posting on behalf of pomme who sms me

korean kids clothes sale at suntec - more girls clothes n accessories compared to boys'. jean abt 30 and t shirt abt 15. for kids 1 ys and up


thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i will go n sterilize the hard one

Hi All,

I feel that this item is really a good buy at Mums and Babe. You can bring bb any where and be able to set bb down or use it when u go picnic in future with bb. Original price is $71.20. Now only $21.36 Must go get or if not ask someone to get for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4867601.jpg]

jrgal: yes pls! can PM me? i may not be able to come in and check thread often and may not see ur post. invisible grills sound v cool! and good! co i hate to feel trapped in prison by grills. but no choice w 2 kids now.

SAHM thoughts...

i've been one for like 2 yrs + now...and honestly, i think i'm beginiing to love it more and more as my tot is getting older. initially i thot i will go back to work after older one can go to kindy. but now i'm intending to SAHM and maybe only work part-time till after both finish their Os.

The Birth Shop At Little Footsteps

The Birth Shop will be at Little Footsteps Fair

Dates : 18th~19th December 2010

Venue : Singapore Expo Hall 5A Booth A121

Admission : Public - Free Admission

Time: 11am to 9pm

Great deals for Nursingwear, Bras, Baby Slings & Accessories!

We are a one-stop shopping for all mothers and mothers-to-be. You will be able to find innovative pregnancy and baby products. For more information, visit us at www.thebirthshop.com.sg

Hi all after a long time, im finally back.. How are you all and the babies? Its been a exhausting time for me dealing with my younger one as hes been cranky due to teething recently and only let me sleep at 3am and i have a auto body time to wake up at latest 10am.. sigh

CNY BB's Party 15/1/11

Timing 11am to 4pm

pls list down ur name if u r ok

1) Leobaby

2) Pomme

3) Chewy

4) Bbdreamz (only if weekend)

5) Ebelle (ok with both)

6) Weiting(ok wif both dates)

7) Shinchan (only if wkend)

8) Jacqueline (depend on date)

9) Pinkyluv

10) Mag (Any date)

11) Adelynn (weekends only)

12) MamaG

13) Kris

14) Carolyn (weekend if Jan, ok with any date if feb)

15) Winnie (Any date)

16) jrgal (weekends only)

17) Skymom

18) Jeslyn

19) Linda0o (Can someone email me when nearer to date, i will tend to forget)

Taste of BM

While heating up EBM today, I dribbled a few drops on the back of my palm to feel if it's warm enough. Normally, I'd just wash it off. But today, I did the silliest thing to lick my hand to taste the EBM. OMG! It tasted so repulsive I really felt like my morning sickness coming back! I just washed my mouth and am still feeling a little sick. Urgh!

Dear all

Pls tt to Treasurer Mag asap. Leobaby will be booking the venue on 15 Dec [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cya all then

CNY date will be fixed on Sat 15 Jan 2010 11am. Pls tt to our treasurer Mag by 9 Dec 2010 to confirm attendance. Thanks :)

eXTRACTED her earlier post above

Pls transfer to mAG'S account POSB Savings 153-07888-2.

Kindly PM/sms her(90073277) the following details after u have transferred, Thanks.

SMH Nick:

Real Name:

Contact Number:

Transaction Ref, Time & Date:

Amt: $30/mummy & $10/additional pax

PS: Kris, Photographer can we arrange 11am to 1pm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



today i tasted my 2 days old EBM like wat u did, taste ok. I think max is 48 hrs ?

Optimus Prime,

I tasted my EBM b4 too (leftover by baby) and it tasted ok too. Like Pinkyluv, I thought max 48hrs in fridge? Maybe EBM turn bad already??

CNY Party:

Sorry got to give it a miss, have sth on that day.

EBM in fridge

actually i only keep for 24hrs, unless u nv open ur fridge often then it is safe to keep for 48hrs...

Ebm keep fridge advise 48hrs. Me so tired. My ger alway sleep well at night. Last last sat hb came bk from overseas, she became like a princess. A spolit one somemore, at nights start to keep crying. Last sat my mil came fr Turk, now my princess became a queen, somemore a powerful one, day n nights keep crying.


can emphathize cos my left eye was also swollen not too long ago..

did u apply anything for it to recover faster?

the preservative free tear drop ( fr any pharmacy) and this solution called Gentapro cures it

SarahMay> yeah reallocating to Melbourne. Thanks in advance for introducing friends for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] As of when.. that is the trigger of the "argument" as I couldn't give him a date/month yet. If I move over, i would 80% lose my current job which is paying quite well compare to my previous job and the work is much much easier. In other words, i really enjoy my current job and company. To move over, its a brand new start. Actually deep inside i know that i would go over already as no one would agree to be separated wtih ur husband and separting a father with his new born child. So i know i would be the one compromising in this. But I did try to ask him to come back Singapore.. and when everyone ask me when i am going.. seriously, i couldn't answer and don't wish to think abt it.

SAHM and going over indirectly is linked together. As once i go over, i would lose my current job 80% as chances of me transfering over is low. the earlier i move over, the earlier i lose that extra cash.

$$ is linked due to i felt he lied to me lor. Before dating he say he would take care of household expenses guy and now he change his statement. with that, i don't have the confident he would be able ot handle a single income and sustain a family lifestyle. Now everything say OK, but when reality hits, he would change and then i feel when i buy clothes or shop he sure would say something and then i would feel pek chek.. maybe i think too much too far.

With that, 2 young married couple stubbornness due to our principle of a marriage financial management. He even mention the "D" word when we were arguing hahaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OP> maybe cannot store that long? tho admittedlym on the very rare occasion when i pump, i store for 3 days too cos don't bear to throw away...

Jac> hahaha princess and queen! babies very smart, she manja!

OP & Ccpet > You are right! It is he giving me an ultimatum which piss me off to the max. And i felt i compromise this time to his "principle" i would always be the one compromising. Maybe its true. I should give my options to him instead and let him choose!!


how's yr pumping with yr new swing? hope yr yeild has increase after u change to the hard shield. If it doesn't, try to check the size - maybe is too small for you. Cos' standard is 'M'.


Sorry to interrupt. Any mummies here looking for stylish trendy nursing wear this festive season?


Brand New MOTHERS EN VOGUE nursing maternity wear sale 60% off

More than 20 currently still in store designs available. XS-L sizes!!


Email [email protected] or PM me for details now til 16 Dec (Thur)!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

EBM: er...why do those ang moh websites say up to 8 days in fridge is ok? anw, i've given 3 - 4 day old EBM stored in fridge (and i open it) to bb...so far no probs. i taste and smell it before giving of cos. so far, thank goodness i haven't puked...yet.

OP; hmmm what did u eat before u expressed? mb spicy curry or sour acar? 2 days EBM shd be ok bah.

clueess: D word. haiz...happened to me before tho i am the one who said it...think must have been v tense for him to have said it. he doesn't mean it. married life can take a toll on us, and men esp cannot seem to handle too many demands/stress factors at one time. i can totally understand how you feel about 'feeling cheated'. perhaps, have a good sit down with him to list out all your concerns with him, and ask him for his input? maybe you want to consider drawing up an agreement about things like how much personal pocket money he's going to give you, how much you can spend as SAHM on your personal wants e.g. new clothes, jewellery without needing his approval like say $200 bucks cap before needign to discuss with him? it's sort of like a prenupt. sounds a bit extreme i know but it would be good to make things clear, and have something B&W to go back to in the future.

Going over is a big sacrifice for you - losing not just your work but ur social and family support network. Talk to him to help him understand that you need all the support he can offer. the last thing u two shd be disagreeing over is abt money. I don't think it's about just the loss of personal financial freedom for you, but a loss of a sense of security tt ur work,and availability of support u get in sg. plus u are adjusting to motherhood - a BIG adjustment. men don't really get how having a bb can tire a woman out! and how major sacrifices are continually demanded of her.

anw, u can always FB me if u need contacts in Melb when u are ready to move okie? or just FB me when u wanna chat more.


i'm not sure when i'm reaching SG. can I confirm only first wk of Jan?

my hhubby's last day of work here is 2 jan. Company still hasn't told us when our flight back to SG is. haiz.


anyone else can give me contact for good painters? ID? i want to do reno for my house.

Windy - can help???


I also dun rem what I ate since it was several days ago. I think BM can store 5 days in fridge cos I do that b4 for #1 n he nvr LS. My girl also gobbled up d milk leh. It's been 16hr since she drank. No averse reaction. :p

Btw, how come u coming bk so soon? Tot u staying on Macau for good?


The lunch today not happening right? I also v tired. Din z much last night...


Me and Jeslyn is meeting for lunch tomw. Anyone keen to join? If anyone in the west joining, we 'll meet in town, else will meet in the east.

Can sms or PM me at 90088150.

Need advice on how to get bb to z in the day

My girl, like #1 when he was bb, can't seem to get to z in the afternoon. She wakes at abt 7am everyday. I'll bring her out wif me for bf at 8 and on the way home, she could z in the car and cont for another hr or so if I'm lucky. If not, I'll bathe her and there's a 40% chance for her to z from 1030 until close to noon. From then on, she will hardly z anymore, even if she miss the morn nap.

I might catch her yawning again at 3-4pm but she just can't get to z. Carry n pat her, put her down v gently n she will wake in 15min n wail. The cycle repeats for as long as I can persist - generally 3 cycles before i pull hair and give up! Then she don't yawn/z anymore.

Lately, when it's close to 7pm, she'll auto z. I hv not as much problem with the night compared to the day. So anyone hv bright ideas on how I can lull bb to z in the day? She z well in shopping mall - got aircon, whether in stroller/sling.

I hv tried white noise, letting her stare at blank white wall (so boring anyone wld also wanna z), giving her sian face (see already oso sian), pat her, pacifier, Swaddle... V hard even to get her to z an hour.

Advice? Suggestions?

op: we are relocating. hubby got job in sg so gotta move. sadness for me. anw i read fm sleep bk tt by now ard 3 mths they sleep less. my bb also has cranky wakeful period in afternoon from 4pm on till 8+/9pm. is she slping thru nite ie slp 10-12hrs, wake 2ce fo feed? mb she has enuff slp at nite? try darkened rm? cry it out? mx for nap training is 1 hr. aft which if still refuse to nap then pick her up.

hi ladies, im back.. hmm, after completing the antibiotic and even got the massage lady to massage for me, i still feel there's lump. the ML said it could be the structure of my breasts, but previously i rem i can empty the breasts and it's soft.

i wonder is it ok to leave it as it is? will the mastitis come back again? my hubby keeps asking me to stop the ss. but seeing i still can produce 80-100ml each time, i cant bear to give up. but if mastitis will come back with such condition, then i rather end the BM. anyone can advise? is it an indication that my BM is drying up that regardless how i massage, its still there?

Hi OP, since ur gal cant zz well in the day, she can sleep well at night? my gal is the same because of the construction nearby and also plane flying here and there. she hardly sleep more than an hr in the day unless she is super super super tired, then it can be 2-3hrs at one time. since my gal can take a short nap several times a day, sleep well at night, i leave it as it is wor.

op - i am facing a similar issue. my boy sleeps well throughout the night (he still wake up at least once for a feed, but that is after a 5 hour sleep block) and the morning. But in the afternoon, he is just so alert, and wants to play and "chat" with us. I think they decrease their sleep amount at around 3 months..right?

On milk, i have stored EBM in the fridge for a max of 3 days...tasted it, it is ok... i read somewhere online that we can store in the fridge up to 8 days? i dare not stretch it that long though.

bbtigger - i also have planes flying near my place (whole day) but my boy just sleeps through the noise in the morning...haha, i think he is well trained to sleep through noise.

Hi all

Good day to everyday. I havent posted anything for a long time. Decided to give a short update

My helper arrived last friday. This is my first time engaging helper. Arrangement is that helper will stay with bb at my mom's place when i go back to work in mid Jan. Now our whole family is also staying with mom during my maternity leave. Actually I am very resistant to the idea of a maid because I know i dont have the patience to train her. Most people advised me to pick indonesian because filipinos are too smart plus need to give them off days and allow them to have handphone.

I know i should hve more patience but my helper is really toot and the language is really a problem. She doesnt understand most of the things that I say... I have already lost my temper at her a few times. Just thinking if this is really a good idea to engage a maid.

another issue is that I feel sad that bb has to be cared for by helper. I am also worried that bb would grow attached to the helper, and less to me. sigh.. when i see my helper carrying the bb, i feel a little sad. I know its crazy but cant help feeling this way.

One more thing is that I am still very flabby from my pregnancy weight gains. Totally feel like an aunty.. I would like to start my dieting but just concerned that it would affect my already very low milk supply. .. anyone has started dieting or losing weight??

Optimus, my bb also has trouble sleeping in the day. He cat naps throughout the day which is quite frustrating sometimes. I read in bb books that as they grow older, they would consolidate their naps. So i guess now we have no choice but to ride it out. in the meantime, just try your best to put your bb to sleep. Having a routine would help. I am still trying to figure out a routine for my bb.. but the night routing is more or less established.

Thanks everyone for hearing me rant abt new helper, my weight problem..I stay in Sengkang n if there is any north east gathering, i would love to join...

hi ladies

sorry just came in..yupz, lunch is not on =)

Tigerlily, Cluless

thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yield better but time taken v long

hope my colleague wun mind me pumping in my workstation cos i dun think i wana disappear for so long

i usu go office an hr earlier as i am taking a lift fr hb, so will pump at 8am, Noon and maybe 4pm.

PS: OP yes, i am kicking myself for not listening to ur advice..but if my colleagues dun complain abt my swing sound, then i think should be ok since i can use 1 hand pump and 1 hand type


indo maids are indeed slower, mine took abt 4months to understand what I am saying..initial 3 plus months, she did the opposite of what i ask

now things r better and she is getting v smart too..so bear with it for a while =)

Weight wise

3 plus months has zoomed by and i din lose much wt..v flabby

but i can't complain cos i din exercise and is quite greedy myself ;)

West Mummies' Gathering> My friend will be joining us with her baby girl, who was born end-July. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We spent an afternoon chit-chatting recently and she taught me some baby yoga moves to help Isaac's digestion (cos I was telling her he seemed to have probs with gas in his tummy) I've tried a few of them and Isaac hasn't had any gassy probs for the past few days! :D Her baby really seems to enjoy it when she does baby yoga with her too. Anyway, those who are coming on Thursday and who are interested can ask her about it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Understand what you going thru, this must be a tough time for you. Hope things will improve. D word, happened to me too. If that happens he said he would take bb, yeah right! My foot! Over my dead body. He sounds so responsible hor, to want to fight over bb with me if we ever D. But, he was telling me that this friday he wants to attend his company Xmas dinner. And this friday is the first day we are putting bb with infant care. We don't have car, so taking train. And he telling me he wants to go for the Xmas dinner! So much for his sense of responsibility. I knew he wanted to escape from looking after baby, he wanted a break. But, what about me, who is going to give me a break? See lor, another drama session coming up. He was very nice and caring guy during courtship, after marriage, things changed. Sad.

Ebm, I only keep for 48 hours, I tot I read somewhere.

Baby naps

Mine used to nap very little, less than an hour each time. And she always yawning and fuss. She was tired but refused to sleep. Carry and pat her she sleep, once lightly put down on bed she wakes up and stare at me. I gave in to sarong. Another big battle with hubby before he finally gave in to me. Now bb sleep more and longer. We shake lightly and once she close her eyes we don't shake her anymore. And sarong is solely for nap and day only. At night, she sleeps on bed.

