(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Hello! Back from the gathering and it was great seeing all the mummies!!! But i think i can only remember half of the names :p *as understood post preggie brains are like sh***

Btw all mummies, can u add me to your facebook? My email add is [email protected] but got to identify urself else I dunno who is who then very dangerous to add! =)

Pretty excited to see the photos.


jessica: ur bbs dun cry when u let them alone? this is my one area of weakness i admit....sometimes cry so much till i cannot take it. sleepy cry until wake...so end up nursing to sleep at times.

as for ur maid, if were u, i will let her go cos of what she said.... shows tt she cannot be trusted much liao.

btw sounds like christophe feels neglected n needs attn.

sab: men! they dun stay home every day so they dunno. u shd leave him ALONE w bb for a day or just 6 hrs, let him experience it himself.

ccpet: yup overpumping can contribute toversupply,

tracey: dun blame urself.


encourage u to cont even when sick cos ur body produces antibodies n passes to bb. to share the wonders of this, when i moved to macau during winter, hubby n i down w v bad flu. bb slept between us but din fall sick at all.i contrib tt to breastmilk.


Hi hi,,, can i join on Wednesday? Emilee EDD is September but was born in 6 Aug. I used to be the first one in the master list... hee hee.

Will send you a PM of my phone number. Can u text me the details.


I update my details again

My details:

Age 30

Gynae Prof Chong Yap Seng

Hospital NUH

Baby #2

EDD 11 Sept 2010

Birthdate 06 Aug 2010

Baby Princess Emilee Eshin

Birth Weight 2.03kg (opps, mine the smallest)

Birth Height 48cm


Am also back home from the gathering and shoot too. It was total chaos and order at the same time. Very fun but tiring.. Let's have another one soon. Home gatherings are good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks for organising the photoshoot session cum gathering. Enjoyed myself and finally got pictures with Gideon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] BTW, do email me the 床上照 of kyra and Gideon.


It is nice to meet up with you. YOu are a young mother of two.

Mothers at photoshoot with cameras

Can you email me at [email protected] the groups shots or any shots with gideon in high res?? I very scatter brains.. din bring camera.. so din take any shots at all. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] THanks.

Looking forward to meeting you girls again this coming fri for buffet. My first buffet after birthing and first time eating sashimi


Please give my no. to your fren. I have lots of breast milk to donate. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bb just fall asleep and mummy typing while taking lunch


yes,the pics are taken today

bb dreamz

the date change to thur for the photoshoots,u ok with it?


sure,alway welcome to join in the fun.will pm u the detail

to be continue......

phyphy: Thur ok too. I've pm you for details. Thks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PS@windy's place

date: 28/09/10

time: 1pm

amt to tt: $40

Participants :

Sarah May









have confirm with John(photographer)the date and the timing.

he will advice on the preparation for all the mothers on 27/10/2010 as he is doing editing now.

later will pm all mummies my hp n the venue....

vaccines: my friend a scietist didn't even give her 1yo any at akk. says she doesn't believe in it.

also my friemd who studied bio in australia said in one of her modules they looked at vaccines n bcg is one that has beewn proven ineffective so aust is not compulsory but how come sg is still doing it?

autism - once said to be linked to autism...but been proven otherwise. the guy who said this has been proven to hv erroneous reasearch methodology. http://www.bing.com/health/article/mayo-124928/Childhood-vaccines-Tough-questions-straight-answers?q=vaccines+and+autism&FORM=FFF

chicken pox - i initially didn't want to give but hv done so for my 2yo cos i'm going bk to macau n it's a compulsory there...soo going to play safe plus i hv no family support there.

rota - i didn't know it's a new vaccine.

jessica: how does ur gp define NEW vaccines? rota? pneumococcal? btw tt pneumococcal is compulsory in several countries like usa, australia just not ours.


actually these aren;t recommended at all. they don't help child dev walking as they don't demand child to use the necc muscles for walking. i read pamphlet from kkh tt says not to use these either.

i'm a sahm but never used the walker for my son. n could still do my stuff. in fact i find walker more troublesome if i put him in cxos he realy cam go everywhere much faster lor. hehe.

sab n Jeslyn

cant pm u gals...pls pm me ,ok?


i bought a 2 wheel drive type,so the bb can only go round n round.4 wheels drive type v.dangerous.


yes,i heard abt that as well.nowadays most of the pds will recommend u to take everything.


i think it depend on ind.cant say its definitely no gd or definitely gd. everything got its two side.depend on how the user use.

if decided to use,don look back .

PS today

how was it? is mummies include in the shots as well? photos taken is it bb group pics,bb solo n bb with mummy?

Green/ Greyish Stool

- the old saying is the baby was frightened to much (startled / "xia dao") the stool would be green.

- western saying that due to mommy take too much green vege.

The only diff i was taught is the BF stool is like kaya, very soft but more towards yellowish greenish colour.


don think should let bb be alone in the walker ,u never know wat they will dang into.

my niece last time when using walker,her grandmother chain her to the gate so that she will not anyhow go.

so foremilk is just water and hindmilk is the one that give calories?

Pommelow > got response from GAIA

Thanks for your email. Product isn’t spoilt, but the texture may turn slight jelly after opening (but left un-used for long time).

Like any toiletries, the ‘12M’ bottle cap symbol on our labels mean best-use within 12 months after opening.

hehe, my gathering just ended, have a great time chatting with Mag and our mums :p

the conversation ended up in teochew


hi ladies

nice to have ur company today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]think we should make this a monthly affair :p

anyway, uploading pics in facebook now..will be up shortly


yups, all kinds of shot taken..cd will be out on friday..u can view the incomplete and unprofessional version on my facebook 1st :p

and Mag

haha, it is good to have long long chats ..realise we have so much in common, and discover we both love the veg food @ Toa Payoh Lor 7..

jessica: haha. yes political plus commercial factors. ok so i will def do pneumo again cos we're moving bk during winter. hmmm dinno the risk of cervical cancer increases w increased sexual activity. so u aren't doing chicken pox? apparently this vac been around for 30 yrs. i m doing rota too cos in china...hygiene is so poor...but they love to 'molest' babies.

Hep A

oh anyone w toddlers gave this? i did. dinnownot compulsory. haiz...

sab: not yet cos still spottibg. u? if bb total bf, no need water. but if fm can give some but i m not sure how much. call tmc parentcraft? btw rber water is 0 calories. so if drink too much n affect feeds is no good.

Hi, Jessica. Interested in the photoshoot at ur place. I think Adelynn as well. Just let us know the date and timing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jess: it is ah? thot it is hep b tt is compulsory. hahahah... i blur liao. but hor i read who site actually seems like cos it is endemic in sg not rec to hv hep a vaccine. i oso dinno varicella vacc been around so long n i din want to do it. but then decided tt i will be in macau n tt is compulsory there so might as well do lor

I do give water after FM Feeds - as it seems to cleanse the mouth. And i feel the mouth is more refresh. As mom and i think logically that when we had a thick drink like milo or coffee,we would take 1-2 mouth of water after that, so logically bb would need it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I just give her 3-4 drops of water using spoon. sometimes she thristy she would drink it, and if she isn't she spit it out. like gargle.. which is quite cute!!


Yes, I did mine already.

Clueless, Jessica

I give her bf in day, fm in night. Tried giving her water, but she gargle if not spit out. Wanted to ask you all last week when the weather was so so hot. I saw in aug forum that mums give gripe water? What is that? Sweet sweet one izzit?

Anyone in Jurong wan to do Photoshoot? I scare to bring bb out alone la so if can cum my hse is the best. :p

Tampines PS,

Yes. Mummies oso will be in ps for group photos n wif their babies. Good to set color code. This morning ps at pinkyluv hse - mummies all black for group ps.

Indivual pic wif baby - mummies can choose the colors. First set - I wear (pink) while bb wear (white base pink wording) Second set - I wear (black with blue thingy in front while bb wear (blue romper). There is oso 2 group pic - 1 for boys & the other 1 all gals cos' we have 11 babies altogether

hi ladies,

realise i hv not given pinkyluv my details..never active in this thread thus here i am to "connect" with all the mummies here.

My details:

Age 31

Gynae Dr CW Lee

Hospital Mt A

Baby #2

EDD 13.09.2010

Birthdate 01.09.2010

Baby Princess Ariellyn

Birth Weight 2.75Kgs

Birth Height 49cm

saw frm babyt FB on the mass meetup today ...looks fun!

"We have seen the light!"


(@Pinkyluv's house today during photoshoot. Taken with the iPhone 4 and Hipstamatic camera application - one heck of a kewl app!)

Weiting: we jus had 1 this morn n very shag liao. Haha dont think anytime soon la.. But go there kpo kpo can. Hehe

Tiger lily: 12 to be exact. ;)

Thanks pinkyluv for organising it today.. Nice bee hoon. Hehe. I ate 2 plates! Argh damn d fats la. Hehe

Also.. Nice meeting up with familiar n unfamiliar faces. Hurhur.


Super regretted nv join u all for the PS but i also scare i cant manage my bb alone so nv join in. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hopefully there is next time than~


Dont say that! We all learn from experience.

Just curious, why u need to use 2 towels? I wrap bb up with a single bath towel and to dry bb, I simply just "massage" her dry while she's still wrap up in that same towel. If I need to dry her hair or butt, I'll just use one side of the towel while the other side is still covering most of her body.


Rgd vaccines any mummies here giving ur bb pneumococcal vac? Im thinking to give at 6wks or 7mths.. But i dun wish to introduce too much chemical to him... May i have your views??


I also give my bb water when its not his feeding time


rae: i gave my fb at 6 weeks cos we were moving to macau which is near guangdong where SARS originated. it's compulsory for tt region to take anw so i thot best to give.

did u see my posts about MOH new recommendations? apparently it's part of new schedule of recommended. however if u dun hv other kids who go to childcare, think it is ok not to give.


Usually I give water after morning bath then afternoon and evening .. Intervals if baby is awake I will give also ... Ppl always say bf babies no need water but personally I feel shld give if nt next time bb will reject water when given


For my first born, she only took the pneumo jab at the age of 2 ... Nv give her any rotavix


Sorry I haven't logged in for so many days cos busy studying. Regarding the probiotics, I normally order fr iherb thru one of the spreeists Tan Leng Leng & I'll collect fr her place in Sengkang. So far I got no issues wif potency.

I din do cluster feeding yet, normally my gal just latch 12-15min & she's full & if EBM, 20mins max & she's done until 3hrs later. My gal will cluster feed only when she feels super insecure.


Thanks fr organising the gathering hor. Nice chatting wif u & your mum too.

So paisay abt the super big "project" Anastasia carried out at your place. So u tried my method on Kyra yet? I normally do it for 5mins & if nothing then I just clean up.


Gave your number to my CL's daughter. Her name's Margaret & guess she'll call u soon.

Diamantz, Leobaby, Yvonne, BabyT, OP, Jacelyn, TigerLily, Shinchan, Hushlilbb, Pommelow, Nice to meet u all. I think I left a couple of mummies out cos got no chance to chat wif all. Hope to b able to interact wif more mummies this fri.

phyphy, my gal's bcg is at the butt..jus 1 small bump...seemed to have healed...oso kenna poo and pee but looks ok...on hinfdfore milk, suspect my gal oso gets a lot of foremilk cos sometimes she oni stay on the breast for 10 min...so if she latch longer, i will be so thankful n happy cos then she will haf drank more hind....else gotta give ebm for more balanced milk..

cleaning v area for bb gals

this is wat i learnt fr consultant at esh. the whitish thingy will be diff to clean off initially...so when change diaper that time, jus open labia and wipe off gently...cannot come off nvm...its normal....after time, it shd come off easily....now at 6 weeks, my bb's part no more stubborn white white discharge there...rem to clean outwards n downwards towards the anus

latching vs ebm

noticed if latch on, bb hungry earlier while if give ebm, can tahan longer...any mommies haf same exp?

PS @ Windy's

phyphy, thx for coordinating..mummies need to wear theme?


Thanks for ur feedback.

PS @ tampines

Pls bring a white romper base and another clothing for solo shoot.

Mummies to wear black top n bottom , ok? Or any other suggestion?

Pls tt $40 to John the photographer @ bank account OCBC Savings 548-6-003428 or POSB Savings 249-34685-3. Pls do email him once u done @

[email protected]


Was originally keen on PS@Serangoon. But after today's session, it was so tiring!

If doing a Xmas theme Fotoshoot, I don't mind joining. Or can consider another round (besides the one you're hvg) in end Jan/early Feb11 with CNY theme. Them babies shld be able to sit by then so can pose more pattern. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Phyphy: Just to check, are we supposed to tt the $ to John or? If so, how much. Read in the forum it's $40, but I tot John's email quotes $65, a bit confused. Thks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessica: i wanna join in the photoshoot!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mayb can consider noon time wont b so tiring?


Talking abt cleaning V area, I was just telling some mummies wat a hassle it has been for me to clean my gal's V area. Every morning after bath, I'll put on her clothes, then get ready 1pc of Wet Wipes, 3pcs Cotton Pad, 2 Cotton Buds & 1 small container of cool tap water just to clean the butt & V area.

Cos I use Desitin Original, I need to use wet wipe to thoroughly remove all the cream, then use 1pc of wet cotton pad for each side of butt followed by last pc to clean entire butt, then use 1 wet cotton bud for each side of V area. If poo then I need 1 more additional cotton bud just to swab the butthole to make sure it's cleaned thoroughly. Just this washing (excluding applying diaper cream & putting on diaper) takes me 5-7mins cos must b very thorough. Lucky she only poo once a day cos I repeat this ritual every evening as well & whenever she poo unless she poos when we're out then bopian, just wet wipes nia. All these were strictly instructed by my CL to follow so my gal V & butt all swee swee so far. I was just telling Pinkyluv this afternoon that I would prefer to have a boy if I ever have No.3 cos it makes my life so much easier & efficient.

For my boy it was so easy, after bath just dry butt & penis then apply rash cream & diaper up all in less than 5mins.

