(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Weaning session at my plc on the 18th March:-

Help me recall who is on the list of ppl as the archive got problem. I remember there is someone new. pls pm me so can give you the address.


Sweet mummy

Mine also just that she never say anything but can feel . Anyway it's my kids, I have every right to decide wat type of milk they drink

Phyphy, lol, yup agree

someone asked abt the luna-Luna seller for jumperoo? Her page no longer exists on fb, so....:s

when is the babyfair @expo? Anyone know?

tigerlily, bm will also haf dha ma..jus continue to give since u got ss....ignore those pple's comments....jus persevere...

badfifi, i was enquiring abt luna luna jumperoo but its ok cos oredi bot an excersaucer at taka fair. was great to bump into u! expo bb fair starts 18mar if im not mistaken...

wanna check if any mummies experience this: previously mik ss coming out from numerous ducts..but lately oni coming out from one or 2 ducts. consequence: taking a long time to pump, a long time before let down, a long time when bb latch, and not to say, a decreased ss...

Dear Mummies: can help my vote for my bb?


if possible pls spread a word around if u think he is cute :D thank you~


from wad i know no need pump till very empty...everytime left abit or pump less frequent should be oki...ur ss will slowly slow down...cos from wad u say i think ur ss alot thats y...

jynnsan: haha...really...i think i wear like that tell ppl i mother they oso shock :p so sometimes just tell them i'm student...cos anyways going back to school soon :p night time at astons is damn busy...so didn't notice u :p

mummyliang: no problem :D i like to share good stuffs that i find with friends :D actually we dun stay that far...i at yishun if u want we can meet sometimes when u free? cos i duno if i wanna go...to far already :c

Xiao pang: i got it already... it is automatic...

Leo: Here's what I can rem. I think only Mummyliang hasnt been to your place. Hope I have gotten the list right. By the way, what's the time ar and I dun have ur unit no., can PM me please. Thanks...

Weaning Gathering at Leo baby's 18 March:







Sugerong: Which brand of excersaucer did u get? Is an excersaucer. Why did u decide on a excersaucer over a jumperoo?

HOw abt the rest of u, which do u use? Excersuacer or jumperoo?

Tiger: Wao...u came a long way, last time always complain low SS, now...u doing so well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My SS is alwasy dependent on bb, alwaz just enuff, thank GOd[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Which is kinda ok cos while I freeze the extras here and there, I don't give frozen ebm and usually end up throwing.

Hello mummies. sorry this is gonna be a quick post. i'm moving into my own home FINALLY today. mad rush. and i'm not going to be online for the next week prob cos haven't started any net access package at my new place (and i'm not on iphone. :p)


Letty: call me and we can discuss more about your gathering ideas.

East gathering @ tampines

April 11, Monday

Venue: SarahMay's Home

Time: 2pm - 5pm (But this is not so good for my place cos nap time. Better 3pm - 5pm. HOW?)

Suggested activities: Painting? Water play? Reading and storytelling?

If you mummies don't mind me KPO-ing, i've actually started planning programmes for this age-group, theme-based.if you are keen, I don't mind leading some of these activities to share with you and your babies. And you ladies can give me feedback? How?

Or if want free play, chat session oso can)

tho if we really want to do activities, the group cannot be too big cos of our bbs age grp. our current size is good.

1. Letty (Baby Scott & Helper)

2. Phyphy

3. Naf

4. Chris (she said she is in earlier so I add for her)

5. Windy

6. dawned (Baby & Helper)

7. Kris


9. sarahmay ( bb + tot) of cos :p

10. dawned ??

dawned, great u r going we have not met since our nus days !

Ebelle, we were oso deciding net jumperoo or exersaucer. We let my gel try m she seems to prefer exersaucer though. Ours is evenflo brand. Jumperoo concept similar to Yao lan as in e spring concept. Exersaucer less springy but more bouncy. N can withstand more weight. So decided on dat. Price wise almost same thoug

Xiao pang, I rec e 2nd payout of baby bonus Liao. No need apply. Auto de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Letty n SarahMay n Sept mummies, i'm new to this forum. I would like to join the east gathering as my 1st with so many mummies n babies. Can I join in?? Tks


babyfair @expo is 18-20 March [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u not kpo lah, but a lot of initiative ! =) looking forward to ur sharing session. the time is fine with me

Yvonne, saw the bundle is with a bowl, fork spoon, teether and 4 via cups at taka on fri...seems the one u got from isetan deal is much more than taka bundle since comes with cup, teether and 2 bottles in replacement of the 4 via cups. Btw wat bottle is tat?

Any mummies wan to buy medela 150ml storage bottles look for me at taka fAir. Tis thur am not around. Thes test of the day will be morn till 2pm on weekday. Weekends mostly all day..

hi mummies, i'm from nov/dec thread. dont mind me popping in to chat? i'm a FTM and going to be SAHM soon. I dont hav any experience and find tat motherhood is overwhelming for me. dont mind if i join in to get some advices? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Letty, i'm staying in the east too. if its suitable, i will join in the gathering if its ok? your idea is so interesting. hee.. since i'm quitting my job, dont wanna stay home all the time. my girl is a mid nov baby.

hi naf! saw tat u r here too. Hee..

as in my thread, my bb is one of those who flipped, so can i ask if we shld turn them back from tummy as my girl tends to fall asleep after flipped.

for thumb sucking, how do i stop her from it? she dont take pacifier from birth and keep spitting it out.

NUS: sarahmay, r u working there?

Hi Mummies!

More on the upcoming East gathering:

Since we are going to be doing some activities for the babies during the gathering, we'll have to keep the grp small, so we will just go with this list for now unless there are mummies who can't come that day, ok?

Timing will be 3 - 5pm/6pm instead [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Venue wise, still need to confirm either Sarah's or my house depending on the activity.

Suggestions for the flow of the day:

1. Waterplay with water toys (Letty provide toys and pool)

2. Small art activity (Led by Sarah)

3. Storytelling & Songs (Led by Sarah)

Participating mummies, pls do share what you could do so we can incorporate that into our activities for the day!

East gathering @ Tampines

April 11, Monday

Venue: SarahMay's Home

Time: 3pm - 5pm

1. Letty (Baby Scott & Helper)

2. Phyphy

3. Naf

4. Chris

5. Windy

6. dawned (Baby & Helper)

7. Kris

8. Pinkyluv

9. Sarahmay ( bb + tot) of cos :p

With regards to the regular fortnightly tampines playgroup, are there mummies here with a 2-3yr old toddler like sarah and I? Planning to do a home base playgrp for the toddlers and babies separately. Interested mummies, could you pls give me a pm so we can roughly gauge interest? Ideas thrown are - rent a room per hr at the community centre for our activities, participating mummies each prepare a segment for sharing, session would be either in entirely english or chinese etc etc. Pls feel free to share!


The avent steamer+blender is really very easy to use. I'm oso trying to find other usage for it so that its not gg to be white elephant. Last weekend I use it to steam corn (in a cup) for my #1.

Next time can steam meat, pasta etc... so can share with my #1. She's 4yrs old but very small eater. We are still cooking specially for her coz she's a fussy eater.


I glanced thru the babyled weaning link that was posted here, sounds interesting; but I think I will stick to the usual pureed food route la. Lazy to read up more abt the new method.

Boohoo~ My baby is back in Msia with my parents; coz my parents have some medical appt back home.

:~( Miss him so.

Btw, www.iherb.com is giving free international shipping for month of March. But orders must be >$40, and weighing not > 3 pounds (1361 grams). So buying only cereals/puff will not make the min spending requirement/max weight restriction. Gotta add vitamins etc. For DHL, it will be 33% cheaper. For first timer, can use my code JEZ261 for $5off. ;)

Thanks Yvonne.

Hi Cherry, nice to c u here... Hehe.

Starluster, that is a good idea! I can do it for my #1 & #2 too.

My #2 became a fussy eater recently...govong me headache...he will turn 4 yrs old in Dec..ur #1 born in 07?


My chest freezer is half filled now. I can still afford to give away some EBM. You need to self collect from my place at Kovan during weekend. Please pm me your contact no. I pump and throw past few days. Was very busy so didn't clear. Now my right nn is stuck and my bb didn't latch 1 week seems like forgotten how to latch. She just smile n smile at me. Problem problem.. dunno how to clear the hard lump now.


Yes. I came a long way from my 0.2ml supply when I first started. God is good - I am glad that my ss is enough for my baby and can even share with others. Haha... I remembered I prayed that my ss is so much that my freezer will be over flow... The Lord is faithfull and he answers our hearts' desire.

Letty & Sarahmay> aiyah, the East gathering @ Tampines on April 11, Monday closed for "entry" liao? can you put me on the "waiting list" then? would really like to come if possible! do let me know if a vacancy opens up! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tiger lily> u are very power woman! now you not only have enough for Athena but can even share with others! you must have worked so hard! very 伟大!

tiger lily> massaging small areas gently in circular motions as baby latched worked well for me when i had engorgement (very long ago)

Hi mummies

Can you share what's the 1st 2 solids you feed your baby with? Mine's turning 6 mths next week and I have totally forgotten what to do. (1st gal is nearly 5 yo la)

Tks tks :)

starluster - Don't mind if I use your iherb discount code? I intend to buy the Happy Baby cereals. Even with the 33% DHL discount, one tin of Happy Baby cereals is $3 cheaper than the supermarkets here. =)


i have a tin of nan 2 pro to exchange to enfapro,if interested,please pm me,expiring 30/04/2012

Hi mummies,

We have have some bubble and parachutes time with the babies. These some activites that i learnt from Gymboree which emilee really enjoyed.

I also ahve colourful balls pool, scarfs, gymball etc.

My home will not be big enough if not i welcome everyone over.

I have those non-toxic bubble and colourful parachutes at home which i can bring along. The problem is that i cant really sing..... although i know the activities etc etc. Can i bring the CD along and some toher mummy led??

Hi Mummies!

More on the upcoming East gathering:

Since we are going to be doing some activities for the babies during the gathering, we'll have to keep the grp small, so we will just go with this list for now unless there are mummies who can't come that day, ok?

Timing will be 3 - 5pm/6pm instead Venue wise, still need to confirm either Sarah's or my house depending on the activity.

Suggestions for the flow of the day:

1. Waterplay with water toys (Letty provide toys and pool)

2. Small art activity (Led by Sarah)

3. Storytelling & Songs (Led by Sarah)

Participating mummies, pls do share what you could do so we can incorporate that into our activities for the day!

East gathering @ Tampines

April 11, Monday

Venue: SarahMay's Home

Time: 3pm - 5pm

1. Letty (Baby Scott & Helper)

2. Phyphy

3. Naf

4. Chris

5. Windy

6. dawned (Baby & Helper)

7. Kris

8. Pinkyluv

9. Sarahmay ( bb + tot) of cos :p

With regards to the regular fortnightly tampines playgroup, are there mummies here with a 2-3yr old toddler like sarah and I? Planning to do a home base playgrp for the toddlers and babies separately. Interested mummies, could you pls give me a pm so we can roughly gauge interest? Ideas thrown are - rent a room per hr at the community centre for our activities, participating mummies each prepare a segment for sharing, session would be either in entirely english or chinese etc etc. Pls feel free to share!

hi ladies,

Am missing in action for sometime. Been so busy for the conference in BKK. Finally back and trying to clear the pile of work built up over the week.


Let's arrange to meet up with our babes on wed since we are both off. Where you are interested to explore?


It was nice to finally put a face to your nick. Thanks for your compliment on my top, i got it from malta in europe on my honeymoon. Happy to wear it for the first time after i got pregnant and was able to fit in.


Me too now pumping 3 times a day. Trying to reduce my supply too and switch to formula, cos been very tired pumping. Just started my boy's night feed on formula yesterday and he is still waking up every 4 hours to drink. Sigh..

Making up formula milk

Need some advice on this. My boy drinks 200ml. I followed the instructions on the tin for 240ml (240ml water and 4 scoops) and i ended up with more than 240ml of formula milk. It is suppose to be like that?


Do u all sell 250ml medela bottles at the fair? Got discount too? I am pumping less frequently so i yield more per pump, needing bigger bottles.

HI hi,


Managed to get many great stuffs for bb? :p

East gathering,

Wow, so happening, i got a toddler 28 months, but it is a pity, really too far away...


Yup, i got a lot of buys for my boy. Been to platinum, jaktuchak and soi lai lai sup. I found the shop that Chin was sharing which sells carters, gymboree and other branded clothes from factory. But such a pity that there are much more toddlers clothes for gers and only 3 pitiful racks for boys and no pants at all.

For babies wear ( 0 - 24 mths) there is a wide selection of bibs, burping clothes , blankets, onesies, sets and more for both boys and gers.

Mummies thinking of travelling or will be traveling to bangkok, do drop by this place call "Soi lai lai sup". Soi means "street" and lai lai sup means " melt ur $$ away".

Actual address: Silom Soi 5 (between bangkok bank Headquarters and a 7-11 outlet.

Direction: Sala deang skytrain station or Silom MRT station

Operating hours: 11 am to 4pm.

Walk into the street all the way till you hit the end where you have to turn right. Instead of turn right, back track 5 steps and turn left to the building (it is before trinity mall). The shop has two fronts, one side for babies and one side for toddlers. The toddlers 's entrance face a foodcourt with Joey coffee stall.

Other than baby wear, you can get office wear, bags and belts and all at local prices. Din see much tourists there, mainly locals and prices is so much cheaper than Platinum mall and MBK. Agnes B bag at 350baht and cheap bb clothes at 20 bahts (local no brand sale items)

It is really a must go. I went there twice to grab bags, baby stuff, toys, etc. Really melt my $$ away then i got to return back to hotel within 2 hours of shopping there.

Hi mummies,

I'm from oct 2010 thread.

Would like to find out if any of u following the gina ford routine? Would mind sharing?

I just started trying for my boy now that he's almost 5 mths. He still wAkes up many times at night leh.

Care to email me to discuss?

My email address is [email protected]

Would really appreciate any help n advice.


ur Bangkok Trip sound really fun ! ur melt the $ shop sound really interesting

so miss Bangkok

11 April gathering

looking forward ! thanks Letty & Srah for leading the fun stuff [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow.. the thread is moving so fast.

11 April Gathering:

Sarah/Letty, i am keen to go but Khloe & I wont be able to attend all the forthnightly sessions because i am working.

11 April so happen that i am on leave so i thought can join u ladies for the gathering.

From the attendance list, i see that it's getting close to 10 mummies - Let me know if i can join in. I would love to but it's ok if it's getting too crowded since i can't commit to forthnightly sessions.

Hi Pomme,

Sounds like an awesome trip you had in BKK.

Can i get the directions to the factory that sells carters and gymboree from factory? A gf of mine is travelling to BKK soon, thinking of asking her to check the place out. If you can share with me how to get there, that will be lovely. Thank you in advance.


It was the street (entire street is flea market) that melt my $$ away lor. Spend more than 10K there in BKK. Spend about 2K plus at the bb clothes store... not dirt cheap but quality is very good.


My directions to that shop is in my post above. Your fren can just tell the taxi to go Silom Bangkok Bank building (head quarters), that street with the local flea market is just next to it. Just a guage of the prices for you.. Toddlers T-shirts about 180 baht each, babies pullover and pants set about 370 baht, singlet and shorts set about 180 too. I got 7 t-shirts for about 1200 baht in total. The stall keepers there speaks chinese.

Hi Mummies,

I have a brand new , unopened, unused Philips AVENT Steamer and Blender for sale. It is very useful and convinience for babies who just start weaning. I am willing to let go at $130. Kindly PM me if you are interested. [email protected]

Thank You.

Pomme : wow, that is quite a sum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Our $28 Stdio Shot with 3 soft copies returned


ok, lets look at 2nd April and 3rd April ? :)

pls indicate ur names, max 3 families per slot

The available days and time slots

(Maximum up to 3 families per time slot)

2 April 2011 Saturday









3 April 2011 Sunday




1pm Yvonne, Baby Maine

2pm hushlilbb, shinchan

3pm (Weiting, Windy and Badfifi)

4pm (Adelynn, Chrissy ? and


Pls email [email protected] directly urselves [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pomme in law ..r u keen ?


Yvonne & BBL,

Nah.. am inflating numbers nia.. It is 10K in thai baht lar.

Got a lot of other stuff too. Like loquats.. wanting to puree it for my boy. Pumpkin is super cheap lor at 10 baht for a quarter piece. Very tempted to buy a whole fruit back to puree for my boy, but din manage to find a whole fruit.

Dry atap chee is nice too for making desserts or eating on its own. BTW, i was informed that Scotch brite is dirt cheap there so i bought 12 pieces. 10 baht a piece is about 40 cts leh. My colleague bought about 40 pieces to bring back SG.

Pinky in law

My hubby say wait till one yr birthday. Am considering ur package for the whole family one. Also he said the timing quite heng suay, bb must be cooperative.

