(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

take note of those buying car-seat, u should be buying infant car seat and it won't last for long... for me i never buy, i just carry my gal in sarong until she can sit the toddlers car seat...


jus a sugg list. But i tink i brought all! Not at one shot but now i got all items after 2yrs. Jus buy only when needed. So my #2 dun nd to spend so much.

the small wash cloths are small handkerchief, i use them to wipe bb mouth after feeding, for bath, clean the umbilical cord area and more... i also use to clean my nipples before and after feeding.


I also never buy thermometer, until bb about 6 mths old...

I also have a spreadsheet of what to buy, what ppl give or what I already have and what items to bring for hospital... also, until bb grow bigger, need toddlers play toys, etc... and comparison of prices for the things...

file to big, who wants then i send by email...

Hi Mummies,

I'm selling:

6 X Avent 260ml Milk Bottle (BrandNew)

4 X Avent 125ml Milk Bottle (BrandNew)

3 X Pigeon 300ml Wide Neck Milk Bottle (BrandNew)

1 X Dryers (wee Wee dry) Size S(64pcs)(BrandNew)

Pls message me if you're interested. Will be selling cheaper if you buying all.. =) all in boxes except for those 4x avent 125ml bottle as its from different baby hampers! 0ffer me a price for all! self collect at TiongBahru MRT!

hallo all,

my boy was also sick for the past few days. no rain + haze + flu bug = disaster.


wah if handwash baby's clothes and diapers sure wash like mad lor, don't need to do anything else. just spend the whole day washing, hanging to dry, folding etc ... i believe there is a mini washing machine you can get just for baby's clothes. for us we washed baby's clothes separately but still using machine.

seem like some mummy have start buying ... for me , i have not bought a single thing , when go shopping , walk pass will see see , if #2 also Boy , i think like nothing to shop , if girl , then will feel so different then i think will keep buying cute sweet clothes ! haha ...

when i got my #1 , i bought my pram when i am 7mth preggy and i feel abit too early leh , haha ... i think this round wont buy so fast ... but also depend lah , maybe #2 liao , so i m not so excited as #1 ba =)

scent, i use washing machine after 2 months of handwash.. tiring.. my washing machine got those "handwash" mode, so i use that. I also use cloth diapers for a long time for day time.. nite time will change to disposable diapers. this way is cost-saving and bb bottom will have less risk of getting rashes..

suika, the dental set is in the drawer.. lol.. maybe u din open the drawer..

purelyz, my gal born in yr of rat.. no rat coin leh.. so i guess yrs is special..

btw, new born no need pillow coz might injure their necks..wat i did for #1 is use a thin cotton cloth, fold a few layer and place under her head..


my gal was given the Dog gold coin too...

this year dunno got Cow gold coin anot...


some of the items I never put qty is i never buy... some items are handmade like beansprout pillow and carrier sling so I just put down in a list to tell me which are those that i need to buy and which are those that i have, as well as which are those that don't need.

I also never use pillow on my gal, till now her head can't stick to the pillow for long... yes when bb time u can just use nappy towel, fold up and let them lay on it.


dental set u mean toothbrush har? oh that 1 i took back....

juz my view (dun get offended hor)

there's alot of stuffs no nid to buy 1....like the wash cloth etc...starting 1mth like that bath bb no nid use soap, juz use warm water splash splash, use hankie can liao then towel to wrap

the belly button part, hospital got give those sterilized cotton wool, each day juz use that to clean will do

receiving blanket, those choosing MtA they give 1 so no nid to buy oso...heehee at home i use nappy cloth to wrap (spore weather very hot lah receiving blanket too thick, provided u 24hrs on aircon for bb)

mittens n booties try to get more coz tends to get dirty more often. they burp will vomit abit of milk out we juz use hankie to support their chin facing outwards n when my boy burps out it goes to the flr instead....heeehee no nid to panick if bb goes red (my boy face really turns red like apple that time)...PD told us that the valve at their throat have not strengthen (can last up to 6mths) so the reflex is there (vomiting of milk during burping)....so long it's not alot of milk out then no nid to worry

for mummies,

do rem to bring extra pad to hospital (they charge abt $10-$12/pk if u finished that FOC pk n 1-2 bottles of chix ess (to drink before u go deliver)....i oni used 1 pkt extra n after that i use back normal pad (maternity pads very thick n uncomfortable)...n get enuff disposable panties (during confinement no one to wash ur panties for u)

suika, I'm thinking of asking my Cl to wash my panties. Hehee... we can't be using too many disposable panties cos we sure dirty is very fast and need to change often. Even use we can;t be using for one mth leh. I will go bankcrupt after that. hehee.. For your 1st bb you use for whole confinement? For chix ess, we need the energy that y need to drink rite.


me too... whole day stomach bloated.. cant stomach much food.. sigh.. sianz.. i m already into 19th week.. sob sob..

suika, yes.. the free mini- toothbrush with toothpaste and comb etc..

oh yes, Mt A gives free receiving blanket with hood.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my CL washed my panties for me leh.. coz i cant "touch" water.. lol..

hihi all...

Today talking abt bb list & what to buy?? hehe... M not buying anything yet too... like some of u saying #2 not so kanchung liao... somemore actually my house just very near to Civic center & CWP, if need anything urgently, just ask my hubby go n buy on from Tom & Stephanie or Kiddy palace...

However, for 1st time mum... i found that the bb must buy list is really useful esp for those never taking care of bb b4... btw, u can actually get the hard copy bb list from the bb hyperstore if u happen to go there... mine #1 list was getting from there too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

winnie, i heard can some do wash leh cos we can't touch water. I will double confirm with my Cl in case she don't wash too. U can confirm with yours too.

jerlyn, yours is #1? mine is #2 le.. gynae said 1st time mum might experience kicking/movement at a later stage ard 5months.. dont worry too much..


wash cloth is hanky right, that one have more never mind and can buy very cheap ones.

same as u, at home use nappy cloth to wrap bb's hands instead of receiving blanket.

I don't rem buying disposable panties leh... still wear normal panties with pads...


that time my hb work for P&G during my #1 tme and they give a carton a diapers for their employee for new birth...

I think #1 not much things I need to buy already, except for maybe new bottles for the bb...

Hmmm, come to think abt it, dunno what to choose for gifts from my company...

oh, I just thought of an important thing to buy...

those having #2, make sure u buy a gift, wrap nicely for your #1,

otherwise when bb got lost of hampers, they don't have, somehow they'll feel sad and left out...

oh yes, priss... ppl say give in to #1 in the hospital in front of #2.. say #2 buy for gor gor or jie jie.. then #1 will dote #2.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no lah...it's not s bad s wad u think....1 pkt abt 3-5pcs (depending on promo) rice range from $2-$4...i day change 1 lor n i bought the cotton type can wash lightly...so if no stain i'll wash myself with warm water when i brush my teeth in the morning.....most CL wun wash for u 1....it's tabo issue


wash cloth is slightly bigger then hankie n softer lah n it's more expensive so i choose use hankie instead....cheap, small n can wash easily

prisss & mvh,

must say that to #1 in the hospital? i better jot that dwn....must rem sia coz my #1 now i think is already started to get jealous liao

any1 gg to taka bb fair today? i'll b gg dwn soon....dropby my ofc w my #1 visit the japs then go the fair from there

those wana mit up pls get my number from jascmy i gg to prepare now


maybe only some yr they give.


ur list super gd. I can also double check wat i nd to top up for #2. Haha... it's tiger tis yr la. Not cow.


i agree need a lot of mittens for bb. i also dun like the thick thick pads given by hospital. I jus buy for night use one lo. I wear normal panty and use water to wash off blood if any. Then my mum use washing machine to wash.


Disposable panties not exp, i jus find it uncomfortable. I tink CL can wash for panty for u bah. Can say no wan mah? If we pay her so much and still so picky, will be so pissed off.

prisss, MVH,

my frens told me must bring #1 to go buy a gift for bb. Ask #1 to choose for bb. Like that more sweet mah. If #1 is big enough, can teach #1 how to wrap the gift. Then at the same time, parents will buy sth that #1 like. Pass it to him at the right time, like wat u say in hospital.

I'm looking forward for this moment, cos it will be fun to see wat my boy will choose for bb.

Now when i shower my boy, he will wan me to pull up my shirt so that he see my tummy. He enjoy shower "together" with bb. Sometime he will use his watergun to shoot at my tummy. Then will say "bb wet wet". So funny...

purelyz, your boy is so cute.. my gal like to tickle my belly button.. she said this way is tickling baby.. lol..

din know #1 must buy present for #2.. ok.. will take note [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


not sure if i'm going to the bb fair, i'm looking to buy only a few things, e.g. manual breast pump and the expo is really just too far away! if you are going on the weekend, you can check for other people's review first. some years are better than others.


I thought don't need to buy pressie for #2 cos he/she will have lots of gifts from friends and relative??

What if the pressie are too many then #1 will get jealous again.

prisss> can send me the spreadsheet? [email protected]

saffy> i'm gg on sat. when u gg? I collecting the old navy package from post office on sat morning. so if u gg the baby fair maybe can pass to you there.

I just got some booties & bibs from US. if you girls are interested, you can refer to my facebook group Quello for the pictures. But i think i will only post tomorrow nite.

dreamz, I've sent to u already but I rec'v an error message... pls see if u rec'v it anot... otherwise I'll re-send.

HI mummies to be. Just to share: Takashimaya having baby sale this month from 11 - 28 March. Go grab your baby needs. In addition, Big Belly Mama is having a free gift with every purchase of Belly Bands for pregnant moms. http://www.bigbellymama.com/bellyband.html but you need to quote Singapore Motherhood to get the free gift. And finally if you sign up for to be on the mailing list of Hann & Thann at www.harnnthann-sg.com you will receive 2 free bottles of Sea Foam Milk 30 mls.

hi mtbs,

i'm thinking of going to the taka's bb fair next mon, after my 20wks scan at TMC. not sure if we'll actually buy anything fr the fair cos we'll have some hand-me-down items from my hb's gd fren which will incl baby cot, stroller etc (have not collected so not sure what else is avail & what else is needed).

i'm a little concerned becos these items are at least 4-5yrs old (with some signs of wear & tear i supposed), not sure if they are still safe/ideal for bb? i cant really voiced out my concerns to my hb becos we are supposed to be grateful to his fren & not have doubts or complaints lor.

i mean i do appreciate the fact that his fren is kind enough to give us these things which in turn help us save a ton of money lah.

btw, do hospitals give out bb's milk bottles huh?


but if u really particular on the wear and tear, it's fine for u to turn down the offer... but u'll need to spend on that...

u can request glass bottles from hospital, those are more for us to store breast milk, if u want to use that fro feeding, u might have to buy your own teats as they don't provide any...

Dear Mum-To-Bes, I'm a Jan 09 mum. Like to share an upcoming event on Breastfeeding. It's free admission as it is organised on volunteery basis. You can PM me for more queries or arrange to meet this Sat.


Calling all expecting mothers and young parents!

The Parent-Support-Parent (PSP), a parenting network initiated by a few CHC mothers, is organizing a Breastfeeding Talk this weekend. This meeting is not limited to CHC members but open to all.

Details of this event are as follows:

Topic: Best Feed Forward

Speaker: Dr Lena Goh (Vice President, Breastfeeding Mothers' Support Group)

Date: March 13, 2010 (Saturday)

Time: 3 p.m.

Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 1, Conference Room 4

* What is most natural and perfect for both baby and mother?

* What is the most economical & environment-friendly milk for baby?

* What lays the foundation for deep and secure bonding between mother and child that will last a lifetime?

This session is conducted free-of-charge and serves to educate parents on how to achieve the best nutritional source and emotional bonding for their precious child that will give him/her a headstart in life. The whats, whys and hows of breastfeeding will be addressed and there will also be trained BMSG counselors available after the talk for consultation.

Kidz@Play will be opened for those who are bringing children aged 3 – 9 years old.

Please register via http://www.chc.org.sg/psp/

For more information, you may email your enquires to [email protected]

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Yours sincerely,

The Parent-Support-Parent (PSP) Network

Hi mummies,

I hope to ask around the mummies here with experience of a certain CL named Xiujing or Xiuqin. Has anyone here tried using her, or talked to her before? I got her name and contact no. in this forum but no further elaboration of how she works..Can anyone of you give me some advise?

Thanks in advance!

Hello mummies

been busy so hardly post.. went to gynae visit yday.. BB now measure about 10.38cm... the EDD seem to delay due to the size of bb.. & Doc Ang has confirmed a BOY! guess will go monkers with 2 boys then..

toking about shopping.. i tink i dint bother to tink.. will use my #1's stuff..

TMC dont provide bath tub.. i tink have following base on my memory..

1 pack of maternity pads

1 btl of sanitizer to sterlise ur hands

1 pack of pampers newborn diaper

1 bb shirt

1 wrapping blanket

1 pair of mitten or boobie (if not wrong)

1 btl cord spirit

2 packs of cotton wool

1 baby bag

6 btl of FM (come with teat)


There's no milk bottles included.

found from TMC website

>>What to Bring For Your Stay

For maternity patients, please bring along your:

• personal nightgowns (front-open types for easier breastfeeding)

• maternity brassieres

• cardigan or dressing gown

• bedroom slippers

• sanitary belt (optional)

• sanitary towels (optional)

• polythene bags (for your soiled linen)

Note: It is advisable to have a bag ready with these necessary items packed 2 to 4 weeks befoe estimated delivery date.

Also have the following

Complimentary Classes During Your Hospital Stay

All inpatients and their spouses are welcomed to attend the complimentary hands-on Baby Bath Demonstration and Breastfeeding classes conducted by our parentcraft specialists on a daily basis, except on Sundays and Public Holidays.


actually, i'm not particular abt some wear & tear, i'm just worried if the parts will give way (due to wear & tear) etc??

anyway, we have yet to seen these items so perhaps it isnt fair for me to have these doubts now.

will need to see them to access their condition first lah.

usually what do u guys do with hand-me-down items? do u sterilize everything or??



hand down items

-clothes will wash again

-stroller also will dismantle everyting to wash & clean

-babycot izzit aready dismantle? then it shld be ok. but u must see how the condition when u assemble ev ting & access if the cot is still sturdy.. or if it's A fixed properly cot since 4-5yrs? then it's not advisable to dismantle & assemble again.. cos it may cause the screw hole loose.. move the cot as it is if possible.. according to my hubby la.. he is quite a handy man. he said that when tat time someone offer me a baby cot.

-toys will be same clean with sanitizer before giving to baby.

