(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

phy: u really hv lots of milk. yup the watery one is foremilk. were u engorged? it happens when i m .

sab: hee i got from hospital.


sounds so tricky!



9am to 1pm leh, the aug mummies did theirs fr 2pm to 6pm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


No leh, just firm only. He didn't touch the other side of that's y. So from there I know he must be alway drinking fore milk , no wonder he pee so much.

Ya, cleaning of the v is not a easy task , will get kick sometime n poo will also get inside


John quote me for 2 hrs only, he was asking if I'm interested to do PS @ his studio for $180( don know if total or per pax)

Cleaning V

hmm when i go for my check wiht PD, he never check her V area. He always just listen to her chest, check her bcg and thats it... hmm i think i really need to change my pD liao. the pd at tmc are realyl very "chin chai" haha

yeah thats what i tot. It is consider "dirt" thats why i post it and ask is it me being too picky. and i tot it is something like rash which can come and go that type but after few days still it is there, sometimes get more and sometime less... and sometimes it is like cream already... and even with wet cotton bud also can't remove lolz

will try to clean it more often now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wah, heng no milk rash. Otherwise will ve damned funny! :p If your mom use your BM on her faceand look younger many years, you really must squeeze and freeze more for her b4 u stop bfdg many months later!

Maybe I shld try too.. Hmm...

Cleaning bb girl's V

Take care not to clean towards the ureathra. Later kena UTI. Clean OUTWARDS or UPWARDS. Think don't clean towards the V will be good.


I bought a nursing bra tank top but wrong size. See if anyone of u is interested.



Gilligan & O'Malley - Full Sling Nursing Tank

Onli available in Dark Brown - 2nd pic

Sizing and Fit: Regular Sizing

Material: 92 % Nylon, 8 % Spandex Care and Cleaning: Machine Wash, Line Dry Underwire

Type: No Underwire

Cup Style: Nursing Cup, Full Sling (Window Opening)

SIZE XL, which is for bra size 38DD, 40D, 40DD, 42B, 42C

BN from spree. Bought at $30. Selling at $25 including normal postage.

Pls PM for any enquries. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes, let Bb suck longer but for my case Bb drink bat 90ml Liao how to drink somemore. Most of the time I pump out is all hind milk n my gal get to drink it as the Bb just refuse the bottle after drinking 20 ml from it

PS@windy's place ( tampines)

1.windy(wed, thu or fri )

2.phyphy(wed, thu or fri )

3.sugarong (wed, thu or fri)

4.jeslyn(days that u can make it?)

5. Sabrina (wed, thur o$r fri)

6. sarahmay ( any day)

7. bb dreamz (prefer wed or fri)

Afternoon sounds good.

phyphy > well at least bb get "some" hind milk. Mine would only suck about 10 mins and would be piss off. probraly due to my supply is low as well and if she don't have the flow she get angry.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so sucking for hind milk is tough..

OP > haha i pump also not enuff for my little one liao.. how to supply for my mom facial needs? hahaha

Sarah > so from what fm u change to what fm?

Hi mummies.. My boy cry from 7pm-12am everyday since o.5 mth ago.... I triedgive ridwind at 6pm feed but no use. He can only be stop by constant carrying by me only or putting to boob. Is there other way to remedy this? Is this colic?


Yes, I bring 2 diapers out for 6hrs outing. If I go out for quick 1hr bfast, I don't even bring anything. Really live dangerously.

So far for long outings, I'd generally leave around 9am after her bath. Most of the time she'd hv poo-ed once (big one). She's been sleeping through most of my outings so I figured if she poo-ed, unless she fusses and she usu don't, I prolly won't know cos I won't be checking all the time in case I wake her up. If she's in a sling, even harder to check. :p

Diamond - for ridwind I only 0.5 ml for evenings feed.

Maid better than mum

at 11 pm after feed and burp crystin still cranky and cried really bad. And she even know how to scold ppl. Yeah seriously. She make grumble noice to protest that things are not done fast enough. Haha anyway so my helper came and took over and her cries stop! For that moment I felt damm lousy. Friends say helper mother of 2,ore experience incarryong as mine may be quite stiff .... But still I feel bad abt it that I am not the special one. Siao right me? Got ppl to help put bb to sleep I somemore complain .....,

Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2010 - 5:01 pm:       

PS@windy's place ( tampines)

1.windy(wed, thu or fri )

2.phyphy(wed, thu or fri )

3.sugarong (wed, thu or fri)

4.jeslyn(days that u can make it?)

5. Sabrina (wed, thur o$r fri)

6. sarahmay ( any day)

7. bb dreamz (prefer wed or fri)

Ok, confirm it will wed , $40 each person..

Timing will be either 1pm or 2pm . Will pm all if u later once I confirm with windy.

Thinking whether u gals wan to have lunch together? We can. Do potluck or order pizza?

Clueless - it's normal to feel like this... My gmil and mil always like to say "see I carry then baby stop... Daddy carry not shiok hor..." I tell u we hear Liao damn dulan... Hubby just keep quiet... But me, being hormonal.... I get angry... Like hello!!! This baby came out from me, not u... Then I will just grab my baby over and say she wants to drink milk... And they will say give them the bottle, I will tell them in my most sarcastic tone... HOW TO GIVE U MY BREASTS??? I'm evil... Haha... Bo bian I'm very hormonal... And i don't give face...

had fever last nite to top the horrid headache n body acches. shivering in bed....despite two blankets. took panadol. fever broke at 3+am. dunno what caused it. but my right boob feels bruised but not hard. cld it be plugged ducts?

PS at Windy's - so is this wed can i bring my toddler? order food better tn potluck for me.

i like white. hehe

Diamantz: read in my sleep training bk tt fussing peaks at wk 6. n it is normal for bb tp hv fussy time daily usually in evenings. if colic bb tends to be crying non stop no matter what u do, n pulls legs to chest.

Clueless: normal to feel that way but u know even books say not to feel bad. oh i dun feed fm. only used first few weeks when supply was low.but i know enfa is the most exp on mkt...so many think it's the best. but really stinks to me n colour looks funny.

babyt: so irritating those comments they make.

Hi, anyone's 6wks old baby fuss at nite from 3pm to 8am? My ds wakes every 1hr interval to fuss and I dun think he's hungry. I'll tried swaddling, in aircon & no aircon. But he sleeps well in the day with fan on. There's hardly any nites since birth that he slept n woke 3hrly...

OP - thks for sharing your experience abt diaper rash. I'm just airing DS' butt now. A bit tough, 'cos he wants to be carried and that means i'll change him into disposable diapers if he's carried... Yah, Desitin isn't as miraculous for DS as it is for some other bb's.

Shinchan - no problem! Heard abt the Doraemon thermometer fr my hubby too.

I saw a question one of these days regarding greeny stool for breastfed baby. Was it resolved? The last two days, little Daniel's stool is sometimes greenish in color too. How?

Hi mummies.. sorry to interupt...

I have a Brand new set of AVENT ISIS IQ DUO electric breastpump for sale...unopened , unused... sealed.... US set, BPA free.

Throw in free adaptor for singapore socket.

comes with 1 year international warranty from Oct 2010 onwards

interested, please PM me or email to [email protected]

jokoh: yes mine can fuss tt much too!!!

greeny stool: me me too! read online tt it's cos of too muchj foremilk . but tt is for breastfed bb . is urs bf? pd says it's ok.

Arggh.. my PC sudden death. Lucky still under warranty. No chance to catch up all the post but saw the easties meetup list. Can I come along?

PS@windy's place ( tampines)

1.windy(wed, thu or fri )

2.phyphy(wed, thu or fri )

3.sugarong (wed, thu or fri)

4.jeslyn(days that u can make it?)

5. Sabrina (wed, thur o$r fri)

6. sarahmay ( any day)

7. bb dreamz (prefer wed or fri)

8. starluster


can u help to contact windy? i lost her hp.not sure if she prefer 1pm or 2 pm?

n also lunch at her place?or ask her to contact me?

PS@windy's place ( tampines)

date: 27 Oct ,wed






5. Sabrina

6. sarahmay

7. bb dreamz

8. starluster( Photo sot for ur bb?)

SarahMay, thanks! Didn't realize I had that much foremilk. DS often struggles at the nipple sometimes, and then all the milk is spilling out of his mouth. I would feel like all the milk is wasted!

This morning, I only managed to offer one breast for 25 min, he didn't want the other side. So I pumped after that. Wah, in two minutes, >50 ml of diluted looking milk from the breast he didn't drink from!

I googled how to get more hindmilk and this is what I found. Maybe we get so much foremilk 'cos we keep pumping:

"If you are still wanting/needing to pump and give your baby the hindmilk, I would suggest doing what the pp suggests...pumping as much as you want/need from your breasts (but not too much b/c if you expressmore than necessary, you may only be contributing to the problem of too much foremilk), letting it sit in the refridgerator overnight and then pouring the cream off the top. I know of no other way to get hindmilk from pumping."


i bathe for babyjust now. I feel so guilty, think my bb kena cold becos I am real slow in wiping her body dry. I should have use a dry towel to cover her while wiping dry each part of her body...wish to knock head on wall ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] this mummy is damn lousy.


Got la, my nick is Sab, is in pinkyluv spreadsheet, at the top of the list, she moved me up cos of my early delivery date.

Is either we eat at home then go windy hse, or order pizza. I cannot eat Kfc, just recover from ulcer. Anything that is easy to eat with one hand is good.

Nowadays, I don't enjoy my meals, got to eat super fast. Don't enjoy my bath,got to bath super fast. No more taking my own sweet time anymore!

Tracey, don't feel guilty, practice make prefect. My cl also said I bath bb so slow, she will take over from me to do herself or rush me. Now, I got the hang of it. Just need time and more practice.

color theme

since we don have much time will fix at white for all bb.mummies will be anything or wan white as well?


think we will order when we meet,ok?

Tracey, don't feel bad. You are doing your best n would get better as time passes. I also feel like a lousy mom sometimes cos I don't hv enough bm to feed my son. But try to tell myself I m already doing my best. Jia you Tracey , you will b fine


Don't be too upset. Think you are giving yourself too much stress. Maybe you set too high expectation on yourself and when you cannot achieve, it stress yourself out. That was what happen to me.

You have a tougher job, 3 kids. If bf is taking too much of your time, then cut down or stop. Do whatever that will make you feel happy or less stress out. There was also a period of time where I want to give up bf, cos i cant cope with baby, bf and everything else. I know how you feel. Cry out if need be.

As for post pregnancy figure, I yet to lost 5 stubborn kg. Ys, flabby arms and legs and a tummy. Tell me about it.

Hi Phyphy and easties,

I like the white theme too. I have ard 3 plain white rompers so other mommies can borrow.

Sarahmay couldnt make it on fri, so let's set on Wed @1pm ok?

Food- let's call in?

My details:

Age 28

Gynae Dr Gordon Tan

Hospital Gleneagles

Baby #1

EDD 29 Sept 2010

Birthdate 17 Sept 2010

Baby Princess Alexis

Birth Weight 3.61kg (eeks! mine seem like the giant amongst babies in the easties PS)

Birth Height 52cm


I got the exact same symptoms as u, I was shivering until my teeth were chattering and then running high fever. Breast also felt bruised. i tot i had mastitis, but turns out to be urinary tract infection. Better go check and have a urine test done.


i will drop u a message now. Save my number!

thanks Sab and Rae! Ya, I must learn from all my mistakes and make perfect the techniques in handling baby. Agree with u sab, now, everything has to be in fast motion, bathe, eat, everything! I cant rem when is the last time i watch tv.


I second that! Time never seem enough these days. I am becoming such a nervous wreck that durin each meal I would go and check on baby every other minute. She always opens her eyes to peep at us when she sleeps. If we are beside her she would doze off again. But if nobody is ard, she will start to cry.Once she wakes up she wont sleep until after her next feed.

Thats why during afternoons i would rather take a cab down to my mom's place so she can help around, and evening my hubby would pick us home. If not cannot breathe at all.


Yes, count me in the PS. Is it only for baby? We mummies no need to wear nice nice rite (as if i can fit into anything nice now -__-) So baby wear white issit? I do have one plain white.

Btw, my gynae is Dr LN Sim... but I guess it doesn't matter bah.

Pls pm me Windy's contact/home address.


dear mtbs, sorry to disturb again. have added many BB clothings. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] all in gd cond cos only let my gal wear not more than 3times. lol.

i've alr delivered my gal & looking to clear the abv items. hope mtbs can find them of interest to u.

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are described to the best of my knowledge. items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs (except for those that have been RESERVED), items once SOLD will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. pls do NOT leave PM or postings in the forum as i'm unable to keep track of them. calls from unknown nos. will not be entertained.

here's wishing all mtbs a safe & happy pregnancy!

Hi Tracey, u mean your baby is having a runny nose now or something?

My DS started coughing more than usual today. Normally it's just a choke on leftover milk in his mouth, but today it's so often! He's also coughing in the middle of his sleep..

My hubby was sick with flu, then I kena. That was the last two weeks. I'm pretty much recovered so wondering if DS gotten anything, or is it just a colder than normal day? It rained in my area (Balestier)...


You are lucky to have your mum to help you. Yes, I just want to breath that why I need a helper. But hubby thinks otherwise, that I just want an easy way out, so that I can push looking after bb to helper. I did not. I bRb bb everyday, do all the feeds, put her to sleep and clean her poo and pee.


That is why I must think very very hard if going for number 2. If I m stereo, you are stress x 3.

Still trying to cope with the sleeping for bb. Sometimes needs cuddle.if not, she wldnt sleep.

Just like windy, bb will peep when putting her to sleep. If she sees me ard, she continue sleeping, if I not ard, she will cry for attention.

hi Jessica,

great to hear your experience abt training bb to sleep. I nv carried bb to sleep but always put him on his cot, but he would whine a bit and the CL would immediately pick him up and cuddle him. Feel super sian now that he requires that.

I still dun do it, but my mom and my helper will cuddle him quite a bit.

Jessica, are you weaning the pacifier off from your toddler? Was that difficult? Tx!


Phyphy- Thks for coordinating. (Have pm you for windy's address and phone numbers)

Windy- thks for volunteering your place.

Tampines PS-

BB - all white

Mummies- Do mummies take photos as well? If so,

any color theme? I think white will make me look fat! I need to go buy if need white. Or shld we have all black or a few colors for mummies?


Jessica- don't feel too bad. I believe it's not easy being a mum of 3, now that I've experienced motherhood myself, even though it's only my no. 1.

I already feel my life being controlled by bb. All my activities need to be squeezed within the times bb is not crying or is sleeping or if someone helps to look after bb. Though there are fun times with bb too, it's been quite demanding and exhausting. Really can't imagine how I can cope with 2nd kid, let alone 3 kids!

