(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Pinkyluv, that mrt staff did a good job, impressed. The mrt staff at toa payoh no chap one. Only know how to shout "pls move in", "pls move in". Most of the time, ppl inside the train ignored her.



Jessica is rite abt #1 being very dear ..somehow when i m having #1, it is more un-chincai compared to #2 and #3

i remember when #1 was having faver ..38.5degree..i started to panick ..hb will be driving to KKH A & E while i start to cry in car initially :p very scared

now very calm already ..wil not rush to A&E the moment it hit 38.5 degree..even pick up sponging the kids middle of this year

that is after many trips to KKH paying almost 100 bucks per time and seeing the doc there feed panadol !

Hi all MTBs,

I have past Motherhood magazine for sale.

For 2004 - March. July, Aug, Sep and Nov issues.

For 2005 to 2009 - whole year issue

Selling at $2.00 each.

Buy one whole year issue at $20.00

Self-collect at Hougang.

Interested, email to [email protected]

sab> it's not unusual for guys not to know their exact reservist arrangements until much later cos the training programme etc may take some time to be finalised. i do think, however, that you can call up the unit and just ask (yes, YOU, as the wife)

actually, given that your baby will be very very young in october, it might be possible for your husband to defer his reservist. you might wanna ask him to check it out. i know they allow deferment on compassionate grounds for wife's delivery etc. refer below:

Q13. What is deferment and how can I defer from my scheduled NS training?

NSmen are required to report for Operationally Ready National Service (ORNS) training, as scheduled by their NS Unit. However, under certain circumstances, deferment from National Service may be granted. Deferment from NS allows NSman to postpone his NS call-up to a later date within the same workyear (1st April of the current year to 31st March of the following year), and may be considered under exceptional circumstances such as

a. On compassionate grounds, for example marriage & honeymoon, wife's delivery, next-of-kin is seriously ill, etc

b. National Representation at recognised regional and International games

c. New employment

d. Newly established business

e. Examination for part-time studies

f. Simultaneous call-up of 2 or more NSmen within the same department and who are employed in the same job capacity.

NSmen should submit their deferment application to NSSC before the commencement of the ICT with the following details

a. Rank & Name / NRIC,

b. Unit Duration and type of ICT (i.e. Upgrading course, BCTC)

c. Reasons for deferment application (with supporting documents) and Contact details.

NSmen may be deferred if their reasons for applications are within MINDEF guidelines.

a. Applications, which meet guidelines, will usually be informed of the decision within 14 working days.

b. An appeal against a rejected deferment application should be submitted for re-consideration.

c. Where the unit CO does not support the appeal for deferment, the appeal will be submitted to the higher HQ for review, thereby ensuring that a higher authority is considering the appeal.

d. NSman who is granted deferment will have to undergo make-up training for the deferred period within the same work year.

MINDEF does not encourage deferment as it affects the unit's operational requirements.

(The above is from ns.sg)

Regarding staying in, it's quite unusual for reservist personnel to have to stay in (cos camps seldom have the extra bunk space unless special arrangements have been made) but if there are overnight exercises, he can't come home not cos he has to stay in camp but cos he's outfield during the exercise...

chin, cheer up for the sake of bb...but i tink being emo is totally understandable

windy, u are funny in the MIL's disclaimer on barley-beancurd thingy....wahahah....ignore her la...photos are well taken and will be permanent memory to stay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] on ur headache abt caregiver for bb, i tink u shd check out nephew's response to bb when he sees her...at the same time, racky some infant care to standby jus in case....initially my first choice was to put in infant care but hubby says no cos dun wan stranger to look after....tink liao oso true la, will bu fang xin...hope this issue wun cause u too much stress...u still haf whole of ML to consider thru...

BBL, i will try to confirm with u asap ya? wanna sort out my tots abt this first...keke

badfifi. its scheduled on a sat...ya lo, cos the master oso took into consideration my hubby and my 8 characters and sat is a better choice/combination...i always got puzzled looks when i told pple im allergic to panadol...keke

shinchan, gotten normal therm (pigeon brand - abt 10 bucks nia) to be used under armpit...cos heard bb ears too small for ear therm...but condisering getting a scan forehead or ear therm for later part...BP selling the contactless one..i tink 120 bucks....there is a spree that sells US set without local waranty.....abt 80-90 (cant rem but close to a hundred)

pinkyluv, ur encounter in SGH sends shiver down my spine! OMG! i tink i would haf freaked out and fainted...huh, we more vulnerable after birth ah? that time ur encounter, oso during 7th month or?

sab, take care ya? dun like to stay at home oso bo pian...for this period of time, jus REN first...

sarahmay, yups, i got ur PM..thanks..ur maternity shots nice! and ur bump is big too! *envious*..bb photo shot, i want! but must take within 2 weeks from birth? i tink i still weak and tired by then wor! meanwhile, re:


7. Sugarong/ 13 Aug/ Tea 3.30pm (TBC on Tue); 6pm OK/ ToastBox or desert shop beside ToastBox

tinkerstar, sometimes pple so jus so like-that de....ignore them...will haf bad karma de....actually snatch seats from preggy!

pinkyluv> i think you should definitely write in to commend the guy. it's kinda like "positive reinforcement". we complain abt all these pple who are horrible, but when someone does something nice and we just behave like boh tai ji, pple will think "then i do all these nice things for wat? might as well save myself the trouble!"... we must encourage and actively pat these nice pple on the back, show them their nice acts have not gone unnoticed and are appreciated! ;)

sugar> i have pple asking me "har? then how you survive without panadol?!" but i'm used to it liao, usually don't take painkillers cos worried that they might contain paracetamol (even if they are not panadol) or some chemical like it which will cause allergies... so your baby will be born on 11/9?

badfifi, i haf the same qns from pple too! im oso used to it cos allergic on panadol for almost 20 yrs liao...best part is sometimes when i see new drs (GPs and young one somemore), when i told them im allergic to panadol, they will ask mi "then what u take when u haf fever"...i was jus DUH, u are dr lei, u shd noe better than mi ma! ya, 911 ;p

badfifi, thanks for the info. Very detailed. I got it, will call and check out. Did you just came back from somewhere, suddenly so many posts from you :p

Keep them coming!

sab> nah, i just had a nap. been feeling dazed all of today then finally managed to nap for a bit just now... sigh. the feeling of needing sleep but not being able to sleep is damn jialat!

sugar> i am used to it liao. if i see a new or young dr, i will automatically double-check that the med they prescribed doesn't contain paracetamol. or i will just tell them which med i usually take cos those are definitely "safe"

Doing my prenatal photoshoot with f8angels on following weeek... $150 for 1 hour.. hope it goes well.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyone use their sevices before??

Jessica: which david from which studio did you book? What’s the package like? I oso didn’t do for my first so wondering if I shd cos will be unfair. However, I also think i may miss this opt again if I don’t.

Jynnsan: Benjamin loo is it the same one as the Foto U one who did the group shots? So he does sstudio or home?

Tinkerstars: haiz. These stupid men. BUT NOTHING CAN BEAT THE MORE StoOOPID STuDEntS. Tell u education is wasted on them. Once a middle aged man asked this group of 4 poly students hogging the priority seat section at front of bus to give up seat to me cos I was carrying my 4 mo . The students still can sit there and stare at each other wondering who shd stand up. There were two of us moms with babies lor. I was soooo angry I lectured them. Very badly. I even told them that if they cannot read, they still can see from the pictures pasted tat they shd give up seats lor. In the end all 4 guys got up…then I got dirty looks from other poly students on bus as if I was mad woman.

LSB: Thanks thanks! That shot was really a fluke /lucky one man. I already did nudes last preg so this preg trying different stuff. My hubby…haiz…saw the pics said he likes those w my son in it, cos those artistsic ones tt I think are nice are solo and he said similar to what I did with studio loft before. ANW this for me is a sign that now tt I’m a mom… my hubby just more interested in my son. Hahaha. I will tell u trow after my shoot what props he hass ok?

Sab: You CAN do it! Keep smiling and talking to your baby okie? How about asking your friend photog to go over your place to do? Less stressful for u and I think will be even nicer than studio.

Mango: Hugs! How about asking him for another date soon? Sounds like u and him need alone time. Think it’s v normal what u are going thru. In April/May I had Super emo period and was v upset w my hubby too for spending so much time at work etc etc….up to the point I even thot my marriage was on the rocks! Haiz…all preg hormones. Thank goodness we went to Taiwan and we had a good time, and things have been better since. Chin up girl. Talk to your hubby and ask if he can take some hours off work one day every week or so to spend couple time with u? even one hour somewhere at a café just being a couple oso good.

Sugar: HAHAHA! U are v funny…jealous of my BIG bump? It’s so big ppl keep asking me ‘so anytime soon ah?.. pengz. Now is a good time to go take. W 38 a bit too close to EDD and maybe too heavy and diff for you to move? who are you thinking of getting?

Clueless: f8 is rather new to scene I think but her photos from her site looks v good. How much does she charge for prints? And are u doing studio or outdoor?

sarahmay, i envious cos my bb is small ma....kekek....and i did the grp foto with other mummies last week, courtesy of benjamin...;)

Sugar: Er...me big doesn't mean bb big lor. if u did ur shots with benjamin liao why u still want to do more? v addictive right? hehe

Pinkyluv: Oh! for the pressie from bb to kor /jie....mine i think i'm just going to combine his bday pressie with the bb pressie. My bro offered to buy him a balancing bike so i'm going to use that as the pressie. hehehe.

FotoU portfolio sessions

Btw , found out that no more liao cos he's got enough material and subjects for his collection. Also, those of you who took photos with him and love his photos, may want to drop him a note telling him so? Think he's feeling a bit like being 'made use of' by some MTBs, not us la...cos but he mentioned to me tt some have referred to him as a 'free' photographer. I felt so sad to hear that cos my hubby and brother are both in the creative industries, and I always believe in supporting our artists.

BB photography

Leobaby: who did u book with? benjamin?


Hi Mango

Can understand the emotional and needy part. Went through that. Was super needy and insecure past few months esp during the period that hubby had to go on a business trip. Also cries easily during the time when hubby said he preferred a boy (He has accepted the fact that he will have a gal. phew!)Was terrified that bb will come out sad/ cranky and will get post natal depression.

Told myself i muz be brave cos I am a woman and a mother to be...I always believe that women are generally, stronger mentally :p For bb sake, I muz be strong..

Do share with us your frustrations...not good to keep to yrself..will really be siao....*Hug*

hee sab > i sleep around 12 most days...

sarahmay > i'm interested in newborn/ baby photog too! but haven't really research on it.

leobaby > what is movie club ah? i watched SALT today liao! .. haha. i like it more than inception... DH likes Inception better.

The taka fair looks exactly like the same as the previous one... think waste time leh.

wah phtanus > i din realise the wrist thing was that serious...

dorothea > i get the movements at the side also.


13 August

1. Sarahmay/ 13 Aug/ Tea 3.30pm

2. WindyTeo/ 13 Aug/ Tea 3.30pm/ Jack's Place for Lobster Bisque

3..Phyphy/13 aug/ Any timing

4. Tiger Lily: Working…Which other dates/times good for you?

5. Tinkerstars: prefer lunch and week of 16

7. Sugarong/ 13 Aug/ Tea 3.30pm (TBC on Tue); 6pm OK/ ToastBox or desert shop beside ToastBox

As i SUCK at keeping track, who is 6.????

TigerLily and Tinkerstars: Alternative dates and times preferred? See if we can change?

Good morning, TGIF! Everywhere is red & white outfits haha


Benjamin took the shots @ my place when bb was 2 weeks old [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], that time he charged $250, now the price he stated is $300

wow, realise most of u ladies r going for newborn shots [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can't wait to view ur pictures on facebook

for my case, will probably do the next studio shoot when Baby Kyra is 1 year old bah :p

hopefully by then , i can revert back to my wt in Jan 2010


hehe, yupz, esp @ the childcare =)..today the theme is red & white, even for teachers

PS: heard pri schol knocked off b4 10am fr my colleague

PSS: so happy National Day falls on 9 Aug, a monday ! 3 days of weekends ahead and 4 days of hols for those who are teaching =)

Good morning mummies,

One day never log in and the threads are flying. ;)

Day 3 from tossing and turning at night... Very tired... Just seen gynae on Wed.. gideon never grow from last visit. Still 2.5kg. Gynae say i can eat more now.. I think i will just moderate lar.. i think he can grow even if i ate the same amt. So no more worries about big baby liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Did my pre-admission.. going for 4 bedder at KKH. Pinkyluv's story is giving me the creeps...


Thanks for checking for me on the pigeon bottles. Will go down on sun to grab more bottles.


You are still attracting young boys... not bad for a mum to be.. I also want leh.


Watch it liao.. A bit confused if Leonardo did recover from his dream or not. My hb says this movie used to much brain power.. not nice.


You have got a lot of early pressie from ur friends. I din buy a single toy for gideon. What should i get huh??

Morning mommies.....

Jus did my growth scan @ TMC, baby is 1.8kg at 33weeks 2 days...sonographer said baby a bit small size!!! Other than dat, all's well except my bb is still in breech position, same position fm 3 weeks ago[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Left wif only 2 weeks plus for bb to turn....hopefully he will TURN soon....I'm really hoping for a natural delivery....pls daddy God, answer my prayer!!!

sarahmay, i tink u misunderstood me....i not wanting more shots...rather, the envious i toking abt is ur bump...cos somewhat, i tink i haf the smallest bb (and therefore smallest bump here)...although i noe size of bump does not mean anything, but still, cant help but tink abt my small bb again....u noe what i mean?

coolrainbow, i also haf small bb...1,6kg at almost 32 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] lets try to beef up in this final lap.....we jia you tog! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] to make bb turn, maybe u can try some of the workouts/positions that some mummies posted (i tink sometime last week or something)..

Pomme> Not that I did on purpose but it just happen because of what I also don't know. Aiyah change photo liao and he never sms since yesterday. If I pass this wk with silence guess he saw the pic liao.

Sarahmay> mine is bk with studioloft as sign up in the motherhood fair liao.

Diamantz> Free "SALT" ticket is on SAT. Must be gd as the review is 4 stars. Thot of sms you today one to chk.

cool - *hugs* My baby at Week 33 is only 1.7kg and still breech, but my gynae is still positive about it and asked me to give her more time to turn. Don't worry too much, I'm sure your baby will turn in time and you will be a healthy baby. =)

Anyone still remember Lim (if I remember her nick correctly)?

I think she just delivered on 2nd Aug from her FB.. but seems like she's not active in this forum anymore ;(... Think she's the first mummy...!!! So exciting..!

Grace Y and Carol T, common friend linked to her on FB.

Thanks sugarong & Angela...


Yes, let's Jia you together....me trying to search for that post but like cannot be found.....arghhhhhhhh


Sonographer said 2 weeks plus left......me worried cos no change in position fm 3 weeks back[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi Angela SugarOng cool

BTW, babies can really grow a lot from now.. my baby put on 1KG within 3 weeks. So dun be worried...

@ 32 weeks she was 1.67kg, at 35th weeks she is 2.6kg!


Not sure leh, i trying to look for our data sheet... any idea where to find?? Hahahahaa!!

u remember her? her nick was lim (enya_lim)

Thanks Chrissy. I agree that our babies grow at supersonic speed now. Even when I don't eat much nowadays as I get the nauseous feeling all the time, she can grow by about 300g every 2 weeks. Well, at least she's still growing. =)So now I eat quality stuff than to worry about the quantity I'm eating. =)But your baby is really 厉害! Can grow so much in 3 weeks! Good job! =)

chrissy, thanks for the encouragement...i really hope so for my case too!

angela, cool rainbow, hope our babies will haf growth spurth like chrissy's...lets not worry too much and stay positive....lucky got this thread for mi......got encouragement from a lot of other mummies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cool rainbow, im gg out le.....if tonite i free, i help u find those posts on the positions thingy...

mummies who haf info on how positions/workouts that could help turn a baby, can kindly reshare here again? Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey Angela

yep. The thing was I ate healthier due to my sugar level being high, and there was a biggest leap in weight gain... I think eat healthier then more nutrients go into baby.

Don't worry about baby's weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It's jus an estimate anyway. So long baby is active.

My baby used to be the lightest among all mummies here and I nvr worry abt tt.. ;) cheers!

morning mummies.. TGIF. long weekend ahead...

here's what i copied from baby website when i found out my bb is in breech position.. haven tried them yet cos some mummies was telling me bb still moving and turning.. so i decide to wait till next gynae trip to see if bb has turned on her own... want to consult gynae's opinion too.. i hope he can help me turn if bb really refuse to move down.

You could try:

• Adopting a knee-to-chest position by kneeling on your bed with your bottom in the air and your hips flexed at slightly more than 90 degrees (don't let your thighs press against your bump). Try to keep your head, shoulders, and upper chest flat on your mattress. Maintain this position for 15 minutes every two waking hours for five consecutive days. In one study of 71 breech babies, 65 turned when their mother adopted the knee-chest position.

• Lying on your back with your hips slightly elevated and your hips and knees flexed. Gently roll from side to side for 10 minutes and repeat this manoeuvre three times a day. If you have had any backache, pelvic pain or hip pain during your pregnancy, do talk to your midwife or physiotherapist before you try this.

Just taken photo last night on tummy size and shape @ Wk#33,5days:


I have not been eating much recently, appettite did not increase, they told me my tummy is rather small compare to other in WW33.

sarahMay, your encounter with the poly student is really crap. But i agree, these days, the young generation really no sense of shame. they think everyone owe them a living. it's always society's fault.. never theirs!

As for Tampines gathering, i am good with any dates on Aug 17/18/19 (lunch: 12-2pm)...

As for venue... basically ok with anything - F.I.S.H or Imperial Kitchen @ Tampines 1?

But i know lunch timing is a bit limited to chit chat and all. so if u all want to stick to high tea, i am ok too. will join u all again at 5pm when i knock off. hahaha

but for Aug 13, i can't. cos having offsite course. won't be at work.

cool - Can't remember who posted this, but I copied it and saved it in my comp.

Here are 17 Ways to Turn Your Breech Baby!

Be sure to check with your provider before trying the positions for turning a breech baby to see if there is any reason why you should not use them.

1. Visualizing the baby moving down with the head very deep in your pelvis, several times a day; especially in conjunction with positions and exercises below.

2. Swimming as often as possible. This keeps your body and pelvis loose and relaxed. Do in conjunction with headstand below if you have help.

3. Headstand - with assistance and in a pool frequently as possible.

4. Breech Tilt - begin at 32-35 weeks gestation. Do 3 times daily for 10-15 minutes each time, when you have an empty stomach, and the baby is active. Prop one end of an ironing board securely on a sofa or chair 12 to 18 inches high (or may use slant board). Lie down, bend knees but keep feet flat on board. Relax, breathe deeply, avoid tensing. May also use pillows on a flat surface to raise hips 12-18" above shoulders. Gravity pushes the baby's head into the fundus, tucks it, and baby can then do a somersault to a vertex position.

5. CD/iPod headphones - place them inside mom's pants toward her pubic bone and play classical music for 10 minutes 6-8 times a day.

6. Flashlight - try moving slowly down from the top of the uterus toward your pubic bone while you are in a breech tilt position.

7. Massage - start with your left hand at the bottom of the abdomen and your right hand just above it. Move move your hands clockwise around the right side of your tummy. As your right hand reaches the top of your abdomen, slide the left one over your right and move it down the left side of your tummy. Your left hand leads as you you come full circle, continuing clockwise. Massage gently as you would to apply lotion. Massage for ten minutes or more up to several times each day.

8. Clothespin - place on the small toe of each foot at the outside corner of the toenail; sideways so that the toenail and toepad are stimulated for 30 minutes per day, this is an acupressure point that is a "moving down" point. You can also do this with just finger pressure as you remember to do it.

9. Motion Sickness band - place with the bead four fingerwidths above the inner ankle bone - another acupressure point that is used for stimulation of the uterus. Do not use this point if you are experiencing any pre-term labor.

10. Glass of orange or other juice - follow this with a side-lying position with your hips positioned higher than your feet. Babies move more after a sugar high!

11. Pelvic Tilt- with an ice pack on the top of your tummy on an empty stomach, 10 minutes twice a day. Do this while lying on your back on the floor with knees flexed and feet on the floor with three large pillows placed under your buttocks. Try this in conjunction with headphones and visualization.

12. Cat stretch - start with all fours, then lay your head and chest flat on the floor with your buttocks in the air, as you round your back and return to all fours.

13. Knee-chest position - by kneeling with hips flexed slightly more than 90 degree, but with thighs not pressing against your tummy and your head, shoulders and upper chest are flat on a mattress for 15 minutes every two waking hours for five days.

14. Belly Relaxing followed by Inversion - Partner places a shawl, sheet, towel or rebozo under mom's hips as she lays on the floor. Lift up on the corners of the cloth and shimmy her from side to side moving your hands up and down to wiggle her belly from side to side. These should be very small movements which mom should find very relaxing. Do this for about 5 minutes. Then mother kneels on the stairway landing. Walk your hands down 2 or 3 stairs into an all fours position; have your partner support your shoulders to balance you. Remain in this position for about 5-10 minutes or as long as comfortable. Also do this on an empty stomach.

The following techniques to turn breech babies to vertex involve the assistance of a specialist or medical professional:

15. Acupuncture - find a acupuncturist who is familiar with pregnancy and knows the points to stimulate for turning a breech baby.

16. Webster's Breech Technique - see a Chiropractor who is experienced in this technique.

17. External Version - this can be done in the hospital at about 37 weeks; see an Ob-Gyn for assistance and more information.

cool - Just to add, my gynae mentioned he could help me turn my baby, but it's not a guaranteed procedure as baby could still go back to breech position if there's still space. In my opinion, ultimately it's your gynae who's delivering your baby, not your sonographer, so the best is to speak with your gynae is you have any concerns.

Dont worry abt the small size or the weight of the baby...

As u all know baby was 1.6kg at 34 weeks, and i was worried sick. Now at 36 weeks, he is 2kg, i am really happy that he has passed the 2kg mark...

My stomach looks like 5-6 mths preg, and sometimes depending on the clothes, dont look preg at all..yet i have put on abt 13kg now...Well,my figure is growing sideways...

I am tired of worrying abt everything, just decided to relax, have the baby as naturally as possible, when the time is right... Not gonna induce or anything...

So ya, mothers enjoy the last month of preg even w all the mood swings and back pain,because it wld be a long while later before you decide to have a another little one...

P.S. Dont even talk abt husbands, i am practically trying to ignore whatever ideas my brain comes up w, he is busy and i have to understand that is my mantra...long story, he just started a new business, less than a month old...

shirin - Thanks for sharing. It certainly made me feel better that I'm not alone with a small and breech baby. =)

Preggie hormones are definitely turning us topsy-turvy now, so the best is to stay positive and laugh more and enjoy the last few weeks of our pregnancy. Seriously, I have come to a point where I think husbands can only do that much for us and it's us who will have to go through the last leg on our own willpower.

My hubby travels a lot for work, so much so that he'll only return days before my EDD, but I told him not to worry about me and I'm sure our daughter will be patient enough to wait for him before she sees this world. We'll all jia you together! =)

shirin - Thanks for sharing. It certainly made me feel better that I'm not alone with a small and breech baby. =)

Preggie hormones are definitely turning us topsy-turvy now, so the best is to stay positive and laugh more and enjoy the last few weeks of our pregnancy. Seriously, I have come to a point where I think husbands can only do that much for us and it's us who will have to go through the last leg on our own willpower.

My hubby travels a lot for work, so much so that he'll only return days before my EDD, but I told him not to worry about me and I'm sure our daughter will be patient enough to wait for him before she sees this world. We'll all jia you together! =)

