(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


Hehe... no leh. So far not bored at all. This week I am working on a freelance project for my ex client for some extra cash. Next week is rather packed as I'm catching up with some good friends before i pop. Ater that I gng to do up the baby's room, wash her stuff, read up on parenting. Also going to try out some new recipes and maybe baking. If not, there is always my fav discovery channel to watch. :D



how u know the gal is fr the.... Erm "other side"?

I would b totally freaked out if I were u. Cos I ve "chicken heart" too.


My nephew have a horrendous lots of toys. When he was crazy over Thomas the train, my sister bought almost everything there is at kiddy palace (that's why he is spoilt). Not exaggerating really. He have a few new toys every week, esp weekends when they bring him out.

Earlier on, I tried to buy something for him and told him that it is from the baby, but it only held his attention for less than 5 mins and next min he forgot all about it. I dunno if this method will work on him. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I think my husband will be really upset if my nephew trys to pinch/bully our baby. Which I guess is understandable since its our first precious baby.

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I know how you feel, i will be worried leaving bb with the nephew too, even thou got adults to oversee both of them.

I think infant care is a gd option but only when the bb is bigger say 6-9 mths. I am leaving my bb to a nanny who stay nearby, but she has 2 grand daughters under her care too, one is 5 and another is 1plus. I hope the 5 yr old gal can accept my bb too. They have maid to help out. 2 adults with 3 kids.

For my case, i dont have any infant centre near my house and we dont drive.


Yes, we tried in complete darkness. but dont put the light too close to tummy. And you dont know why is the bb head dont shine, in case you hurt bb eyes. I know exactly where is her head and we only shine at the tummy bottom, away from her head.

Let me try a few times and see where is her head in 2 weeks time, whether she move anot. So for mummies who had not try, dont try ah.


If you have no other options, can you leave with it by closing one eye or maybe both eyes. As long as you pick bb up end of the day, she is sound and safe. I know.. first one always very precious.

Try not too think too much and try out for a few days and see how it goes. You need to leave bb with your mum a few days before you start work and let bb get use to new ppl and environment.


Wow your situation sounds tough [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hmmm.. maybe the more experienced mummies will have more ideas to share.


Ya lor... surely very xin tong if our baby gets bullied. Hopefully your baby will b well cared for by the nanny. Some nannies really dotes on the babies they take care of.

windy> eep. i think i would feel uneasy too if i were you, esp since your nephew seems so spoilt... what other alternatives do you have? i agree with sab that baby shouldn't be sent for infant care too early...

hmm, unless you adopt a try-and-see approach where you let baby and maid go to your mum's place first and observe your nephew's reactions. (ask your mum to help you with this, and maybe maid too). have a standby alternative/choice so if things look bad, you have another option ready, but maybe the reality of being a gorgor will make your nephew's attitude change?


We will be getting a maid just to help out my mother if baby is going over. If it doesn't work out, then we will have to pay for both the maid & the infant care. Bankrupt liao... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. Hmmm, if I ask the maid to go over and stick to the baby 24-7 so that nephew got no chance to attack, dunno if viable or not hor.

I think you and sab are right, 3 months is too young for infant care. Worse case guess I stay home until she is 6-7 months before sending her over.


Maybe I try your method again this weekend. Get him a nice toy and ask him to kiss mei mei, see if it works or not. Thanks for the advice!

weiting> thanks for the diaper lobang. from the looks of it, those of us expecting #1 must wait for baby to be born 1st :p but for those with #1 or #2, can go and get free diapers!

Tinklestars, read your blog, me too i see many sad example on my mrt ride to work. i make sure i dont be like them. maybe for what i m going thru now, i appreciate more and will be more alert to the needy next time i take public transport.


I actually entered the EDD date of my bb than can submit also le. U try try. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

weiting> thank you! i just did as you instructed. can submit! yay! i hope i get the free diapers! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinkyluv: my colleague told me her encounter with those stuffs before after giving birth.. shall not say much here but all i can say is bcos we are super weak after giving birth therefore more easily encouter with such stuffs.

windy> the other alternative is that before your ML ends, you bring baby over to your mum's place and you observe for yourself your nephew's reactions...then from there you decide whether to get a maid to help your mum or to extend your leave until baby can go to infant care... from what my friends tell me, give your nephew a period of constant "exposure" of at least 2 weeks bah, so you can accurately gauge his behaviour...

Hi Mummies,

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Windy: I will be sending my boy to infant care in Nov. It was pretty hard to secure a place for him though! Lots of places were full n on waiting list. We headed to the infant care n we really like d environment, they got their own pantry for thr infants, a sleeping room with all the cots, infants are seperated from those bigger babies n the place is fully air conditioned. I prefer it to letting the baby stay with a maid or with a nanny.

So it depends on which u prefer. Though i think i will feel heartpain... Hurhur. But my hubby works till about 1pm so he will pick baby up earlier...

Hi hi, training the temp staff ...


Yes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], in FB list already

Thanks for the link, i enter mine already, 10pcs wo

Hi Yvonne,

I have never really considered infant care as an option as I thought it was very expensive. But I decided to called one randomly which is near my place and sounds not too bad. They have 1 teacher to 3 infants. Costs 1200, of which 600 will be subsidise by govt for full working moms. I will swing by tomorrow or sat to take a look at the facilities and talk to the teachers. In case I need to send baby there.


Yup, have a look. I think its feasible n u would be less worried about ur nephew terrorising ur lil ger. Im also trying to c how it goes if its not ok, then i gt to employ a maid liao... Cos i feel that least they r professional in a way la...

Mine is $1,080 n paying $480 after d subsidy which is quite ok too. Those neighbourhood ones cost about $300 which i went to see as well n was pretty turned off! Haha

Today Siao asked me.... "next week hari raya puasa, can I puasa?" (i presume she is trying to ask if she can FAST)

Of cos I told her "cannot". Despite my reply... She still 不死心, asked me "Y, mdm?"

Really kiam pak rite? Machiam I owe her an explaination for not allowing her to FAST. When she decided to come Singapore to be a maid... She shd ve known she is not allowed to fast.

Dun know when the new one is coming.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Wah... 300 is so cheap. I think I would be worried to put my baby there lor!

Actually I dote on my nephew a lot(maybe I contributed to him being spoilt also), but I think more importantly need to protect the fragile one. If he pinch her I think my heart will bleed!!! Xing Tong Si Le!

Also ve been feeling super EMO since the start of this pregnancy... To the extend, I think I ve pre-natal blues.

Been feeling ALONE for this pregnancy. HB is bz working... Or bz with his online games that always sacrifices our family time together. Then his biz trip to India recently. N he's going for his dept leisure trip to Phuket tmr (wat makes mr frustrated is... He is the one who plan for the trip!!!)!!! Also not forgetting, unlike in the past where he always make an effort to go checkup with me.... For this pregnancy, almost half of the checkups, I've been going alone.

Haiz... Maybe it could b due to the hormones.. It's turning me into super needy. Just feel so [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] y can't he b more sensitive to me? I really hate it when he says "这个 baby 也是你要的" Tmd!!!!! Not forgetting I ve to face kids n ah siao alone most of the time. N also being sooooooo sleep deprived. Haiz... I think I'm turning into ki siao myself.

Mango - *hugs* Can understand how you feel as my hubby travels and play games a lot too. Talk to someone or vent it out here when you need it. There are many listening "ears" here.

mango> *hugs* don't get too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] put it down to the hormones. hang in there ok? this is our final lap liao! we're all behind you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

phyphy> depends on what your girl likes (dress-up toys or more action toys) as well as how much space you've got at home. my friend got her girl a little vehicle so she can "drive" round the house. another friend got her girl a disney princess barbie and clothes etc...

Windy, yup better, just woke up from my nap. Think another sleepless night to come.

Manago, you are not alone! *hug*

My HB also like that. Going concert today with his coy, then he wants to go for another concert on sat but his kaki fly him kite, i m so happy. Then, in oct he is going reservist for 2 weeks, and he dont know if can book out every night or only wkends. Ask him to go check and he taking forever. Sometimes he ask me go see gynae myself too.

So tonight my aunt is coming over to company me.


hugs* think of the positive side..ur hb has been accompanying u on many babymoon trips !

that is very cool i think =)

regarding ur ah siao, soon she will be out of r sight once the new one come


ur post reminds me I have yet to buy new toys for my elder ones from their mei mei

i am thinking of something very easy to bring for both , not too bulky..

hehe, maybe i will just buy stickers book :p super light


i think u r rite ..

MRT ride

last friday when i was taking mrt to Kranji fr Bukit Batok to go JB, the mrt staff aka human traffic control guy was really nice..but i do feel a bit paiseh..

he went inside with me and make sure I get a seat before he goes out again.he even tell thisuncle who wants to take the seat to give up to me..very loud..that's y i paiseh lor :p



I must have sounded like a very kiasu+kiasee mom-to-be to you. Sometimes I also think I tend to over worry but cannot help it... She is so precious to me. Thinking about what you said, I was one of the casualties last time (my elder sis tried to strangle me and feed me shit when I was a baby). Yea, I survived it, haha. Now her son is here to bully my girl. Vicious cycle!!!


Are you able to take some time away from ah siao and your kiddos to indulge a bit yourself? Like get a really nice bag/dress/jewellery? Better still use ur hubby's credit card.


Glad you are feeling better already. I think most married personnel are able to book out on most nights unless they have duties.

