(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


i have a colleague from different dept. she mentioned she didnt feel bb movements from the start til she give birth. u know what.. her bb was a huge bb when delivered around 4kg.. & she dont seems too be a fat person either...

shay, yes, my gynea said can drink coffee... i also tot that i heard wrongly & purposely asked him again to confirm (cos i m a coffee addict too, can drink up to 3 cups a day b4 pregnant :p) anyway, i will try to avoid drinking it even he said can now... for the shake of bb mah... bobian [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angel, is the sonographer mentioned anything afer ur check-up? I think they wlll high-light to u if there is any special concern... dun worry too much & always remember that a happy mummy will has the healthy bb too... cheer up!


really huh? thought at the very least shd be able to feel during the 3rd trimester lor. if not, how to monitor bb's movements?!

think i also better chk with woody on this as well.


thanks! my sonographer just mentioned all seems fine. but my take is that their job is to take scans of bb's & input various measurements.

not sure if they'll interpret the readings too. i can only rest my mind if woody says its fine lah.

anyway, i'm also learning to relax & dun dwell on this issue too much. guess my report will reach my gynae's clinic tmr.

keeping my fingers crossed in the meantime.


i thought normally gynae will ask us to check their movement towards end of our trimester. at least we know baby is active. sometime baby can play umbilical cord and may strangle themselves. that is why gynae will recommend us to monitor. maybe got to check with gynae again.


maybe we should take a cut of the bets... haha~

a lot of my frens and relatives keep asking me whether girl or boy lor... ans them i dunno yet until i sian... zzz.. think they are more excited than me... haha~

Shay, too much caffine might result in low birth weight or early labour.. I read from some baby website and it has statistics to support the relationship.. not sure issit proven or not..

ducklingeshop, how come u so early go DS? same gynae leh.. but dr ang only gave me next week slot..

sigh.. really envy all of you here who are expecting a boy.. wanna have a boy this time but gynae said most likely gal again..

i was surprised to hear that of the colleague got such experience.. i also duno how she monitor bb movements since she dont have the feeling.. for me, the movements for #1 during the last trimester is pretty big til the whole tummy can slant to one side... pple look at my tummy can tell it's moving.. lolz

now at 17 weeks. i tink i gained 4kgs!! god.. duno will become too fat later...

MVH, I also dunno le...he give me the date ask me to go for DS then i just follow lo... anyway, i think it is alrite cos DS normally done within 18-22 wks mah :p Dun envy for boy also... girls are the 1 who normally more tian xin... next time may b u will be thankful cos u have 2 girls [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Alibaba, ya, u col case a bit weird le... can't feel the bb moment till birth? I rem last time i even can see the bb's hand or arm moving around my stomach during my last trimester!


mi seeing woody at cck branch

u better dun tell woody that u still drinking coffee...he'll give u a very ANGRY look!! last time i used to be on green tea everyday but diluted 1 lah...juz for some favoring coz plain water really taste sucks to me....coz 1st preg so i asked him n his first reaction was like....I told u no coffee, tea n smoke rite! with the angry look then i explained n he finally said ok but try not to take.....i ask if can take this n that he all says ok oni those he strictly says no

i read it's ok but keep it small amt or 1cup oni lah....mi now almost everyday drinking chinese jasmine tea this time.....no wan green tea but coffee oni 2cups till now

alibaba, shay, duckingeshop,

but my #1 also dun show till wk20, i also hope it's shy ger but in the end is shy boy. Haha...


i also have same feeling to take leave on wkday. So that can rest and relax as #1 in sch. Wkend is no rest day one... cos #1 at hm.


my colleague also feel movement during last 2 mths. She is petite size one le. I tink dun worry so much now. U will feel it when bb got limited space during 3rd tri.


i also faced same qns... girl or boy? I say i dunno. They say so big le still dunno... (my belly look big at night). Sighz... Bb shy wat to do...


that is funny.

mine never wanted to show us. my husband think it will be a boy as what i mention, baby was active when we were about to proceed scanning, but when our baby know we are looking, he/she stay still. i always want a girl so i and my husband are betting now... hehe

thank for mummy reply ... for me , my #1 no MS , #2 have , so everyone say is diffferent gender this time , make me so stress ... hai

Just to share a doc show i watch on cable yesterd:

About a preg woman going into labour, schedule C-sect. In her waiting ward, both side parents are present. She got a boy already and hope this one is a girl. Her hubby wans a girl too.

Then her own mummy turn to her and tell her " In this world there are too many unhealthy bb, jus hope this one is a healthy BB and it's enough, boy or girl does not matter". Both start tearing after the conversation.

The host ask her what she feel, woman say she feel it's a boy, but hope she is wrong.

In the op ward, doc announce her boy got a little bro. It's a boy! The woman during an interview later said: She is a bit disappointed when doc say boy. But when the nurse carry the BB to her, she say nothing matter now.

Her mother also say "When u see the BB have 10 fingers and 10 toes, boy and girl does not matter". The hubby say "Boy of Girl does not matter, it's OUR Oliver (the name of the BB boy)."

But the couple plan for 3rd kid and hope for a girl. Haha...

Dear all

just to check the fluttering isit like butterflies flying inside the tummy??Think i did feel it ytd n today..its was like butterflies flying across n after that i feel my tummy very itchy???Wonder is that so called bb movement??But the feeling very short n light only.

Wah, the thread goes really fast!. My hubby say tmr he will accumpany me to KK 24 hrs clinic tmr evening to double check. After hearing that some preggie women have it too and give birth to health baby, I'm more relieve now. Thanks

Hi Mums/MTBS,

Would like to check with those SAHM, do you buy more 'powerful' double pumps like Medela FS/PIS or a single pump like Medela Swing is more than sufficient cos babies usually latch on?

Thanks for your advice!

Hello moms-to-be,

If you are thinking of cloth diapering your babies, do head down to this weekend's Baby Care Festival at Singapore Expo.

Bumwear will be having a booth there and there will be lots of specials for cloth diapering mommies. See this page for more details :


Thank you and we hope to see you there :)

Hi all, anyone know is there any package in KKH and what is the different in price between private suite and not private?

What are the packages available in KKH?

How much does it cost?

Which gynea is recommended?

My hubby and I thinking of getting a fixed gynea instead because of my problems.

jascmy> KKH is pay by appt, there is no package for gynae visits. per visit i think cost abt $70-$90 for private. that's wat i heard from my fren. As for gynae, let me check with my fren her gynae's name.

Hmm... than what is the different between Clinic A, B and C in KKH. I know C is subsidies clinic without fixed gynea cos I'm there.

i'm not too sure abt the difference between clinic A & B. My fren was under private suite. Just found out from her that they got those 10 sessions packages which starts from week 20, however her gynae advise her not to sign as appt is usually every 4-6 weeks for normal cases once so take package not worth.

total her delivery package she paid $1.7cash for 1 bedder.

her gynae is a man of few words, unless you have qns to ask him n his consultation quite fast due to he has many patients. however he is very assuring & experience and also his stitches are v gd. After she delivered, he actually visited her everyday including weekend. She stay abit longer than the usual no. of days as her son need to stay in kk for a few more days.

dreamz, Thanks for the information. I just called up KKH to ask on the differences for Clinic A and B. There are consider private too with fixed doctor. I also got the charges online http://www.kkh.com.sg/PatientsAndVisitors/HospitalChargesAndPayment/OutpatientCharges/Pages/Women.aspx

Seems like clinic A & B really no much different in price as compared to private. But as compare to Clinic C, it more expensive but no fixed doctor loh.

dreamz, thanks for the recommendation too. I will go back ask me hubby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


fixed gynae can also be at clinics, depending which clinic your dr is at... however only some good gynaes are in private suite, they also operate in clinics at certain days. for example, my gynae operates at both private suite and clinic D. he charges between $7-$11 more on private suite than at clinic D. Gynaes are usually friendlier at private suite. the waiting time is much lesser than at clinic too..and its more cosy over there. you dont have to travel to another pharmacy to get the supplements, u can collect straight at private suite. thats why u pay more for these services.

there is a package, but seldom pple want to sign up because eventually its either the same price u pay per visit or even higher... so for most of us, we pay per visit. there are a few good gynaes..i also heard Prof John Tee is very nice, but he is super busy, so usually the waiting time can be long..

Sunflower, My waiting time in clinic C is very fast, usually I'm the next or next next patient to go in. As for scan, I need to go very early in the morning then it will be super fast. If go 1 hr later, will have to wait till very super long. So overall, I'm very satisfied with the services in clinic C. Its the doctors there that I don't like. Very young and skills not that good. But I'm lazy to go search for good gyneas, so jus go with the flow loh.

Now I have no choice but to pay more and spend more time to get a better gynea liao. Since I have already saved a lot for my 1st trimester liao by seeing clinic C. hahaa...


becos yours is not a fixed gynae, so u dont have to wait..if u choose a fixed gynae, u need to wait between 1-3hrs for clinics..

Winnie is still in KKH since early morning for her detail scan. Her bb not cooperative with sonographer at all. Winnie advise us to go for detail scan in the morning so if bb not cooperative, we have one whole day to hope for bb to corporate.

She actually went yesterday late afternoon and bb not coporative, so the sonographer chase her home and ask her to come again today cos they wan to close shop liao.

omg, hopefully when i go for mine on 10th Apr, my baby will be cooperative cos he/she was not cooperative at all during my NT scan. i think cannot park at TMC on that day.

I believed that you have to talk to baby about the scan & ask he/she to be cooperative etc...

I checked with KKH last week & understand that they do not have any checkup package anymore. Even double-confirmed with my gynea . Where u get the info from & how much they charge??? Just wanted to calculate if it is worthy?

i think if bb not cooperative, they'll be able to push the bb to turn....that's wad happened to me during the NTscan n i guessed after the pushing my boy decided to b good during the DS

my fren got chase home and go back the next day too..

ya, for me is the same.. during NT scan, baby not cooperative..have to go in out of the room 3times..the sonographer tried all methods, asking me to swirl left and right, coughing and taking a short walk..then baby decided to change position..

Sheric & Suika, I told Winnie yesterday mus tok to bb but no use leh, bb still naughty. So I told her to scold bb instead. She say she tried both, still no use. The sonographer shake her tummy many times, but her bb still don't want to corporate.

Hope winnie has done with the scan liao. Hahaa.. still waiting for her SMS.

Sheric, I jus want to compare price and get prepared on how much more I need to spend. My hubby would like to know this info too. He very calculative. The price info is in KKH's website.

sunflower> i went in and out 5/6 times. only on the last time we say want to spank his/her buttock when he/she comes out then the baby shift position. b4 that no matter how much the sonographer push, just refuse to move.


that time at tmc she pushes my tummy lor....all the rest shake n ask mi turn here n there oso cannot n in the end the senior 1 came n she push my tummy lor....till my boy shift position

Thanks jascmy for the link.

But KKH don't offer package for sessions after wk 20, right?

Cuz during the last 2 month of pregnancy, we will have to visit the gynea twice a month & subsequent once every week if I'm not wrong.

Wow... DS need so long? I really scare my #2 not cooperative. I took leave on Fri, so that i can have more time. I even plan to go hospital tour after that.

For my #1, quite fast finish le. She jus ask me to turn my body from side to side (like BBQ chicken wing), when she try to scan face area. Other than that #1 is quite ok.

I did talk to my bb the night before. I say "mummy tmr going to take pics of u, u must be gd bb (that time also dunno boy or girl)".

This time i will also talk to bb beforehand. Yesterday i feel bb kicking, so i put my hand on the area. I ask bb, u kicking izzit? BB kick again, then kick again and again. I dunno if bb can hear a not or bb hate the position so jus try to shift... Although 2nd time mummy, but the feeling still feel so magical...

sheric, I'm not sure about after 20 weeks packages. I do heard that we need to visit gynea very often when we are nearer to EDD so that gynea will check whether we are about to deliver.

Still waiting for winnie's SMS. Scary hor. I think I must start talking to my bb from today. My bb very good during NT scan so must continue to be good bb for my detail scan in mid apr.

i have a fren in kkh non-fixed gynae..she told me she switch to Thomson private after 2nd trimester.

the reason for doing that is to save cost in 1st and 2nd trimester becos most of the blood tests and expensive scans are done during that period.

after that she switch to thomson private to monitor the last trimester.

re: 20 weeks onwards package

i think it will be good to take up the package if KKH has it.. i will be signing up mine in NUH during my next visit. this package includes all prenatal consultation visits, 2 scans (20 week and 32 weeks) and 1 post natal visit..

i heard we have to visit gynae every 2 weeks like that nearer to our EDD?

wah, most of u gg for your DS soon... mine was schedule on 10 Apr, rather late...

jascmy, true that the last 2nd mth, our gynae visit will reduce to 2 weeks period, than last mth or 2 weeks will reduce to wekkly... depending on the monitor contraction... closer to our edd, we'll be put to monitor contraction.

now i so stress , my #1 DS so easy , go in then can scan n come out , then i thought all DS so easy , now i know DS cant be scan when the baby position is not good , then i stress , cos my appt is 2.30pm ... stress stress


white lady--> my appt is 3.20 pm hmm if baby not cooperative haiyo then must come another time ah? but they wont double charge right??

