(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Sigh.. Seems like we all face different problems. For me it's breastfeeding [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Now that baby is latching 100%, my supply seems to have gone down. I don't pump after each feeding cos baby sometimes wanna drink shortly after feeding cos still hungry. Yet if don't pump, supply will go down right?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

30mins pump after feeding only express 40ml on each side & only one side was used for feeding. Abnormal right?


Phyphy: i wanted to bring jayden there too today as he still gt phlegm n blocknose but unable to tk leave cos my colleague on leave [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] else i shd see u At the clinic le

diamantz - my baby did just that on Thurs night. Wake up almost immediately after we put her down.. went through this whole cycle for 6 hours from 9pm to 3am... then i let her slp on her tummy and she's able to slp till 9am the next mng.

phyphy - usually I will go ard 730am to queue liao. If go too late, can only get to see doc quite late, sometimes ard 1plus. Sigh... Will be bringing my girl there tonight to see doc. Will be going at 6pm to queue to get no.

Adelynn - I am going to queue for a number this evening. U want me to help you get queue no for tonight's clinic? PM me the details if you want. It's Lilian Lim for tonight's clinic.


The redness is about 2 fifity cent coin size.. I can't feel any lump around that area.. been latching, pumping and massaging that area. Use warm water also. So which doc did you see?? Ur gynae?? Must take medication? Cham.. am now working and can't take leave. Sigh..


Wat 7.30am, no wonder I saw the 1 st few bring their own chair. Hope the Q- ing is worth it. T2 is having cough n sees like having flu as well . Merlion 2 times n now sleeping.

Hi all Sep2010 Mummies

Sorry to intrude but need your recommendation of a good confinement lady.

I am expecting my 2nd child and EDD is end Jun 2011. I had my mum's help after my 1st delivery. Hence, I have no experience in engaging a confinement lady.

Would really appreciate if anyone here could help pls.

Thank you in advance.


Phyphy - Yes. If queue from 7.30am, can be guaranteed to be among the first few to see the doctor. Otherwise will have to wait at least 4 hours later then can see doc coz day time alot of appointments one. So hubby wld usually go and queue ard 730am.

Oh dear... sounds quite bad. should go and see the doc. but most of the time the merlion usually caused by the cough... that was what happened to my girl too... cough so hard until merlion.. then cry.. cry liao cough, cough then merlion again... a vicious cycle... sigh...

yo ladies!

how was your long weekend? i just nuah-ed at home...only yday ventured out to church at crowded suntec city. first time out in public w such a big crowd with bb.


op went? u very the best! isn't the sound too loud for bb?


oops i haven't done mine! better go do.

i love lemon juice (homemade) best cos cheap and smells good! it is 1:1 (juice: water). so if steriliser recomends 75ml of water normally...then solution is 37.5ml lemon juice: 37,5ml water


i'm flying off for sure on 25 nov now. before that, anyone keen to have meet up in east again?


wanna have playdate? maybe can go somehwere like peekaboo?


tracey , like sugarong said...if white residue cannot be wiped off most likely oral thrush. u can go see doc for meds...but for preventative measures, my PD told me to give bb and myself probiotics (cos I'm breastfeeding). also clean mouth daily.


daily is good. my PD told me to do so. But instead of finger, wrap sterile guaze around two cotton buds(Q-tips) and insert...reason is that our finger can be a bit big for bb's mouth and cannot get into all corners.

i tried it instead of my finger and it worked much better.

alternative PD rec is those gum brushes either those u pop on finger or pigeon stage 1 ones.


where to buy? can use for cleaning mouth? ok to swallow?


think i m the only mom here w a 9 week old bb who still DOES NOT SLEEP THRU nite ...not even 4 straight hours...yet. haiz. how?

Shirlynn> Thanks for sharing where to buy. Without your in put I will be like a headless fly running around to find it. Thanks a zillion.

Diamantz> I think what u meant is start of 2nd mth rite as Aidan is only 2 mth plus now. So 6 in 1 can be taken at 2 mth plus.

Clueless/ Jacqueline:

My boy also like that. But only started these few days.. Is it a growing up phase? He cant finish his milk and kept dozing off..

leo_baby: thanks! i was wondering its vaccination right? cos my elder boy didnt take this..

yvonne: cotton buds...americans all them q-tips i think. heee....


polyclinic price n pd price same leh...thot poly shd be cheaper.


polyclinc n outside hc slightly diff schedule. btw how come my polyclinic says they dun hv 6 in 1....which pcs you girls go to?

Adelynn, Sarah

yupz, polyclinic is $90 per dose for rotavirus [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think Leobaby also go Bukit batok Polyclinic ?

that's where Kyra goes..v convenient for us, just a less than 10 minutes drive away and no need to queue cos can call for appt

any baby has taken rotavirus 2nd dose, Pnuemococal and 1st 6 in 1 at one go..a bit scared that it is too much for a baby alto the nurse keeps telling me no problem

think i will split this out

MamaG > yes. Only stp crying when carry or lie down on my tummy. I duno how he is today. I sneak out for shopping ;p

For those mummies who go polyvlinic, fo u set ur own schedule for the jab? Do you go for normal progress checkup at polyclinic as wel? Can choose doc? Thanks


nurse will advise but u can change according to ur own schedule, as long as gap not too far apart, is okay

yes, they does everything, including progress checkup

not sure abt sticking to same doc but think can be done bah..

call 63553000 and they can advise u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Poly they don offer all the 6-1 jab. They only offer one jab of 6-1 which is the 2nd or 3rd jab of the 5-1.


Mine don't sleep through the night too. And yesterday, she wad wake from 11 am to 9 pm!!!! Champion right!!! Baby usually eat and sleep, but mine simply refuse to naps when she was so so so tired, kept yawning only. Argh.....

Now again... My arms and back are breaking, carry her also not sleeping.


this is how poly jab and most of the clinic for 5-1 jab



u got try put her on the sling ?


mine after merlion will sleep very soundly.think he feel more comfortable after all the vomitting


hehe, ur post quite funny..abt baby usu eat and sleep and urs refuses to

i think only babies of our era eats and sleeps

this generation is quite different liao

mine likes to close her eyes for a v short while, and then open them big again

guess this generation is much more alert


my bb also close eyes for a v short while and open and will continue on till she really sleeps, which takes quite long.


we go to Dr Allyson Tan at sengkang kidsclinic.


I am sweating leh, cos I carry her walk up and down the house, I m so hot and tired.


The eat and sleep is my mum say wan. Ya, I think this gen is different.

Carry her can still cry and scream her lungs out. Mine got very powerful lung. Finally now she tired of the screaming, sleeping on my arms, put her down? Scare the open eyes big big and cry away leh. Argh..


We shd meet up again before you go back. Will miss you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


You know why? Cos we take a lot of good food, so all the good nutrients all go to our babies, so this generation babies are more alert, more demanding, and smarter! Disclamier... hey, this is just my tots only, not liable for any wrong info given.

Sab> some babies are just more wakeful. Put her in a sling and talk to her as u go abt ur biz. u can even narrate to her abt wat u r doing. If ur hse has quite a bit of activity, can put her in a bouncer at the ctr of actvity...


no need to disclaim, wat u said is spot on..

as they r smarter, the school syllabus is super tough nowsadays

i saw a friend post her K1 gal's sch syllabus work this year..it is very scary

long long eng para, chim chim chinese

i think it is going to be worse for our babies..

PS: those mums with K1 kids, how do u all cope with their studies?

i have been very unkiasu when kids' sch work r concerned, tot can get serious when go K1, now realise K1 work is similar to wat i did in primary 2 ..even i m getting cold feet

adelynn> the rotavirus is an oral medicine no jab.

Diamantz> BB fussiness I think its a phase they will go thru leh. I had mine weeks ago and now ok liao. Just chk for any discomfort guess it should be fine. Just like u too couldn't take it. when hubby home immediately left the house to have my own space.


I also had to carry my boy to sleep. You must learn your gal sleep pattern. Mine when rock side to side he will doze off and when he really sink into my arms (as in gets really heavy liao) that is the time to put the bb down in bed. U know when a person sleep liao their body become so relax and heavy that means in deep sleep liao.

Sometimes they don't sleep its because they are not full enough. Give them some more milk and they will KO. Go test it out.

Recently my boy also sleep alot and don't drink much. Drink sleep drink sleep.. Must be growth spurt.


My boy also at 10th week also don't sleep thru the night. But now he started 4 hourly feeds at night and i am thankful. Keeping my fingers crossed that it will extend to over night sleep. Though i still need to wake up and pump.

Ahhh my milk supply dropped after i started latching exclusively on weekends. Now is only 220ml per 5 hours pumping which is pathetic. Help.. luckily i still got 80 tablets of fenugreek.

yvonne and Jaq > my bb is now 11 week old.. are yours about the same? if so, then maybe it is a growth spurth. hmm suddenly i think, could it be the teats? Am using NUK Latex teats so maybe she is picky on the teats ... hmm let me change it to night and share with ur ladies.


currently i am using this pump with a SOFT SHIELD.. does anyone use the HARD Shielf on it? As i am thinking to get a replacement shielf as the soft shielf of mine seems to be like spoiling ..but don't know whether the HARD Sheild can fit

sab: yes must meet lor...but when n where? haiz. as for sleep i shove passy in now n works most times. but think prob is w me cos i super unscheduled. but my first boy was worse so i tell myself if i cld survive then...i can now. hahahah.

pinky: tell me abt tougher school syllabus. it IS really harder! my two sons took 6 in `1, rota n pneumo together. no prob. no fever either. no need to split.

phyphy: thanks...i thot so too but dunno why some mummiesshared here tt their polyclinic offered 6 in 1. or did my eyes fail me? hehe.

badfifi: actually from the bks i read the worse they nap the worse they sleep at nite....but how somtimes i think bks not accurate also...either tt or must me my genes or something...both my boys...wakeful type. haiz

Sarahmay> yup, I think it's true to a certain extent. That's why I don't try to make him sleep, but if he is sleepy and can drift off to sleep, I let him sleep. I just try to make sure that when he does sleep, it's the deep, restful kind instead of the shallow type ..

pomme, ME TOO!!! My supply drop so much when I latch christy in the weekends. Not sure how much she drinks when latch on, always fuss after finish sucking, so I rather pump out and feed her. Who knows... my usually supply of 120ml both side DROPPED to 60ml and 80ml... oh my supply when are you coming back??? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sarahmay: i tink its the prob with our boys.. mine also don sleep much! at nite only sleep max 3.5hrs 1 stretch.. and he can latch on after i burp him open eyes big big and smile at me and started talking. FAINT.. in the day its the same too

Leo_baby: thanks! tink shd bring my boy to polyclinic tis week to take the rotavirus since he is 2mo today..

My bb also zz alot and drinks less now!!! She is abt 10wks +. Growth spurt? Thought growth spurt is drinks more??!!

What do u mean by bb zz through the night? As in midnite onwards till next am, 7-8 hrs of zz without feed?!

Can the mummies share what kind of insurance they have bought for bb? I have the prulink by prudential. Aviv plan 2 cos both hub and me are aviva policy holders n financial planner said bb entitles to plan 2 free till age 20 if I remember correctly. The planner offers ntuc med protection. I am keen on aia starshield but not sure the diff. Premium aia more I was told.. Anyone can advise on that?

My bb will take the 6 in 1 jab, rota virus ans pneumonal vaccines at 3 mth in a wk time at Sgh. Was told immune response will not be affected... Me only worry abt fever cos bb was cranky and had very mild grade fever After the first 6 in 1 jab...

aries mum> pls pm me your no I will give you objective understand of the plans you have. I cannot pm u as your PM is off. Prefer to talk to let you understand as typing can cause misunderstand sometimes.

pomme: 4hr feeds is soooo good leh. hai yo mine at nite can keep waking up 1.5htrly...then it's not milk prob...it's wet diaper!!! piang. using fitti 360 which is absorbent but he is so fussy leh. btw ur yield is after u latch within that 5 hrs? it's good la!

badfifi: how are u getting on now?

adelynn: dunno if boys are more diff to train...but maybe it's just me la. cos i know letty's boy already sleeps thru the nite and she used gina ford's techniques. i catch no ball with her technique (or mb i too lazy)

aries: i got the medical shield plan.haven;t gotten any others yet. u doing the 6in1 second round so soon? thot the first round can only be done earliest 6 weeks....then 2nd round at 3?

When would this fussy period ever end? My bb has been cranky since last Friday. Keeps crying n need to be carried. Even when I carry him n give him pacifier he still keeps crying. Cannot put him now. . I wanna faint



lately was discussing this @ weiting house [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mine is Prulink & Aviva ( still not ready, needs at least 1 month cos i just submit last week..)

planner asked me to buy rider for co-insurance & to cover the 1st 3000

so just submit on sun for me & hubby

for kids have to buy also if want to cover those 2 component

