(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


I'm using the NUK skinny-neck bottle, not the wide-neck one so can't confirm if it fits into the avent neck bottle.


Yeah, my baby does that panting, rapid breathing and congested nose thing when feeding. I asked the PD yesterday and he said its normal for young babies to have this breathing issue (either blocked nose sound during sleep or feeding) and ask me to let it be. Nevertheless, I forced him to give me the nasal spray in case I wanna clear the congestion in my boy's nose.


mi oso pumping 120-150ml from both breast...trying to keep more 'stock' in the freezer


mi gg back 4th oct....nid to go back work early ley...so sianzzz but will b taking off every now n then to finish up my ML n AL when i go back

my bb oso got the blocked nose problem....almost everyday can 'fish' out gold from her nose lor

my girl's face got alot of red dots n pimples sia....how to clear har? any1 facing same problem?? she's oso very red till now...coming to 1mth liao wor still quite red


my boy also face red red..like whole person super dark.. i tot the red dot or milk dots are normal? just use clean water (boiled and put to lukewarm) to clean..


I cannot remember the package price already... it's been about 3 over years ago...

I use the smallest teats for newborn, and tried putting him slightly up or lying down and also tried slanting more bottles or straight up still the same.

My boy's jaundice is alright, not serious type, terrance check was 12, not above 15.

Small pimple on bb face , just brought bb to c gp to get cream , dunno hw to spell, nw pumpin cannot go c , something like calamine lotion, it helps lor , ask her y will like this , and she say bb who born earlier etc 37-38weeks might have tis as the gel still covering the skin which cause 毛孔blockage , and bb overdue the skin will be drier , very true for my Case coz my elder ger overdue when born have peeling skin on her wrist , ankle etc ... But 2nd bb no peeling skin

just nw brought pigeon teats for my boy n he like lor, no choking , no spitting out! Finally gt one he likes. I gt 4 nuk silicon 0-6mths teats , 3new and 1 use for around 5 times. It's the one like hospital de. But all nt in packaging , helper throw away le... Anyone want? Post to u? If nt throw very pity ...

At first my boy also pimple on neck n cheek.. My CL say it's milk rashes n heat rashes cos everytime after feed the milk stain there .. So everytime I make sure I will use wet cotton wool wipe after feeds n dry with tissue then apply Avent bottom balm.. Now he's better after 1 week.. But I only try on neck.. When the neck clear, the cheek also ok.. I dun dare try anything on face.. I only apply baby lotion on face..

my girl coming 1mth liao wor...her face got alot of red dots....the pimples till now still there oso

shd i bring her see doc to get cream??


how's ur bb's thumb now? getting better??

Ann , can pm mi ur address?

Suika, another mummy from July2010 told mi her doc prescribe bactroban for her bb and it heal in a week. Coz actually I intend to buy off the shelves but tis will need prescription from doc. Gp told mi it's for pimple with pus


nope, swollen but color is lighter, look likes going to be there forever. Last night 9pm drink, follow by 10,11 and dun wan to sleep until 3 am. Xin ku thr CL n new maid


my girl has been cranky from 7pm-12mn for the past 1wk liao lor....how's ur wife? milk kicks in yet?

Hi suika,

Just to share my exp with u. My bb oso hv pimple with pus in her neck n red dots on her face. I bring her to c Doc n she prescribe Fucidin cream for the pimples. It heal within few days. As for the red dots on her face, I use cotton ball, wet with plain water n cleanse her face. I did tat few times in a day. After 2 -3 days, the red dots r gone.

Ahnah, my gal also cranky last nite fr 10pm to 5+am.. Wake up every hr n want me to carry her to sleep.. CL carry cannot, crying.. I carry n swing a bit then sleep. Put on bed, wake up half n hr later.. Practically I din sleep well last nite..

huffpuff: but if stop pumping will cause engorgement or not?

dreymin: ok..recently tryin to make her body face towards me oso

suika, ok noted..we arrange for lunch soon..


i use water to clean everyday oso....for 2wks liao no heal ley


if u wan ur ss to drop then u pump u dun empty ur breast.....like if ur usual is 200ml u can stop at 160ml instead or if u everytime pump for 20mins u change to 15mins instead n 3hrly to 4hrly etc....

Nature lover: my cl also my supply so low, ppl can pump alot and can spray ike a foundation...

i wish am the one who can pump 120ml for 15min.. i pump 15 min each side and manage to get 60ml nia sometimes lesser... very tiring...

actually how long shld we pump for each breast ar? i wanna increase ss..

sunflower: i using nuk bottles and the teats is silcone wan.


used boiled water to clean also no use? den get cream from dr will heal faster.. my boy got dots on his face... we use boiled water & cotton wool to clean.. now he got red buttock.. haiz.. used normal pigeon wipe cannot... now use purely cotton wool & water to clean his butt.. if go out how.. so ma huan.. water & cotton wool.. he has got golden buttock... tat time use those pigeon for infant wipe still not so bad.. change to normal pigeon one tat kor kor use cannot..


u got 60 at each side consider not bad liao mah... total got 120ml


which brand of disposable diaper ur use? i gotta stock up.. huggies good? mammy poko so exp.. ev feed oso change..

mvh, ahnah,

my boy also cranky last nite from 12mn till almost 5am, eyes open super big, dont want to sleep, put him in the cot, after awhile cry like 'slaughtering pig', tot he having fever cuz body heat like high but after measuring his temp, normal lor.. so no choice but to latch him on till he sleep but dare not put him back to the cot, so put him to the rocker n sleep next to me on the floor..


can try Pampers.. so far i find quite ok.. i only change every 2 feeds unless he really poo n pee alot, then will change after each feed.


i press my boobs to see if they are hard or soft..if soft, means empty liao..but usually i pump for 30mins

did u give jing feng san or wat hou san for bb? it's to reduce their body heat.. my sil bot one btl for me to give bb ev day after shower... to prevent oral thrush & kanna frightened...


pampers not exp? later i gg super market & see.. must go out liao ..


u can go either NTUC, Gaint or Carrefour to see, sometimes, they have quite good promotions going on.. i bought mine during the june baby's fair, stock up quite abit for NB n S size..


I pump for 20-30 minutes until no more milk come out even when press on my breast. If pump every 3 hour can get ard 160-200ml, 4-5 hour interval sometimes get 200-260ml.

for diaper , i m using fitti , i need to change every feed . for pamper , no need to change every feed meh ? cos new born , can let them wear diaper for 6 hr then change meh ? i thought must keep changing ? fitti premium NB is not bad ... cheap also ... $11.45 for 52 pcs ...


would like to check , any babies also same as my girl ? she like to stretch sooooo soooo much ! during the night , she stretch till make so much noice , we thought what happen and we couldnt sleep well . she will stretch n make noise and face red red then sleep soundly again !

stretching :

mine also stretch alot, every now and then stretch.. and whole face super red..my CL told me its gd for bb to stretch to exercise abit..

i'm using Huggies for night time and Pet Pet for day. So far, okay...I find Huggies cutting is smaller than Mamy Poko... I think $ difference not that great between Huggies and Mamy Poko.. If I'm not wrong, Huggies is 29 cents per piece and MP is 33 cents per piece.

n_g: That's a lot of milk u have there!

susan: U don't change immediately when your baby poo? Won't he get nappy rash?

winnie: You pump until no more milk come out or when u feel your boobs are soft liao. If wanna increase ss, try extending your pump time for another 5 mins... so it will be 20mins per side.

mamyvelle: ok, I'll PM u! Thanks!


now i can pump out to 50ml instead of 30ml. Maybe you should drink more milk or water to increase supply.

White lady,

My girl also does that. She like to stretch while making noise. Sometimes she will prompt us by crying if she is hungry. Otherwise we just ignore her and sleep. Lol.


my girl like to poo before and after feeding. In the end, we have to waste 2 diapers. Huggies is not cheap, really heart pain to throw after her poo.


anybody using cheap and better brand?


i will check first.. if it's just a little bit, then i will change after the next feed. nope, i always apply nappy cream before putting the new one..

white lady,

my boy also does that, he will stretch n make funny noise n even funny facial expression...


hahaha..my boy also does the same thing, when he's hungry, he will cry out loud n his mouth will open big big...

Hey my boy also makes funny noises during his sleep at night and when he does stretching !!! Cos he's sleeping on same bed as us so we tot he's awake whenever he makes those noises.. We will panick n look at clock -- tot it's time for feed.. Haha paranoid .. End up when we see him , he's actually still sleeping ... Whoa.. So it's normal phenomenon after all since so many babies here also liddat.. Amazing !

That time my boy a lot of eye shit till can't open eyes .. CL says it's due to heat. So she ask us to buy pearl powder n jing Feng San from eu yan sang.. After giving pearl powder to bb 2 times, his eye shit no more.. And we r suppose to dap the jing Feng San on his gums everytime we go out eg: go doc check up etc

Alibaba : not one side 60ml is both side ar!

Cheekrene: not bad ur milk flow, I'm still working hard on it, juz nw manage to pump 90ml leh..

Sunflower: wah u pump so long, I scare my nipples sore leh. Ok next pump I shld pump till I feel my boobs are soft!

no wonder my gal can't fit into huggies newborn diapers. Now am using sealer! Mummy poko exp cuz of the character pooh..


Kind of like petpet , cheap n quite good to use...

Ann ... Receive ur pm , reply u later , jus woke up to pump , wan go back ZZzzz...

Engorement ... It seems like I dun feel it anymore le...

Boobs are always soft , but the amt of milk pump out is still

the same, y ar?

Re: BB cranky at nite:

Last night my gal kept crying/make noise dun want to sleep from around midnite till 4am. So chamz. Feed cannot, use pacifier cannot, carry cannot...

Finally found that playing a kids' tune on my iphone worked. Used to play the tune when BB was still in my tummy. She calmed down after a while and dozed off. Thk she oso tired ler. Cry so long... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hope she dun cranky again tonight ler... else very chamz. I cud not wake up to latch for her morning feed. CL used the EBM fr fridge. Now letting CL to zzz.

So excited !! am in salon now colouring my hair!! But asked the hairdresser not to colour my scalp ..

So later I will also throw away first pump!! But I can finally colour my hair !! Not gg let my mil noe.. Else she will surely nag!

Re: Diapers:

I like Huggies. Easy to put on and just nice fitting for my gal. Just finished the last diaper. Asking hubby to buy more later since he's out to have kopi wt his frens.

Using Pet Pet now. Got once, poo poo leaked out... Maybe I blur ler... dunno how to put on the diapers correctly or the cutting/size is not right for my gal? If I fasten the diaper tighter, the gathers at thigh area make BB's thigh a bit red ler... If I put looser, scared poo poo flow out...

My mom bought a pack of Mamy Poko to try too. Haven't open yet. Prob will try to use Huggies/Mamy Poko for nite time. Then Pet Pet for day time...

CSY: Have fun! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I got so much white hair during pregnancy...and since I cut my hair short short for confinement, I m looking super duper obasan (aunty-fied) now. Having a small full month gathering this Sunday. Dun wanna avoid taking photos oso ler... So tempted to just do it like u... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

On the other hand, thking I shd delay coloring till November... when maternity leave is almost over/need to go bk to office... when hair grow longer... Can save $ since I wonch b getting out of the house much anyways... *heehee... ;)

I am in confinement atually.. Only 2 weeks plus.. But I buay tahan Liao n cos next tues gg to take family studio fotos with bb.. ( free voucher from stemcord ), n I gg to office to give cakes next next fri..hubby also can't take leave next week.. So I gt to do tdy since hubby can be on duty for bb now at hm.. Hehehe.. I gt lotsa Gray hair.. Really so demoralizing ! So I gt to do it man..

