(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


just saw ur post..can feel ur pain ! can't imagine me an adult having that..

hope the clot disappear fast

Black Polo Tee

Hangten have some reasonably priced ones. Mine is fr there..size L feels tight! sigh*


Pinkyluv - I bought my 2 white rompers from max kool, kiddy palace... Nice...

My girl wearing mamy poko S... Kyra wearing S already?

Hoho pinkyluv, we can meet up at westmall to lim kopi some day then! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


6 weeks only ah! I remember capturing this smile on my son when he was only 3 mths old! Ok 2 more weeks before my girl turn 6 weeks, hopefully she likes to smile!

Re: feeding

How many times r your babies feeding? I can't remember when they will start to reduce the feeding times. Currently, mine still feeds 8 times a day, 110 ml each time and she is almost 4 weeks old.


i m oso going wif hb. athena not going cos' haze is q bad, my mum & hb dun allow me to bring her go shopping.


u got my mobile hor. i stil her yrs.


can ring me when u ladies arrive.


i m not staying in kovan currently. m staying at my mum's place which is near mountbatten circle line. monday's ps - i going wif my mum by taxi.

ps outfit,

white romper got pink wording can?

black top for mummy - any black top wil do, rite. not necessary polo, hor.


dear mtbs, sorry to disturb again. have added many BB clothings. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] all in gd cond cos only let my gal wear not more than 3times. lol.

i've alr delivered my gal & looking to clear the abv items. hope mtbs can find them of interest to u.

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are described to the best of my knowledge. items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs (except for those that have been RESERVED), items once SOLD will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. pls do NOT leave PM or postings in the forum as i'm unable to keep track of them. calls from unknown nos. will not be entertained.

here's wishing all mtbs a safe & happy pregnancy!

Tigerlily - okie... I shall see how long I can survive with Germaine in pouch on the train IF I do take... Morning train buzzing with people damn sian...

Phyphy, shinchan, tigerlily - I shall see u all at the fair, dunno if got yuan to bump into each other ma... See me call me hor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


use olive oil on the area in the night and then ,2 hrs before bath apply again. use the cradle cap shampoo to wash.the shampoo can get from any pharmacy.

the main idea of the olive oil is to loosen the dry scalp


Can used baby oil to remove germaine's cradle cap. My CL told me to apply the oil for an hr or so to soften the affected part, then gently rub when bathing baby.

Phyphy, shinchan - olive oil as in those used for cooking?? I saw mustela got cradle cap cream, does it work?? I scared the olive oil will make the heat rash on her head worse leh...


hi, i was e one enquiring with regards to church service. I have been to new creations church for a few times, i like the preaching from Pastor Prince. May i check if parents were to go for service with bb, do we still need to queue as per normal?? btw, can we invite the pastors to come over to my hse to bless bb n my hse?? how can we do so??

I am sorry for so many queries.. i am a new believer, but do not know how to go about it.

Babyt: my boy had cradle cap too but it slowly drops off.. I didnt apply anything to his scalp cos don dare to try. I read online tt can use brush to "comb" the caps but wad i did was use soft hankechief to clean the head over n over again..

Yvonne: omg i hope jdon will recover asap.. Hope his eyes nt painful..


Btw my bb wearing size M mamypoko nw.. Bcos he last wore pampers S and his thighs v red and the tummy area v tight so i bought M.. Feel weird cos 1.5mo wear M size.. Wonder 6mo wear wad size? I hope he's nt a king kong.. :x

Hello Ladies,

A bit out of action these two days, cos hubby was ill, then I started falling ill with cough/cold. Then my helper kena gastric flu, which the doc said could be from the cough/cold that started from my hubby! Praying that DS won't be affected at all. I'm wearing Guardian's Nano mask everytime i go near him. Dunno if he recognizes me...

Haha, Baby T, I also bought 4 packs of Huggies S-44 from Taka 'cos friends gave Taka voucher. At the rate we were changing diapers, I figured it would last only a month. Regret a bit now. Remember how I was worried DS was too small? His thighs are outgrowing the Huggies! Oh well, at least I hv collected enough stickers to exchange for clothes (Huggies-Mothercare promo). If anyone needs green stickers, let me kn, prob have extra to spare.

What I do when I nurse DS? Surf internet lor. Don't really want to have my hp too near to DS though. I'm assuming internet wireless is safe, while hp radiation to me is question mark...

Pomme - wow, Gideon looks really responsive to the mobile you let him play with! My Daniel kinda grins, but unless it's after a diaper change or full meal, I dunno what he's smiling for. And it can turn into a wail in the next second.

Clueless - u know u have blocked ducts when your breasts or even armpits are painful.

Diaper rash question - how do you mommies get rid of diaper rash? Do u just change diapers frequently, put zinc oxide on bb's butt all the time, or must air the butt? The method taught by CL was to air the butt, but this feels really messy to me, esp since you kn boy lah, got fountain one...

nipple wipes - Wat brand do u all buy and where to buy from? I realized that the washable bra pads i got from Avent leaves lint on my nipples everytime i remove them to nurse. So looking for a wipe

Nepia diaper

Mummies anyone to give feedback on nepia? Currently contemplating between nepia and mamypoko...

Good morning mums! how's everything? just wondering are you all looking for plans to cover your child? for more information you can pm me or call me at 97387349. Sharon here =)


i used nepia for my gal. i like it cos' has got the wetness indicator. except this diaper is a bit thin so not so suitable for nite wear. i used it for my gal during the day.

Phyphy - okie... Hopefully later the fair got mustela booth... Cos her heat rash on off de, wait put olive oil dunno will make it worse not...

Rae - cradle cap is dried skin/ dandruff like skin on the head... If shave botak it's more obvious...

pengz. my son hasn't slept well since 11+pm last nite. not sure what's wrong. haiz.

pomme: oh! i missed tt photo of gideon. soooo cute! and i like his spiky hair!

babyT: not sure if dampness really causes it but for me i noticed tt whenever i forgot to change breast pads and the dampness would cause me to get itchy nips. and then if v suay blocked ducts. and then fever lor. haiz. oh! how do u take lecithin? hope ur ducts clear out soon. really not fun! try hot/warm compress and massage?

ccpet: for diaper rash, best to use desitin original. wipe with warm cotton wool to clean, pat dry with tissue or cotton wool, apply thick layer of diaper cream. yes , air dry is good. how about using cloth diaper to wrap around for a while? can catch pee and poo.


dun have to do anything if u dun want. will resolve itself by i htink abt 4 mths.

Use olive oil (those for cooking can), rub, leave overnite,. Next morning use shampoo (Desitin Cradle Cap shampoo or regular bb shampoo) to wash. can use soft hair brush like the one from pigeon to brush.

For my FB i didn't bother with olive oil cos found it soooo oily! i tried the desitin cc shampoo. it's pretty good but it's q ex for a big bottle tt u won't even use up 20% of it.


my FB son used the S. was v good. but then when upgraded to M didn't fit his bum anymore. but personally i find tt fitti basic and fitti premium are better, and cheaper. but tt was when i bought fitti premium in bulk. so $10 a pack nia...UP $14.90 so not sure how tt compares per pc to nepia.

babyT, tigerlily & phyphy,

Think I'll not be going today liao cos the haze is damn bad. No one helping me to jaga Denise leh, so I think better keep her indoors. See u gals on mon.

Now raining v. Heavily at tampines


It's gd but my gal butt don know y will have diaper rash if wear it . So I stop using after I clear my stock . This time round I didn't buy, worry the diaper n my boy butt 不合。

cradle cap

Don peel it, just let it fall off naturally. If don put the olive oil also can . It goes off abt 4-6 mths which I got from the web.


Agree that the shampoo is x. My gal time I got from pd and use less than 10% my gal recover already. This time round I only use the oil n my face is oily everytime after carry Bb.

Thanks everyone for d concern, the clot seems to become smaller and less obvious.. So mummies, pls pls pls becareful. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hrs Bb will slow down the growth once they hit 6 mths . N their weight at 3 mths will be double of their birth weight and by 1 yr old , it should be 3x of Their birth weight. So mummies who is stocking up diaper can use this as a guide


raining is good, can get rid of haze ?

agree with u, i din apply anything and it goes off =)


the hubby went running yday evening, hope his lungs not full of haze lor

anyone started jogging ?

anyway, i really dun like jogging..hope to get a machine that jog me instead..anyone has recommendations ?


thanks =) mine wearing siz S..i just realise i got a fitti sample..is fitti white ? will open up later and find out, if white, dun have to trouble u all


anyway, i have a good sleep from 940pm to midnite (hb's shift for kyra start at 9pm to 2am), 1230am to 5am and

830am to 11am ( kyra sleeps quite long this morning) only prob is i have a lot of dreams in the morning during the 2 plus hrs nap, after waking up, feel more tired

Olive Oil

there is this very nice one fr Eversoft. Organic Olive Oil, abt $4..super nice smell and not oily afterfeel

my massage lady commented tat it smell v nice when i ask her to use on me after i deliver Kyra


ok lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] white rompers with words is fine leh, and pink words sound sweet

hehe, realise all of u gals r really v nice, really want to follow the criteria and pay attention to the details.

for me rompers background white can already :p not v particular abt these small details.

babyt > ok. later i go buy.

i got 1 pack size S drypers, 2 pack size S Sealer, 1 pigeon breast pad to sell. is anyone interested? PM me w price pls. collection at clementi central.

any good deals at expo? i'm probably not going. too far for me.

depressing, still cannot fit into old clothes.

babyt > my boy has mild cradle cap- doc says dun need to do anything, although can put olive oil. my friend says mustela has this shampoo (or isit cream?) for cradle cap very effective. olive oil doesn't work for me, shampooing (pigeon) helps more. There's still a bit left, but i'll just let him outgrow it. why not u try shampoo first?

I need servicing contact for aircon.. any recomendation? whats the rate like?

yvonne > good to know that he's recovering.


think im not going today liao,its still raining very heavily.

worry that i cant handle one big ,one small when the crowd came.so will go tomorrow morning.


ya raining is gd to get rid of haze but its only temporary measurement.still need a long term solution to it.

ppl with sensitive airway/nose better don do outdoor exercise.can consider go gym?


I recommend u take 161 to woodlands (TPE to woodlands after sengkang) so very fast de. Than take MRT.. normally north line towards yew tee in morning bo lang eh.

FOr cradle cap can try dentinox cradle cap shampoo, can buy from pharmacy.


Gideon seems to be down to 7 feeds by 6 weeks. He tends to drink at 4 hours interval at night so end up skip one feed.

Cherry neo

It is a bit complex for our church depending you go which venue for service. Main auditorium got priority queue for parents with babies, but u get to sit in the foyer with your babe outside the auditorium. Gallery west at convention centre seems like got no special queue, but got special section for parents with pram space and near nursing room. For bb blessing the pastors wun visit ur house, you got to bring ur bb to church and go to the prayer and healing room. They will pray on the spot for you.


Glad your boy is getting better. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tingling sensation on nips

Realise it was let down. Phew.. Experience tingling like needle prick kind of sensation..when bb cry, quickly check my nips and saw milk oozing out of the nipple openings.

pinky < just diapers will do lah ;p. i was thinking if we want to do a halloween theme/ xmas theme group shoot. can go daiso get some props. or we can have the word 'SEP'10' in the shoot- will be meaningful.

btw, are we doing individual or group shots first?

is mummy poko s size bigger than pampers s size?

I bought this glycerin mouth clean solution from Fu Hua to clean baby's tongue, find tht it is still very hard to rid baby's milk patch on her tongue. what do u all use>?

Tx sarahmay, ok will just use desitin and cloth diaper to catch..

Tracey, i find Manypoko S wider cut than pampers and huggies. I used the glycerin at first too, but now just water. if clean daily in the morning, it'll be gone, but i understd, actually no need to clean so freq.

babyT, how r u resolving the heat rash? my son's skin is quite troublesome. PD says it's baby acne and gave topical antibiotic but keeps spreading even after 7 days of application.

the old folks tot it was heat rash. but now the GP says its due to maternal hormones and recommeded the antibiotic only on big spots, and told us to just buy specialty baby face moisturiser fr Robinsons/dpt stores.

We're trying out mustella's Stellaprotect, supposed to make bb's skin less sensitive, more tolerable. Will let u all kn review in time

mommies, if anyone go bb fair expo, do help me check out if there is nice cheap playpen and diapers promo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks ya

Currently crystin is 4.1 kg - using Fitti S size and Huggies NB. As for Mamapoko NB, due to width a bit big so i haven't let her start use. Does the width make a difference? Pamper S the length is much longer than S... hmm today i would give them a try see whether it is suitable. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tracey> I don't have mamapoko S to compare but it seems mama has width and pampers has length vs Huggies and Fitti. This is just a rough comparison i made as i got all 4 brands.

ccpet> THanks!! Hmm i do get it once in a while but after i pump or let crystin latch, the feeling is gone. So is it blocked ducts or engorgement? or it is the same thing?

Diamantz> i got a good aircond service contact. One machine $50 but 2 machine $60 (regardless of size). U want? But make sure u ask for Steven the guy to do it.

diamantz, my bb smaller than urs...oso can fit pampers NB but not dryers NB. bot mamypoko S n its slightly big; gotta wear high waist, else wait by the time we check during diaper change, it would haf ah-go-go slide down the butt...

yvonne, glad bb is recovering ....must be v painful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

pinkyluv, i wished i could start jogging...gynae says 3 months later ...not sure if c-sec n natural got diff anot....haa, a machine which runs u? the closest i could tink of is this machine which u step on n it vibrate ur body, supposed to vibrate off those fats....i haf a threadmill fr osim n its good...looking forward to using it again...maybe shall start off with walking on it first

expo fair

still at home now cos raining....not too sure if it will cler haze but yest's rain worsened it...pl update if any good diapers deal...

nipple wipes

where to buy?

tracey, i oso use glycerin to clean bb mouth (using cloth).....tat time tot how come the milk residue cant come off...yuan lai its oral thrush [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yvonne, where to get the sterile gauze?

sugarong, nipple wipes can get from medela brand. But dun use too much, cos got chemical on it. Just use warm water to clean your nipples

what is oral thrush? you mean cant cm off means it is oral thrush.

i think i get 1 packet of s mamypoko to try. i let my gal use pampers, dun know why it leak this few days...

tracey, thanks... oral thrush is a yeast/fungus infection....if cant come of means thrush...of can come off means milk residue...u might wanna bring bb to see pd if it persists....some of the pampers i use oso leak...xian....

Sugarong: get from pharmacy.. This was taught by tmc's nurses during d class.. Make sure its sterile guaze, not normal one..

U wrap ard ur index finger ard 2 rounds of it and hold d remaining end with ur d remaining fingers, this is to prevent baby frm biting d guaze and u cant pull it out.. Also taught by tmc..

tracey, to clean tongue must dare to insert your finger in... u try sideways rub/ get ur hubby to do it? i use water & cotton pad. i had the same thoughts as you ;p -> but oral thrush will have some white patches on other parts of the mouth.. dun worry too much if its just the tongue... i like cleaning the tongue cos sometimes he will suck. haha. i find it v cute.

clueless yes pls. do they clean individual part? the quote i ask for is $128 per 'unit'. system 2 is 2 unit. so ex.

thanks sugarong.i think will get S & M. maybe leak is because u never wear properly?

Putting baby to nap/sleep - Mommies, for those who do alot of bottle feeding (EBM or formula), do u find that your baby needs less cuddling? My DS always wants to be cuddled to sleep, very exhausting. I recall my CL says that's because I'm breastfeeding almost full latch-on...

Just came back from duck tour with my #1. Did not pump for a good 8 hours and my boobs are so big, hard and painful. Finally sat down to pump for a good 30mins to empty the breast... Felt so much better now. Keeping fingers crossed that it will not affect milk supply.

Hi ccpet,

I do alot of bottlefeeding but baby still needs to be cuddled all the time. Reckon its in born need that they require to be cuddled.


Hello pinkyluv,

I also watch the score on channel 8. Think the plot is quite good, certainly an improvement from the usual shows. What i like about this show is that there are many veterans acting in it..the show is certainly my highlight of the day!

