(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


ok right now , just scared, cos i fell on my tailbone thrice liao since my pri sch days , and doc said the tailbone is alredy crooked..will be quite serious and affect my walking if i fell down once more..and today it happened..sigh*

Pinkyluv, u ok anot....alamak....be more careful ah....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shall email u my contact after this. BTW, would not be joining in June gathering tml cos got something on in the evening. What i meant was the next one in Jul [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Aiyo not scolding la..but too wasteful ma..


hmm when my bb moves i will know lo..so i can see my whole tummy move up..very obvious one...


hmm the master is in KL...

pinkyluv> aiyoh! you better go see a dr if it's sore! right now, our weight is quite hefty!

sugar> for me, i'm quite ok lah, cos i know i'll be the 1 around more when baby is born, so baby will definitely be close to me also. just glad that he is niam his daddy cos hopefully next time, equally close to us both [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BBL, hmm...KL ah....a bit far...shall get contact from you if ever im gg there for the sales [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

badfifi, keke, im the opposite of u...cos i tink after bb is born, hubby will be ard her more than me, esp if i go back to work and daddy penquin project really get rolled out....haiz...hopefully she will also be close to mi lo....else v gek sim de...


ya lor..so dont be jealous..u have more time with yr bb..


Ok..cos my hubby is KL people ma..we go back every mth so to me still ok la..

bbl> never been jealous lah, in fact, i'm very glad abt it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sugar> hmm... but babies will naturally tend to be close to mum bah, esp if you BF...

have checked with my gynae..he say that its not serious~ dont do the DO too vigorous next time! LOL..but i think we already quite gentle liao.. sigh


my 3 years old plus gal is close to me, and my 3 years plus boy to my hb leh

if he wakes u in the middle of the nite, he will cry if he sees my eyes looking lovingly @ him

he will said I wan papa ! then he smiles when he sees his papa


aiyo... must be very painful. take care hor! By the way, mine is Princess.

Caring hubby,

Must TREASURE this few more months. Nv will we experience these caring-ness from our hb again if bb is born. There is once my hb brought me home-made bread for me at work, my colleagues are like.. wow... so caring. HA! I told them only now hor.. next time no more then my colleague (father of 3) is smiling and laughing away. See that! hahahaha.... treasure while you can! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


#1 yes, we have it. But #2, no leh... He never come and find me and I don't have the drive too. hahahaha...

bb's kick,

I always feel bb's movement too low, usually at the pubic hair area. I mentioned to my gynae before whether is the plcenta too low? He commented if the uterus is hard then is contraction have to be careful. Like not answering me leh, he tell me these, then I don't ask further. Nothing to ask liao. bb is so quiet in me very seldom I can feel her, I wonder will she b a quiet kuai kuai girl when she is born? Furthermore I have no cravings, no hunger pungs, I worry she don't want me to eat now, later when she is born she is like my niece, come out already always eat and eat and eat. No food she will cry and cry and cry. Her mother has no feeling of hunger too, 3 meals a day. Really worry what will happen to me when she is born.

I remembered hb bought 1 LV bag (as a diaper bag) for me when I was preggy with #1. That time I still din ve maid, so I will get to carry it myself.

However with #2, I hired a maid... Since then, I've kept the LV bag n replaced it with a Lesportsac bag. Hehe.. Less Xim Tia to let her carry LSS bag as compared to my LV bag. :p


I will let my maid carry the Diaper bag from TMC. This Palmor GM I sure will carry de. So Ex, how can let maid carry.


I oso got leg cramp. Call the massage lady to book her but she can't massage me until I m 7mths. So she told me to wear sock at night & drink a cup of warm water. She says cramp is due to blood veins expand cos' at night is usually cool compare to day + we sleep in aircon room. You try it tonight.


Must be careful leh.


You so nice make breakfast for hb. I wait for my hb to prepare lor but so far only twice from courtship till now wor. Most of the time he go buy cos' he can only make scramble egg with bread. lol.

I got low placenta so no baby dance since the day I know I was expecting cos' Tri 1 - I was very sick. LS & nausea. Tri 2 - better liao but placenta is low so cant do baby dance.

Motherhood fair - sign up Cordblood Banking during fair got discount huh.

badfifi, i hope so mann.....else wait 10 months pregnant with her with so many body changes and scarcifices all go down the drain..at least u balance lei....1 closer to u, 1 closer to dad....no need fight....keke, now is see the 3rd one closer to who...

Yupz, I called Cordlife this morning, the lady in charge says there will be some savings if we book a package during the fair, plus free diapers (I didn' ask for the brand). Anyway, we only need to pay when baby comes out, and it can be done thru baby bonus.

Betw, mummies whom are delivering in NUH, NUH also has a seperate package, apparantly some waiver on processing fee.

sorry badfifi, the last part on the balance one is meant for pinkyluv....blur liao..

pinkyluv, good lei, 1 close to u, 1 close to ur hubby...dun need fight....haa, now see #3 close to who

Cordlife used to have this referral thingy, whereby if mummy oredi sign up and refer another mummy, both will get $50 rebate or cash or something.....not too sure still have anot...

wah, NUH package so good ah...can waive processing fee...

I just came back from KKH. They don't scan baby every 4wks de. Scanning is every 8wks. I only get to hear my princess' heart beat - Gynae says she is doing well. 2wks I gain 1kg le. Must be all the yummy food I have been eating. My thyroid level now stablise now. The thyroid medicine really helps. So next visit is 15/6 to see Thyroid doc.

Was at the phamarcy, brought some stuff. Not sure cheap anot. Just buy.

1x Destin Creamy for BB rash $11+

1x Physiogel Cream - Moisturiser $23+

1x Dentinox - BB Teething $7+

1x Disposable Underwear (5pcs) $2.50

1x Disposable Sheet to put on bleed in case stain (5pcs) $1.40

1x Fish Oil (Ganilia 60softgel) $46

2x Lactulose Liquid (For my Constipation) $10.50


1x Nipple Cream from Mothercare - this one is ex $36

Push Cart outside clinic

1x Baby Nursery Rhymes Audio CD (Pack of 5 - $29.90)

1x Baby Nursery Rhymes VCD - $9.90

wanna ask how u'll going to change the diapers? on the cot? on changing table? on the changing pad that can be placed on cot? i wonder if i can make do with changing in cot?

Intercourse: zero sex drive. Seems weird as I read on net tat our hormones will double our sex drive.

But like BBL still do it cos don't wan hubby to b monk :p

tiger lily and shinchan> for leg cramps, can also sleep with feet on a pillow, elevate. sposed to help. there are also exercises to help. i remember babyT had this prob also, can ask her how she dealt with it


I like artsy oso.. but seems like they only come in monogram. dunno if i shld get another monogram anot cos i have quite a few monogram liao.

Re: Leg Cramp

Due to my water retention problem, i slept with my feet on pillow nightly leh. I have also tried warm water, seems like not effective for me. Probably i shld try tigerlily's recommendation to wear socks.. I think BabyT is still unwell that's y never come in these 2 days.


The destin nappy rash cream too ex le..go kiddy palace with 20% discount only $9++.

disposable bed sheet is cheap..


Hi^5, dont wan hubby to become monk..hahahaha

Leg Cramps,

Rem i was hospitalised due to operation for my cyst..then the doc there gave me a pair of sock to wear..its super long all the way to thigh and tight..the purpose is to prevent blood clot leh..dont know if it helps for cramp..

BBL actually I worry aft give birth also no sex drive. I always imagine having sex wif my nei nei dripping. So turn off. Got to keep worry abt leaking lol.


I don't have member card from kiddy palace leh still got 20% discount ah. Heng I only brought 1tube. The next time I will buy from kiddy palace. How many we need ah. Must always apply or apply only when bb got rashes.


I tried sleeping with pillow in-between my legs, but everytime the pillow ended on the floor. So gave up the pillow idea. Going to try soaking my feet in warm water & wearing socks. If I can stomach, I will drink a cup of warm water.

winnie, maybe your area is dry and so due to friction, there's blood. But this may be due to low placenta.

I have this problem cos I have low placenta but gyane said its shifting up. going to check with him again soon.

If your baby is still active, i dont think it will be v serious?

Tiger lily, soaking in hot water is dangerous. may cause varcoise veins & spider veins to appear esp now our skin much thinner due to stretching... (sp)

bbl> i have the same socks. it's anti-embolism? i think either white or skin-tone? they are called TED stockings. i wear them every night... then leg machiam bao like sausage, very unglam...

tiger lily> i don't know if it helps, but can try the pressure socks, the type that pple buy to go travel in plane?

Hi All mommies

Sorry to disrupt,im 2009 mummy, have a few brandnew items to let go

Interested mummies pls do contact me at [email protected] or hp 82884133



BrandNew Philips Newborn Starter Set[Price$36,Original Price:$45.90]

Contains 2 feeding bottles (260ml/9oz) with newborn teats(No2) ; 2 feeding bottles (125ml/4oz) with newborn teats(No1); 2 newborn teats(No1); 1 Newborn soother and 1 Bottle brush (altogether 8 pcs)


Munchkin Drying Rack[Price:$10, Original Price:$15]


Cradler gotten from Taka BabyFair

[Price:$15,Original Price:$21.90]

[PriceTag intact]


MyBreast@Friends from MotherCare[100% BrandNew]

[Price: $70, Original Price$81.90 ]

[PriceTag intact]


Montaly GiftSet_100% Cotton

[Price:$15,Original: Unknown]

Consist of 2 bodysuits,1 pair of Mitten & booties & 1 cap

Item 6:

Disney 100% Original Gift Set_100% Cotton



100% Original Chateau De Sable

[Tag intact,Gift Box as well]

Size: 6mth


[Original Price:$34+$34+$9 ]

Item8:BRAND Chicken Essense

Item9:DOM Tonic



errr i dont think the milk will drip ba..i had nv breastfeed b4 so i cant comment..experienced mummies pls comment..

If u think that way, think u will be super turn off..then yr hubby gonna be monk already..

Having baby doesnt mean we have to put off with sex..we can still enjoy ma..


if no member think also got 15% discount cos its GSS...think after 15% still cheaper.

From what i know, this nappy rash cream have to apply on baby everytime u change the diaper so i guess u be using quite alot..but try 1 tube first just in case bb skin sensitive or what..


i got that socking but is at my mum's place. can only get them tml. Tks.

earl blue,

soak feet in warm water oso cant ah. Ok lor. I won't do that.


Hi Sugarong

Yupz, my colleague briefed me on the $50 thingy. She signed up with Cordlife, so if I sign for the package, quote her name and I get $50 discount for the package [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

