(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Hi Mummies,

I am so happy.. finally feeling the tightening of the tummy.. Hopefully it is real deal and not braxton hicks. Not painful though just very tight. Going for inducing later in the evening.. Hopefully everything goes well.


Got your HP and thanks for you tips. Will try to remember when i am there.


Hi Mummies,

Have not been coming in for quite a very long time as I was super busy with work... Sigh....

Wanna share with you the good news that I have given birth to a princess on 2 Sept thru c-sec... Was just discharged this afternoon... Hope that I will have more time to come to the forum more frequently... hehe...

Hi ladies,

Sorry i cldnt come online earlier...

I popped on 1st Sept 8pm, to a prince at 3kg.

Here is my birth story:

1st Sept

4am Dicharge with brown stains.. abit worried..cld it be the mucous plug, but it was a vry small piece

10am More discharge with brown/bloody stains..more of mucous plug maybe? On/off Contractions..maybe every hr of so...called gynae, and was told to wait for cotractions to come every 10mins

1pm Thinking whether shld go for a walk to spped up labour... Then decided to go later in the evening...too hot..having contractions mildly painful..thought it is painful BH

2pm Told husband to go for work(own business) as i thought this is prob very early stage of labour..so cld wait it out till the evening..but painful contractions were hitting every 35/40mins

4pm told mum at home that it is getting painful..since i wasnt screaming in pain or anything..we both decided its prob false labour, and wait further along..contractions every 15/20mins

5pm Even more painful,thinking of i shld go hospital immediately, but scared of going hospital i think..husband only to be home after 6pm..father said i didnt look in terrible pain..and i was thinking i still have a very long way to go...so decided to go after opening fast at 7.15pm..

6pm looking at the time, contractions were every 5/10mins apart, lasting abt 45sec each.. i thought i was timing it wrongly somehow.. just the thought that this is still bearable...and im not there yet..

6.30pm husband home..looked at my state..he was like we need to go now..i was "no, wait till u open fast..its only 45mins away" convinced him somehow..

7.15pm open fast,family prayed..and left home..hospital is 5mins away..reached abt 7.35, admitted immediately...

7.40pm nurse was shocked that i have been having contractions from 1pm...she sid " u r very brave, first child somemore" I said "i donno about being brave, all i know is if i am less than 5cm dilated now, i want eip immediately"

7.45pm Nurse checked dilation, doc was on the phone outside, and since husband was signing papers outside,he heard her say, she going to give birth any moment, the head is nearly out"

she came in and i ask her, how far am i?? She said u are fully open, just push whendoc reaches here.. I was "what, u mean i am going to give birth any moment, i am at that stage NOW??? PUSHing stage??? I need more time to cope, i cldnt believe it..

I seriousy dont know how my gynae flew from her clinic to the hospital...she reached at 7.50pm, got ready..and asked me to push...

Pushing was very very difficult... I screamed at her to do anything, just get it out...3rd push...i felt her cut there...4th push, i felt the baby out 8.03pm...

i was shivering at the end..cldnt believe it was all over..doc scolded me for coming in so late, "u want yr husband to do delivery for u?"

So ya, lesson learned...Dont go in so late...every 5mins contractions..even if not painful enough...go hospital...

Gd luck everyone...time to feed..cya

ladies - my confinement nanny mentioned that it is customary to give an angbao when she arrives and when she goes. Any idea what's the market rate for such angbaos? thanks much!

tigerlily: I also did c-section. My recovery is not so fast. I'm 2 weeks post delivery, don't feel much pain after about 4-5 days (in fact, stop taking my painkillers). But I can feel the area is not totally recovered, cos can feel soreness and some slight pain when I get up from bed etc. Was also told not to bend down (to floor level) and lift heavy stuff (eg a sack of rice) until at least 6 - 8 weeks later.

I think it's pretty individual. I've a colleague who doesnt feel any pain after 2 -3 days. But the nurse did warn the external may have healed, but internal will take 6- 8 weeks.


Jia you and all the best!!! Looking forward to see Gideon soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Dun worry so much. Like wat many mummies had advised earlier that ms dun usually kick in so fast after birth, esp so when ours is scheduled c-sect. Just let your bb suckle to stimulate the supply. Before ur supply kicks in, just supplement with FM. Although many pple advocate BF but there is nothing wrong or poisonous abt FM mah. Moreover, we can also prevent unpleasant comments like we are starving their grandchild, etc, that make us unhappy. So remember a relax mind will help to bring in ms too.

Think u wont be able to get down from bed on Day 1 cos u will be on drip and also attached to the urine bag. In my case, all were removed on Day 2 after gynae check. Suggest that u try to practise walking b4 discharge as pple said it aids in the healing. Remember to take the painkillers as prescribed as it encourages u to walk cos it reduces the pain quite a bit.


My gynae fees is $2.6k for c-sect with epi. I oso paid more for the deluxe room, each day is $450..

Mama G and Shirin,


Hi mummies,

OP, Shirin > Congrats!

Pomme > All the best to you!

Chewy > About my irritating midwife, I didn't get her name. She's Indian, middle-aged...I think Malaysian cos' she can speak Malay fluently. Er, not very helpful description cos' I think TMC has several Indian middle-aged midwives.

Aniwae, I'm finally home from the hospital. A bit worried cos' my boy failed the hearing test for his left ear. Need to go back for another test in a month's time, hopefully it's just cos' of water in his ears.

Now feeling the stress from breastfeeding. I've been trying from Day 1 but initially, it was short nipples and my boy was having difficulty latching. Now he can latch and suck quite well but my milk supply not in yet. Only got a little colostrum now as at Day 3. Can't bear to see him crying for milk, so gave in to FM supplement in the hospital. Stressed cos' my mum, sis-in-law seem to think I should just stick with FM instead of trying so hard to breastfeed. I'm trying my best to not get affected and just continue latching and pumping to stimulate milk flow.

Just saw some blood in my colostrum. Any mummies experienced this? I guess it's due to sore nipples? For now, I should just pump instead of latch to stimulate?


I gave my CL $38 as 开工 angpao. Last day ang pao will depend on her performance lor, havent decided on mine, need to discuss with hb..

hi .. for those babies with jaundice, can try red date water. my CL also gives water to bb to let bb pee. She doesn't give alot so I find it ok... for mummies to consider.

today is day 5, first day with milk. started to let baby suck 15 mins each boob, den pump 15 mins each boob. only expressed 10 ml. this is tough, but i will jia you...

sarahmay > thanks. hope to see ur birth story real soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tigerlily > maybe u can ask ur gynae if can start take fish soup/ fenugreek now to boost ur milk supply. the nurses there squeeze my boobies so hard and also say no milk- so demoralizing, but when i came this forum, realise that other mummies the supply only came in later date. if u have no milk, talk to ur doc about it, he can give pills to help. Get the LC wherever possible. i find the nurses at TMC very messed up- doc say give me painkillers 3 times a day, but 2nd day they only came twice at 3pm and 11pm!

wah shirin > u sure can tahan the pain....

tuffy > i'm giving $60, $80

bb > i had cut down there now day 5 still on painkillers leh. so actually C-sect not that bad also.

haiza > dun give up! just supplement with BM and try. i only had droplets on day 5, so u're getting there! r u taking pills like fenugreek / motilium (doc prescribe) / fish soup to help? drink lotsa fluid too.

i wanna ask... there should be a few openings on the nipple for the milk to flow. is there anyway to unblock these openings?


jia you n all the best


wow u really can take the pain, me 8 cm take white flag Liao. Lucky ur bb is no too small, if no u colud have given birth @ hm.

Congrat n rest well

neo garden

the food not bad 2 years ago


the sum comes up to $945.


any gd news?

Lump under the armpit

any solution ? I tried express,massage, hot compress, football hold position but still the same


Congrats and amazing story! Like phyphy, ~8cm I also raise white flag!

What is your bb's head circumference?


Jia you jia you!

Mommies who have delivered via natural (with or without drug)

Anyone's bb's head circumference is >35.5cm? Do you need to vacumm or forcep?

mama G, shirin, congratulations!

phyphy, thats a good bill [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] fr there, can roughly gauge mine...add in for c-sec diff shd be a good estimate [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So pissed with mil. Everytime after i try bf she must say "how? No milk?" cant she be more positive. Even when dh tell her not to say it. she still can say nevermind lah. Wtf. Super tactless, normally already like that. Now super getting on my nerves.

Diamantz: dont b pissed. Relax.. I keep telling myself to relax n not get angry or pek chek this month as we r v temperamental now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] smile! Also, today is day 4 n ny ms only kick in today with a miserable 20ml from both side, im not v regular in pumping every 3 hrs. Jus pump/ latch about a few hrs. Be regular n i think u can acheive better results...

Check with u all ah, ebm can put at room temp for how long?

Thanks Pomme and SarahMay for your reminder in believing God for a supernatural delivery! Amen to that! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hope your bb is on the way! Excited to hear ur birth story!

thanks ladies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am now into day 4 and feeling engorged. Even though the bb latched on, can't seem to empty the breasts. bb seems unsatisfied. sian... do you gals all pump after latching on?

Diamantz: dont b pissed. Relax.. I keep telling myself to relax n not get angry or pek chek this month as we r v temperamental now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] smile! Also, today is day 4 n ny ms only kick in today with a miserable 20ml from both side, im not v regular in pumping every 3 hrs. Jus pump/ latch about a few hrs. Be regular n i think u can acheive better results...

Check with u all ah, ebm can put at room temp for how long?


*hugs* ur mil is really tactless leh.. guess have to turn a deaf ear towards her.

Btw, after i latch her, i'll supplement with FM when MS hasnt kicked in. Otherwise i'll jus pump at regular intervals with kosong output. But I'm too lazy to pump at nite, so I jus slep thru'. However, strange enuf, I got my first milk flow by having engorment in the middle of the nite.. haha..

Tuffy - I had the same engorgement feeling too... What i do is...

Before pump - soak towel with warm water, then massage ur breasts in circular motion... Clean nipple... Then pump... During pumping I will one hand hold pump the other hand manually massage the hard lumps in my breast...

After pump - wipe breasts.... Air dry... Then after that use cold compress to relieve any further engorgement...

Keep urself hydrated... Remember...

Gosh... Today is day 4 and I finally shit!!!! Heng ar morning I took the stool softener... Arbo sure gek like hell... Surprisingly it's not painful.... So girls who haven't pop, remember to take stool softener hor...

Sab: Noted! thx!!

babyT: u nv shit after u pop? i shit on d 2/9 morning when i pop at 1/9 9+pm. then 2/9 afternoon also poo-ed & 3/9 too. but after i discharge till now, havent poop.. jia lat..

any of u washing hair? feel like washing on nx tues when i bring J to PD.. hair smell sng sng nw..

Ebm at rm temp

Ladies i wouldnt recommend putting ur ebm in rm temp for long as bacteria can enter the milk.. If u wanna put try to keep it as short as possible, also ensure the bottle is covered n sealed.

Anyway i'm still ard.. 3 days to edd! Tml going to seegynae, predict to go induce on wed.. Unless bB wanna give me a surprise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats to mummies who haf popped mamaG n shirin!!

And jia you to mummies bfing! Its def tough at the beginning but tell urself u're giving the best milk to baby.. U sure can succeed! Doesnt matter if give partial bm n fm now as we need at least 8 wks to get the supply. Jia you!!!

Sab: Noted! thx!!

babyT: u nv shit after u pop? i shit on d 2/9 morning when i pop at 1/9 9+pm. then 2/9 afternoon also poo-ed & 3/9 too. but after i discharge till now, havent poop.. jia lat..

any of u washing hair? feel like washing on nx tues when i bring J to PD.. hair smell sng sng nw..


I started washing hair daily from the day 7 onwards. I dare not bath as I had csec. So I endure until I got my stitches removed on day 7, then I went home to have a good bath. As I sweat every day, is I don't bath, I can't sleep well at night, smelly and itchy.

Pinkyluv is the best, my idol, she bath twice a day, how I wish I can. My CL don't allow me to wash hair daily, so I do it secretly.

Sab: Ya, pinkyluv is my idol n i envy her.. i wanna wash hair everyday too but scared my mum scold me.. cos shes helping me in this confinment n its really tiring for her, dont wan her to be angry..

prob, i will secretly bath.. lol.. cos i told her openly jus now, then got scolded. ahahaha.

Mango: oh, mayb nx time i dont keep so long..

Adelynn: hope u have a smooth delivery!


My CL only allow me to wash my hair once per week. But I secretly sneek in another wash during mid week. I find it damn hard not to wash under such hot weather.


I oso cant sleep well if I'm smelly and itch. Think I might be having problem tonite liao. Jus curious ah, I thgt nowadays doctors use self-dissolved type of stitches liao? Anyway, is the removal painful?

Re: Hair Wash

Anyway today suppose to my official wash hair day but CL din boil ginger water for me cos she said no sun. Originally, wanted to heck care her and wash with the herbal water meant for bathing but decided to make her happy cos I wanna apply to go out this fri. hehe.. need to groom myself abit in order to 见人 during my daughter's full mth party this sun.

Yvonne - I never shit cos I rejected the nurse when she offered me laxatives cos I scared pain plus I shit before I delivered... Wah lao the feeling really is like alien going thru my asshole...


I read what you wrote about your MIL said and I feel very "TL" (hokkien :p) for you. I hope you will have so much milk and you just aim and squirt in her face and tell her "Ya, no milk!".

Ya, I v mean. :p


I woke up at about 6.30am this morning and had a hot bath in the hospital liao. Din wash hair though. :p


Your dau so fast full month liao!? Has it been that long since you popped? Seems like just yes'day!

Net surfing at Mt A on Netbook with their FOC Wireless LAN

Can't wait to be discharged tomorrow. While I have my iPhone4 to surf Net, can't beat having a real notebook to type on and a screen big enough I don't have to squint my eyes.

I realise the Kotex maternity pad is really so uncomfy. Really feel like sitting on a thick slice of bread. After changing into my Watsons night pad this morning, feel so much more at ease and "normal"!

diamantz > yeah i think the nurses at TMC are pretty screwed up. they also never came on time to dispense my painkillers. i also find they not very pro-breastfeeding. realized the technique they thought me was all wrong when i met the LC.

So mummies delivering at TMC, pls make sure the LC come to see you as soon as possible. Also do check whether they really cup-feed your baby when you request for it. I caught them bottle-feeding my baby instead and they claimed it was cos' he's too hungry, cannot wait. Sigh but I only found out on my last night there.

babyT > thanks for the tips. i'm gonna try do as you suggest when pumping.

mummies who supplement with FM, how much FM are you giving to your baby at each feed? any recommended amount? i'm currently using the pre-prepared Enfalac given by TMC..think it's about 40 ml per bottle. My boy happily drink from it like no tomorrow but after that, puked. i'm concerned that he's taking in too much FM and his stomach will expand too fast. Cannot digest plus like that, think my BM can never catch up.

Starting my postnatal massage tomoro morning..hope it helps to stimulate milk supply too.

Er mummies, i latch my boy on n he burp after tt, then fed him with fm which he took about 30ml.. But unable to burp him leh..

Now he fall deep aslp liao n i make him slp on his side...

What will happpen if he nv burp out?

hi...jusst popping in quickly to say trow at 730am going in to Mt A to do induction. Sigh...oh well. NVM at least hubby gets to see bb before he leaves. Hope all goes well!

tty ladies soon!

nite nite

Congrats to all mummies who have just popped!

Sorry for not able to read all threads but understand many mummies have just delivered and some r in the meant of delivering or in queue.

Read some mummies birth stories and also Pinkyluv's classic one, "hiak hiak". (.^-^.)


Abt Jaundice. U can go to medical hall to buy "Ng Kee" (in hokkien) and ask them to grind into powder form. Tell them that u wanna to use to bath for bb to treat jaundice. Pack and bathe for 3 days (3 pkts). It will reduce too. My two children did that and it worked. This was tot by my 1st CL.

Drink red date water also help.


Not everytime bb will burp. As long as he is sleeping n not crying. Just leave him alone. He will cry if he need burp as he will discomfort. My bb behave this way.

Sarah May, all the best and have smooth delivery!

Haiza > book by wong bb say give as much as he can take without extra prompting by u. Just make the recommended amt on the tin n see how much ur bb can finish lo.


Looks like we're all checking in and out of Mt A in succession. LSB just check out yesday. I check in on Sat and will be checking out today, unless gynae suddenly change his mind.

All the best, have a smooth, quick, painless delivery and God bless!



All the best in your delivery.

Like most mummies here... I also troubled with my milk supply.. Milk supply like take very long to come. Yah. Think the nurses at TMC quite screwed up.. They din bring my baby to me regularly for me to bf and then coz I give birth through c-sec, first day din bring baby to me, just ask me to rest first, 2nd day say will bring baby to me after they remove the drip from me but din bring until evening time.. speechless.. din have a very pleasant experience at tmc... and also they din help me fix my next appt with my gynae before I discharge... Need to call my gynae to check it out. sigh...

And then gotten another bad news, my confinement lady, who was supposed to come to my house yesterday, called me to inform that she cannot come out so she is getting a replacement to come instead. Sigh. No one had used this replacement so not sure how good the confinement nanny is... Guess I will only know later when she comes..

Seems like my confinement not very smooth sailing this round. sigh..

