(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

went for 2nd urine test , gynae say 2nd time check , no infection ... hope everything is smooth =) counting down , another 2 weeks for my detail scan ...


gosh, i had bloody stool last night. did anyone encounter it? i think i must have taken too much heaty food. are we able to take little bit of cooling stuff?


so sorry to hear abt ur son. it must have been quite a scare ya. hope all is well now.


in some instances, bloody stools can be caused by piles or bad constipation. nevertheless, if u r concerned, its best to always chk with ur gynae k. take care!

i had my 20wks scan yesterday. before the scan, i was telling bb to be co-operative so that i need not have to do a re-scan like the oscar's. i also prayed that i would encountered a nice & patient sonographer. well, it appeared my wishes came true. my appt was at 11am, we arrived a little before 11 and my scan was done by noon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my sonographer was really nice & reassuring too. each time, she will say "i need to press harder ok"

so far, i think my scan went well but i have a few concerns. 1stly, we saw the lips. i think the image is quite blurry. i asked if bb has any cleft lips, the sonographer said no gross defects seen but if its those 1 line type, it cant be seen from the scan?! i thought usually the scan would be able to tell if bb has cleft lips or not??

2ndly, i see that my bb's humerus bone length is slightly longer that the femur bone's. i thought usually the femur bone will be longer than the humerus??

3rdly, the sonographer mentioned that my bb's weight is 330+g, i'm quite shocked becos 10days ago, the FW is 318g so that means bb only put on like 10-20g??!! previously bb gained 102g in 1wk leh so not sure why bb is not eating now? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

anyway, according to the sonographer, everything looks normal. i did not have the actual report cos it will be depatched to my gynae's clinic.

1 gd news though, the sonographer has managed to cfm the sex of my bb - its a girl! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] (well, no big surprise since woody did say it looks like a girl 3 times but he couldnt cfm each time lor).

we will name her Evangeline. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow angel, impressive, u really check up alot...

Congrats on having a gal...

your 2nd findings on the humerus bone and femur bone, 1 is the arm and 1 is the thigh, just curious, does it matter if one is longer than the other?? since is of different parts??

oh nice name too...


thanks! i happened to see the measurements that were being keyed in & that's when i noted that the femur bone is slightly shorter than the humerus. i couldnt recall the figures offhand now though.

the reason why i'm concerned is becos fr those bb's growth charts found on the net, they typically shows a longer femur bone than humerus bone (regardless of gestational age). a shorter femur length could also mean a soft marker for DS.

think i'll just clarify my doubts on this femur/humerus length & bb's weight thingy with woody on my next visit lah. keeping fingers crossed that all will be well though.


thanks! my hb also asked me not to worry too much. he said if there's really any cause for concern, then the sonographer would have voiced out when she keyed in the figures. can only hope for the best lah.


if its due to constipation, maybe u can drink fresh milk or prune juice to aid in passing stools. keep us posted again k.

Hi Angel,

i don't think it is constipation yesterday as my bowel start to loosen and i start to go toilet every 2 days. much more better than last time. will keep you all posted.

by the way, dont worry too much. everything will be fine.

cheekrene> i tink its fine to take abit of cooling stuffs ... cuz i've been taking abit of barley drink every nw n then .. but nt everyday lah ..

Like u .. i kip getting bloody stools too .. but doc assured dat its fine ... as long as its nt like dripping blood .. and its prob abrasion from the passing out of stools .. think u can try taking abit of papaya, prune or prune juice .. it helps alot for me ... hope it helps u too ... =) eat more vege n fruits n drink more water

Angel> Evangeline sounds to sweet~ =) I like dat name too .. my hubby's surname like abit hard to name my bb ah .. somemore nw .. i dunno the gender yet .. =|


thanks! u take care too!


thanks! we both love the name. it carries a gd meaning too - bearer of gd news. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my hubby's surname also very rare & hard to name for my bb too. his surname is Boo. lol. chinese surname is even worse for naming. haha... need to figure that one out.

nekowong, jascmy, prisss

thank you for your advise on the pump! I'm kinda information overloaded now cos of the reading up on breastfeeding. a very difficult art indeed! really gotta *kow tau* to all you wonderful mummies. Not sure if I can do it well....


I'm not pek chek but very emo. I cried over small thing like forgetting my handphone. Is it normal? Are we reflecting our bb's character? I wonder...


mine is like dripping blood. it's my first time i ever had. normally i only have abrasions but i think i ate too much heaty food, that is why it was worse yesterday.

my mum intend to make water chestnut juice for me. she dont dare to boil bao sheng for me as i told her about my situation

Angel> wahahah ... then yr hubby's surname is even harder to name ah ... mine's "Er" .. Then the last time i told him i like the name Ethan (if its a boy) but .. come to think of it .. Ethan (sounds like "Eaten") then Er (sounds like "Hungry" in chi) so if put tog .. its gonna be funny ... Eaten or still hungry? =p

wl> its normal to be emotional/pek cek during this period ... juz take a deep breathe n tell yrself dat everything's gonna be fine ... try to look at things on the brighter side loh .. like forgetting to bring hp = lesser ppl to call n disturb u (for eg: sales talk from those banks~)

its nt exactly reflecting the bb's character .. i guess its all the hormones going haywire .. its juz like hw come some gals gets agitated during or near their menses period =)

cheekrene> wow then u better monitor ... if it doesnt get better .. then see yr gynae immediately ... better to be safe than sorry ... cut down on those heaty food .. esp those fried n spicy stuff ... hope u get better soon =) drink more water on top of the chestnut drink ... cuz chestnut cannot take too much oso ... take care~

i jus have a emo telecom with my mum. Cry when i hang up the phone, now jus keep feeling like crying. Actually it's jus small issue, but i dunno why i feel so emo. I jus feel why my mum dun understand me. I've been feeling tired for the past few days but she still wan me to do this and that.

I call my hubby aft that but he walk past a construction site and say dun talk now, can't hear. I get so pissed off and jus shout back dun talk dun talk lo. I hang up his phone and feeling super bad. He call back but i dun ans.

Trying so hard to control my tears now. Hopefully my colleagues dun see...


i dun seem to like eating yoghurt. my husband complain that he had to clear for me. haha.


thanks. i will try to cut down on heaty food =)

hi sorry to interrupt

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prisss, my breast pump is medela swing.

Anyone knows how to test the pump without the breastshield? My sis asked me to buy my own breastshield so nvr give hers to me. Just tried, seems working but not sure whether it really works with the shield? The motor is quite noisy leh.

As for the Avent steriliser my sis passed to me, it seems working but when I pour out the water after steaming, the water is yellow. Is it normal??

Btw, I just found my NT scan results while cleaning my house and notice that my EDD changed to 26 Aug 2010. Hahaa... now then I know. Pls update my particulars in the list.

Hi mummies, im back from amnio test.

Wah, the needle went in is more painful than last 2 time. Cos i start to get nervous and i tense up so more painful.

having cramps on and off. was told that i may have bleeding, waterbag burst and contraction and that means its a M/C.

praying hard...


why don't u buy the breastshield, anyway u're using it for sure right?? unless u have 2nd thoughts to invest in another one...

Noisy, that's what i heard too, so is inded true huh...


my results came back with NT results risk is 1:3XX then combine with blood test is 1:7XXX (sorry forgot the actual value)

so i raise my concern to my gynae... he says don't have to worry cos my age doesn't falls under the risky group so don't have to worry, btw i'm gg 34 after birth...


yr bao sheng is it ginseng power?? my MIL bought a ginseng from TMC and pound in powder..she tell me to drink twice a day..


Tink all mummies hv probs caused by hormones [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] got to endure n cope with it til we give birth...argh!!!

i'm in my 18wks and the detailed scanning is scheduled on 1st wk of apr..Hehe, my gynae is also very confident and tld me i'm havg a bb gal - 100%... We're naming her Natalie :p

Can i chk with u gals, i'm havg water retention on my feet n toes, is it too early to have it? Am I drinking too much water?


congrats on having a gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] regarding Detail scan. i tink as long the measurement are within normal range , it shld be fine. unless gynae raise any concern about it. if u have any query, probably u can seek your gynae for advise.


hope u get over ur emo soon... right now is the most sensitive times... ev thing will seem to be not comfortable for u.. vent it out here probably u will feel better..


do rest well~ must not walk too much.. try to sit or lie more often...


Share with u gals, I followed my mum to a very traditional medical hall in temple street..E lady there advise me to take zhi lun tonics like yan wo or xue ge 1st then on alternate wk take pu tonics like cordyceps with black chicken. This will help for better tonic absorption.. She also tld me try to take every wk and nt lapse too long.

jasmine_chong & alibaba : thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

prisss : I think NT scan got higher accuracy. Mine was blood test only. And for my age group, i suppose to be 1:10k+ but mine was 1:900+ at the age of 22yrs old. so consider quite high risk.


I thought given your past pregnancy, the probability should be low also...

Anyway take good rest... are u at home?? Thought u're supposed to be given MC (definitely)


very nice name...

we should be starting to get water retention... yah try to drink less water and raise up your legs whenever possible...

prisss : my past 2 pregnancy, is still on high risk. this #3, is double the risk than before. so my gynae urge me to do. Yup, im at home. im not working though, so not given MC. hehe...

Hi snowy55

me same as u,now 18wks..bt i gng for my detailed scan on 29thMar.Very looking forward to it.Btw,are u able to feel ur bb movement already?I'm so skinny but yet i still can't feel it.Really very worry ;(


thks for ur advice and also updating my info on e chart..Hope my water retention will nt worsen..


take gd care n rest whenever u can since u're nt wkg..


i cn feel slight movement gg on in my tummy n i cant b sure is it bb or my stomach churning..My gynae said for 1st pregnancy, we will b able feel it ard 20wks onwards..Dn worry, ur bb is doin fine n soon u cn feel his kicking[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so happy for lots of mummy that can see gender liao ! how i wish i can know fast fast too ... seem like alot of mum have 1 boy n 1 girl ... =)


my mum told me the other way round. she says take cordyceps and pao sheng during 4th and 5th mth to strengthen the baby's developments. Once their features are well developed from 6th mth onwards, then take bird nest for yang yan.. i personally feel this is the correct way..anyway its too heaty to take cordyceps at last trimester.

i can't wait to know my bb's gender then can start planning wat things to buy hee hee. hopefully next gynae visit bb is cooperative. else have to wait until 10th Apr for DS.


our edd around the same leh..hehe but too bad that we are not delivering in the same delivery centre.;p

so will hv alot to talk abt next time..haa cos babies ard e same bday i guess ;p


same age leh..;p....yea gynae also told me risk is low for our age grp...i think we feel more tired for "OUR AGE" more easily !;p


wah stay up so late huh... yes i feel more tired as compared to #1...

how old is your #1?? Which hospital are u opting??

Good morning everyone...

Quit sometime never log in & was bz esp after the break [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] seems like lot of things to catch-up & will read thru the archive in the afternoon cos I am on mc today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... going for the detail scan shortly... bless me ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cheers!


haha no choice..bb kept waking up and crying non stop..so petting him to sleep..tats why ended up so late lor..in a way its gd la..at least i get my beauty sleep between 10pm-1am haha..then wake up again to surf net (cos he is totally in deep sleep liao)

#1 abt 21 mths...so i was comtemplating between tmc n mt a...still had not made up my mind yet...

what abt yrs?how old?


oic... my #1 already 3y 7m old, occasionally still wake up for milk... but hb considerate, he'll attempt to wake up and make milk for her... like last night, she'll suddenly took off the top, like very hot then refuse to wear it back, no choice we had to use a towel to cover her up instead... anyway i had a difficult night, had hard time to get into deep sleep, keep waking up, the next thing i know is the alarm rings and had to wake up for work...


check with u, how many milk bottles must we buy?

i only that there are different sizes for different age group. For example, 1st mth infant must be the smallest size bottle, after that change to another size. Its the same for teats. can anyone advise how many to buy and wat sizes to buy?

Hi all,

long time din log in.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My colleague sends me this link..


might be useful for those mummies who wanna shop more..


my mum also cooks birdnest for me leh.. alternate weeks..


those 1st time mummmies who are attending the maternity classes.. i remember they have freebies like milk btl. that time i got the avents 120ml milk btl.


Actually don't need to buy so many small bottles... mayb u can own 2 4oz, then others u can buy 8oz bot... bcos some bbs very fast can drink alot... then the 4oz next time can use it for them to drink water instead...


i have checked out mums and babes website before and had been to the shop before. this shop sell lots of stuffs but much more expensive than what i see from baby fair although we can use FBI/SBI card for discount.


is it true there is freebies? i am going for the class in june as my husband said it is too early to attend classes. sigh.


Congrats on your FA scan result & baby ger!!

Mummies who is seeing Dr Woody,

Do u reckon that his ultrasound m/c a bit rundown? the vision is kinda blur and i cannot really see clearly unlike my previous gynae (Dr TL Heng)so when he told me tat my bb looked "boyish" i was like how sure r u?? haha.... too bad he said 99% sure that it's gonna be a boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Now waiting for FA scan on Mar 22 to confirm. Hopefully it will turn out otherwise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


that time i even bought a 2oz bot for my gal just to drink water... as she drinks too much water until i need to control her intake... and also i like that disney bot alot... too bad now not selling anymore...

boys tends to upgrade faster... my nephew at 3rd mth already upgrade to 8oz bot...

