(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Dreymin, yes I did burp her every feed.. Recently I burp her n immediately she throw up.. So now din dare to burp. I just hold her sit upright for a while after feed..

Eeyore, yes by era..


Huffpuff, my elder gal got white patches n blue black patches on back thighs, bum n back.. E white ones r birthmark.. But blue black ones depend.. Hers fade a little.. Still have though but not obvious.. Hope it will fade away when she grows older..

Do check carefully when buy digital scale.. Check for accuracy.. I used to have a digital scale long time ago from Watson that rough off e weight to 0.5kg..

all mummies, i need some advises..

i am afraid my bb is not getting the hindmilk

as i do pumpin now to bottlefeed my bb since she dun latch so well..

and oso bcos my milk keep leakin..so pump to avoid engorgement

and my milk when press, it spray out one!!!

then when i go internet n search ...it say i m oversupplyin milk..

and i will have too much foremilk and will cause foremilk and hindmilk inbalance issue..

internet suggestion is to stop pumpin, if pump, jus pump to release a bit of milk fr breast to prevent engorgement

and oso jus let it leak..

bcos internet say if i pump every 3 hrs, e brain will tink my bb need tat large amount of milk

it oso say i shld try to lean back to let bb latch on since my milk flow is spray out type..if not bb will have hard time drinkin e fast flowin of milk

and it say let bb latch on only on 1 side of breast for several feedings (to combine to get 15mins)..so tat bb will get the hind milk..

so jus now, i jus let my bb latch on my right breast..with me leanin back..

and this is e first time she latch so well!!

in e end, she latch on 60mins!!!

i tink my brain will tink "wow 1 hr of milk flow is needed to feed bb, will generate more milk next round"

and bb still not enough, in e end, i gave her left breast which she feed on for 10mins..

then after she poo, now i see e poo got a bit of greenish (5%) & yellow (95%)..

which is one of e symptoms tat bb is not getting enough hindmilk..

and when u all store ur EBM out in fridge, did u see v thick layer of yellow milk on top layer?

i only see v thin yellow milk on the top layer..

i am DAMM WORRIED now..

any advises here???

no milk is prob..too much milk oso prob..

i feel so stress being 1st time mum...

Fumiko, u got me worried about too much foremilk for bb.

There shd be thick layer of yellow milk? Thought just a layer that look like whitish.

Scooby,my contraction felt like menses cramp at first.

Mvh, thanks. Good to know. I hope my girl's marks will fade too.

I'm confused about Milo now. Avoided it yesterday. So hungry now feel like making a cup.

Ebm: mine also only a thin whitish layer leh.

Fumiko, u are doing fine. Since her poo is 95% yellow (and I assume it's seedy residue texture), it means yr bb is getting the hindmilk. If all foremilk, her poo will be greenish...

Too much milk also gt problem no milk also gt problem!! Being a 1st mum is my easy!

Fumiko: u hav too much supply while I hav too little suply!

winnie: eat papaya fish soup everyday as well as a slice of threadfin then supplement with 6 capsules of fenugreek (2 after every meal) but if u take caffinated drinks e.g. coffee, tea or coke, wait for an hr before taking the capsules

drink milo, take more fluids.. will help also

ann, ya is seedy..her poo contain mostly yellow..

if is true, then i feel beta..

i feel so tense up after reading internet info..

and i went to lie back and let my bb latch on..in e end she vomit more than usual..

i really heart pain

do this cannot..do tat cannot..

really breakin down..


so i shld let her latch on fully on one breast..even if is 2-3 feedings?

so tat she can empty one breast fully to get foremilk n hindmilk?

then let e other breast jus leak or do a 30ml or 5 min pump to prevent engorgement?

btw, mummies

when u all do craddle position..does her body oso face towards u?

for me, my bb head only face towards my breast..

e body jus lie flat..not towards me..

is tt ok?

will tat affect her milk flow into her stomach and make her choke or vomit more or absorb more air?


eh. My milk also one thin layer of white milk floating. Meaning i got lesser fat in my milk? i tot it's norm. and also my #1 also drink it for awhile and he's healthy. Think it's nothing to worry about. Having a good supply shld be good Wat. Else think you shld call up the lactation consultant to check. Base on theory also May not be accurate. Shld seek for expert for advise and confirm.

Wat ur have for breakfast? so bored with milo and biscuit... Wanna eat mac breakfast! few days ago asked my maid to buy the four dollar meal. Then ended up with happy meal.

How do you or your cl cook the papaya fish soup? Just addthe green papaya and threadfish bones? Anything else? The soup that my mil make has a strong fishy smell but i still finish it.

Re: Milo

I suppose shouldn't be a prob. I had a friend who doing tbf had 2 glass of Milo daily and her supply is still alot. She used her expired/ excess milk to milk bath her boy.

My ger had just develop slight jaundice and there's no sun these 2 days. Hope it doesn't worsen.



promotion breakfast set bcome happy meal oh. Your maid nvr been mcdonald?

Usually my mom cook zhu yao + pork mian Xian or beehon for my breakfast. Sometimes Milo + egg + bread/cake. These 2 day my hse overstock bread. So eating bread as breakfast.


my mom stir fry fish bone n meat then boil together with papaya + few slice of danggui n ginger, the soup no fishy smell at all n yummy. U may giv it a try.

Milo: I oso drank quite a lot of Milo n it doesn't seem affect my ss. So I guess Milo should b ok. Old generation only drink Milo n they oso manage BF their baby for long term.


ya lor. She is quite blur sometimes. Vomit blood. So far my breakfast either cake bread or biscuit. Only cook lunch nia. I intend to drink red date tea for 40 days. And Try to avoid cold drink as much as possible after confinement.

ng & alibaba,

ya jus called mt A parentcraft..

they say e hindmilk n foremilk composition are not for us to decide..is our body sys to generate themselves..

so ask me not to worry

and ask me use lying down position for bf since my milk flow is too fast..

thank u for all your advises..

i feel so much beta now..

and can finish 1 bowl of mee sua soup with pork liver..after talkin to parentcraft ppl..


din take birdnest after giv birth. Lazy to cook. Probably after confinement then can eat again.


tats great! Jiayiu!

Fumiko, if ur bb is putting on weight, happy, yellow poo, should be fine..

For me, I latch my gal all e time.. Even if she can't finish one side, I just leave it.. If she wants to drink after awhile, I will give e same breast, if after 1-2 hr n ready for next feed, I will give her e other breast.. Our breasts will produce milk according to bb demand.. So don't worry about foremilk or hindmilk.. Just dun switch breast when bb din finish one..

Fumiko, glad that u r feeling better! Seriously, oversupply is a better "problem" than low supply... so don't worry too much.

Last nite, my #1 suddenly vomitted at midnight... hb thinks she has stomach flu so immediately brought my #1 to my ILs place so that she won't spread to baby or to me.. So sad that she has to be quarantined and separated from us when she's sick... good thing is that #1 was very calm about it and even agreed that she should stay in ILs place cos she also don't wanna spread to us. Its so tough when #1 is sick but I can't do anything to take care of her......... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ann: hoping yr #1 recovers soon!

winnie: am averaging 4oz per pump( 40 mins).. dunno is it consider okay.. fren told me must pump extra time to "trick" body for more supply.. 14days since birth.. first 4 days.. only 10 ml then 30 ml for next few days then 60 to 80 to now bout 4 oz.. thats how the supply grows.. pumping every 3 hrly even at night..

envy ppl who pump 100 ml per side for only 15mins.. so wish i could be a milk producing cow.. =p

my cl keep telling me how some ppl's milk spray like fountain when im pumping like crazy.. tsk tsk.. so now entire period just think and dream of milk.. wahahaha.. going to be "xiao" soon.. =P

MOrning all, I just wake up. Hehee.... can't sleep well last nite from 2pm onwards. Wake up many times and only get back to sleep few hrs later. Mind very active keep thinking on thins to do this weekend and how Bb will come out.

ONe day nvr login lots to read wor. DOn think I wil read. Anyone pop yesterday??

Fumiko, a lot of milk better than no milk leh ...

Ann, ur girl really very guai.

Nature lover, 4 oz is not bad leh. I only manage 2.5 to 3 oz per pump. Sien.

huffpuff.. slowly lor.. eat the things i shared with winnie.. take those food and then think to yrself "i will have more milk".. haha.. must psycho yrself.. think my chant now is more milk more milk more milk.. kekkeke

huffpuff: i cant even bf bb directly.. thats why i work so hard pumping every 3 hrly.. more milk is what i want to make up for my inability..

my bb drink expressed bm in the day and formula at night..

nature lover - try drinking more red dates tea.. My supply went up more after I drink more of that.. initially I don't like to drink cause it made me thirsty.

I decided I will just bottle feed bb at night with EBM.. very draining on all of us to cox him when he have trouble latching or just tantrum dun want milk.

Just struggle with bb for an hour to latch on using nipple shield. He did suckle for sometime. But still seems very hungry. Fed him another 70ml of ebm and he finish it. Haiz wonder how much he drank when he suckle. Feel like giving up latching on after seeing him so tired.

How do we feed bb EBM when we go out? Go out to pump and then feed bb?

Ann, hope yr gal well get soon..

Alibaba, I have mee sua + pork/fish + egg + Milo. Sian to eat this everyday.. How I wish I can eat Mac also..

Nature_lover, dun worry.. Yr supply will increase over time n u will take lesser time to pump..

Tearybabe, u have to bring a cooler bag for yr ebm, a thermal flask for hot water, a cup to put e hot water to warm e milk.. Quite troublesome but no choice..

My pd ask me not to sun my gal le coz her skin change color.. Too dark not good though she still has jaundice..


Thanks for the contact!


Yup, I applied ru yi oil to my son too.. but my son fart like nobody business, when poo also fart damn loud..


Watery is diarrhea leh…


u staying near 888 ar? Me too leh..

Milo : why don’t drink oats milk? Can build up supply too..i bought those 3-in-1..just add water only..


I stay near evergreen primary sch, ard 7 minutes walk to 888 plaza. =)

Oat milk: I dun like oat... N 3 in 1 is always too sweet for me.



Is like that ar ? I always pump half way and use hand to squeeze, also a lot spraying out leh.. but my son poo is yellowish leh.. My milk also one thin layer of white milk floating leh..i agreed with the rest lar, a lot milk better than no milk leh..


I also eat those everyday..so I tried to eat bread nowadays..

