(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Op: great shot u hv there of the bbs at the gathering. Really cool din knw there is such an app! V nice

Sarahmay: could u hv breast infection? I just got well only. Had fever almost 40 deg last wk, blocked ducts on right breast red sore n lumpy, headache and shivering one moment nxt am sweating away. My gp gave me antibiotics and I m much better alr. Do go c a doc if ur symptoms persist. Is a terrible feeling..my ss was badly affected too

Jessica: dun feel so depressed. I m such r u a fantastic mum ESP of 3 precious kiddos. Is not easy. I hv 2 and I alr feel like I cant manage. Where is ur maid from? Mine fr indo and only 23 yrs. That time she talked to her 2yr old son over phone n he cld not recognize her, she was v upset too. She has worked for 14 mths wif u Liao shod b quite stable? Maybe u can giv her another chance, prob too emo that day. Finding gd maids not easy. I hv ken a v bad ones n been so unlucky.

Am interested in gathering but not sure abt the ps cos I hv done some on my own at hme Liao when my gal 4 days old. V easy to shoot always sleeping so cld take those naked babies sleeping pics.

Can add me to fb too my email [email protected]



Great idea, let's have a dec/christmas photoshoot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

we will set the date. Maybe can do in dec b4 most if us go back to work..can we reserve 8 Dec a friday..all babies can wear Christmas hats fr Daiso

How many mummies interested ? we either engage a photographer or DIY


u ladies really lose weight so so fast after meeting u all today, feel a bit paiseh of myself today , wear whatever also fat, think need to sew up my mouth to lose weight liao...

super lazy to exercise, dun like binding, dun like wearing girdles in this awful weather unless my wish comes true, that Singapore has winter all year round


hehe, agree with u, i always blame it on the camera too and the photo angle


regarding maid issues, if i m in ur shoes, i will feel uncomfortable too ! if the maid wants to go back, better let her

cheer up gal ! any prob will be resolved eventually one..

K1 must learn subtraction now..jialat lor,

coaching wise, realise i can't do N2 exercise, couldn't figure out the maze thingy,super complicated nowsadays, glad that i m not born in this era ..and wish my gal has inherited my hb's brains instead of mine which seem to be the case

my living philo is the bridge will be straight once the boat arrives, and my elderly relatives still said in teochew to my mum after knowing the arrival of my kids, "so scary,this jo really dun think one, how to manage three kids"

Fotoshot CD

John will pass to us @ 313 somerset while we have our buffet, 1 CD for each mum :}

allow me to share some shoots [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The Gals



The Boys



Lovely Babies



Keen on Xmas shots! Then I can make Xmas card with the fotos!

I don't mind paying $30 for the Fotoshoot again - is it ongoing promo? Nice if hv those Lil Xmas tree as props and snowy backgnd!

And thanks for posting the pics here. I no Facebook acct sp can't see. :D


Thanks for sharing on the V cleaning. Next time shall dress her up b4 cleaning the V. You're so right that boys are so much easier. I don't rem hvg to clean shit off my #1's P!


I paid close to US10 for the camera app. The basic package is abt US2.99 but I bought all the rest of the lens/film/flash. You hv iPhone too? Check it out man! :D

jessica: one of my friends is also a sep mum although she has not joined this thread. i mentioned to her about the ps at your pl and she's keen to join - is it ok with you to include her?

like op said, way too tiring so will also not join the ps at your pl, is it ok to just come and hang out?

hi ladies, kindly confirm so that we can book our photographer b4 he increases his rate :p and u gals can reserve ur dates too

hehe, and hopefully we have another one b4 CNY with CNY theme

agree with OP, in dec can do more poses and the babies can start sitting

Interested in Xmas theme Photoshoot on Friday 8 Dec 2010, morning 9am to 1pm

1) Optimus Prime

2) Pinkyluv

venue wise, can use my place again or if any mummy can open up their house, I will attend too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PSS:John has emailed us to identify our babies so tat he can do editing and pass us the CD this friday, do check ur mail [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinkyluv: if the shot is done at more central area i would love to join! cos i stay SK unable to reach ur place at 9am la.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i m keen on xmas ps. can it be in afternoon. i stay in east, very siong for me to travel to west esp in the morning. - i got to wake up at 5am.

Interested in Xmas theme Photoshoot on Friday 8 Dec 2010.

1) Optimus Prime

2) Pinkyluv

3) tiger_lily

PS @ tampines

Venue:in email

date: 28/10/10


name list






6.bb dreamz



pending 9.jeslyn

can Starluster n sarah pm me? we discuss the PS though email.

any mummy in west going to windy place / jessica place..then we can cab pool [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

never take ps, but can catch up also


noted , i m ok with 1pm also on 8 dec =)

Kind of survived the first night without confinement lady. Woke up at 2 and 5.30 am to feed baby. Managed to endure and pump milk at 2 but at 5.30 I was too tired. Feeling quite bad about it. Also the tot of this lifestyle for another 3 months before I go to work scares me.


I am interested in the christmas photo shoot. So who will get the christmas hats ah??

Interested in Xmas theme Photoshoot on Friday 8 Dec 2010.

1) Optimus Prime

2) Pinkyluv

3) tiger_lily

4) Pommelow

Hi, I'm a nov thread mummies. Wondering any mummies hav engage madam zalia ( under madam ida's team) for post natal massage. Can provide me w ur review. U can pm me. Thanks so much!!!

Me interested in Xmas theme PS... Shall we have a mini catering, then gift exchange for babies?? If u all dun mind, I can try and book my mum's condo's function hall... But she's staying in loyang... Or anyone staying in condo??

Jo - he never email me leh...

Jess - I wanna join in the hang around gang too... Cannot do another PS now ar... Will concuss de lor...

babyt: think i hv bad plugged ducts or somewthing. need massage. u ml good? can gimme contact n her charges? oso how long did u hv to wait to get appt w sis kang?

pat: i dunno...no more fever but i feel some lumps on my right boob. now headache cos carry bb too long.


aiyo i dunno if it's just my 7wo...but yday he was like up from 11pm to like 140am. wake 340am n 5am. faint!!!!!!!!!!


so it is thurs ? how many shots do we get?

hi ladies,

im a sept mum also ...provided my details to pinkluv yday.

in fact i have joined this thread earlier but due to busy schedule i did not check out this thread for a long long time.

PS for xmas

im interested ....can i join in the fun as well?

Sarah - for house visit I was quite Heng, I got her on the day I called her... Why don't u call her direct... At least u can ask her more questions regarding bf-ing...

Bubbleling - HI!!!!!! eh this Friday how?? Have u called sister kang?? Of cos ur welcome la... Lizzie joined us for the first time yesterday....


I was alone without confinement lady for the first nite last nite too. concussed!! she cried and fussed from 10pm to 3am!! Both hubby and I zombified. Later going to get some colic drops, suspect she had colic, cos nothing seemed to pacify her. Hope tonight will be a better night.

As for pumping, dun feel too bad about it. I also tried to wake up twice to pump in the nite for 1 week just to increase my supply. I think I only managed to do it for 2 nights, the rest of nites, i slept thru with no recollection that my alarm clock went off. get enuff rest at nite. Pump every 3 hrly during the day, try to aim for 7 pumps a day (if you doing exclusive pumping). dun worry about 3 mths later, by the time you go back to work, the supply should be more or less established and you can drop your number of pumps to maybe about 4-5 times a day. If cannot do TBF, at least partial also good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yep, 10 Dec is Friday, 8 Dec is Wed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also want to join!

Interested in Xmas theme Photoshoot on Friday 8 Dec 2010. (so will it be 3 Dec or 10 Dec?) =)

1) Optimus Prime

2) Pinkyluv

3) tiger_lily

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl


i still havent manage to get her yday ..seems like she is super duper busy.

i will call up parentcraft and ask cos the lump is still there..pump also no use. massage u know lah once i feel the pain i will stop *bleah*

fri at 313 right? i hvnt got hold of my mum yet..will check with her later when she is back.

Hi batgirl

thanks for your msg. I definitely can't do total bf. My each pump is only abt 20 ml. Whatever I can express out can only give him one feed per day. Sometimes it depresses me. I don't really latch on cos he would still need to drink the same amt with or without latch on.

I m so guilty of accidental parenting. I m just doing all I can to keep him quiet... Without any proper structure. N

I feel bad abt using a pacifier. Think he is addicted already


Can it be on 10 dec?? I am on course on weds for the whole of dec.

Photoshoot mummies

My boy chu new pattern after returning home from photoshoot. He wants to be cuddled more and he wants us to talk and sing to him during feeding. I think the babies were conversing with one another yesterday, comparing notes on their treatment at home and how to tekan their mummies leh.


Loyang is so far away.Going home time sure jia lat cos 4 - 5pm taxi change shift plus peak hour.

Hi Pinkyluv,

Please count me in for the xmas shoot too!

1) Optimus Prime

2) Pinkyluv

3) tiger_lily

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl

6) Windy

Saw the photos you guys took yesterday on FB, looks fun! Looking forward to seeing ur pics!

Pomme: i cant agree more. My boy fussed the whole of yesterday. Drink milk cry, slp cry, burp cry, carry cry, put rocking chair cry... I had to be the rocking chair and hug him tight then he appeased and slp.. My back almost broke. N i think my boy was too excited yest, he "hum bin" last night.

Pinkyluv: count me in. better if have condo bah, maybe we can let them swim too? Hehehe. Rem to organise one swimming gathering as mentioned to u ah. :D

awww...so cute...so nice to see all the babies together. =)

Make me tempted also, can i join in the xmas shoot too? It will be the first time meeting u gals though.

But dec not even 3 months yet, baby can sit?

Hihi mommies,

Aiyo, i miss the fun, I wanna join the christmas PS lay, but my ML ended 6 Dec, unless i can take leave. I am staying at CCK area, if u all dun mind, i can try to book the function room for gathering. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yah, my boy hum bin yesterday also. Sleep a bit liao eh eh eh and wake up. Got to coax him to sleep umpteeth times. BUt he KO after 7pm and sleep 5 hours straight till 12am.

He drinks more now ... so feeding time longer plus burping time is 45 mins. Got to talk and sing non stop.. throat very dry now.

Swimming.. hum. i want leh. Bikini mums and babes photos? I got the mambo neck float liao and also swimming diaper ready for him to start swimming. If so, than we can start with photo shoot, lunch and then swimming in afternoon after 2pm. I agree with the cater lunch. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yvonne,pomme low,

my athena always eh eh eh when she sleeps esp. when we return from my PIL place. but to my surprise, she didn't eh eh eh so much last nite. must be the gathering that wears her out or perhaps like what u said - babies exchange notes. so now athena knows me & my mum really treats her like a princess lor.


I forgotten that athena is having her jab on 10dec - silly me. like that maybe got to change her appt. if i do it on thurs wonder whether athena will there be any side effect abt jab or shall i delay the jab.


paiseh ! jialat, why i see date wrong one

dear all

since Phantus is going back work on 6 Dec, Pomme having her course on weds, Tigerlily is having Athena's jab on 10 Dec, can it be Friday 3 Dec [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]?


not an issue..i have some pics of babies sitting at 3 months, was sharing with the gals yday via DVD .a bit slanted but need the sofa backrest support

Interested in Xmas theme Photoshoot on Friday 3 Dec 2010

1) Optimus Prime

2) BabyT

3) tiger_lily

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling

11) Yvonne

hope i din miss out any names, just add on hor ")


yupz, friday 1130am @ 313 Somerset

Tarafuku Restaurant Level B3 66340889

cya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

venue wise : hopefully can have a living room with sofa so that the babies can take in sitting position as one whole row [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

once we hit 10, we confirm this with him on friday ..but if u gals can get better rates, share with us hor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


will forward u the email u now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Christmas PS:-

I can book my condo function room. I am just concern abt logistic. Where to find so many mattress for bb? I stay at West coast. It quite central if you all do go Vivo City then shouldn't have problem coming to my plc.

Germaine just had her first swim in the mambo baby tub... So cute... Initially put on the float she scream cos she doesn't like to have things around her head or neck... Then put her in the tub she cry... Few secs later she starts kicking and floating around then she realise it's not scary... Then swim around... After 1 min she cries again... This time is hunger... Mwahaha.. so took her out, bathe her, feed her, now she KO...


Okies, will feel more at ease abt the potency then. Btw, how do you come across it? Mine was intro-ed by a PD which says that it might be helpful for my gal's allergies/sensitive airways.


My boy still wakes up 2~2.5hrly for nite feed and not only then he sleeps poorly at nite, making lots of noise.. grunts, growls etc. And sometimes when he does that, he regurgitates and get all choked up. So scary. He sleep very peacefully during the day though. Btw, can you show me how to use the MIM sling at Windy's? I super gong... watch the dvd a few times and yet not able sling baby.


Hope you are feeling better now. Not easy with 3kids! I'm already struggling with 2. My #1 gets extremely upset and clingy when her nose acts up.


How about trying other milk supply booster? I've been trying out Traditional Mothers Organic Milk Mother Tea, brewer's yeast (mix inside milo), malta drink. I also tried the Chinese Radish Soup (recipe from :

http://www.chineseconfinementfoods.com/category/increase-breastmilk/). Dunno which one that helped increase my milk supply, but now its already much better liao.

babyT: got number? i misplaced. how much is house call? thinking if i shd go...

bubbleing: oh u can see saras at mt a parentcraft.she's v gd. saw her for my latching issue. but she doesn't do hse call.

starluster: sure can show u. i will be using tt that day. are u bringing no 1? u think our bb still hv night/day confusion? btw hor u aren't gong....it takes a lot of practise lor. even now i can only use two styles. haha. but the principles for looping, tightening cloth same.


I took motilium during my #1 days, it worked but not this time round. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So I took Domperidone + fenugreek, it seems to be working pretty well (but not overflowing supply). But have to take fenugreek and other pills separately cos fenugreek effects the absorption of other oral medications.

As for pacifier, dun worry. I also use the pacifier (better than letting them use their hands or thumb). But I use it only for them to sleep. As they grow bigger, pull out the pacifier once they fall asleep. My #1 self weaned from the pacifier at 8 mths old. He "pui" out the pacifier when we gave it to him and he could fall asleep without the pacifier. So dun be too harsh on yourself. We all know it is NOT easy being a parent. We need our sanity as well. *pat pat*

XMAS Photoshoot,

I am ok for 3 Dec! =) first time meeting you mummies also! ;)

Friday luncheon - if I do go, it'll be without bb. My 6 wk old is coughing. So sim tia, it's every 5 min sometimes. Thankfully I don't hear phlegm etc yet, it's just a dry cough. Praying hard it doesn't develop further.

We saw the PD last nite. It was hilarious. DS aimed his pee on the doctor's shirt and vomitted milk on his table! DS should be fine, but I just need him to rest more 'cos this weekend we're supposed to hv a party for him... The PD gave some medications to take only if it gets worse. Sigh, the best thing to do now is to just give him breastmilk, which should hv my antibodies as I just fought off my own flu.

Pacifier - any recommendations for brand or type? I think DS feeds for 2 hrs at night 'cos he's using my nipple as a pacifier. We tried to speed up the process last night by offering EBM. Normally, he finishes bottles very efficiently, but last night he hardly drank! Then when I latched him, can hear him drinking occasionally. Hmm...


Ya, I also wonder y u see date wrong one. So I chk calendar to see which 8th of the mth falls on Fri, n saw that it's Oct! .....

Xmas Fotoshoot and bb sitting

I know my #1 was able to sit with hands as support in tripod position around 4mth or so. But so long as neck stiff already, can use the Bumbo seat. So those who hv can bring along for the Xmas photoshoot. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


3dec sounds like a good idea.

wanna do color team again. shall we change to color this time? xmas - how about red and green? these 2 colors are tradition xmas color.



Tot u got join us on monday's photoshoot. Last minute got things on? How come you are returning to work in Dec. YOu birth in Aug??


You ask ur friend (Foo sze ling) if he is interested to take for us and what's his price leh.


I am ok with 3rd dec. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] As for condo function room, we have till now 3 offers. So mummies going for the Christmas photo shoot vote for venue??

I am interested in bikini and babes shoot in water. Anyone onz??

Leobaby - West Coast

BabyT - Loyang

Phantus - CCK


I have bumbo seat. Shall bring on 3rd dec photo shoot. Bumbo seat 4th mth once neck stiff can start to use hor??


Your CL's daughter contact me liao. Just pass ur CL 26 bags this morning. She will take from me again when she finishes, cos freezer no space.

