(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Dear mummies

Thanks for your advise. Charlotte fever is much better now. She is sleeping a lot more too. Maybe becos of the ray ing weather. Hope she gets well so that we can bring her to my cousin baby shower tomorrow.


Clueless > what i hear is only Rotavirus has different versions~ 2/3 dose. Other than that can change location for jab as u wish. Ur Pd should have stuck the sticker on health booklet.

Sarah: Now I am more concern about the impact on the spine...but will probably still use my Manduka but like u, will limit usage for now to only when bb and I r out alone, which is max of twice per wk.

Moms: Any feedback on BUMBO? Cos there's a sale going on.

Xmas Costumes:

Moms if u r keen to buy those Santa Clause or Santafina Costume for bbs for Xmas, just tk note that while Mothercare sells them in a variety of sizes, you'll be able to get cheaper ones from the push carts sellers. E.g. the Raffles city one sells them at abt 40-50% cheaper but sizes r limited, more for the older bbs and tots. Anyone has any idea where to get smaller size ones,i.e. 3-9 mths?

diamantz> TMC don't stick it on the health booklet but on their file [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] maybe would continue Rotavirus with TMC And switch on the others as Rotavirus is a medication taken orally and not a needle injection.. u think can work? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cluless~ can bah. i'm considering that too. But think will have more visits to PD? Seems that rotavirus always taken w other jabs. Maybe you can check w TMC the type that was used?

Hi phyphy,

Yup,will try to see if she can do that.. Manage to achieve a baby step and she lasted 15 to 20 min in stroller! I personalized it with her fav blanket, fan with flickering light, n a toy.. Hopefully she will improve also.. If nt my back will break by carrying her.. Hv to train her out of sling into carrier..

Thanks, Leo Baby and BB. Will get the movers to give me boxes.

Pinkyluv - I just did my root canal last month. My regular dentist (who does not do root canals) recommended me Dr Terence Lee at Mount E. He is quite good - no pain after the LA wears off. Do you want the contact?

Xmas costumes for babies / kids - saw a push cart at Raffles City selling them. Nice.


thanks ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just PM u .


haha, yupz, that's y i leave the kids' brushing to hubby, cos dun noe why i brush mine regularly but until so jialat

always warn my kids to eat less sweet and chocolates unless u want to end up like mama

the sad thing is i already extracted my upper molar during this pregnancy cos cannot do xray for root canal and the pain was killing me

fri just extract a tooth which has chipped off badly and dentist said cannot repair and is a walking timebomb cos the root has grown wayward

until today still painful


Have we found a photographer for the event? I know one photographer. Maybe i can negotiate the price. What is the last price we found?

Hi Pinkyluv, I also did root canal b4. Usu will use anaesthesia so no pain but I believe u may need to do

a crown for yr tooth after. My dentist quite good, Bernard lee hsien long fr raffles dental. Tink I paid abt 1 k plus for root canal plus crown. U better

chk out the price, it's quite ex.

what kind of blankets are you all using for baby? My baby sleep in air-con, and I just cover her with the normal cotton swaddle blanket. Want to get her the sleeping bag, but dont know is it too warm for her body.

26th gathering

Can't join u Mommies lim teh but u gets can visit me at mums&babes booth cos promised my boss to go help them at noon time.


I last heard the fee is $300 for the event.


I saw before in the Bp that sleeping bag from Taiwan. Think that should not be too warm for our weather .


Not sure u can take the anaesthesia or not as u are bfing now. My dentist wan me to stop bfing before he is willing to do the tooth extraction for me. Till now I yet to remove the wisdom tooth .


I had given birth to my 2nd princess on 8.9.10 at tmc,my 1st 1 is now 2 years old,may i join in the discussion?

fever after jab

pd told me after jab monitor for 72 hours,after which would be ok

bumbo chair

i find it quite useful with the feeding tray,but the thighs of bb might be struck as they grew

hi jessica,

may i have a copy of the cd?thanks so much

Sending out CDs today. =)

The other mommies pls email me your add.

1. changi (by mail)

2. Pommelow (by mail)

3. Skymom

4. Sabrina (by mail

5. tinkerstars (picking up today)

6. Gloomybear (by mail

7. Mummy82(by mail)

8. jrgal(by mail)

9. Shineshy (by mail) (by mail)

10. Phantus(by mail)

11. Chris

12. Jacqueline

13. Badfifi

14. aries mum

15. elle (by mail)

16. Brownrice

17. Sugarong

18. weiting

19.redstar8(by mail)

Jabs - my hb asked for the box of the vaccine and all the leaflets inside. THese came in useful as DS had greenish poo one week after. The leaflet mentioned that peak excretion of the vaccine virus is 1 wk after the job.

GP giving jab... some doc's just don't give u confidence either. The GP I went to didn't seem confident abt giving the jab, asking us why we are not seeing the PD. I was thinking, ur clinic has this big poster promoting ur pkg! (Healthway). I was a bit scared, asked hb to chk that the GP took out the correct vaccine!

Mommies, was ur infanrix 6-in-1 done on the thigh or on the butt? And for those who go GP, do the GPs weigh and do other things for bb too? Realized rthat this GP filled in the health booklet on the wrong page... Also, the doctor is supposed to update the Health Promotion board online within 7 days from the jab. ours is more than 7 days now and it's still not updated online...

Stroller recommendation - hi mommies, bb Daniel is outgrowing his infant stroller. Do you have any recommendations? Thks!

joyce: welcome! ur 1st is sept 08 bb too? mine is!

pinky: ouch!!! root canal such a major thing ah? i din know. poor u. did u show ur kids ur molar to scare them?

ebelle: no need to worry i think. i used sling n ergo practically every day w my first. his spine's ok.

tracey: a sleepung bag of 0.1 tog shd suffice for a/c in our weather. i use flannel or receinving blanki to cover. he is dressed in singlet, l/s tee n long pants w socks

clueless: no prob abt changing pd. the records are in health bklets for jabs.there is a page for this. so u can just switch. i'e done my first's jabd in at least 3 diff clinics, 1 in macau n no prob


trow i m tryg to bring my son to orchard in the evening to view the lights. anyone keen?

Anyone keen to take over my bb's HA NAN 1 that is opened and still have half tin left? Doctor advised my bb to take soy powder instead of milk powder so I have NAN to let go...

Pinkyluv> your tooth condition may be a sign of calcium lost better take your calcium supplement. My Gynae only recommend me to take calcium even though I ask abt are supplements needs for bb for the breast milk. Calcium should be the most lost from our body.

Tracey> If your bb sleep in a/c its ok to wear the thick bb sleeping bag. I let my bb wear the light fleece material type in a/c rm. It is not recommended to use blanket esp if your bb is abt 3 mths and older as now they tose and turn a lot and SID danger is present. Use sleep bag is good. I bought mine in Mothercare and First Few Year at KKH. Was at Ikea the other day and saw that they have it too.

23 nov> sori not joing you gals liao as I was telling Jo it's HR's jab day and his timing is 220pm so I dont want to rush around. With bb it hand cannot rush one...

Leo baby,

Wat is a sleep bag? So it will keep baby warm, then dun need to use blanket? Cos my fren who has a 9mth old baby told me one morning she awoke to her son's fussing and found him entangled, with his blanket over his head. Quite scary, especially now my girl is sleeping on her own in another room.


I'm quite upset cos my milk supply has decreased. The output is very slow, so much so that the 3 hrly output is not enuf for my baby. Although If I express, still have enough for her cos she feeds less in the night, and I usually supplement 1 feed with formula.

I wonder if it is becos i seldom latch her on, but switch more to bottle feeding quite early on. Wat can I do to increase the supply? Any advice?

I tot by this time, there shouldnt be any milk supply issue anymore?? =(


thanks for sharing..mine is a jealous Tod! He will shake didi's playpen,go to his room hide and cry when he see his own baby photo on my iPhone (he tot is didi's!!). Now that it's close to 2months,he's getting better but still a nitemare sometimes.I spend most of the daytime with the Tod as he gets jealous when I bf didi,so I express the bm.yet he's still very jealous!headache lor.


I have a bumbo too,quite good but can't last very long as baby thighs will get stuck..hehe.and not very convenient for travelling from house to house cos it's so bulky to bring out.

Skiphop bags

not sure if you mummies are interested,there's 40%off skiphop stuff at mums and babes united square.quite a good deal,I was there yesterday getting medela parts.

Mummyprincess> you know those type of adult sleep bag we use for camping. baby have their type too. Its like clothes but the leg area is just like a sack so you put them in and zip up in the centre(most design like that) so they are more warmly covered in a/c environment. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4771686.gif]

Thx joyce and TRish for ur feedback.

Leo_baby: With this sleep bag, do u still swaddle ur bb?

My bb likes to fidget alot and I found her caught under her swaddle a few times, that's y my hb and I take turns to zz in her room just to keep watch. But without the swaddle,she keeps fidgetting and waking up.

My gynae makes me take fish oil, multi-vit and calcium to supplement bfing

Mummie Princess: I have this problem too. Now that bb nids more, I find my ss dwindling. Now sure if it's bec last wk, I was lazy and pumped on once in 5 hrs. M so scared that ss will just stop[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]((

Jessica: My hb says ur Ng-tune works. He tried it for 10 mins then bb pooed...after 1 day of no-poo. BB felt so much better and was less cranky after the poo.

Ergo carrier

Used it for the first time together with infant insert. Initial part need hb to help me to tahan/hold Mik (infant insert) while I was trying to adjust the carrier.

I took a while to get used to it.


Weight is more evenly distributed as compared to my pupsik though by the end of the day (almost 6 hrs carrying Mik), my shoulders started to feel "tired" liao.


I find it hard to eat while carrying Mik in a sitting position. I actually ve to tilt my head sideway while eating to prevent food fr dropping on my Ergo/Mik. With my pupsik sling... It's so much easier to eat!!!


Bb fair outing 26 nov. Time:?

1. Phyphy

2. leobb

3. Pomme?

4. TigerLily

I will be there abt 11+am. U gals wan to have lunch or tea together?


The GP really got no confident in himself . Maybe he got no choice as it's order by the management to pUt up the pkg poster.

The jab if I didn't remember wrongly it's all done on the thigh.

Ur stroller only can use for infant ? Wat brand ? Or maybe they got add-on to allow convertion to toddler

Christmas lighting

Sarah me wan but don know can manage two or not at the evening as it quite near to the tod sleeping time .

23rd Nov, Tues lunch buffet 1130am to 230 hanabi @ odeon towers

1. Pinkyluv

2. Shinchan

3. Mango

4. Yvonne (cityhall mrt)

5. BabyT

6. Hushlibb

7. mag

8. Ebelle

9. twirley

10. jacelyn

mummies, pls meet 11.15am at city hall mrt.. if those who are cabbing down or driving down, can meet at Odeon Towers directly lor. Kindly write beside ur name whether u r meeting at cityhall mrt or odeon towers! Thank u very much//..

trish10: do you want to try nursing your tot ? i did when he was v jealous n he hit his di di, pull his legs etc when i was bfing didi. and as i nursed tot, didi was crying, i explained to him tt he was big n can eat yummy food like ( i named his fave food), but di di cannot , n can only hv mummy's milk. see di di is crying so badly, can i give di di milk now? at first he was going no no no. but after a few days, h=it got better. think by end of 1 wk, he wld actually unlatch himself OR kick me out of bed if i'm kying down and say : di di crying. go give milk. takes a while...but hang in there. it will be worth it. teaches tot to share n care.

phyphy: how about taking just your tot? i'm thinking of early evening or mb just going during the day? i sms u


agree w mango. eating w upright bb is tough@! think my bbs have been baptised with drops of laksa gravy, rice and all..noodles are the worst to eat when carrying the bb as are soupy stuff. rice the easiet or sandwiches


mother care n other shops sells these. n bagds have diff ratings for warmth using the TOG. pls don't buy anything more tn 1! 0.5 tog good enough for a/c. overheating a bb is v dangerous n can cause sids.

rber ur bb clothes also contribute to warmth.



tried b in this yday. surprisingly he din fuss.



Hi Sarah,

Thanks for the welcome,my gal is on her terrible 2 will scream at home but outside she is ok

Hi Jessica,

We got a common friend,she is my pri schmate

phyphy - my stroller looked really narrow on him leh. Went to Baby Hyperstore and Baby Kingdom yday at Kaki Bukit and realized that all the combi's looked quite narrow too, while the maclaren and quinny's look much wider. I guess if he grows tall but not long, i think can use for a while. Maybe by the time he starts walking, he doesn't even want the stroller? =D

SarahMay - oh no, do u kn what triggered the rash? did u get my PM? btw, regarding sleep bags, what's TOG? Bb is still getting used to the night time routine. I'm kinda afraid of unswaddling him and getting him to start on a sleep bag as the swaddle really helps to limit his movements and 'forces' him to sleep.

Thoughts on baby carriers - I dunno leh, I dun go out with baby that much yet, and when i do, it's the stroller i use. He feels really heavy now. Not that keen on carrying him in sling/carriers despite how i was blessed with a really gd Lascal carrier..

ebelle> I stop swaddle at after 1mth and he has been using the sleeping bag at nite without swaddle since. day time i also don't swaddle. you have to let bb learn to sleep without swaddle else how will it be when they are bigger?

23rd Nov, Tues lunch buffet 1130am to 230 hanabi @ odeon towers

1. Pinkyluv

2. Shinchan

3. Mango (odeon tower)

4. Yvonne (cityhall mrt)

5. BabyT

6. Hushlibb

7. mag

8. Ebelle

9. twirley

10. jacelyn

mummies, pls meet 11.15am at city hall mrt.. if those who are cabbing down or driving down, can meet at Odeon Towers directly lor. Kindly write beside ur name whether u r meeting at cityhall mrt or odeon towers! Thank u very much//..

hi leobaby and sarahmay, thanks for the info on sleep bags. But when baby sleep i n the bag, do they sweat? Even though I just cover my baby with the normal blanket, her back will feel sweaty.

my baby will always leak milk after every feed, a bit here and there on the pillow. Or she can sometime leak out about 20ml of milk onto the floor. And even after 1 hr after her feed, she still can leak out some milk onto her pillow. Is this normal>?

She is 10th weeks plus old, drinking 120-130ml every 2 to 2 and half hours. Is it too little or too much?

ccpet: oh. haven't had time to read emails. sorry. haiz and now dunno where i kept the bb einstein too lor. be back in jan again. i pm u then and see if u are still keen? sorry sorry. i'm packing now cos flying off on thurs. TOG is thermal rating - how warm an article of clothing/ blanket / sleeping bag is. lascal? my friend used tt but stopped soon cos she says her back really felt the strain. i think carriers cannot use once bb hits certain weight cos v siong on back, regardless of how good carrier is lor.

dunno what caused rash. i suspect lowered immunity and fatigue and stress?

tracey: hmm if sweaty it cld be tt she is overheated. honestly i got a 2.5tog for winter BUT realised tt after layering him in clothes and then w heater, he was overheated! so anw, in sg, my friends use 0.5TOG grobag, can buy from mothercare.

when she 'leaks' milk i think tt is called regurgitation. looks MORE than what it is so ur 20ml may only be a few ml. do u burp her midway and at end of feed? it will help. as for how much, deps on indv bb. Has she been putting on adequate weight?> does she cry after the feed and will only stop if u give her milk? rough guideline for calculation is 150ml per kg of weight. so 5 kg bb = 750ml...but har not accurate cos obviously some bbs can take more tn that. there have been times my bb is supposed to drink 600ml but drank like 900ml lor. now i dunno cos i latch most times. and when bottlefed, fluctuate between 90 - 130ml. he's 6sept bb so abt 11wks now? at 8wks he was 5.2kg.

Joyce: Same la. Angel outside but home different matter. But thank goodness for tt also. Cos at least won't need to embarass oruselves outside. However better keep fingers crossed ...cos they are still young, maybe haven't 'chu' all the pattern yet. hehe. is ur tot going to any playgroup yet? btw, i have found it helpful for myself not to think of this 2 year old stage as 'terrible' but 'terrific'. and i really enjoy him now. all the so called terrors of this age is really them trying to exert independence, a v vital part in the formation of their self-concept and confidence etc. mb if u think of it this way, u get less upset w him when she is throwing some form of fit. see what it is she is trying to do but is getting frustrated with?

phyphy: i cannot find my phone! i dunno where my son hid it! anw i think we're going tonight. my parents are still deciding whether to go along (so can bring bb ) or not. But i shd be going around 4 - 5 with my elder boy. taking train. having dinner there. How? wanna come?

Posted on Monday, November 22, 2010 - 9:12 am:       

23rd Nov, Tues lunch buffet 1130am to 230 hanabi @ odeon towers

1. Pinkyluv

2. Shinchan

3. Mango

4. Yvonne (cityhall mrt)

5. BabyT

6. Hushlibb

7. mag

8. Ebelle

9. twirley

10. jacelyn

mummies, to make things simple, pls meet 11.30am at Odeon Towers, Hanabi Rest.

Hello ladies,

It has been a while...

Hoho...my boy manage to flip over last night, am so happy!


120-130ml should be ok, and leaking is pretty normal so long not too much, shud be fine too. Try burp her middle and end of feed, and sit her up for 10-15mins b4 putting her down. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Have pm-ed u, please check. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


pls post the huggies contact. Remember u said east side got a suppplier price is good.

My girl is oso 10wks old but she only drinks between 70ml to 90ml, 3hrly feed or on demand. She oso leak milk every now and then.

23rd Nov, Tues lunch buffet 1130am to 230 hanabi @ odeon towers

1. Pinkyluv

2. Shinchan

3. Mango (odeon tower)

4. Yvonne (cityhall mrt)

5. BabyT

6. Hushlibb

7. mag

8. Ebelle (Odeon towers)

9. twirley

10. jacelyn

me also meeting u gals at cityhall [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cya all =)

23rd Nov, Tues lunch buffet 1130am to 230 hanabi @ odeon towers

1. Pinkyluv (cityhall mrt)

2. Shinchan(cityhall mrt)

3. Mango (odeon tower)

4. Yvonne (cityhall mrt)

5. BabyT

6. Hushlibb

7. mag

8. Ebelle (Odeon towers)

9. twirley

10. jacelyn

11. Tigerlily (cityhall mrt)



oops, just taken when i extracted the wayward root on fri ! din noe breastfeeding cannot


wow, ur dentist's name...:p


haha, of course, they have seen it in aug ..v scary..3 roots

poor u ! really hope ur rash will be gone soon


yupz, taking my calcium pills again =)

