(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


There's good if u can accept it cos can really save few hundred bucks for these things...

I'm not really worry of the things will give way.. anyway just access the condition first before u decide.

for hand-me-down things, u can use dettol to wash or clean...


alibaba & eeyore,

thanks for sharing! i'm quite clueless in this aspects.

my hb say carry all the items to our place first then access items lah.

he said its not nice to access conditions of items at his fren's place & reject etc as it might be deemed as offensive to others.

i've been urging my hb to make a trip down to collect these items soon so we know what else is needed but he kept dragging wk by wk. getting onto my nerves liao.

i'm worried if wait till last min then collect etc, i wont have that much energy to shop for these stuffs by then.

Re : Belly Band

Was thinking if i should buy the belly band ... cos find that some of my normal clothes too shorts , if got this belly band then can wear ... saw once at mother care , anyone know where else can i buy them ? thank

As for handling #1 and #2 , was told to get a present for #1 too when he visit me in hospital , say is from #2 ...

And my MIL told me something that i cant stand lor , she say not allow to let #1 visit me in hospital when i deliver #2 till i go home , dont u all think is stupid ? i tell my hubby lor , i m not going to listen to her , so stupid ! cant stand it man ! oh ya , she say , if #1 go see #2 , next time they will like enermy ! stupid !

just curious, has no one on this forum gone for their 20wks scanning yet?? think i'm among the first few to have my detailed scanning on coming mon again.

for those moms who have been thru detailed scanning last time, is it true that this scan will take a longer time as compared to having the oscar's?

no blood test involved right??

i wonder if its possible to wait for the results i/o having them send to my gynae's clinc? if no blood test involved then results shd be pretty fast ya.

my next gynae's appt is next mth lah, dun think want to wait that long to find out the outcome lor.

just called TMC, too bad, the arrangement is to depatch results to gynae's clinic, cannot collect urself.

think have to wait for clinic to call then drop by to pick up the report again.

winnie ,

ya lor, she very funny one , but she treat me not bad , just that her thinking is funny , just like my #1 , she want us to shave him bald + eyebrown ! and i also didnt do that ... sometime we just have to understand that old pple have lot of stupid ideas , lucky me n her dont stay together

and i confirm wont agree with her this round too . me n hubby still plan to get a 1 bedded room so that #1 can spent more time with me n #2 when i give birth .

Hi angel,

i am also gg for detail scan on 16 march - tuesday,kkh,but kkh usually will give in ur hands and then I go to gynae clinic after the scan immediately,Last time my #1 gal was not in correct position hence need to walk a bit again n again to check it took almost 2 hrs - 3 attempts bef the job can be done.

If baby in good postion for the job will be less than 30 min.

Possible for you to ask them to have a look or generate a copy for u..


yeah, i have read that some hospitals do give the results to patients like immediately but not TMC leh. or maybe this is due to our respective gynaes?

apparently, their arrangement with my gynae is to send all results to the clinic lor.

as this is my first bb & i'm also one of the oldest mums here, think i have to be a bit more kan chiong than the rest of mtbs.

its true that older moms posed higher risk ya.

oh yes, i read abt these sterilizing tablets? are they readily avail in supermarkets??

Hi angel,

yes,available.i used pigeon for my #1,also useful for sterilizing breast pump and bottles when on travel where we cannot bring sterilizer

my detailed scan is on 17th mar.

really looking forward to it..

there's really a lot of stuffs to buy.

luckily my gal friend is giving me some of the things.

as i only intend to have 1 kid, i really dun intend to spend so much on new things.

strange leh.. when i am having my #1, i did my detailed scan at TMC and I got the report right after the scan. Then I will visit my gynae after that to let him see the report. I got a copy of those scans of bb's organs. The scan lasted ard 20-30 mins.

This time round, I am doing the same thing too.. make an appointment to see my gynae right after the detailed scan..

hi mummies,

I just went for my detailed scan on tues. Whole process took around 30mins. The sonography will pass u the report. U will visit ur gynae after that and he will explain the report to you. You will be given a copy of the report together with the scan of bb organs. Mine is done at TMC.

Hope this helps. =)

when i done detail scan for my #1 , they sent the report to my gynae clinc one . didnt give me a copy , also at TMC . i think all this depend on the arrangement btw TMC n ur gynae . For me this round , my gynae appt on 31st march and detaill scan on 1st april . So if i want to know the result of my detail scan , think got to wait till my next gynae appt which is in may !

SahaMum, I'm also going to KKH for normal checkup on 16 March. Wat time is your appt?? Mine at 8.50am. Mine only normal checkup. Detailed scan in mid April which is another one mth to go.


thanks for the info! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hmmm, cos we just seen the gynae like 1wk+ ago (when i was sick) & he wants to see me in 1mth's time lor. so like that quite difficult for me to go see him again (so soon) after my scan.


wow, so u r the first mtb here to have ur 20wks scan! can u share with us what's stated in the report & what to expect? did u manage to cfm the gender of ur bb too?


yeah, think we'll feel the anxiety of being an older mom but at least for ur case, this is alr ur 2nd child. can only keep our fingers crossed & hope for the best lah.

any one gg Detail scan on 9th April?

I got my oscar result yday . but gynae didnt return the report to me.... i only know i have low risk for DS 1:5000.

daintyaqua> you can try asking the nurse at TMC. The last time i did my NT scan, i took my report on the spot as it was just before CNY period and they scare the report will not reach in time for my gynae visit with was the following week. I think it depends on when is ur next gynae appt.

Hi Angel, I tried sterilzing pills for my breast pump before.. my hands and breasts area got itchy after using the pump.. So I guess toys for kids you have to be more careful.. Maybe you need to rinse several times if you intend to use those pills. I only use pigeon liquid cleanser for bottles. I used that for my child's fruits and vegetables and toys..

Angel, the sonographer will scan for all major's organs of bb.. e.g. heart have 4 chambers, no holes etc, kidneys, lungs, liver, sex organs (e.g. ovaries for gals), 4 limbs, facial features, size etc.. ;)

my DS will be on 19 Mar at TMC, gynae appt immediately after. I guess they will give the results to me after the scan, since my gynae clinic is in TMC itself.

white lady,

this is the first time I'm hearing of such thing too. I also intend to get a 1-bedder so that my #1 can come in anytime to visit and won't disturb anyone else in the room. It will also be a good bonding time for our little family without all the other relatives, parents etc.

I was so proud of my son. When I told him that his mei mei is in my tummy, I told him to sayang mei mei and he will kiss my tummy. Now he kisses my tummy all the time. Until one day, he proudly pointed to his own tummy and said there is baby inside. And he pointed to my 80-yr old grandma's tummy and said, "must sayang tai por (great grandma), got mei mei inside".

Saffy, ur son is so cute!! He sure will take great care of his sister when she's borned [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For the bedder thingy, frm my fren experiences, they told me to choose a lower grade, Eg: 2 bedded, then if all 2 bedder rm are full, they will give u 1 bedder rm with no additional charge. As for me, i will go for the lowest *budget* and hopefully they can upgrade me to a higher bedder for free :D hee *pray pray* hee

we can save tt money & spend on our new born baby ;)

I saw u all mention there's baby fair this wkend.. where is the venue? Taka only?


Saffy ,

ya lor , me n hubby also same thinking , #1 can spent more time with us if get a 1 bedded =)

And my son also leh , will keep talking to my tummy , say " gor gor sick leh " " gor gor get well liao " . and he will also read story to baby . and when he got toy , he will show to my tummy , say lets play ... think our #1 are those caring type ! haha

mummytigger, u r right, my sister got that benefit when she deliver in KKH. She asked for C and C full liao so they let her stay in B without additional charges.


in the report, it will state the fetal measurement like head circumference, nasal bone, abdominal circumference etc...it will oso indicate the heart action positive? fetal movement visible? amniotic fluid normal? Placenta position low? structure normal?

it will oso indicate what organs r visible & normal....e.g. head, brain, orbits, lips, spine, neck, skin, four chamber, kidneys, bladder etc etc......ohh....last but not least, a summary of the ultrasound findings.

there will be some graph charts which I don understand and oso the photos of the scan.....u can see the feet, hands, spine, genital, nasal bone etc....but i can't figure some photos like nose & lips...no matter how i look at it...i still can't figure out.....hahhaa

ohh.....& u should be able to cfm the gender....i can see the genital v clearly.....=D

u will go in alone first...after the sonogrpaher took all the photos, she will ask ur hubby to come in and show him the photos......=)

Hi mummies, i've decided to go for amnio test next week.

hope the test is turn out good for us.

morning everyone!

just came back from taka bb fair yest....the queue was quite long sia....this time pigeon bottle exchange is oni limited to BPA bottles....small bot 160ml ($7.95) big bot 240ml ($9.45) price is for 50% off UP with the exchange.

mi nothing much to buy there but still ends up spending $100+ there....haizzz got 3small n 3big bots, 1pkt S-huggies ($13), 3pkt of pigeon wipes ($10.50), breastpad big box (forgot price liao), 1bot head to toe disney bath ($5+), pigeon L-teats (abt $5+)

xpink: good luck for the test....i believed the results shd b neg s usual lah

i've not use sterilizing tables last time....i always use hot water to soak my pumps esp when i'm in ofc n i think shd b ok coz my boy no fell sick after drinking

as for toys, i think use bot detergent to clean the toys is the best coz detol if not clean off bb put in mouth it's dangerous so if u wana use that better use water to wipe again a few times more to make sure it's completely cleaned off


Hope the test turns out well for u...

don't be afraid, I heard from my colleague is not that painful afterall...

I'll be gg down to bb fair and gynae's appt 2morrow... hopefully result is ok...

Mattel Toy Moving out Sale at No. 1 Lok Yang

Start 4th to 28th March from 11am to 5pm

Brand includes Fisherprice, Barbie, Hotwheel and many more

suika, I saw a preggie Sembawang neighbour at carpark yesterday evening. She and hubby each carrying 2 big bags of taka paper bags. Think they shld hav spend a lot at the Taka bb fair.

Thinking of going leh. But no time and I think its still too early.

is it cheaper to spree items online than baby fair?

saffy, my detail scan also 19th march.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i guessed ur neighbour must hv got those sterilizer etc stuffs ba....nothing much for mi to buy there coz i dun find the prices there cheap

good morning!


will yours be done at KKH? i'll be at TMC. we can finally confirm the respective genders of our babies and start shopping! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


when you were at the taka bb fair, did you see any special sales for Avent?


yes, mine at kkh.. hopefully can confirm gender..hehe

btw, y dont u spree online..there is a lady called Tan Leng Leng, she is always spreeing for Medela and Avent.. price is definitely cheaper than SG, but of cos no local warranty.. but its ok, seems like no one is complaining about the product.

u can check this thread, seems like she just closed the spree, but she will open another one very soon.


re baby fair ,

i will be going orchard tonight so might drop by and see , but its too early lah , so just look see look see and the things at baby fair isnt that cheap too ... but i m going to buy the belly band =)


mvh & mpoon,

thanks for sharing! whoa so many things to scan, quite scary to think abt it cos everything must be like visible or normal lor. *keep fingers crossed*


all the best for ur amnio test. dun worry too much, have faith in the doc who's performing the task & rem to rest fully for the stipulated period. all will be fine k.

