(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

alot of effort to put in!! and also encouragement from experienced mummies also very impt. you will get very frustrated when nothing much comes out. But just perserve!!!

Get lots of advises also.

So now my method is;

1) Drinks lots of hot liquid & soup

2) Drink milo and wait for abt 1/2hr then BF or pump

3) eat fish, just keep eating. you will get sick of it but when u think of your bb u wun think so much wahaha.

4) Drink the hot liquid as you pump or when she is latched on.

5) have a gd rest everyday

6) maintain gd mood

7) feels relax when BF

this morning i pump out nearly 190 ml!! woohoo!! so satisfied!


Congrats to Yvonne, phantus, Jacqueline,Su Bing & Phyphy! Wow away for a week and so many mums hv popped!

BabyT: Germaine is really sweet and angelic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I hv been thinking how my gal will be like heehee hope as sweet as urs.

SarahMay: hangon there babe, talk to ur bb more heehee.

Milkflow: New mums dun worry abt how much milk supply for 1st week as the bb has reserves store in their body. Keep letting them suckle to stimulate the milk glands and get them to get used to the "work" the babies have to do [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Do use the pumps after bb suckle for 15min for another 5-15 min. Sometimes can experience engorgement so do remember to massage well before and after feeding.

Am waiting for more signs here and have been experiencing some painful contractions in the pelvic area hope I b dilating for my next gynae visit on mon. Sigh, but hubby has been busy on a course and may not be able to come home these few nights and next week... I have been telling my gal not to get out so soon.. although I prefer to hv a smaller baby for vbac [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pat: May i have the contact of your Malay massage lady, pls? I'm Mar 2011 MTB, and will appreciate your recommendation. Thanks!


i would be equally happy if i can pump out just half of urs ! 190ml is 3 hrs interval ?

today is my 6th day after birth on 29/8 and only today now it is like every 4 hr, left breast is now 20ml ( after the breast massage by my massage lady) and 30ml on right breast. i pump out as i din bf baby from 1130am to 2 pm ( due to malay massage and then she was sleeping after FM at 1130am)

i think everyday i have like 4 cups of milo, 10-12 cups of red date drink, 3 bowls of fish soup, not to mention chunks of fish for lunch & dinner

190ml was abt 8 hrs apart fm my last pump.

You try to compress your breast as you use the pump. Will help to stimulate.

My problem now is my gal always doze off when she latch on. even much 'teasing' she still refuse to wake up. So i resort to expressing.

Any idea can we still lose the calories through expressing instead of bb latching on?

chewy; talking and talking to bb. haiya...nvm la. anw just going to enjoy these days. if i have to pop with no hubby, so be it lor. what to do? then try to get him to come back again to see baby.

popone: you very power! i think there only has been twice in my BFing career and only in like 4th month i can pump like u. i drink lots of water and soup and eat lots of fish etc etc.

pomme: yes walk more! i've been walking lots too. anw i'm not even overdue...so haiz haiz haiz. really feel like strangling myself or something for hurrying hubby home.


just had a crunchy cone from there. heheheh.


i also whacked sashimi today.


okie i better go nap.


anyone bot stuff from them before? It's been a week sicne she said she mailed me my creams. But NO NO NO sight of it still...haiz. my $24+ bye bye liao and i got NO cream to soothe my muscles. sniff sniff.....


Jiayou, jiayou! At least there is improvement and u can get 50ml today! Like what Popone mention, drink lots of fluid (at least 2-3litres a day), take hot drink or bath, message the breats before pumping/latching, relax is the key word, sure your supply will slowly kicks in. Try wake up to pump/latch around 2-4am, when the prolactine hormone is at the peak to stimulate the ss, u will surprise to see the output, very rewarding. Just to share with u, when I have my #1, my ss is also quite low, only 50-60ml every 3hrly of pumping. I still remember i got only 80ml each pump after baby turn 1 mth-old. Need to supplement him with FM. But I din gave up, continue to pump exclusively, and manage to total BF him when he turn 3 mths, and can get ard 900ml+ a day. Am sure u can make it too, especially u have very good support from ur HB and family!

I encourage mommies to latch on bb as soon as u can. I started latch on my #2 few hrs after delivering him, it really helps to stimulate the SS. As compared to my #1, my ss is pretty good this time round, yield abt 220-280ml every 4-5hrly. Although it is very tiring as u can't have good sleep during the hospital stay, but it worth! So ladies, let's jiayou together! *moo moo*

sarahmay: thx. just maintain gd mood n relax when BF. Shld be ok. I also drinking milk meant for BF mum.

Aiya basically, I'm using all ways n means to increase milk supply!!! lol

SarahMay - I ordered one 2L shower gel from newmummy last week. But becoz I asked for courier, I got the item the next day. Could be that singpost is delayed or something as I also haven't received my parcels from other bps...

Germaine is such a sweetie pretty! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


About office remote access today, I only drop connection once. So still quite stable here. My bed is now my makeshift office. :p

Thanks for all the sharing on bf. Feeling quite demoralize as not even 1 drop. Is it possible i dun have milk? Doc n lact con say milk will come. But still no sign. Now bb doesnt even latch... If i pump n do my hw, will bb latch on when i have milk? Taking pill n gettin fenugreek later.

popone: nah think it's just cos every woman's boobs different. mine just don't produce tt much for pumping i guess. i breastfed my son for 23 mths almost, even while preg so i'm not tt worried abt not having enough milk this time. just want to try having EBM for hubby and others to feed if possible. frees me up a little more. hehehe.

pinkyluv: yes! jia you!

OP: how how? any sign of urs coming?

angela: oh! dunno if singpost la cos i ordered from 2 other BP organisers, and one psoted out same nite as her, and another on monday, both got to me by tues lor.

Mommies, good day to all[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jus back fm gynea....bb still in breech position, gynea hv arrange c-sect on 9 sept le.....me totally moody n down, cried too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif](

Now deciding whether full GA or half EPI...any mommies got the experience to share on half EPI??


U oso csect on tis day rite?? We'll be neighbours...


Germaine's such a sweetie pie[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i experience GA for my 1st one & epi for my 2nd one.

Now pregnant with no.3 , will opt for epi again! i get to see baby first & i will be fully awake as compared to GA when i m the last to see baby & the after-effects of waking up is quite a nightmare to me.

I get to bf abt 1hr after my csection for my 2nd one. But 1st one, i only tried on the 2nd day as i was very groggy & tired after the GA.


Nothing leh. Some irregular contractions now and then, and crampy feelings. Morning had like 5min apart and 30sec but died off in an hour.

Tomorrow 9am gynae appt. Let's see how it goes. I'm starting my ML on Monday. But boss hasn't approve. My HB also on 2wk leave starting Mon, and my boy on sch hols. So I also no mood to work anymore. :p


I can come down to walk on my 2nd day. As for the wound, its healing varies from individual..but by the 2nd week, you should be quite ok le.

I did not go for any massage session but am thinking to get one this time round leh...

For this no.3 , i have scheduled for my epi csection on 20th sep... whats epi spinal ?


I'll be at TMC. Yes, emergency c-sect for 2nd one...dats why now thinking whether wanna try EPI...but Hubby worried dun know he can take it or not or will he hv forbia after dat....n he's also worried whether will I be able to take it or not.....sigh!!!


Thanks for sharing ur experience.....really dun know which one to choose....


Yes bottom half numb. I will be delivering at Mt.Alvernia. Now at 36 weeks 4days but having on & off braxton hicks & backache starts to kick in now.. worried will be early..

My hubby went in with me when i did the epi csection but this time round, he said he's not going in... & i think its ok if he dun feel comfortable with it.


Why u need to be on emergency c-section ?


I'm also going to TMC. Like hwat Roslynn shared - GA's after effect is quite a nightmare. From what Shinchan shared earlier epi spinal is bottom half numb - u won't feel anything. Recovery oso faster. What time is yr schedule for c-sect?


I opt for half EPI, cos my bb also bleech. I don't like the idea of having a tube poke through my nose into my throat, and I want hubby to witness the birth of his baby.


Becos i went into labour at 35 weeks which not supposed so becos of my placenta preavia.....so bb can't wait to come out n she burst my placenta....


I pm u my mobile number at FB....

Ya once they inject the epi , u will feel your left leg getting numb slowly , follow by right leg.. & then gynae will be doing the cutting & less than 5mins , baby will be out le.. very fast de..

my side effects was shivering after baby was out..takes about 30mins to get over it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Don't worry, is not as bad as I tot. I do agree with tiger lily as well, the recovering is ok, I can walk the next day already, painful but have to start walk to speed up healing process.


I oso wish Hubby to witness but Hubby worried dun know he can take it or not cos he heard fm his fren abt how they stretch the tummy to bring bb out n his fren got forbia after dat and dun dare to touch the wife......

How u gals feel after the epi wear off??? Same like GA???

Can't really see much from Hb's side coz there will be something to block it.

But my hb said he saw blood splurting everywhere.. guess its quite a 'sight for them' . My nurse told me some hb actually fainted due to seeing that.

For both GA & epi, after it wear off, i felt 'raw' but still manageable.. if u feel painful, just ask for painkillers.

Hi ladies, thanks for your compliments on Germaine... She's really a sweetie... She loves to lie chest to chest with either me or hubby... And we enjoy this moment especially when it comes to a point where our hearts beat in sync... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] try it.. U sure bond with ur baby de... Oh and she's always searching for nipple.. Damn funny... Hubby carry, she keep opening her mouth... Then suck hubby's arm then salty, she give the face... Haha...

We brought her to polyclinic today for jaundice check up... Her level is 147... So desperate me in order for her to pee, (she's poo-ing, but not pee-ing) I bottle feed her FM and she just finish 30mL... I still do exclusive pumping and will latch her so she doesn't forget my nipple... And whatever I pump I will cup feed her... Tomorrow have to go for another check up... Hope she's gonna be ok... Apparently FM helps in bringing down jaundice... But I'm only using it as a supplement... Breast is still best...

Cool, he can don't see the process, normally hubby only go in lateer on, sit beside the wifey. There is a cloth blocking the mummy view, so hubby can just stay by mummy's head. Only see when gynae carry baby over to mummy.

I doubt there's is such thing as half way cannot take it go into full GA. You wouldn't feel anything, just lie there and wait for baby to be carry out and looking forward to baby first cry.

wow, so many ppl have popped! Congrats BabyT, Yvonne, phantus, Diamantz, Su Bing & Phyphy! Did I miss anyone out? So wonderful seeing all the beautiful babies photos on FB!

Didn't managed to check the forum yesterday as I was admitted to hospital for observation. Think my MP came out, have 2-3 drops of blood, cervix is 2 cm dilated, having irregular contractions (felt zero pain) so gynae decided to admit me. -_- Good thing bb didn't come out as she was just 36 weeks and I would rather she still in the oven until after 38 weeks. Gynae wanted to keep me for another day which I insisted I don't want cos I rather sleep on my own bed. Glad I persisted because the one day stay cost me ~700 buckeroos after medisave deduction!

Mummies, wanna ask if now im still pumping to stimulate milk flow, so im feeding J formula milk now.

Does he need to drink water? How long then need to drink water?

Nbs breath quite fast rite?


The email system is damn slow lor. I don't have any contractions today leh. Went shopping again... walk around a bit and feel breathless liao. Hopefully he will come out tomorrow. He is still playing drums in my womb now.


Thanks God everything turn out fine.. Pray to God for good timing for her bb to come out only after 38 weeks.

Thanks pomme. I tink u r right. Hari raya period is gg to b tough to find Malay massage lady. Last resort find Chinese one? How many weeks r u nw? I m also playing the waiting game. U can stil go shopping peifu. I feel so heavy n Bb head low so walking can feel cranky.

So many ladies hv popped! But is only stil begining of sept. Wow. BabyT ur Bb is so adorable. Truly looks contented so cute!

phyphy, congratulations! wow, ur labour is a swift one!

lsb, congratulations to u too!

nigella, thanks...then i shall either buy from MAH or KK, depending on which area i will be at/nearby these few days ...

adelyn, jynnsan, hi five....today oso last working day for mi for the year ;p

babyT, Germaine is so cute....real sexy lips ;p

popone, wow, u haf good ms!

swensens, had sticky chewy choc ice cream todae...contended, after salivating from all the swensens ice cream mooncakes posts here...

cool, cheer up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

windy, glad u back home...rest well!

Hi mummies,

I've popped today at 0842 am. EDD supposed to be this Sun 5 Sep. Baby Eddrie weighs 3.175 kg and is 50 cm long. Here's my birth story...

2 Sep 12 pm Went for gynae check-up. Advised to induce as water level is low and my blood pressure is slightly high. Inserted one prostin tablet. 1 cm dilation. Went home.

2 Sep 6 pm Went to TMC labor ward to insert second prostin tablet. 2 cm dilation.

2 Sep 11 pm Admit to TMC. 3 cm dilation. Given oxytocin (not sure if this is the correct name) IV drip to speed up dilation. Doc predict would deliver before lunchtime the next day.

3 Sep 12 am - 730 am Asked for epidural at 2 plus am. Pain still bearable so started on low dose, I didn't want to wait till last min to take epi. It's really happy-dural...pain all gone but i shivered throughout so couldn't sleep. Dilated about 1 cm per hour.

3 Sep 730 am Here's where the drama started. I was 10 cm dilated, epi turned down to minimum level so that I can feel the contractions. A midwife who just began her morning shift came in to set me up to push and informed my doc. But just my luck...my doc Dr Joycelyn Wong was stuck with an emergency case at the exact same time. I wanted to wait for her but the midwife suggested to 'practice' pushing first. I agreed but wanted to stop and wait for doc after a few tries cos' was losing breath and energy and feeling a sharp pain at my chest/upper stomach . She insisted for me to go on, saying "don't worry about when ur doc is coming, i also can deliver you' and the pain only cos' of baby's body positon. Of cos' I want my doc there lar, after all I'm paying the doc delivery fees. She kept scolding me when I moaned in pain, saying "now u understand what being a mother means" etc and best, she said i should lose weight after the pregnancy and not gain so much for subsequent ones so that easier to push. The weight comment was made more than once...aiyo, i didn't even gain that much above average and most of it water retention. Aniwae, I snapped at her, she shut up after that and left the room to look for my doc.

Dr Wong only came in 30 mins later. By that time, I was so drained from the earlier pushing and the chest/upper tummy pain unbearable. Turns out that it was gastric pain...I have gastric history and probably cos' I didn't eat all night long. Seeing my zero strength, Dr Wong suggested assisted delivery. It was over in less than a min but it was the worst pain ever. I pushed, 2 midwives twisted and pushed super hard on my tummy and doc used forceps to pull baby out. Baby Eddrie arrived into the world, wailing away.

That's it for my birth story. Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to rant a little. There were a few other mummies delivering at the same time...I could hear how supportive and encouraging their midwives were. Just my luck, I guess. I wonder whether things would have been different if I had done the pushing with my gynae from the start. Felt a little bad towards my boy cos' the forceps left a slight red mark on his face but luckily, it's fading away already.

We were supposed to be sent up to the ward after that but TMC was full house. That irritating midwife just said that and said she don't know where to put us. Then just left me and baby in the delivery suite for about an hour. Just anyhow wrapped him and didn't even clean him up.

Congratulations Haiza! The last thing we want is any negative comments from the midwife. She should have concentrated on the delivery process instead of making so many unnecessary comments. Anyway your baby is so cute! =)



congrats! Thanks for yr detail birth story. If i were u i wil make a complain abt that midwife for scolding u. U r paying for the service leh. Anyway, take care n rest well. Yr boy is so lovely.

