(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


rest well & take care !

adelynn, Angela & Pomme

hope the contractions will come soon for u ladies =)


Congrats !

ur midwife is really too much


Hi ladies,

I was thinking maybe Gideon knows his bed is not set up and thus don't want to come out. So i decided to setup his bed and everything. Here is it. All ready.



not sure if only SGH does that..new policy that started in 2010

during my son's time in 08, no need

maybe u check with ur hosp

think they just wana be safe , so dun worry too much


wow, u r all prepared [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i wish u all the best in a smooth delivery that can start today !

pinkyluv: i tot the medela pack is usually 6 membranes and 2 valves? how come urs diff ah.. i bought frm taka bb fair, 6 membranes 2 valves S$25+.

btw last nite i have cramps.. so worried tt is bb coming out! aha keep go toilet check n check no show no waterbag.. then go back to bed and wake up by pain/cramp again. but tis morn no more. weirdo.. so faster wash n sterilise my pump parts, all the glass bottles and covers.


My feet swell back again.. so i guess the swell and reduce 3 times is signal for birth got no basis. So sad.


There are some BP threads where you can receive ur purchase thru courier service for the personal fit breastshields. Think standard given is Softfit M size. So you got to get personal fit S size.

Try the following.



2) Little thinkies



Like your birth story. A few push and bb is out and epi din give you side effects. Cool, i am relieved at least got a good testimony from epi use.


Your bb is quite big too.. so it your 2nd bigger than your #1 in weight?


I got to return to work on monday if Gideon still don't come out.. sigh.. so got to go induce cos if not my CL can't come liao. Sigh..

You are not crazy lah.. i want contractions too. Bring them on now.. and i mean now..


Can share how's ur jamu massage from jamu origins? I want to try also. Do they work during hari raya week? Can choose who do massage for you? Quote your name got extra gift is it?


You are good man. Can PM me ur number?? I want to learn how to use the gas also. Do you think we can request to be snipped less?

OP Congrats! all the pain is worth it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] have a good rest!

OP: CONGRATS! So Megon is your lil girl's name? hehehe. Hmm...She had meconium? Yikes!

Pomme: Hai ya...really hor this really testing faith and patience man. oh for massage i'm using this cos of rave reviews on SMHF as well as friend who used them recently. they're Malay Muslims but cos it's estb biz not affected by the Hari Raya celebrations much . http://jamumassage.com/about-us

PInkyluv: Hi5! Me also hear too many negative stories abt epi so dun dare take.

all mommies help!

yest i have no mlilk flow for my 2nd day, but today i m having engorement but still so hard to pump out the milk. Now i have fever, can i still feed my bb with the expressed milk?


hehe, after reading ur post, i realise i mistook membranes for valves =p

.but kiddy palace is $30.50 nett lor, no discount..



yupz, say u r my buddy lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and they work everyday except fri and sun..

dun like the binding at all..but boh bian..and the oiliness..

it is the norm..but i love to be oil free and binder free

i think the massage is fine ..mine is Sarinah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


have u seen a doc ? how abt checking with the hosp which u deliver..

try hot towel and massage ur breast


can , the milk express can give to bb . Me too having engorement n fever. I still bf the bb directly and if u wan take

panadol , it is safe .

I let my bb suckle every 2-3 hrs.. Now breast getting sore sore sng sng like tt.. Does it means tt milk supply coming in v soon? Breast gettig harder..

Also, for fm hor, whats d ratio of water to milk powder to make?


Ya, meconium. PD was contacted immediately and came to be on standby. Nurse told gynae bb heartbeat look ok leh. When Megon (yes, we decided on this eventually) is out, PD had to suck the shit out of her throat, I think. Gd grief!


I guess you can tell your gynae beforehand not to snip you too much. For my case, both times need to use forcep. Last time is can't feel so can't push and had to forcep out. This time is no time (cos bb poo) so must quickly forcep out. Think her head a bit big also. Though epi or no epi also kena forcep, still i hv no regrets cos I feel more in control and I can move and turn on the bed while waiting for gynae to come instead of feeling like veg.

And I quite like the gas. I started on gas after they put me on drip to speed up labour, cos the contraction coming too close together. By then, should be about 7cm dilated, I think. Before that, the pain was still bearable.

On gas

Finally understd why some use it for "recreational" purpose! At one stage, I was smiling quite happily and told the nurses working in labour ward must be v "happy" experience cos can come in n sniff the gas as and when.

When it comes to the point of delivering bb, cannot breathe gas anymore else can't feel contraction so no urge to push. They had to take away my mask eventually and return to me only when gynae was stitching me up.

Pinkyluv - Thanks! =)

Pomme - Wow! Your baby room looks so neat and cozy!

On feet swelling, I totally dun believe in it anymore too. Coz my feet never reduced in swelling eversince the beginning of 3rd tri. Now even medicine dun work anymore. So just gotta pray hard that it will reduce after delivery.

Adelynn - Seems like our bh yesterday are false alarms. Today went to gynae and there's no contraction at all. Felt so sad...but I told my gynae I hope I won't see him at his clinic next Sat. Rather see him at Mt. A. =P

OP - Congratulations on the birth of your baby! =D

haiza, congratulations! cute baby!

phyphy, thanks for sharing...was jus packing in bb's clothes for the hospital stay this afternoon....then can dun need bring liao...wait so much barang...wah, u got privacy in 2 bedder...good for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jynnsan, where u delivering? my c sec scheduled on 11th....see same hosp anot

sarahmay, maybe u shd jus put the "i want contractions" mentality aside.....sometimes the more we wan it, it wun come..so it has subconsciously become a stress factor...relax and let nature take its course...jia you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OP, congratulations!

Sarahmay: i dunno is it engorgement anot but it is like your breast is so firmed up!

Yvonne: the ratio for fm is 1 scoop to 60ml water. The tin got provide the ratio.

Jacqueline: the best remedy to cure engorgement is latch bb on directly. They are born 'suckers' tt can help to clear all bloxk ducts.. What u having nw is block duct + infection tt cause fever n body ache all over. U can still feed bb with thr milk, if u wan take panadol, take paracetomol will do.. No panadol extra k. Try to express 3 hrly n ensure ur breast are soft after each pump.. If really get so painful, wrap cold cabbages on ur breast to relieve the pain

Yvonne> I think u better read the tin carefully. I am using Enfalac - with that 1 scoop goes with 30 ml water; so double check as different brand has different ratio.

yeah for ladies haven't popped, do learn to use the GAS!! It can help a lot if you know how to use it. For me, I totally didn't know how to use it and was hitting the gas tube for the "gas" haha as the pain was quite power.


still need to Bring mitten and booties or socks.


the breast should be gettng firm when milk comes in. And feel soft when bb have empty the breast.

One more thing can look out for is that when bfing, u can also feel mense cramp that's also indicate the u got milk as well

I didn't expect that my milk supply comes in so fast and Travis is sleeping so well and didn't wan to get up to drink milk.


yes, do jia you ! at SGH , they also bring the baby to me every 3 hrs

ratio wise, similac is 1 scoop to 60ml

my strange breasts

right one - 55ml

left one -5ml

it has always been like that..sigh* 3rd time liao..i will latch baby on my left..cos like latch on more milk..at least can see her lips very white & wet

phyphy, so 1 day 1 pair of mittens + booties? swadle blanket dun need to bring hor? only need for home-coming? btw, need to bring marriage cert and bank book bo?


yes, Mittens + booties for hospital stay as well as for going hm and swadle blanket for going hm.

Marriage cert need to bring.

The deposit can be pay by cc so it will put in record only on admit n they will bill u on the day of discharge.

They Put in Their record to charge his card $1200 but no $$ was really bill to his card till the day of discharge, total bill was $900+, this was the actual amt they bill to his cc.

I think this way is better than u put cash in as deposit and they return u chq for the balance.

pinkyluv > i got the medela parts from the spree liao. thanks for asking... i tot ur pump is another brand?

yup, epi has worked well... i got 2 bouts of shivering but they were managable.

congrats haiza and optimus prime !

pomme > nice. all ready...

adelynn > urs could be soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yvonne > lucky u. how u get ur bb suckle so successfully? mine is like sleeping all the time. FM see the brand that you buy- got instructions de. u have pump? breast getting hard, den u massage massage, den use pump... i just did that n i saw some milk. so happi!

can share on how to use the gas? maybe next time will consider. hehe

marriage cert > bring only if u have a name for your baby. otherwise just need ic for admission... bank book of parents if u wanna apply for cash gift too.

sugar: oh well. anw my tummy's been hard since last night...sometimes feels like contraction but no discomfort so not sure. does ur hospital web give info on what to bring? normally they do. mt a says to bring 2 pairs of mittens for bb, presumably one for stay, one for discharge. swaddle/receivign blankie for going home if u dun want to use hospital's. me bringing socks instead of booties cos find they stay on better than booties.

pinky: NOT strange at all, very normal cos our boobs can have different milk duct efficiencies. When i started BF one of my boobs v lousy so i kept latching on on that boob. Then it overtook the other one at milk prod. The more u nurse, the more u stimulate the boob. Btw, CONGRATS! Ur MS really kicking in!!!

Diamantz: Can oso massage massage while using pump if feeling hard!

Yvonne: What brand of FM u using? Hope u found out the powder: water ratio liao.

OP: Lucky u then! Gas worked! Didn't for me...made me feel sick for sure... so sick I was definitely using it properly alright! Hehe.

jacq; how're ur boobs now? if plugged ducts, latch on more cos bb very efective in clearing them. however, do try too to massage with ur palms in circular fashion toward nipples. if showering it helps to do under warm runing water. also do this while bb latches. oso can only take Panadol REGULAR no extras etc cos of caffeine content.

BF SHaring

Posted this before. But i really find this a great help over the 2 yrs of BFing

Getting Started http://www.kellymom.com/bf/start/basics/index.html

Common BF concerns http://www.kellymom.com/bf/start/concerns/index.html

Pinkyluv - stimulate ur left side more... I kena blocked ducts le... Today is day second half of day 3, I just woke up to pump... My left breast only yield 30mL whereas right yield 60 mL... 1st half of day 3 was 20mL and 30mL... My left is damn pain... I got to massage and pump and push the lumps at the same time, but still can't unblock... Have to be patient... Do u massage ur breasts before pumping?? Use hot towel, then massage in circular motion to unblock ducts then pump... How long u pump ar?? At first it took 15 mins to clear both breasts on day 1 and 2... Then day 3 10 mins to clear only right... Left tio tat, can't clear all...

Sarahmay: Hi babe, how r u doing? Any conntractions? Hahaha yeah man, the waiting game is getting boring now...I hv been timing mine but has been irregular. Tummy has reached a new low today and I feel more sharp jolts in the pelvic, not sure if the cervix has softened or ripen. Are you resting at home now?

OP: Congrats babe! Oh man, thank goodness ur gal is fine as the CTG didn't pickup her distress when she has poo-pooed. And u still had natural! After my gynae saw the dip in the CTG for my elder boy and broke my waterbag to induce me to see the "greenbean soup" I was sent to emergency c- sec already! Hope this time I can successfully do natural...I wonder if I can use laughing gas too, mind if u PM me ur contact so just in case I ka lang ka boh in the delivery suite heehee....

Haiza: COngrats babe! Wat a cutie! Hugs to u tat u hv to meet such a ill-mannered midwife. Instead of helping as a midwife would she was really unprofessional. In any case, you engaged a gynae and she was just a midwife. SHould there be any complications can she answered or even have the rights to perform as what a gynae could. Thank god, you and baby are fine. Babe, I be delivering at TMC too, it was disappointing to hear TMC has such people as my experience there has always been good. shall watchout for this lady and if you dun mind, can PM me a description? Thanks and hv a good confinement *hugs*

Pommelow: The nursery is nicely done up! Hmmm... maybe my gal too, now u inspired me to speed up the packing and decorating of the nursery!! Wat a chore to change the boy's theme to a gal's.....

Diamantz: thks for ur birth story! Oh yeah, I hate the VE... not sure if some nurses are rough or their fingers are really big ..in any case they ain't gentle!! Sigh.. poor vaginal so traumatised for a labour. Wish there's some vaginal facial or massage to pamper there after birth..heeheeheehee

jynnsan, sugarong: I might hv to do c-sec after 8th sep if my gal is too big for me and I yet to dilate... I b in TMC, watabout u gals?

Pinkyluv: hope ur bb 's jaundice will be gone soon. Maybe u can cut down on ur ginger intake. My CL actually reduced ginger in the food when my #1 had jaundiced and it helped to bring down. Honestly, I wasn't into the heaty food during my#1 as the food gave me terrible heartburns and so bad that I vomited. So my very modern CL made alternatives. Hope to c ur bb get better soon.

Hmmm.. having insomnia, maybe it's getting near D-day so getting gan cheong now. #1 has been so cranky and sticky that I feel bad not spending enuff time with him but to pack and prepare nursery and labour. Hb is on course plus he has to juggle visits to his mum as she was just discharged from complications fr hospital op. So I am doing almost everything this time myself, and luckily my mum is here to help out with some chores.Sometimes feel so unfair to this gal as she gets so little attention from us. I even yet to shop for a gift for #1 to give her...

thanks to pinkyluv, phyphy, adelynn n sarahmay! I took panadol, so now better. n i took hot shower. I try pumping but slow milk flow. Last nite i direct feed my bb n now i feel better but still engor. N i have sore nipples, cos my Zeynep little mouth cant seem to open big enough. Will trp to pump more times.


gd luck to u , my fever also have gone down and I'm now massaging the clog around .

Must train bb to open the mouth big then squeeze in the nipple. It's not easy, there are times where Travis just refuse to open mouth big n I refuse to give him the nipple , he just dozed off.

Good morning mummies!


Yup, gynae said this is bigger compare to my #1.


I will deliver @ TMC too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], mine is scheduled on Sun, admission on Sat night, so might be able to c u gals. Can share your contact with me - [email protected]


Jia you! Jia you!

After Sunday, you will have many sleepless night ahead [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Phyphy: yes, i got d mensus cramp feeling. Jus msssaged my breast, felt so much better. Yest when i pump, i saw a few droplets of milk.

Diamantz: my boy like to latch on leh.. Lol..

yvonne: he's a good 'sucker'. hehe. good for u! less probs trying to latch on.

chewy: mine's not even late lor. anw what to do cannot blame doc for thinking will be early and this week...rushed hubby back. trow is induction day. as for gas, won't midwives be there to side coach anw? mine did. breathe in just before u feel contraction coming. ireegular contractions...and dunno if counts but tummy gets hard but absolutely no discomfort.wondering if it's just him changing position tt's all.

phyphy: ouch u had plugged ducts? eeks.

jacq: good to know ur fever subsided and sounds like it's clearing up!

jynnsan; sun? is it some special day?

Dear Mummies

Sorry to interrupt. I am from an earlier thread. Have some "leftovers" from my breastfeeding days to let go cheap.

- 2 brand new boxes of Mothercare breast pads (100 pieces per box) with 25 - 50 loose pieces from an open box

- 2 brand new boxes of Lansinoh milk bags (50 pieces per box); with close to 40 loose pieces from an open box


$25 for breast pads (original price: $18 per box)

$25 for milk bags (original price: USD10.99 per box)

Pls call / sms me @ 93679627. Don't PM as I don't check this often. Self collect from my place at Pasir Ris.

Breast pads reference: http://www.mothercare.com.sg/productdetail.asp?pid=67707

Milk bags reference:


Sarah: yeah! Hehe.

Re FM: sorry for d stupid ques ah, cos i ask my hub, d tin shld have info ma then he told me dont have then jus nw he went n read and realise have


hehe, i have avent, medela and ameda..just in case any break down also..


going to pump now to see how..i am latching baby on left and pumping out both sides if she is contented after left..my dif for both breasts is quite huge though


yupz, latching on for left [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] when pump when pump both


thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and the truth is i hardly take ginger :p everyday is threadfin or salmon with wolfberries..today will start on kampung chicken

my mum is v untraditional already, so the menu is not very traditional :p i oso dun wan to tire her out..so tell her no need too complicated also

Thanks Sab, another week to go...


Yup, actually this date is selected by Shifu, so have to follow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gambate all mummies!


my ms btwn my left and right breast oso quite different. Output for left is ard 50-60ml while right can only yield 20-30ml.

Re: Neo Garden Catering

Anyone here had ordered from Neo Garden b4? Wondering how generous is their portion? If my guest list is ard 70 pax, do u think it is safe if I order food for 50pax?

phyphy, thanks for sharing...wow, after medisave deduction, u only need to pay 900? u got fever ah? take care!

sarahmay, my hosp webby no such info...but shall jus bring according to the list that i have + phyphy's latest updates....u confirm inducing tml?

jynnsan, im not @ tmc so cant be neighbours with u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


can u share yr total bill size for c-sect at Mt A. I m going to TMC. Guess price should be ard the same. How many nites did u stay and what kind of stitches you had? - removable type or self dissolve type? Almost 4wks le, your wound should have healed by now hor. Did you avoid any food during confinement?


My total bill after medisave is ard $3.2k. This includes baby bill, hb staying over and my room is a deluxe room cos they ran out of single room that day. I stayed for 4d3n and baby stayed another extra day due to jaundice.

My stitches are self dissolved type. Think we gotta avoid seafood for a few mths bcos of the wound lor. And according to my gynae, to avoid keloid from forming on the scar, we gotta avoid 生鱼. Although this fish helps to heal the wound faster but will cause the wound to turn ugly oso. From the most outer layer, the wound looks fine but not sure abt the inside. I can walk, squat without pain but then the wound area do feel numb when touched.

U confirm going for c-sect? on thur isit?


thanks for your info. Ya. I have already book the op, qynae n PD for that day. I hope after the op, i can get out of bed to walk sooner and the pain at the wound is bearable for me.

after reading so many post. i m beginning to worry abt BF. scare not able to produce any BF for bb so I already brought a tin of Nan1 ytd.

Neo Garden food is not bad. They have 15% discount now for BB 1st month. I think for 70pax, you order 50pax should be enf. I m thinking of ordering from them too. Will be adding either the Nonya Laksa or Mee Siam. Both very yummy.


After medisave still need to pay S$3.2k arh.. that's quite alot. how much is your doctor's fee?

& yes no 生鱼coz it will really make the scar looks ugly. i avoided fish for my 2nd one for the first 12 days & the wound was so much nicer than the first one.

Neo garden's food is nice & service quite ok but with a 70 pax, 50 seems not enough as they only add like addn 20% more. THose late comers might not have things to eat le. u can check with them.

Tiger Lily,

My fren just gave birth & have problems with BF, baby is latching well but first 3 days no milk flow, thus she keep receiving very negative comments from her mum / in laws about baby not hving enough, she trying to starve their grandson.. very very negative..

Just try to ignore as much as u can & focus on ur BF ... its tough but our determination has to be strong!!

Jia you !!



Thank you for your well wishes! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes, I was almost prepared for c-section tho secretly hoping not. Then I was thinking, dunno how long will anaesthetist arrv for GA/epi. By then, will it be too late.

Gynae came by today and was sharing that one of his patient in the same situation told him die die no c-section and I was like *gasp* Ren2 ming4 guan1 tian1! Still so obstinate! Either that or patient not the well informed type.

