(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Angel: i book noon cuz morning i nd to go back office clear my thing...

hope this is the last trip...

Whitelady: no extra charges.. dun stress maybe ur bb co-operate.. for mine NT scan i only spend like 20 min but for this i went 3x..

i only nd bb to move up her head abit.. hahaha

during my scan i can feel bb kick maybe she is angry..


suika, his charge normally more than $60 & depent on how many type of medi he give :p But he is good la... can tell u a lots of lots info 1... hehey


To appoint Dr Teo. which means after baby discharge, we'll go to Dr Teo's clinic at woodlands for the 1st appointment check up right? the last time i got a PD also at TMC...& mus travel all the way.. so ma huan.. plus that time wound still hurts.. -_-

Personally i tink PD in the whole are more expensive.. For my #1, after the 1st appt at PD. we only bring him to GP for all the vacinnes.


me too... i didn't bring my gal to pd... I went to the gp at woodlands 888 plaza... Dr Gabriel Seow is very good, very patient with kids especially... my gal also loved to see him... his charges will be much cheaper than gg to pd...

Changed my DS app from Mar 22 to yesterday cos hubby cannot take leave on Mar 22. So walked in for DS yesterdat at TMC. bb was not very co-operative keep facing down till the sonographer have to keep 'banging' on my tummy haha.... turning left and right...huh My first 2 wasn't like that both very good boy.....hhmmm

It's 100% confirmed that it a BOY!!! Sonographer showed me the testicals & penis sooooooo clearly....omg!

Hubby didn't get to see the bb cos he was outside attending to calls when the sonographer called him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] bb very notti only turn his face up once all the measurement has been done eh, or may be wants to see mummy cos all the while the screen is facing the sonographer not me ma hahaha...

He was yawning when I saw him (just like my #1, also yawned during the ds) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Pls help to update bb gender for me thanks!

hi alibaba, prisss, Ya, PD is much more exp compare to GP... but bobian le... my#1 was vomited badly when she was only 1 week old... i bring her to GP in Vista point but too bad the doctor refused to see her, said too young & want me to bring her to PD... then i have to rush all the way to TMC again for Dr Keoy... After that, my cousin recomended Dr Teo to me which i found that he is really very good esp handling infant... my girl had shallow stomach & cant take too much milk each time... we have go back to him after that for continuous consultancy & all her jabs were taken there too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i tried the GP where he took his jabs but his med not really suitable for him now so ends up PD again....but this PD we feel not very good so thinking of changing but must find 1 nearby....


my colleague's boy too leh, shallow tummy, turn out he had to drink lactose free milk or drip some solution into normal milk powder to make it heavier to sink into the tummy...

really bopian then no choice had to see a pd, in any case, keep a contact of pd that u're comfortable with... in any point of time when u need to see them, still know where to find.

PD versus GP

Nearer to your due date; your gynae may ask you to chose a PD so he/she can check the baby once it is delivered. I was given a list of PD recommended by my gynae. I chose Dr Oh Meng Choo as I heard gd reviews from my frens who bring their babies to her and aso her clinic was very near my place. But after the 1st appt she left the clinic and went to another one in Sembawang to my dismay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Subsequently we went to Dr Keoy at TMC, honestly speaking i didnt like him very much for 2 reasons: he does not refer to his notes and he always look sleepy when examining the baby. My DS was having constipation for a while after started on solids and my in laws were over zealous in feeding him high fibre food like brown rice porridge and lots of fruits.

My gripe with Dr Keoy is every time we went to him; he wl ask what is wrong and not refer to his previous notes and prescribe the exact same medicine. After the 3rd time; we decided he is not gg to help us. So the following time we went to our neighbourhood GP and he was very effective. But for subsequent aliments like flu, cough; the medicine he gave didnt work. So we were stuck with finding another PD/GP...

Thankfully to our joy we found out Dr Oh started her own clinic in Bishan which is very near our place and we have been to her ever since for jabs and other aliments. She is very patient and wl explain the condition v clearly and she does not overcharge for medicine. She does not rush thru her consulation. So far we have been very satisfied with her and one of my frens wl travel long dist to bring her kid to her.

My boss who is a mother of 2 swears by her GP in Clementi and she wl explain the medicine to my boss and advise her to self-medicate so she wont nd to bring her kids to clinic all the time. So frankly there is no firm hard and fast rule whether GP or PD is better. If you can find a good one; just stick by the doctor.

I do recommend PD for one reason esp if the kid is under 1-2yo as the medicine by GP may not be suitable for younger kids. We intend to bring our son to see a GP since he is older now, as PD does burn a big hole after every consulation.

prisss, ya, shallow stomach very mafan 1, i tried to fully breast feed her at first but was advice to mix the breast milk with formula (friso comfort - a special thick milk for shallow stomach bb)... she can only take 2~3oz up first few mth & always an udnerweight bb lo... luckily things goes well as my PD advice me to let her start solid since 5 mth olds...

Gynae & PD Visits during Hospital Stay

Pls note these are chargable! They wl usu visit you/babies during the early hours of the morning like 6am or 7am before their clinics open.


yah my colleague tried that, effectively stays in stomach but she complain ex... same thing her boy underweight too...


ya everything is chargable.. we definately need to have a PD for our new born during the hospital stay.. Hence i am tinking to take Ducklingeshop recommendation.


Dr Teo do the checks for our newborn in TMC as well? i think that time #1 PD is also Dr Keoy.. i went to him for the 1st appt nia. after that he even tell us tat we can go to other docs for baby's vacinnes.


Let me find out and let u know, probably nx week.


haha! yah nothing is free man! Yes i aso go for fren's recommendation.

hi alibaba,

I dun think Dr Teo will go to TMC le... I think he was from KKH previously but had already open his own clinic now. I am not very sure what is the procedure for appointed PD during the hospital stay & 1st appt for bb... but i will for sure to bring my baby for subsequent check-up or jab in Baby Bear after that lo...

Ednique and Angel,

Yes, its like the throbbing feeling..mine getting very frequent especially after meals.. sometimes I just watch my tummy ‘popping’ here and there..


Just finished my DS.. Me same as you, baby not cooperative! I was there for half a day too! Going in-out the room for 4 times..can see the heart, but cant get the right measurement, so gota go back next week.. Mine is confirmed a Prince, saw the penis big big..


Yes I heard the same thing from friends, but I don’t know if its true.. but I know if u are in private suite, u only have 2 choices, either Class A or Class B1.


Which hospital did u book the 20 week package? I check with the nurse in KKH private suite. She told me last time we have it , but now they do not offer such package for the entire KKH anymore.


think better read up more on this mean test thingy & see how its going to affect all of us.


congrats on ur little prince! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


congrats on ur little prince too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so, i did get to feel my bb moves, even if its like once in a blue moon. lol.

actually the night i felt her moved or kicked, i was lying in bed, singing to myself.

i din sing very loud cos my doggie was with me & he slept thru all my singing.

but guess i must have frightened my bb with my singing thus she was protesting by giving me 3 kicks? hahaha.


for our FB augmtb grp, how abt uploading a pic for the grp profile?? maybe babies pic etc??


congrats on confirming your little boy! i had my DS yesterday too, also confirming that mine will be a meimei for my son.

baby was quite co-operative during the scan yesterday, measurements were near 50% percentile but on the low side. head also a bit small compared to rest of the body. but i was found to have a low placenta. if it doesn't move up, i may have to deliver by c-section...


congrats on having a princess! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u have the measurements alr? can u share with me ur bb's femur length pls? thx ya!

dun worry, in most cases, placenta do moves up as ur pregnancy progresses. keep ur fingers crossed k. good luck!!


me also placenta low leh.. i ask my gynae, he say usually alot pple is like that, slowly will move up.. i read website, also say the same thing..so u dont worry k..wat is 50% percentile? urs like very detailed leh..my gynae say 'everything ok, dont worry'..but i read the report, i really dont know what is what..


Femur length: 31.0mm

Humerus length: 30.0mm

Est. fetal weight: 302g

i have the other measurements but too lazy to type out all :p


thanks, i was quite worried coz i'm scared of surgery. for your measurements if doc says all is ok then ok! is there any part of the report you want to know?


I got think abt that....waiting for Apr's gathering to post up the photos....heehee

juz came back from bb fair at expo....so tiring sia went out at 9am n juz came back oni...my boy so tired he KO the min i put him in his cot....spent abt $80 at the fair....tml will be another tiring day coz got ppl coming over for viewing at my hse

My expected edd will be on the 15th Aug and i am currently seeing doc yong tse tein at the sgh. have you gals ever heard of her? how is her stitching skills like ? and how are the all inclusive delivery charges for sgh as compared to other hospitals, would appreciate if you can pm me if you know, thanks alot!


thanks for sharing! i appreciate it alot! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dont mind, some more qns hor.

may i kow how many wks were u when u took the DS? is ur femur length at 50centile or? thanks again ya.

i had been to expo fair this morning. it was not as crowded as what i think. maybe due to the whole day rain

i find that there is nothing much to see as compared to taka baby fair. i only see many parents buying boxes of diapers and boxes of baby bath supplies. in the end, i went back to taka baby fair in the evening to get the stuffs i am looking for.

i had sign up the package for cordlife which there is a roadshow in expo. heard that roadshow have better deal. not to forget, if you have FBI card, there is about $450 discount and also, if you are referred by friends or relatives who had bank in at cordlife, there is also $50 discount and the referral also can receive $50 capital land vouchers. i find it quite worth. on the spot, i got the cordlife kit for my actual delivery.

i took an mrt train from tiong bahru to the bcf 2010 on firday morning at ard 11am. the babysafe pillow is only on a mere 50 cents discount. i was pretty dismayed as it is not as attractive as what was offered during the OG private sale just last wednesday! i got it anyway cos i don't want to go ard comparing prices.

I ordered a cot though. it can be converted into a cot bed and comes with 3" latex mattress.

after which i took a train home again... i stood all the way there and stood all the way back. On my return trip i was so upset with the abled body commuters hogging the 'reserve seat' on the train that i snapped their pics with my mobile phone.

I intend to load them somewhere so that they can be publicly shamed and will think twice about not giving up their seats next time.

i bought huggies diapers at the expo too....with the free toy quite worth getting coz my boy likes it alot


i'm used to it liao lor....i travel w my boy in the stroller n bags of stuffs from taka fair that time plus the tummy in front i stood all the way from orchard to yew tew....all snatching seats from me instead of letting mi sit....that's the ugly side of sporeans here....but not to forget, there's some (esp the ladies of our generation), they tends to even offer to help u ask for seats....i guessed they're kind of looking at themselves like that in a few yrs dwn the road or had juz went thru this before so this grp of ppl r usually more helpful


wat is percentile for? i dont have that in my report leh..

Femur length: 31.0mm

Humerus length: 29.0mm

i dont have the baby's weight because the sono said they dont measure that so early..kkh DS not so detailed..haiz..


from my report, 50th percentile for 20 wks is about 31mm. 5th percentile is 26mm and 95th percentile is 35mm. approximate figures ya, the graph is quite small. i took my scan at 20wks + 2 days.


percentile shows you how your bb compares with others of the same age. so if my percentile is say 90%, that means out of 100 babies, my length is longer than 90 of them. 50% would be the average. so according to my graph, your prince's femur length would be 50%/average! i don't have have the graph for humerus though.

i think fetal weight is not accurate, coz it's a very rough estimate by calculating from the head, abdominal and femur measurements. i was comparing this bb weight with my #1's, big difference! my son was a big 336g while this princess is 303g at the same gestational age. but both gynae and sonographer didn't say anything so i guess it's either a highly inaccurate measurement, or there is a very wide acceptable range.


i gave up expecting seats from commuters liao. there was one time i was on the train, visibly pregnany and holding my 3-yr old toddler. no one cared either. only when my son said very loudly "mummy i want to sit down" then this nice malay uncle gave his seat up. the younger people were too busy sleeping or sms-ing or playing games.

I have never expected something like thia to happen, really cos from young i was taught by my mom to always give up my seat regardless of whether i am in the 'reserve' seat or not ... i am quite surprise to realise that not all people go through the same kind of teaching.

Really... what kind of society are we forming... now i will be snapping pics of these commuters, next if i am riled enough i will probably ask them to give up their seat to me ..haha...

I am not really comfortable with my current gynae... at the week 16 consultation, she did not mention anything about the gender of the fetus. She have also not update me on the weight and measurement of the fetus. i only found out about it when it was discussed in this forum! Am I am just paranoid or should i just choose another obstetrician?


thanks for sharing once again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i prob can only rec'd my report fr gynae on coming tues (earliest). i cant really recall my bb's femur & humerus length as it was quite a brief glance at the machine then but i believe the femur length shd prob be more than 31mm (unless bb din grow). cos during my last gynae's scan @ 19wks + 4 (though i shd be only 18wks + 4 cos bb's measurements actually pushed my edd fwd to 26jul then), bb's femur alr measured at 31mm.


i think even if u pluck up the 'courage' to ask commuters to give up their seats for u, i believe there'll still be those who will blatantly stared at you in the eyes & not want to give up lor. some ppl are just downright shameless lah. btw, if u like to post any pics, u can do so at stomp! i have seen quite a few of these inconsiderate commuters liao.


if u r referring to the recent discussions of weight & measurements of bb, that was due to the 20wks detailed scanning that most of us here took or going to take.

but if u go for ur usual gynae's visit & have a scan, then usually the scan will indicate bb's CRL (for below 16wks i think).

when i went for my gynae's visit @ 17wks+, the scan no longer indicate CRL but FW (weight), FL (femur) & AC (abdominal circumference).

as for gender, maybe ur gynae unable to cfm yet, u can chk with him/her again on ur next visit.

Hi Nah,

Cincin doesnt' belong to Aug grp think she is advt..

Hi all,

I have decided to leave to India when I am week 28 as low placenta scares me to travel after 30+ week.Went to expo and officially started my shopping.

Got Dr.Brown bottles+teats - Yesterday offer was Buy 1 and get 1 free -worth it

got wet wipes

Palmer cream for me

nothing more for #2 but my #1 managed to get some loots for herself in growing fun.

Will not be getting bbcot/stroller until I return back to SG.

Need to get baby carrier/breast pump before I leave ,any recommendations for above?

Rest of shopping planning to do at India as dont want to carry a lot there.

suika, I also bought huggies diapers yesterday at expo, they gave me 1 bb shirt leh. Maybe different day different gifts. I choose the blue shirt instead hahaa... but everyone saying my bb is gal leh. Results out end of next mth. cos I have to postpone my detail scan as my hubby will be traveling during that week.

Angel, not sure where to read up on this mean test. I think they are still planning on the criteria and they have not started the systems yet.


Below is my baby's measurements @ 19wks + 5 days:

Femur length: 29.1mm

Humerus length: 27.8mm

Est. fetal weight: 306g

All around 50% range.

Gynae had said everything looks normal and I do not have low placenta.


u bought oni 2 pkts rite....the offer is 2pkts FOC the rompers n 5pkts FOR ELC drum....for huggies ultra it's $50 FOC tikes fishing rod toy


I signed up with my gynae; Dr Yvonne Chan. This is not tied to the hosp (TMC) which I will be delivering.

Taka Baby Fair/Baby Fair @ Expo

Any idea if Taka Fair has ended or is ending soon? I aso find the offers better at Taka than expo from past experience for kiddo #1.

Baby Hypermarts

There are a few baby hypermarts that you can check out: kidloftz (tagore lane), there are also 2 in ubi area (sorry cant remember the names/address, juz know how to get there), there are also 2 in upper thomson road near to ntuc headquarters.

You can get big ticket items like strollers, cots, playpens and even daily baby products. Some of them sell off season or items with broken packaging very cheaply. Do a google search for their addresses.

The AMK hub NTUC store is also a good place to buy baby daily products as they have quite a good range.

dreymin, how about other NTUC hypermarket (eg. juring) I will go check it out cos I have $100 NTUC vouchers. hehee...


btw, those intending to delivery under parkway hospitals....i saw from expo fair that they having promo on their packages.....

