(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Me too, my bb need to be cuddle to sleep/nap. I just put her down after one hr of cuddle and guess what... She woke up too. I tot she had drifted to sleep so let her down on bed. Sian.

How to refrain from that and let that sleep by themselves?

Baby fair CMI... pigeon booth was disappointing... Not worth going... Jin waste time... Btw, mums and babes having 15% storewide sale... Bought another diaper bag, 30% off...

babyT & Weiting,

At the fair, is there any booth selling thermometer, cant rem the brand but the thermometer can do both forehead scan and ear scan.

Weiting: I want nursing tops! which seller/booth? nice?

BabyT: which diaper bag did u buy? i've been wanting one (since my FB! imagine!) but my hubby says NO cos he thinks it's my lousy packing and not a bag prob.

pomme: hahah! so it's letdown? hee...so cute la u!


I really want to pengz!!! HELP! My boy hardly sleeps more than 1 hr and has been up since 1+/2 till now. now my mummy carrying him and he finally closed his eyes.

thing is he isn't crying or fussy. but just sleep for short while. WHY?

Sarahmay: it's actually at a corner, they have a website www.gothemilkyway.com but I think they having sale at the fair so the price is cheaper. The quality is gd!

Shinchan: I nv see the booth selling the thermomter le. Maybe Babyt might saw it?

HI Shinchan,

I got a forehead thermometer from Mothercare, bot 2 mths back at $70. But now we have too many thermometers at home!

If u'd like to take over (f-head only, I didn't buy a ear one 'cos these are too big for newborns), can PM me? Tx!

Rae: carrier might be a better investment for longterm.. Can use up to toddler.. Not so stressful on ur shoulders if d carrier u get supports at d waist area too

Rae, a friend gave us Lascal M1 carrier. I find it relatively easy to use, but I'm not in the habit of bringing baby out that often, so I'm only giving a limited review...

I think my hubby will be the one using it more. My back can be easily achy sometimes, like now due to breastfeeding (when let down is fast, can't use the breast pillow which I like).

Will visit the chiropractor soon...

diamondz> hmm $128 per unit? then it could be chemical servicing.. that would cost more. the price i mention is just for normal servicing. For chemical, my provider charge me $280 for one small aircond and one big aircond.

SarahMay, Phyphy n easties,

If you guys dont mind, can organize a eastie PS at my home. Weekdays preferred. But I only have internet access at nite n only if bb behaves, so perhaps someone can help to organize?


I use the Ergo carrier. It distributes the weight more evenly throught the back.

Nursing Rooms,

Do any of you girls know if the nursing rooms at Orchard Ion has power plug?


It depend on wat u need.

For sling, it gives young Bb a secure feeling and being cuddle . It can also calm a fussy Bb down

Ergo/ beco, it help to distribute the weight , gd for bigger Bb or older Bb.

All carrier once u get the hang of it will be easy to handle. That what I think.


Bb got two type of sleep, light n deep sleep and they will keep doing light sleep , deep sleep, light sleep n goes on like this. So if u can to let it sleep in bed , abt 10min or so u got to put down. That's wat I got from reading books on Bb sleeping but for my 2 kids I fail in letting them sleeping on their own.

U can do some research on it . Nit sure u understand the light n deep sleep part or not


I think wed, thu or fri is good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Btw, if I don't reply here, you and SarahMay have my mobile. Sms or call me!

Btw, you got any good books to recommend for taking care of babies?


The nipple cream is mother care house brand, called smoothing nipple cream. Abt 15 bucks. I anyhow buy one, cos I just need one. I apply when is too dry, itchy or when my skin tear. I buy cos is cheap.


I tried to rock bb to sleep on rocker, oat her to sleep on her side on bed. Sometimes work, sometimes don't. I think just have to keep doing it until she gets used to it. I also tell hubby, not to carry when we trying to put her sleep. But I think bb by natural love to be cuddle. Sometimes, we parents also love to cuddle them. Must refrain la, once a while ok hor.


i m keen but need to see how the ps turn out on monday and whether i can handle athena anot. now adays she slps more in the day n plays in the nite - i m super tired lor. plus her feeding drops. unlike earlier she will finish her milk within mins now she takes up to an hour for a feeding.


I also keen, thou I stay in toa payoh. I need to know what time and if I can bring my helper along? I just hope that, that day bb is in good mood. When she is in good mood, I can manage her, but there are days when she is v cranky and fuss a lot and drink very little.

She still a Bo Ta now, thou she had her shave a month ago. Don't know if she will look good in PS.

morn mummies, my bb on full FM and he can go w/o passing motion for 1 day.. And sometimes his stools are loose... Is it alright if he does not pass motion for a day and does it mean FM not suitable?

Appreciate ur advise!

ccpet - pls read!

My gal has crazy rash on her face since wk 3 of her life. It got better after 1.5wk but rash started to develop on her chest and back. I've finish 1 tube of topical antibiotic. Is yours called Fucidin H? PD gave me that and I'm supposed to apply moisturizer on her skin 1hr aft Fucidin H cos it's rather drying. PD gave me physiogel cream, avail @pharmacy. It's for sensitive skin, hypoallergenic and I think it's not bad. My mum uses other physiogel products too. U might see the ad on TV.

My gal kena 3x diaper rash since birth. First time was her butt disagrees with the wipes. There's red patches and cracked skin. I use Desitin ORIGINAL, the one with higher mat of zinc oxide, but it doesnt help. I was told by PD to clean the affected area with potassium permanganate wash (PP wash, from pharmacy) and theb use Fucidin H on it, both 2x a day. It recovered in about 2-3days. The next time it happened was bcos I use a bit of Johnson top to toe to wash her backside cos the diaper cream can't be gotten rid of with water alone. It din agree with her backside and her butt crack again. The last time was when I use the sebamed bath oil to wash her butt. PD gave it to me for her chest/back rash. It's ok on her body but not her butt! This time, her butt crack and there were red angry patches. I reuse the same treatment and it recovered.

Don't let the diaper rash get too bad. It can be stinging and she was crying badly when I put her In the bath tub for her daily bath.

hi mummies,

need to check. whether left over ebm can it be refridgated for next feeding?

e.g. i took 100ml out, my girl only drink 50ml. got 50ml left. can i keep in the fridge for next feeding?


you can keep the bm in fridge for not more then 48 hours, thereafter you can transfer to the freezer to keep for 2 months, don't need to discard.

Tiger Lily,

i normally leave the leftover in warm water and reheat for next feed. I don't think can put back into the fridge.

Tigerlily - Cannot put back into fridge... Either u keep it heated or u have to throw... Cos u already thaw and feed partial to baby le, I think it's not advisable to keep the remaining... Actually hor to prevent wastage I was tempted to get the milk trays ydae leh... Bt my ang give me THE FACE... sickening...


hehe, i love to shop without the hb myself =p


dep on wat u mean[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] let say if u expressed out 100ml, pour out 50ml into a separate bottle and feed the bb, the remaining untouched 50ml can be saved.

that's wat i do

btw where u buy ur band..i tried onto kyra the one i bought ..today so loose and falls off

PS: thanks for calling me yesterday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my aunt saw nice rompers at this push cart in Jurong Point and helped me buy liao

Mommies, anyone using GAIA products? I got the baby body and hair shampoo but find the texture a bit "different". It like in the form of Jelly/ Honey where when u pour it is so sticky shape that u need ot use ur figners to break it. Is it like that or the product i am having is expired? Please share.


today started on a BAAAAD note. my son broke one of my fave things. ARGH!!! How will i manage on my own with 2 kids?! plus my hubby now is super stressed at work..so i know i cannot ask him to help out at home. haiz.

BB Carriers


this is my 2 cents worth of exp.

3 types available

a. Fully adjustable i.e MIM sarong sling (anyone who gets enough practise can use BUT harder to master use, can breastfeed , MANY carrying positions)

b. Pre-sewn, but strap adjustable (works like MIM sarong sling/ easier to manage and can adjust shoulder portion to get better fit, but cannot breastfeed as there is no flap)

c. Pre-sewn pouch sling e.g. Pupsik (fits your height/weight, not easily shareable but v easy to use)


e.g. Ergo, Bjorn, Beco

ERgo is what I love! But cannot use for bbs below 4mths. I breastfeed and shop and travelled with Ergo a lot. Plus, it's so easy and comfy my hubby and parents use it too.

Some like Bjorn, Manduca (not sure if i got spelling right) can use once hit certain weight.

With these, the differences are mainly in design and carrying position.


Call the company to check? I only bought the massage oil. Found that a bit sticky too. And not quite sure if it is as organic and pure as it claims cos if it really contained pure essential oil, my SIL says cannot be in plastic container cos will melt. However the massage oil from Gaia is in plastic bottle.


tigerlily : i discard if the milk is in bottle used for feed. HOWEVER, i read online and there are some sites tt say u can store back in fridge and use for next feeding. I don't dare risk it though.


milk tray - like ice cube tray. you freeze the ebm into ice cube form then restore them in bags and put them back into freezer. you only take out the amout of cubes required to thaw.


i brought the headband from ntuc finest. u dun need to buy la - if just for ps, we can share. i have altogether 5 head bands if different colors.


thanks ! will borrow urs then for monday ps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mine is with the wigs at both side, so so loose

sarahmay> thanks! check their sg website, only have email address and have drop them an email to check.

Breast Milk: I would discard it and use it to do mini treatment on my hands; as my face is invaded with pimples so i use it on my hands. My mom would use it on her face and it does look different aftr effect. It has a bit of firming effect and "whitening effect" as my mom claims [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so why throw it. However i know what u meant when u want to keep in again to feed but as they say that it is "contaminated" if it is use for feeding if u put it back to the fridge. however it is fine if it is in room temperatutel but i would still discard it after one hour once my bb touch the teats of that bottle to play safe.

Carrier: If anyone is getting, let me know and maybe we buy 2 together can get discount? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am looking out also for one; a sling and a western carrier.

OP > I tot desitine Purple colour is stronger than the Blue Colour one. Hmm.. Maybe u can consider California Baby products. am using the calendula cream and it seems to work for any redness thing i see on my baby body.


Hi Clueless,

I have a starter kit for baby gaia product. I went to check on the baby shower and shampoo. AS what you said it is like aloe vera jelly kind, pour onto hand liao wun flow down like other liquid.. it just stick to the hand one. Do let me know if you get any response from the company.

My bb's BCG injection site break liao and the pus ooze out. I just clean up the pus with contton pad and then use the alcohol swipe to dry it up. SHould be ok liao hor?

