(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


i saw u say ur girl fall down, must see if she got fever a not. Vomit can be due to she cry too much. But if got fever, must see doc. Take care...


relax relax and enjoy...

P.S. i also hope it's s shy girl. Ha!


i believe that if u've the will power, cfm can slim down one. Cos to slim down is not jus say say, no action.

My hubby also dun like fat lady. He joke if i become very fat, he will go look for 2nd wife! I'll reply him, i NOW wan to look for 2nd hubby. I always say his tummy very big too! I say him back, he must see mirror himself, not handsome, still wan to look for pretty girl...


jerlyn : gas bubble? hmm no have leh. nv move or anything at all. i always slp lie flat with my tummy on the bed also dont have.


I'm 16 weeks still cannot feel bb kicking too... wait for another week? my neighbour feel her bb kick in her 18th week... =)

angel... i dun understand also... i heard my friend that abt 80% will be high risk for those over 35 years old... that why i worried so much as i got bleeding problem also... dare not to do amino test ....

mummytigger--> you have thalassemia? me too! bt mine is the lower risk type.. did you get hubby to go for the test or ur gynae asked one? actually i forgot to inform my gynae abt this leh coz it's not an illness that i have to take medication bt it can be serious to baby if my hubby has it too right?

i think that baby cot is one of the most important things to buy for baby first. but if can you buy those that you baby can sleep in till about 2-3 yrs old? the one that has changeable height one. i didnt buy my cot, bt it was given to me by a friend. for stroller my sister told me no need to buy too early lah.. can buy later or sometimes ppl may ask what baby items we want. other than that i think baby's clothings and cot beddings can buy first lah. how many weeks are u now? maybe can start buying bit by bit each month.

what i understand from my gynae is that thalassemia can be passed down to our kids... the test only require to do for 1 time... my hubby and i went for the test as we didnt do it before... the blood test for my hubby is about $17...

to all worrying mummies here, do try to think positive. I think half the battle's been defeated if you start to feel stress by worrying too much. We might not be aware of our own mental state, but once you realize it it might be too late. Ain't we all suppose to be smiling everyday that we're now so gifted with our pregnancy? I do hv my own worries for babies too cos I'm turning 35 soon and this my first pregnancy, but I'll dump my worries here and then try to forget abt it. At all times be prepared for unforseen circumstances, yet do not be burdened. Lets aim to give birth to happy and cheerful babies!!!

MOrning ladies, yesterday nite my hubby tried to listen to bb from my tummy. He say he heard bubble sound and drum sound. The beat of the drum like heartbeat but he say bb's heatbeat shld be faster leh. We don't think its heartbeat leh. He joke that I have swollow a drum for bb to play thats y have drum sound.

Anyone knows what is teh drum sound?? Is it bb kicking me or he/she playing with water inside?

hi purelyz, thanks God that my gal is fine now.. no other symptons the next day..

for those who r concerned abt bb kicking.. actually my gynae said most of the preggies only start to feel the kicking ard the 5th month.. 18 weeks is the beginning of the 5th month (20weeks is midway of pregnancy which is 4.5 months).. so relax and dun worry too much.. i start to really sense my bb move last nite. not bubbling or heartbeat (yes, sometimes i can feel my own heartbeat ard the tummy or neck). i am 18w1d today and 2nd mum. Gynae also said 2nd time mum feel the movement earlier..

i duno izzit i feel it... it only last awhile like something tap on u..

Jascmy: maybe is the bubble sound lah..i told u rite, sure got sound leh.. like frog sound sometimes.

Ooooh, no time to log in yest... so many post...

MVH, hope your gal is alright now...

All abt scanning,

from what I know is oscar is quite a new test that comes up 1 or 2 years... and only TMC is doing so if your gynae is from other hospital or other medical ctr, they might not schedule u, may schedule u for other test instead... like my gynae asked me to take FITS test instead... my #1 was taking Triple test. I have yet see my results, will be gg down this sat... I'm wk 18 now...


Eating "BU":

I heard cordycerps is good to build up the bb lungs to prevent future cough and flu...

dunno bird nest really good for bb skin and complexion but i eat quite alot for my gal and her complexion is very nice and fair...

I think we must also eat something bb hair but i forgot what is it already...

Mayb can list down what are the needs for newborn:

- bb cot or pram

- bathtub --> hospital will give...

- newborn diaper (dun need if using nappy)

- hankies

- desitin ( I think is a must for bb butt)

- steriliser

- shampoo and bath foam (actually bb quite clean also dun need)

- cotton wool

morning ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ednique/Starz: Yupz.. i tink mine is minor too.. but will still inherit to baby (half from me), half frm Hubby if my hubby have = bb confirm will have. We still waiting for the blood test results this week.

Im week 18 this wk, going FA Scan on 25th (20wk).

Anyone gg to the baby fair this weekend? Will drop by to see baby cot and any baby cupboards for bb clothes.

I feel "kick" at times but dono is it illusion or really bb kick me.. lolx. but i feel my lower tummy rather hard in the morning b4 i wake up.. wonder is it baby sleeping style?


my CL is engage from Bliss confinement agency and someone is forum thread... if u interested can contact May @ 92996331 to check more.

i dont think the bubble sound is baby's sound leh.. i ask my hb to listen, he also say got bubble sound..after that i listen to his tummy, also bubble sound.. he say must be the intestine making those sound.

Sunflower, ya, I heard those bubble sound when I listen to his tummy. So I confirmed its from intestine.

But yesterday hubby say he can new sound. He heard drum beat sound similar to our heardbeat. He listen to my heardbeat and say mine is faster than that drum beat loh. Wondering what is that sound.

for baby movement , i will feel kicking and like got small little bubble burst in the tummy like that lor .. thats baby movement , maybe i can feel early cos is my #2 =)


dun worry on ur age....at least u hving twins so can close shop if u wana....heehee

so hv u settled ur CL issue? better book early coz u got 2 to take care of....must do a good confinement


very fast u'll b able to feel bb moving inside u...u'll noe...like bb turning, kicking etc n its gonna get more fun when u can see ur tummy moving like a wave

scent ,

ya , no need to worry , so shiok to have twin n close shop , like us , want 2 kids , got to pregnant 2 time leh ! haha

hi. wanna seek opinion: is one month confinement enough? or two months better? mum says baby very easy to take care, sleep only so one mth enough.

white lady,

but hor, for twins, everything is double expense leh..u need to buy 2 sets of everything leh..imagine u have to buy twin stroller, 2 car seats, 2 cots.. unless got passdown,else quite xiong leh.. if u preg twice, still can reuse these items for 2nd baby..

diamantz, my mil came to cook for me after one month (CL left) when I delivered my #1. I follow the 40days confinement rule though.. coz my mil said tradition is 40days.

my #1 slept 3 times in the day when she is newborn.. but poop several times too.. managable la.. but have to learn to handle baby cryings..

sunflower ,

true too , but for me , my #1 things all i give pple liao , now #2 , all i also got to buy new one , haha , just that is not 1 time buy 2 set , is different year buy , haha

and seem like a lot of mummie going for detail scan this march , excited mth hor ! for mine , will be on april fool day ! haha


since u'll be going for ur 20wks scan in 2 wks+ time, dun think too much for now & we all hope for the best during the detailed scan. good luck! mine is coming mon, will prob do a mini report again when i'm done. lol.


ahh, hospital will give bathtub huh? foc??


ya, previously was waiting for oscar's in anticipation, then 2 mths later, waiting for detailed scan, also with much anticipation.

guess after this, can only wait to give birth liao. lol

angel--> ur detailed scan is next monday? gd luck ya! i'm sure you're very excited right..? actually mine will be 29 march when i'm 21 weeks 5 days. but i asked for earlier when i'm 20 weeks 6 days. the nurse say that the scan will be more acurate if done 21 weeks onwards. nw i worry if later i go that day, cant see clearly.

when you're doing the scan, how many weeks will u be?


i'll be exactly 20wks on coming mon. (i think so lah cos lost track fr all the different EDD in my scans + LMP date not accurate, so i just keep to the EDD in my oscar's).

yes, i did read that fr 21wks onwards, can see more anormalies. i think ur date on 29mar is a gd date. dun worry too much.

tell ur bb to be co-operative so mummy & sonographer can both see clearly. lol. heard that this works for some mtbs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


mostly ppl do 1mth oni but u can do 40days or even longer it's up to u...but not too long oso coz the stuffs we'll b eating will b too heaty to take for too long oso....i think max is 100days which normally we dun lah....for mi confinement is 1mth but food it's like 40days

my #1 very mafan....he no slp much till we go toilet oso got problem.....but not to worry, normally NB will oni wakes up for feeding if not sleeping liao


MtA is giving away the tub

angel--> really ah, so cute! ok lah i will talk more often to my baby so that bb will be co-operative on the day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


huh, only mtA? *sad* i'm with TMC leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yeah, that's what i read lah. some mtb will ask bb to be co-operative so they need not have to repeat the scans again & again.

others will ask bb to open legs wide wide so sonographer can see the gender clearly. lol.


yeah, i've checked that's why i'm sad.

too late to switch now cos paid for FBI liao, otherwise very lugi lor.


my #1 in Mt A got give bathtub, turn out my house got 2 cos 1 is given by my mum during my customary wedding. I thought is a norm.

After detail scan, we'll anticipate more of bb's movements...


Mt A still giving now?? Then my house got 3 liao... anyone wants, mayb can give away.

winnie, yesterday forget to tell you that KKH also give new bb clothings but its best that we bring our own new and wash for bb. The new clothing given by KKH hav not been washed yet so bb's skin might get allergy.


i think so....dun think they changing their freebies....i'll b having 2 by then but i think i'll bring 1 over to my godmum plc keep....so if he goes there can go there play water oso


i/o of bathtub, they give bag huh? why so cheapo one?! not like the hospital bill at TMC is very cheap leh...

White lady,

Mt A also have bag... when we go home bathtub, bag with some things inside and pampers newborn diapers are the new tiems we brought home.


my mum house have bathtub liao cos she used to be baby sitter and both my sister also have...

My "TO-BUY-LIST" for my #1 to share:

1. A Cabinet for baby stuffs (depend)

2. Baby Cot Or just mattress

3. Mattress with bed sheet

4. Cot bumper

5. Baby Monitor (depend)

6. Changing Table (depend)

7. Cot mobile toy (depend)

8. Blanket to wrap around bb (at least 2)

9. Baby Stroller

10. Car seat

11. Milk bottles sterilizer

12. Breast Pump

13. Cleaning stuffs for bottles

14. Baby Detergent

15. Water boiler (depend)

16. Newborn clothes- short sleeve and long sleeve, shorts and long pants (at least 5 sets)

17. newborn Diapers (Hospital will give)

18. Bath Tub (Hospital will give)

19. Baby shower stuff

20. Baby Rash cream

21. Rui Yi Oil

22. Cotton wool and buds

23. Body powder

24. New bath towels (at least 3)

25. Non-slip rug for shower (depend)

26. Waterproof pad for diaper changing

27. Small wash cloths (at least 7)

28. Receiving blanket for going out(depend)

29. Newborn bb milk powder (depend)

30. Milk bottles with suitable teats

31. Baby bag for going out (depend)

32. and more...


good to buy a thermometer (measured by ear) for bb.. just in case..

Mt A gives away bathtub without the non-slip rubber mat, 1 pack of newborn pampers diaper (good quality), 1 Mt A t-shirt (too big for new born, can wait for 1yr), some mini-size shampoo/bath soaps plus pamphlets, 1 MtA bag, 1 pack of Mummy sanitary pads (super thick type), mini-dental set.


the t-shirt it's printed 2006 somemore lor.... got dental set? that's new...last yr no get this


i forgot abt the thermometer. Cos i only brought it when my #1 is close to 1 yr old. I use the normal one during his 1st 6mths.

When i give birth to my #1, Mt A got give a pig "gold coin" for bb born on the yr of pig. Dunno still got give this yr a not.


eeyore_03, Suika

I'm still in a state of puzzle...CL issue is tiring me out... The CL I met with yesterday (cos I want to interview her) told me that she will wash all bb's clothes using washing machine, but my MIL had insisted on handwashing bb's clothes. She also told me to buy disposable diapers as I got 2 babies, if not wash like mad... hahaha, this I can understand lah. I tot everyone uses disposable nowsday right?


Thanks for the list, Im gonna cut and paste. But we dont own a car, no need to buy 2 car seats, I think next time I take taxi liaoz, taxi no need car seat right?

White_lady, SUnfl@wer

I agree with both of you.... double bundles of joy = double work and expenses as well...

I'm so looking fwd to my detailed scan too (30 mar), last night I experienced pain on my tummy when I lie down on my left side, but once turn to right side, no more pain...very weird. I wonder what went wrong...after a few mins, I felt better, but still continue to lie down on my right side.

ps: haven't shit for a few days liaoz... ohoh.

