(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Chin, yah i find it so hard to sacrifice our diet for bb.. Just trust that it's good lah...

Dunno what skin ailments you all are discussing, but i recall there was once we mentioned how baby's legs have like white spots. I simply put Johnson's baby lotion and it got better.

For rashes on bb's face, i use Sebamed face cream. But if u want something more "protective", u can apply Sebamed's baby cream soft on his face.

I now wonder whether my bb's skin problems were due to lack of moisturizing. And maybe we put too much soap in the bathwater..

Pomme, what is loss of tongue-thrust reflex?


btw, for those with iphone, my colleague recommended me the Pudding Camera.. can take baby shots quite nicely, try it out!

Hi elle, can I check that butterfly is front facing too? Seems so from the website. Can we choose the design and when do we have to get back to you? Thanks!

Clueless - hope all will be well between u n hubby. It's quite stressful when it comes to making such decisions. Think you should also tell him what you want, it shouldn't be a one way commnunication. Also, perhaps, you guys should have a back up plan too.

Happy baby food spree - buying for own consumption nia. Am buying now to stand by for 6th mth weaning. Interested mummies please add to the list. Please browse website for food range and variety http://www.happybabyfood.com/





5)Leo baby


7) Tigerlily

Happy baby food - i want too. How are we doing this?





5)Leo baby


7) Tigerlily

8) Ccpet


ya only butterfly model which is not front facing. I will try to close the BP by latest Wednesday and once order submitted should be able to receive within 2 weeks time unless there's any delay.

Dreamz, you got pm

Happy baby food. Add me pls.... Using pbone as well. Almost no time to use pc now tt start working.

Ccpet my boy also start wakng up in the night before i start working! & very cranky... My boy neck still not v strong... Anyone the same? Saw the facebook pics seems a lot of bbs have strong neck already...

Happy baby food spree - buying for own consumption nia. Am buying now to stand by for 6th mth weaning. Interested mummies please add to the list. Please browse website for food range and variety http://www.happybabyfood.com/





5)Leo baby


7) Tigerlily



Happy baby food spree - buying for own consumption nia. Am buying now to stand by for 6th mth weaning. Interested mummies please add to the list. Please browse website for food range and variety http://www.happybabyfood.com/





5)Leo baby


7) Tigerlily



10) Diamantz

11) Chin

Happy baby food spree - buying for nsumtion nia. Am buying now to stand by for 6th mth weaning. Interested mummies please add to the list. Please browse website for food range and variety http://www.happybabyfood.com/





5)Leo baby


7) Tigerlily



10) Diamantz

11) Chin

12) mango

Happy baby food spree - buying for nsumtion nia. Am buying now to stand by for 6th mth weaning. Interested mummies please add to the list. Please browse website for food range and variety http://www.happybabyfood.com/





5)Leo baby


7) Tigerlily



10) Diamantz

11) Chin

12) mango

13) Sugarong

Badfifi, saw ccpet's post and realised i haf yet to collect my wipes from u!!! psi seh! will liase with u via sms on this. meanwhile, u rec my payment hor? transferred in dec.

ccpet> i ordered from the salesperson, but har, min order with delivery is $150 per invoice. (wet wipes diapers etc in total, 1 carton wet wipes only just above $50) they sell sealer diapers also, but at retail price, which is ex, so no point... PM me if you want the contact. i got the contact from Mag.

sugarong> haha, no prob. i was just gonna sms u next week to remind u. are you going for the CNY gathering? maybe i can pass to u then? yup, received your payment, no worries

I alr start giving Zeynep food. I start with Heinz apples then pears. Let her try cereal she spilt out. Now I bought 'the wean machine' to make fresh food for her. Yest give her banana.

hihi ladies

received a sms fr u ladies

Dress Code for 15 Jan saturday : Babies in Red, Gold or Pink

Mummies too..ok ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cya all then

Programme for Sat 15 Jan 2011

11am to Noon - Makan

Noon to 2pm - Photography

2pm to 4 pm - Chit Chat & Interaction

PS: just now during my working event, someone mentioned an event on 15th Jan..really wan to faint..luckily it is going to be posphoned

Hey Kris,

So coincidental to meet you at baby sling n carrier.. So in he end did u buy any?I really tempted to buy the beco leh.

Elle, r u taking in orders for Gemini?btw,r u allowed to choose the designs?

Happy baby food spree - buying for nsumtion nia. Am buying now to stand by for 6th mth weaning. Interested mummies please add to the list. Please browse website for food range and variety http://www.happybabyfood.com/





5)Leo baby


7) Tigerlily



10) Diamantz

11) Chin

12) mango

13) Sugarong

14) clueless

January is going to be a crazy month for me. I am going to US (CA) for one week of kick off .. to think of that 22 hours of traveling time make me don't want to go and to think no latch for one week sure my ss will drop, so i would kut lat and pump pump.. wondering, how to pump in plane? i think only can go to toilet but if full flight paisei to occupy the toilet for so long .. oh well for the sake of my girl.. a mother got to do what a mother got to do ~ haha

then when i am back my maid is off for a week (she actualyl leave 1 day before i come back) and once she is back on 28th , 29th i am going in to msia... Crazy January~~

OK ladies- FInally, i have decided to go to AUS in MAY, as i got my bro wedding in march so plan to have april to get things packed and settle and May off i go. I think i would talk to my boss tomorrow about this and see what he say.. whether he can let me work from home in melbourne .. low chance but if u never ask, u never know..

crystin is really rejecting fm milk. even my maid seems to successfully giving it to her but hse is getting more difficult these 2 days.. and i think got more phelgm than usual. Well... i have been eating quite notti myself.. fried food, prawns.. chips.. don't know whether it is the cause. Or is it she catch a minor cold as these days when i put her in crib i didn't let her wear hat..

maybe should also let her try puree or cereal.. she is 4.7 months, u think it is a good time to try?

Hi clueless,

jia you on your pumping! You know I have a low milk supply issue, n reading ur post makes me hang on for alittle longer.

For those mommies who don't know my case, just to let u know I pump only 100 ml of bm per day. Yes you didn't read wrongly it's 100 ml per day n not per pumping session.

Today I feel extra sad that I don't pump even milk for my bby. I know it's silly to feel depressed again abt this issue after 3 months but I can't help it. I feel I am not giving my baby enough by not be able to provide milk. I always wonder if I miss out on doing anything during the first 2 weeks. Anyway, it's too late now.

Pardon me lamenting on a Sunday night. Think I would feel better tomorrow

Rae tan,

Dun think that way gal. U r doing a lot by giving ur baby bm already. Not all mothers do that also. I have such feelings of not doing enough for my daughter also bt in a different way. Now that I m back to work, I have not enough time with her, I felt I don't provide enough for her too, end up I buy her lots of toys n clothes to try to make up for it. I know it is dumb of me to do that bt I don't know how else also. Well, the other reason why I still pumping despite my slow bm expressing is also because I felt this is the only thing that makes me different from the maid, if not I felt she is spending more time with Beverly than I m n more like a mother to her..

Anyway, despite having low supply, u still persist in giving her bm, it also show that u r a great mom already! Others would hv given up.. Hang in there gal, giving her bm is better than totally not giving...u jia you too ok?

Depressing Sunday Night

1. I'm going back to work tomorrow.

2. I'm frantically packing my pump stuff.

3. Someone I don't fancy (dats to put it mildly) whom I work closely with just got "promo". So i hv a damned bad feeling abt it. If I hv to report direct to this person, I plan to ask for posting.

On the last day of my ML/Annual leave, I suddenly hv inspiration to set up blogshop. I've already chope the name, email addr n Facebook acct. Now I hv a empty blogshop. I just wonder why my inspiration din come earlier when I still hv my 4mths of ML! *sigh*

I feel a sudden melancholy (super post natal blues? Haha! Siao!). Like I going back tomorrow to face hell and death. God give me strength!


100ml is still effort! No less than those who pump liters per day! Keep going ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Are u using a pump dat can run on batteries? Pump at Ur seat n use nursing shawl to cover up? If pump is too noisy den use the pillow to cover?

rae> 100ml is still your hard work and effort!! you are a great mummy for persisting! don't worry! if you feel bad, then i should feel worse! :p here's my "story":

i'd been facing milk supply issues from day 1. supply very low and comes in very slowly. others pump for 10mins, can get 100ml at least. me? i had to pump for an hour to get the same amount. and even then, it was a HUGE struggle for me to maintain that supply. i ate all sorts of things and did all sorts of things to boost milk supply, but NOTHING worked.

then later, i find out that i cannot pump (if the suction is high enough to express milk out, then my breasts hurt for the rest of the day. if suction low enough not to cause me pain, no milk comes out) so now, i don't pump, just latch, 40-60mins each time. mastitis, engorgement have all come to pay me visits, and there are still days now when my baby fusses and yanks at my breasts cos either no milk or milk too slow...

jiayou, ok, babe?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OP: I'll prob feel the same as u in a few wks time, plus my bb has to go to infant care so, it'll be just [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. U'll prob feel better after adjusting back to work routine. Jia You!


Salute u for ur perseverance! Truth is when it comes to Bf, I think we shld just do what we can cos FM is also not a bad alternative and alot of bb r healthy and happy bbs with FM. 3+ to 4 mths is already a huge achievement. U just do what u can but if it stresses u, then jus give FM. Like what the moms always say, Happy Momi= Happy Bb[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PInky/Weiting: So cfm lunch at Cny is just finger food rt?

CNY PARTY> can all the mummies who are going all have a pact not to give any angpows? may be a messy affair otherwise, esp since not all will arrive at the same time...


Happy baby food spree - buying for nsumtion nia. Am buying now to stand by for 6th mth weaning. Interested mummies please add to the list. Please browse website for food range and variety http://www.happybabyfood.com/





5)Leo baby


7) Tigerlily



10) Diamantz

11) Chin

12) mango

13) Sugarong

14) clueless

15) leila


agree wif OP. U can pump at yr seat.probably more comfy than in the cabin toilet lor.

Low ss - be encourage. I oso hav supe low ss in the begining. On day 10 when most mummies ss kicks in, mine is only O.2ml for an hr of pump. Soon I started my pumping maraton. Pump round the clock every 3hrly 24by7, in 6wks time, i lost all my prepreggy weight n could produce abt 200ml per 1hr pump session. I was happy but worried as well cos' i was due to back to work in 4wks time. So i brought a chest freezer n start storing my ebm. the 24by7 pumping never stop, i only stretch the timing longer e.g. Pump 3.5hrly then slowly stretch the 6hrly. Now my chest freezer is almost full with abt 60boxes of ebm. Supply = demand is very true. In fact, due to work environment, i can only pump once in the toilet or nursing rm in shopping mall during lunch break. Sometime, i miss the lunch pump - i'll pump ard 3pm. I makeup the rest of the pumping at hm. 7pm-8pm once, 12mid-nite or 1am once, 3am-4am once (if i can wakeup) finally, once b4 i go to office at 6am. My letdown is oso slow, so i need abt an hr. I uses a swing at work, i use the pump on 1nn n hand express the other. Pump time shorten to 30mins. Mummies u may try. Bcos, i only pump once between 8am to 7pm, i suspected i got block ducts. In fact, i went to see sis kang last friday. She check n confirm that i dun hav block ducts just my breast tissue is a bit sore cos' at hm after my breast pump did the job, i hand express some more. She told me that all mummies who has stop breast feeding can always restart their supply as long as it is within a yr. So ladies, dun giv up. If u really want to giv yr baby bm, get profession help. Sis kang told me not to let yr breast be like rock hard. If really no time to pump, clear a bit in toilet. This wil reduce yr chances of getting mastitis.

Mummies, jia you. We all can do it.

Most importantly is we must be happy doing all these esp. breast feeding. Breast feeding is not easy esp. for working mummies. Be it 100ml or 1litres, only mummy can give this special gift so stay positive - we all did our best & all did it well. Happy Mum=Happy Baby.


healthy times vs happy baby, which is better in terms to less sugar?

Low ss

maybe can try the papaya n fish soup? Heard from my elderly that its really boost the supply,


Happy baby food spree - buying for nsumtion nia. Am buying now to stand by for 6th mth weaning. Interested mummies please add to the list. Please browse website for food range and variety http://www.happybabyfood.com/





5)Leo baby


7) Tigerlily



10) Diamantz

11) Chin

12) mango

13) Sugarong

14) clueless

15) leila

16) weiting


I will be ordering hongkong mee but for abt 20pax so everyone share share k. Cos the $ not enough to order 30pax de. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

Been a long time since I last logged in. I've been back to work for a few weeks now, super bz and tired.

Can I ask, now that our babies are 4-5 months old and super active/curious, how do you entertain them during their waketimes? Educational DVDs/toys eg. jumperoo, exersaucer etc?

Can I join the Happy Baby food spree too?





5)Leo baby


7) Tigerlily



10) Diamantz

11) Chin

12) mango

13) Sugarong

14) clueless

15) leila

16) weiting

17) haiza

Dear all,

I have the following items to let go in exchange of either similac, enfapro or a small token of $10

1 tin of 400g Nestle Nan Pro 2 (expire on Nov 2011)

1 tin of 400g Nestle Cerelac Rice (Blue Color)- expire on 27/9/2011

1 box of Nestle Cerelac (Rice & Mixed Vegetable)- expire on 16/11/2011

Kindly email me at [email protected]

I want to join too please.

Happy baby food spree - buying for nsumtion nia. Am buying now to stand by for 6th mth weaning. Interested mummies please add to the list. Please browse website for food range and variety http://www.happybabyfood.com/





5)Leo baby


7) Tigerlily



10) Diamantz

11) Chin

12) mango

13) Sugarong

14) clueless

15) leila

16) weiting

17) haiza

18) einney

jus curious, any mummy joined Beco carrier from cozybabies's spree in Nov? I lost the link to that spree page, anyone has it?

Im interested too!

Happy baby food spree - buying for nsumtion nia. Am buying now to stand by for 6th mth weaning. Interested mummies please add to the list. Please browse website for food range and variety http://www.happybabyfood.com/





5)Leo baby


7) Tigerlily



10) Diamantz

11) Chin

12) mango

13) Sugarong

14) clueless

15) leila

16) weiting

17) haiza

18) einney

19) Vinee

Back to work................ (after 4 months of inactivity) <- How can there be inactivity??!!

I have never been this busy before life with a bb!! lol

Rae > haha same for me. One pump 30 mins only get the miserable 30 ml..or in good days 40 ml (wiht the 3 hour interval) i have learn to accept that i cna't be like others and it is slightly a bit too late to go power pump but just continue until you return to work. Trust me, when u go back to work, to pump is really tiring compare to pump at home so u may be discourage. So just go with what you feel like. i set my goal to bf for 6 months and then see how then my mental and emotion is as u know i got this big migrating issue coming soon and i think i may get stress over packing, work and taking care of crystin

Ohh btw my bb crystin routine change. No matter what time the last feed, automatically wake up around 2ish AM, then 4ish AM, then 6ish AM. Worse of all, don't want FM bottle. Only wants my NN, but sometimes she would latch and pull out and look at me and give me the look i am full and i want to play... Piangz


Hi Mummies,

Any ideas where I can get nice free ang baos?? Lol. Was hoping to get uniform ones but dunno if I can ask bank for 50 packets or free??

