(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

aries mum > evenflo is not wide, normal size- is good for my bb. pigeon wide bottle comes free with pigeon sterilizer, but seems to cause the milk to leak out when he drink. so i bought nuk teats to try, but can't use. then i use nuk teats with glass bottles and now it seems that bb duno how to drink from pigeon.. hai.. this mummy itchy backside... think i need to get new ones. robinsons, the nuk bottles 3 big, 3 small only $30+.. cheap mah?


Haaa looks cheap!! 6 bottles for 30+!! I oso have the wide neck btle from pigeon.. Bought the package at fair with sterilizer warmer wipes etc....didn't use the warmer n bottles...the wide neck btle uses another type of teats..actually hor the small

bottles still need to buy? Cos maybe another few mths bb will drink more than 150ml...then must upgrade to bigger bottles

Diamantz and Aries Mum,

My boy uses pigeon bottles. I guess he is chin chye kind, cos introduced to him after 2 weeks from birth and he takes to it after two trys by CL.

No need to buy small bottles.. cos soon our babe will graduate to big ones. Mine already drinking 140ml during night feeds now.

Baby smiling photos

Finally my Gideon smile for more than 1 sec for me to grab the camera to take photo. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So happy. Initially i tot he don't know how to smile, 酷酷 like his dad.. then PS how. He was having fun under the cot mobile long enuff for me to take photos. Here's one with his mouth wide open.


Itchy boobs,

I have been feeling itchiness at my nipples.. sometimes like tingling sensation and sometimes itchy need to scratch to relief it kind. Any of you mums experience it?? My nips are not red nor sore, no lumps on my breasts too.

pomme , aries > yah hor, small one cannot use soon.. my bb stagnant at 120ml for 1 mth liao.

pomme> the photo v cute... like those buddha laugh type... hehe


Have you tried increasing like 10ml for your bb? I am increasing 10ml for him every week.. seems like he can finish and tend to extend to 4 hours at night after drinking 140ml. Day time just started on 120ml this week. Though take note not to force them to finish up if we increase intake.

Thanks. He laugh like 笑佛. Got motion no sound kind. WOnder when will i be able to hear him laugh.

Haze alert

I just clean my bb's nose and it was damn dirty lor. So do take note of the bad weather and clean up their noses diligently.


that is a wonderful smile =)


paiseh..will update [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


scarli ur blk and my blk next to each other ? =) which blk is urs


dun worry abt the PS =) white rompers if really dun have i think is fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bottom i m wearing denim skirt


printsie is fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just curious, wat do u ladies do when u latch on ?

i think i am watching a lot of tv if i m home

10am to noon - Taiwan show

before 430 - catch up The Score on xinmsn

430-530pm - Taiwan Show

530pm to 630pm - Channel 8 Spore drama

7pm to 8 pm - Love

Pinkyluv when latch on i will usually talk to bb, check his face ears etc to see any unusual.. Watch tv, use iphone to msn, fbk and read forum.! Like nw latching n replying hahaha

Pomme: gideon is a v happy baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pomme > i tried for 1 feed in afternoon, he duwan to take. u increase at night or every feed? mine wun open mouth nor suck if he duwan.

pinky > i'm not latching, but i've become a tv junkie. i like liu bo wen haha. and the host for theDrs show v shuai ;p

btw, some small baby group photos as limited by pic size.. i like naked babies ;p



Mine is blk 117 =) near westmall. yours?


That is a lovely picture! how old is Gideon? he looks so alert and happy!


mine is 3 bus stop away fr urs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


great idea ! I love the naked babies with diapers..let's do it that day =)

sitting one their bone cannot take it i suppose..tat one at least 3 months


haha, i like liu bo wen too..he is also acting in Yi Nan Wang from 10am to noon as Da Zhong..he looks more handsome at 430pm in Gu3 Zhuang1 :p

2day last episode liao

and i cried at the scene when Ma Tien Xing is dying !

just a few days ago, cried for Guo Chong Ming in Love when he got cancer and repenting

my mother cannot stand it..she said all these taiwan shows r super auntie and draggy :p

and my own friends also shake heads at me when i tell them Love is not bad

I sibei kiasu... I bought 1 packet of S and 3 packets of M mamy poko... Haha... I see the people in the q looking at me like I'm insane... Hurhur.. I haven't transfer for the PS... Ibanking website is down... Argh...


Oh dear, I dunno if Sakura is connected by MRT. One of the mommies say it's v cramp there. I dunno cos I nvr go b4. So switch to 313?


BP thread selling kids clothes and socks will likely hv ur cheap tippy toe/sneakers socks. I bought them some weeks back. Must slowly go thru d BP thread to find.


That's one big smile from Gideon! Great smile and great shot! :D


You say ur bb can't z from 6-9? U mean evening 6-9pm? I thought it's ok cos bb will be tired from 9 n z longer?


Earlier during confinement, I bring Megon along to fetch #1 from school. Cos some point in time during my confinement, my mom was hospitalized so no one to look after my girl (I don't trust maid). But it's still not so bad cos I will take the family car out to fetch #1.

Mommies w/o white romper for Mon Fotoshoot

Actually, if no white romper, I think white dress or white anything should be good enough right?

I'll bring extra white romper. Those who have extras do bring along so can share around if needed.

sarah, i tink i was the one asking abt relatching but oso forget what liao ;p east siders meeting i dun mind...

expo bb fair tml: any mummies know if there will be good pampers deal? but haze so bad, oso dunno how to go out (with bb)

Thanks ladies for your compliments. So charming hor.. match your ger ger just nice lor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Gideon is now 6 weeks and 2 days. First time he smile > 1 sec. I just keep snapping and snapping. All the other mummies have photos of their babe smiling earlier.. i'm so envious then.. now no need le.


Thanks for sharing. What brand of nipple smoothening cream you use? I use medela purelan though i haven't apply for some time liao.


I surf net (check fb and read threads in forum) sometimes i try to pump the other side at the same time.


I give 120ml in the day feeds and 140ml from 7pm onwards till 2pm. Normally at night from 7pm to 12pm they want to drink more. Maybe you try again during this period and see how.


You are not kiasu la, i saw someone buy like 8 - 10 packs lor. From M to XL size all have. I bought one pkt of M only. Cos i have 3 pks of M from other brands liao. Day time i shall use reusable diapers.

Thanks phyphy n op. Shall go check it out.

Regarding not wearing mittens, i tried this morn after J'don's morning bath by not letting him wear and guess what, he scratched his eye! The scratch is on his eye white there.. Seems like got blood clot kind. Brought him to kkh and dr says shld be scratch. Got to monitor for a week.

Pls be careful, my boy's nails is short already but he got this bad habit to gek and "grab" n "scratch" his face with lots of strength.

So regret lor and got scolding from hubby. Pls becareful. Now i put d mittens back liao.


think if we bringng bbs, shd do at someone's house...though i cannot open up my house cos I don't live in my own place. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


be careful! cos it may be sign of yeast infection OR that dampness from wet breast pads are causing itch. for me it's the latter that has caused me to have them before. and tt lead to me getting infected ducts and fever. so rber to change pads often! and air dry them if possible!


haiz...i haven't been able to find a good time to trim my boy's. cos if he's awake. too dangerous. if asleep, cos take so long to fall asleep...scared to wake him up.


question: do u leave things inside it after sterilise? or put somehwere? how to get rid of the water drops in bottles? also if sterilised the bottle, didn't use for that day - do u resterilise?

Yvonne: ouch! poor you and bb. so got to put drops?

Pinky: oh! i do tons of things while latching. my FB i was v good in talkign and entertaining. now w SB, i tend to multitask. sometimes patting FB to sleep or feeding myself. hahaha. Btw, forgoet to answer ur q about Kindle. It's an ebook reader from amazon.com. I lvoe love love it! been reading stories on it for last week since i downloaded books. my hubby's anniv pressie to me. i'm so happy w it!

sugar: oh! yes think u were asking something about how mine went or something. anw how is ur relatching coming along?

Hi mummies,

sorry kpo a bit, regarding the photoshoot, I think wearing black on black background can have a nice effect too. I did that for the maternity shots and I really liked the effect. Maybe mummy in black, baby naked, so the focus is really on the baby and mummy's facial expression.

Hope u gals have a great time with the photoshoot. I'm sure it'll be v fun. =)

pinkyluv > ma tian xing is so evil.. i stop watching 'ai' when my CL left- i find v. funny that when they talk, they keep changing position by pushing each other aside... hehe.

pomme> i will try feeding more at night... although now he will sometimes sleep 4.5 hrs at night...

yvonne > i also got nag by my mum about the scratch below his eye... my bb also like to gek n scratch... its a bit scary sometimes.

is the mamy poko offer at ntuc still valid tomorrow? is the cutting big/ small? my boy can wear size nb pampers/ huggies but drypers S is a bit small at the thigh. what size should i get?

Pomme - I dunno whether to get L or not... Hubby was saying get all the way to XL... Lagi kiasu...

Sarah - oh so the dampness also causes blocked ducts?? Hmm... Could this be one of the contributing factors to mine?? Anyway my friend's friend recommended lecithin to emulsify the lumps... I just bought one bottle from guardian... Hopefully it works... Kellymom also recommended lecithin as one of the solutions to remove blocked ducts... And the good news is it doesn't reduce ss... Phew... Now crossing my fingers that it'll work... Now the lumps are making my breasts swell and got the pulsating sensation... Pain man...

Diamantz - the cutting is bigger than pampers... It's wider... What's ur baby's weight?? If the thighs area is tight, can upgrade to S le... Not sure when the promo ends, but seems like just started today, most likely a week ba...

Pomme - what a nice smile from baby Gideon! Brought a smile to me, too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Outing - are you all bringing baby out on your own? I am tempted to join you all..but a bit scared as to whether I can cope or not.. My boy cries very very loudly whenever he wants something - be it milk or diaper change!

babyt> thanks. bb weight 4.1kg 2 weeks back but quite small size. pampers he can wear NB... its drypers S that's tight.

Diamantz - ultimately u still have to upgrade to S size ma... U can always buy then let ur ah boi try... If it fits, then can switch to S, if not then use finish NB then switch lor... What I did was when nb left abt 1/2 pkt, I bought s size, then let her try, her thighs abit loose, so I continue using nb for a few days until finish, then I switch to s size just nice... My girl was 4kg last Friday... Now should be about 4.2 le...

mommypoko sales at ntuc. is a must buy deal lor.

i just got mine - size s last week at ntuc finest (72pcs - $24) So far, i beleive ntuc has the cheapest mommypoko diaper. giant - $24.10 S72, carrefour $32.50/2pkts of S48.

I am going ntuc tomorrow to buy 2 to 3 pkts.

going to baby fair tomorrow too - any idea what time fair starts?

Cheap MamyPoko Deals

Actually mummies can check out CK at chinatown for cheap mamypoko. Usual price for NB size is $17+ at NTUC while CK is selling at $15+. Think the cheaper price applies to other sizes oso cos my FIL has been buying for my niece for the past 2 years.

Tiger lily, shinchan - I'm going later too... Will reach around noon...

Mamy poko really good deal... Faster stock before they run oos... Haha...

ntuc offer

usually they will offer for a week,start from thur end on next wed.

can also buy online


Tiger lily, shinchan ,babyT

im going after i fetch my gal from sch that will be abt 11++

when can we give toddler seafood?

justwonder if anyone bb is like this:

my boy when given him milk from bottle,he will take abt 20 ml thhen reject and when i offer him my nn,he take it.Y? if he got nipple confuse,he shouldnt even take 20ml right?


i will leave the stuff inside the steriliser if half a day gone n i never use,i will redo again.don have to remove the water residue.

sometimes i will put into a air tight container and keep in fridge.

Tiger lily - dun think can have tea wor... I gng with my hubs n another mummy friend... U stay kovan hor... Monday how u going?? I wanna try take train to bt batok if I can wake up and got time... Wanna be my hero partner??


Ouch! I sim tia for your boy too. Don't fret for he will recover soon.


Thanks for your advice on the itchy nips. Will try to air my nips and change the pads more often.


It was a scare after all. My boy can latch on with ease, just that he is big boy liao.. the C cushion makes his position to high to suckle.. Though i will now latch at least twice in the day just to help him remember my nn.


No need to buy till XXL. Diaper keep too long may cause irritation to bb's skin de. Just stock up enuff M can liao. I remember mamypoko have sale in NTUC every quarter de. CHeapest price is 19.90 per jumbo pack. This current promotion is the 2nd cheapest. Am contemplating if i should buy another packet of M. My fren's child 6 mths liao still wear M.. so M can wear for at least 3 mths de.

Pomme - hmm.... Should I buy more M then?? 3 packets I think not enough hor... But really depends on size lor... I shall check with my other mummies... See what's the "average" no. Of months baby can wear M...


Originally I plan to leave hse ard 12-ish and might reach ard 1 cos I trying to be a hero by taking mrt there. Since u are there ard 11, I'll try to leave earlier to see if i can meet u there. Will pm u my num. Phyphy mentioned that she will reach ard 11-ish, maybe u can meet her first. Are u bringing athena?


Think colour code for mummies is still black.


Mummies' wear => i think a black top ( black Polo tee for mummies if u can )Bottom denim material if possible

and additional outfits that u like for solo shots

Babies' wear => hehe, to be honest, i oso dun have white rompers..yday go westmall din see any nice ones as well..

see how it goes, will be out on sat & sun, hope to grab one b4 the PS

White diapers for PS

what brand has that ? saw the pic that diamantz posted..i bot a lot of Pet pet so my diapers are green..can i buy 2 pieces of white diapers from any of u

