(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

finally can come into forum at this hr, just attended a half day briefing and now at home thanks to a colleague's car lift ..but needs to leave in a few hours time to attend a working event and will reach home after 10pm


hehe, at my workstation lor =p

CNY Party @ Leobaby's condo on 15 Jan, which is just next saturday fr 11am to 4 pm

those who are keen pls let Mag know



hehe, good idea..i think i will bring something to soften the sound too..there is a malay guy colleague next to me actually :p

his wife expecting the 3rd child and he was shocked to see my pump on mon cos he said look like his son's asthma inhaler ?!!

i dun want to go to the room next to boss' room to pump too..cos i think i will take too long

rather work and pump


Oh dear ! hope Calvin recovers fast ..HFMD is unfortunately recuraable..my son kenna twice in 2009..that's teh issues abt childcare


and just wana grumble abt something..my son is in Nursery 1 this year, a 2008 baby..

and guess wat, on monday evening, we were surprised how come his milk powder were left untouched in his school bag, meaning he has no milk from 8am to 6pm at all

next morning, his class teacher not in but another teacher said Nursery 1 is now packet milk..no more milk powder

yesterday evening, i ran into his class teacher, so i asked her how come we are not informed abt teh change..cs dec were using formula milk..the child is afterall only 2 plus..

Guess wat she told me, " we informed ur son ( and my son is only 2 plus ?!) to inform u parents themselves..

*faint* and given such a young age, just because we din know of the switch, she din even bother with making milk for the 2 years plus boy on Monday..and he went without milk

Those who never been to Leobaby's place and who is attending the party next sat, pls PM me for address [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks for the playmat =) i will ask Leobaby for help in getting her helper to help u take mat fr teh car

Any more lady can bring along plamat ?

Leobaby and Pomme contributing one each..i think 1 ot 2 more will be nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh yes, now can type cos at home ..next few days even weekends will be busy with work, so pls PM me directly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i have recieved winnie's PM and have just replied her =)

Hello mommies,

last Sunday I went shopping. Very sad. Alot of clothes cannot wear. Bought a dress from warehouse at taka- size ten. To think I used to wear size six from the same brand!! So in the end only bought one dress cos don't want to b stuck with fat clothes. Supposed to start my diet but ate two packs of chips just now. Think I would get fatter since Chinese new year is coming !


dun sad..think the weight will go down after a while..

my colleagues all said i am fat liao hehe suggest to me to wear black jacket or cardi to look slimmer

i was a XS before marriage in end 05, after birth in 06, bec M, then now is L-XL


can u let Mag how to tt the $250 for photography & DVDs


we have $300 for food and drinks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Programme for CNY Party

11am to Noon : Makan (Weiting I?C)

Noon to 2pm : Photography (Kris I/C)

2pm to 4 pm : Chit Chat

Dress Code

Red for boys, Red/Pink for girls [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies can also wear red/pink? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


OK REservations made under Elisabeth Heng...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinky: Ya...so sad that u not joining[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I find ur colleague and boss v irritating. U shld tell him/her...that PM Lee oso say must have work life balance. Since ur organization is abt 'pple', then need to set a gd example. PM shared that one of the staff who was i/c of work life balance emailed something in the wee hours and he said during a nd rally that she shld leave the job. See! No wrk life balance may get sack! The one who reted after 3 days? Plain stupid. The fact is that if we die due to work, they'll just send us a wreath! Siao!

OP: Will wrk smthg out, next or following wk.

Jessica: Arrr paisei. Cut hair need to count date for bb?? Tot u not working? Tmr come out and eat lah. Next time start work no chance liao.

Am thinking of having a small gathering at my place (in BUKIT PANJANG) next Mon afternoon ard 2pm. Just a chitchat session, maybe have some cake and tea together. My friend, Julie, will be here and she can share abt baby yoga with us. Anyone keen? Don't PM me, email me pls? [email protected]


if dun have, nevermind lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i agreed abt the one who go back to work after 3 days quite siao !

so sad cannot join


Can share how you pick up the mat for christmas party? Really 难为你了. Just realised the playmat cannot fit into normal car boot. My dad say got to ask the taxi to lower the front passenger seat to lay flat and then put slot the mat in the taxi. So the mat lay flat from front passenger seat to back seat. Is that how you do i the last time?


Ur colleagues and boss quite mean leh. The one who return 3 days later is siao. I agree with Ebelle. All organisations takes us as a figure ( a digit number), so if we do well or not, they just treat us as a pawn. No use liao throw away.

You are scaring me about the upsizing lor. I was already L when i become preggie. Now just returning to M cos of Bfing. BF 万岁.


Guess you and i just couldn't make up our minds on which is good and stick to it. Wah.. Huggies ultra is super ex leh, more ex than mamy poko even with discount and u bought so much. I guess i will give pampers a miss this round, cos i notice once cold storage do promo on pampers, the rest will follow suit. Though based on my observation, this round of pampers is the cheapest ever cos normal sale is $38.95 for two, this is now $38.45.


Mag and her mum is joining us tomorrow, can add two more seats? Next week i am free too. Count me in if you are organising anything. Pinkyluv, you are off on thurs hor, join in leh.

All mummies who haven't collect ur photo dvd from christmas party can collect tomorrow. Those who can't go tomorrow can ask those who are attending to pick up for you.


I b0ught the huggies ulta at $14 each packet from the last parenthood fair.

Right now Seng siong having pampers sale $23 for 2 packs of 44 pieces. (M size) Thats 88 pieces at $23.- offer till 31st Jan


thanks! But I see cavin is ok leh, nothing on his hands and legs. Maybe is just false alarm due to his body heatiness. But to play safe still lock him up at home.

miss the gatherings but cannot go liao. Working. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Enjoy the salmon! :D

Christy is now growing fatter... her dryper M looks tight on her juicy thighs. Oh no... Don't tell me she is changing to L soon? She is only 3mth leh...


my colleagues are not mean lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it is this person who i needs to work with closely in work but yet not fr my company

the boss wise, he loves work, so he thinks everyone loves work too..he came back to office even when he is on leave himself..

for me, i believe in work-life balance


come to think of it, wonder where is the place the gal is sacked..maybe i should go and apply there :p cos unlike her, i think there shouldbe family time after work


heng ! Cavin is ok..hfmd can be quite a headache for us parents

Is my SSS dropping or Mik is drinking A LOT??? Last pump was ard 1+ n I pump ard 6.55pm... Now I could only harvest 80ml????!!!! (in between I latch Mik a few times) but usually I could harvest MUCH MORE than that. Wat is happening??? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i can bring 1 mat. u tok g abt the small small world's bumper mat izit?? BUT hor, i won't be there on time at 11am n may leave earlier than 4pm lor....is that ok? if ok, then i bring mine. Mine's not as big n thick as some cos' mine's the "earlier generation" one....heh!!


why u got 3 kids, no maid still can come into the forum so frequently huh?? i only have 2 n have a maid n like don't even have enuf zzzzzz lor...why ah? ur time mgt must be super good!!! teach me leh...btw, when is ur maid coming in ?

ebelle> I will join u if everything ok. My boy sleeps very little nowadays and I am like a walking zombie also no time to chk in here. Mag told me early this morning abt the lunch and i only can chat now.

Chewy> the cheong sam site is gd but wondering if should buy. 16 jan has a wedding theme dinner its shanghai theme and must wear cheong sam and man in tux lor. I am looking forward to the theme dinner as company always have n had not been participating since preggy. but now the tummy still big wonder if can fit the cheong sam.

Pomme> the mat can be folded into a big block then transport.

Need help man, any ladies experience like mine. bb sleep only 5 to 10 min then wake and only sleep again abt 3 hrs later. my boy also been awaking at nite for feed these 2 days and I am really like zombie. no time to pump and just latch so don't know how much he drinks and had to latch like every hr man. Pls advise.


I usually surf when I'm pumping... Thaz y sometime u will see me post several postings at one go... N suddenly disappear.

Seriously My time mgr sucks big time... Hehe.. Maybe I'm those lazy type, those need to do, I do... Those can wait... I'll wait :p

Maid.... Fetching her this sun. Hope she will be a great help! Wish me luck.

Maid time table...

Can anyone share with me? [email protected]

leo baby,

my bb also will be awake in the day if i put her down on the bed when she fall asleep in my arms. So i hv to carry her in my arms then she can slp longer. If she don nap enf in the day, she get very cranky and expected to be carried throughout the day.


will liase with mag regards to money for phtographer.

Leo baby

He is teething, right ? U got try apply the gel?

Mine sometime If nap is being distrube , he will wait for the next nap time.

These few days , he have been getting up around this timing to talk. Somemore talk v. Loudly. Don know wats wrong with him



Thanks for the recommendation . Will sure bring my gal over , now must make a mark on my calendar before I forgotten .


pls use it as guide only hor cos different hsehold has different needs at different times. furthermore, i drew the timetable out before delivery. now my maid got MORE to do than stated in the timetable....hahaha!!! all the best!!!


pm u liao, add me to the facebook ya?? thks!!!

btw, u not bring g ur #1 and #2 to the cny bash ah?? bring lah...they sooooo cute esp ur gal who gave me the hug! want more hugs leh.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies

I have two singtel web mobile to let go...

pls email to [email protected] for more infor

preloved mobile web cameras only used for 4 months..

excellent condition!

can use it to monitor ur toddler or maid simply make a video call =)

thx you =)

phyphy> recommendation? u mean invitation over to my place? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CNY Gathering

I have ordered the below for the gathering. No main course will be served. All will be finger food. Is everyone ok wif tat?

Mini Tea Party

1.Crispy Mid-Wing

2.Chicken Nugget

3.Mini Curry Puff

4.Sotong Yu-Tiao

5.Mini Chocolate Puff

6.Potato Salad

7.Egg Mayonnaise

8.Mini Soon Kueh

Bal for drinks~

Hi mummies! Haven't logged in here for a very long time. Hope all of you and your babies are well! =)

Pinkyluv - Can share how do you pump at your workstation? Do you use a nursing cover or something? I try to pump in the designated "nursing room" in the office (ie. meeting room with the windows sealed up), but I'm stuck in limbo if that room or other meeting rooms are taken up. =(

weiting> haha! i like mini everything nowadays! easy to eat! just pop in mouth and chew! then hands free for baby! :D thank u!!!

Hi mommies,

I'm from Dec'10 MTB thread.

I have a pkt of sacred nursing tea to let go at only S$20. Its opened but I only used it once.

Pls PM me if u're keen.

Pinkyluv - u also pump at workstation? I also prefer to pump at my workstation. Feel more stressed up pumping in the meeting room coz away from workstation.

Me on leave tomorrow coz my mil fell sick. A break after 4 days at work. Was looking forward to it.. so that can spend some time with my darling baby. Missed her so much.. and cannot really spend time with her after work coz still need to entertain my #1.

Yo MOms so glad we met today[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])). In the end...I had dinner too...heheh

Yo PInky: I going for cny...paid liao...

Yo WeiTing: Dunno what's ur buget but Kgourmet can cater at about $8+ per pax. You may like to check their website then they'll do all the set up and drinks. But if u ordered liao then no probs[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hi mummies,

glad to have met up with u all today at kiseiki. =) wish there were more time to talk to each one of u..=p mag! tks so much for informing me,if not i wldnt hv been able to make it for the meet up=)

leobaby,can let me knw ur address?=p

pommelow,tks for all the good advice =p

btw,can someone add me for facebook?my email is [email protected]

