(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

I"m worried about my bb. Yesterday's checkup not good. Doc found something grow inside my virginal. The name to chim liao, can't remember. I'm worried that it might grow and affect my bb. Doc say can't remove now cos I'm pregnant. I went to the toilet to cry yesterday and this morning. Not sure why my pregnancy so many problems. 1st bleeding, then infection now something grow. Next mth details scan, hope no more problems liao.

I can't take the stress anymore. Going crazy soon.

Thinking of getting a 2nd opinion or call KK ask a nurse line but need to pay money leh. Seems like nobody can help or ans my queries without paying or jus tell me what to do.


Hi jascmy...try not to think too much .. i have found out a floroid inside my uterus during my NT scan...Gynae said it is all right as long as it wont grow too big... what did gynae say for your case ?

I got so many problems during pregnancy also ....now i need to be careful as i got low placenta ... hope it will move up soon ...

Hi Jascmy,

dont worry,Doc will advise best for you.Usually cysts dont affect baby,take care

If you think 2nd opinion can make u calm juz carry on as it is impt to keep yourself calm.

hi all,

had ds yesterday everything went fine except I am having low placenta :-(

And I am having a Boy this round and he was kicking hard and moving thru out the scan.My #1 was so happy to c her little brother

Hi mummies ,

for those that have baby girl , just to check , what systom do u have ? does ur face got break out ? like they say got more woman hormour ?


haha... that's funny indeed!


hope u r feeling less emo now. this is pregnancy blues but i think we must learn to deal with our own emo, if not, it might affect bb too. try to keep an open mind abt things in general & hope u feel better soon. take care!


do rem to have a thorough rest k. this period is quite critical to ensure that bb is kept safe within. perhaps, u can have other family members take care of ur other 2 kids instead??


thanks! think the report have not reached my gynae's clinic yet. maybe once he has the report, i can msg him with my doubts lah.


thanks! actually, i have not known my results yet. although the sonographer did mention all seems fine but i think my gynae shd be the person to interpret the readings lah. hope for gd news though. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes, woody's m/c quite rundown lah. when bb is smaller & if my bladder full enough, my scan printout can be quite clear. now that bb is much bigger, regardless how full my bladder is, the scan always blur, cannot make out what is what. i have not put up anymore scan pics on my FB due to this lor.

maybe woody's the only one who can read his m/c bah, even though we may not know what is what on the m/c but he seems to know. :p i once read that woody is quite accurate in spotting bb's gender. mine he said its girl 3 times, 90% sure, turned out really its a girl! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] are u hoping for a girl instead? i hope the bb's gender do turn out otherwise for u during ur FA scan. if not, dun be too upset over it k. good luck!


oh dear, sorry to hear abt this. did ur doc actually say it will affect bb or u r just worried that it might affect bb? what did the doc have to say abt this??

Hi Jasmine,

I had light spotting in week 8-9.

But worried now that I am planning to go to India for my delivery as fee comfortable with family ard,but gyane say if ever i bleed she wont give me fitness to travel hence she ask me go as early as possible.But I don't want to go so early plan to go only at week 30.hence in bit dilemma


hmmm... i do have breakout now & then lah.

other than that, i'm not sure what are the other symptons leh...

those mtbs with low placenta, dun worry so much cos i read that most placenta would eventually move upwards as ur pregnancy progressed.

and good luck to those mtbs going for their FA scan soon. do share ur results with us k.


yup ... i got bleeding in 10weeks & 16 weeks.Gynae said it may due to low placenta, must take extra rest and dun walk too much ....

Think you better listen to gynae's advices....


My low placenta only seen in yesterday U/S

But if I go now.got lot of things hanging mid way like my part time work which I can settle only ard end of april and my DD school and I dont want dd to miss her father for so long as my hubby can come down only during delivery.

Worst case will deliver in Singapore

Its not cyst. I think its floroid. But doc told me the full name of it so very chim, can't remember. Its definably not cyst. The nurse explained to me in mandarin (doc is Indian)that its 肉瘤. Its small and soft. I ask doc whether will affect bb, she say no. I forget to ask if it grow bigger, will it affect bb. I might be calling kk-ask a nurse later. I want to know the name.


why dont u seek a second opinion instead of calling KK hotline?Try seeking another gynae's opnion?

I did once called KK Hotline once..i found that the senior nurse there will not be able to answer many of the questions until they see u in person via scans etc...

hi everyone!

am on leave yest n today....yest went for a casual family photoshoot n today brought my boy to pool to play water


dun worry abt woody....if he dares to say it's boy means he's pretty sure....last time we ever asked him on his machine n he says coz it's still working well so no point changing adding parent's cost (if he change he'll nid to raise his fees as well to cover so he sees no point doing that)

last time he told me my bb was boy n even pointed saying...see here's the penis but mi n my hb was like...har? where? heehee


ask ur gynea abt it...dun let ur thinkings go wild....if not seek 2nd opinion...i believed if ur gynea no say much means things shd b fine

white lady,

my colleagues all say i look prettier then my previous preg


i think if u wana fly must do it during 2nd trimester....later even the airlines oso wun allow u on board


seems like it's not as serious as what u think. as doc didnt mentioned anything about affecting u or ur baby. it's shld be fine. if u're scared, pls seek for professional advise on this to rest ur mind. my sil pregnant with #2 last time also was told have this floroid thingy in her . & it didnt affect the baby. & bb was born healthy as well.


I already have 2 boys [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Aiyah, I sian liao when I heard u saying Woody is quite accurate in pointing out bb's gender. Anyway, I more or less know it's gonna be a boy le just pinning on the 1% hope that it will turn out to be otherwise haha.....dun worry I won't feel upset de....afterall, they are all my flesh and blood it's just that I already have 2 boys then i'm hoping for a ger loh

When is your app with Woddy? Mine will be on Mar 26. Eh, my EDD is on 27 Jul but my DS is mar 22. How come your DS so early? Your DS was done in TMC too?

Jascmy, don't worry too much - my sis had the same problem as you (fibroids) and she has 2 healthy kids now. The doc will monitor . I think as long as the fibroid doesnt grow bigger its fine.

Everyone else - hello! This is angel_eyes - long time didn't log in my account seems inactive and I couldn't log on [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] this is my new nick.


Now my hope is left with 0.0000001% already hahahahaha....... ya, woody oso pointed to me the birdie but i was like where got???? he said see this is the right thigh and this is the left thigh and see this "white spots" in the middle???? omg....

i rmb for my last 2 pregnnacies (when I was with Dr TL Heng) I can see the birdie very clearly as early as 15wks and that we know that it's 100% boy but this round i'm not very convinced haha cos I cannot tell [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my gynae machine's also confirm my #2 a boy.. he show me & i saw the white spots too.. to me look pretty obvious wor. 2 boys will be super hand full.. i cannot imagine 3!

Anyone going to Expo bbfair? tot of going but dun seems to have much things to buy.hmmm....bb #3 (plus all the same gender) seems to have most of the stuffs. can only think of getting the following:


2)NB diaper

3) 2 sets of new clothes

4) breast pad

5) disposable panties

6) Bumwear (may be will use #2 hand-me-downs)

Did I miss out anything? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah, 2 boys & 3 boys...

every weekday evening, my mum is handling 3 boys and 1 gal...

if the boy is super playful then hahaha... very jialat and noisy... my sis's boy... voice very high pitch then he likes to shout...

dat boleh tahan...


high 5! hahahaha....

my #1 super notti but luckily #2 is quite a good boy. hopefully #3 will be better else i will faint.

so, r u going to try for another ger? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


me too!one boy n second 1 is a boy..99.999%..though gynae had not cfmed it..but detailed scan showed it all!

boohoo...cannot dress up for the bb...boy's clothings so boring....;(

But my hubby happy like dunno wat..


welcome to the boys world! ya, i was hoping to go shopping for ger's clothes on the w/end tat i was told the bb's gender...end up have to guai guai stay at home. to me, if ds confirmed it's a boy it's 100% confirm liao... that's y i'm so excited for my ds next mon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


for time being... No.. my #1 currently only 16mths.. gap v close sure a handfull..

dont forget to buy maternity pads.. i guess noting much to buy la.. cos alot of hand down from ur other 2.. haha.. i also cant tink of wat to buy for #2 leh..


u asked me about the freebies from the maternity class ah.. yes have have from the sponsor bah.. got the teething toy , milk btl, samples for lotions nia lor..


i also hoping to buy ger ger stuffs... they jus more cute & eye catching... the boy stuffs are soo boring... i even have a few frens who wan to pass me her ger ger clothes.. but bo chance... dont dare to tink of #3 , wait like shay.. hehe.. got 3 boys.. i v scare the house will turn upside down...

wow... so many boy. I still cross finger mine is a ger. My colleagues all placed bets le. Only a few guess ger... even got one colleague bet cash $50 for a boy. I say i'll take up his bet, got $50 to spend, why not?! But inside my heart, not very cfm... Haha...

hmm, all along my office women always pregnant with boys. even my colleague who is 9 weeks earlier than me, already know her baby's gender when her baby is week 12. i wonder what my baby's gender is as i am already week 17. most of the time when doing ultrasound, my baby never turn to us. i suspect mine is a gal, must be shy otherwise i can say baby is naughty when we saw he/she being active, but knowing that we are looking at baby in ultrasound, he/she just stay still. still don't want to show face to us.


oh ya maternity pads.....thanks for reminding.

so, urs is less than 2 yrs gap....ya very siong.


hahaha...i tot u r referring to the scan. sotong me...


my next appt with woody is 3apr but prob will see him a wk earlier cos anxious to get the DS results. :p i'm at SK branch too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for me, each time woody said it looks more like girl, we also dun know how can he tell becos dun know what we are staring at on his m/c. but during the 20wks scan, i see the 3 white lines very clearly so finally convinced its really a girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmmm... my DS date is given by TMC, its scheduled when i'm exactly 20wks. i think u'll prob be ard 21wks when u go for ur scan next wk?? good luck!

hihi, I am back from the FA scan & gynae today! BB was very naugthy & active during the scan... he didn't co-perate well and refuse to turn when the sonographer taking photos for him... end up I have to in & out the room 2 times then can finish all the procedure! Anyway.. both my hb & myself are very happy with the scan result as everything show normal! Just took the report for Dr Ang for detail explaination & he had mentioned that I have a healthy bb boy & now i consider enter to the 'honeymoon' stage... can go travel & drink coffee if I want to... Horray!!

Jascmy, is the floroid ur mentioned refering to Cervical polyp?? If so, dun worry too much as i had the same condition too & it caused me always bleed during the first 13 weeks. I had the heavy bleed on 1st day of CNY & the gynea had help me to removed it out. Accordingly the gynea, whether to remove it or not is depend on the polyps location. Anyway, it wont harm the baby. Below link for ur refernce:-


take care!

haha, those having boys... that's why i so disappointed that mine is boy... gal can buy nice clothings, can dressed up, etc... boy i dunno how to handle and dunno what to buy... and also double confirm with my gynae, really boy huh, he says 90%...

wishing al mtbs will hv the bb gender they hoped for [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i also nt sure which way is e correct way of taking tonics..i just take whenever my mum prepare for me lor..

white lady,

i dn hv breakout and my appearance stil e same only look fatter n hv a bulging tummy..


hope ur wish will come true [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

all my colleagues & relatives bet it's gonna be a ger but oso turn out to be otherwise....this is my case la hopefully ur case is different [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


congrats on ur gd results! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

did u manage to find out gender of bb yet??

btw, do u mind to share ur readings for the femur & humerus length?

ur femur length longer than humerus length right?

sorry ah, cos i was kinda bothered abt this issue. my bb's femur length is shorter than humerus length.

thanks in advance ya. u can PM me if u do not wish to share on public forum k.

prisss, u already had a girl ma... so now has a boy just nice... got a 'hao'! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

purelyz, I bet urs is a girl too~~ she will be a shy girl... haha..

white_lady, i rem my first pregnancy when i had a girl, my skin turn up to be better le... but this round all my pimples come out... some of the oldfolk guessing the bb gender by seeing on the pregnant lady stomach... like yesterday, my dowstair kopitiam aunty said my stomach so sharp, sure boy! damn accurate le... my previous pregnant stomach really round lo :p

does the position of one's tummy have any impact on the gender of bb??

my tummy is sitting high, i did come across some preggie ladies whose tummy is sitting low.

hi Angel, i am 19 weeks 1 days today. my bb's femur length is 26.3mm & humerus length is 25.3mm...is there any concern for which length is longer? Accordingly to my gynea, as long as the anomaly scan result show within the plotted point, it should be alright [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so i think urs shd be okie too!


congrats on ur good result!! ur gynae said now u can drink coffee if u like to? dr woody told me no caffeine but i still drink like 1/2cup a day. dare not tell him about it. actually wanted to ask him wut is the caffeine effect on bb but haven't ask till now. may be sud ask him on my next visit.


I'll be ard wk 21 next wk. can u feel ur bb moving a lot? i can only feel a little once in a while. not sure if this is normal....i can't rmb exactly when i feel the strong movement of bb during my last 2 pregnancies but i rmb the movement is quite strong.

hi mummies... it's a lazy wednesday for me, keep dozing off at work ^x^


same as you... my bb seldom turn to us de... we also suspect girl but some of my frens suspect boy.. they are collecting bets lor... haha~


I'll be gng to the expo fair this sun... wanna see whether there are cheaper items to buy...


me too lazy wed....dun feel like working tat's i'm here hehe...

i tot of taking a day off on fri cos w/end have to take care of the 2 kiddos and fri my #1 is at cc so got more time to shop.


thx for sharing! becos the femur bone is the longest bone in one's body, all the bb's growth charts found on the net also typically show a longer femur length than humerus length. ur reading is gd. usually femur length is approx. 1-2mm longer than humerus length.

another reason for my concerns is due to the fact that a shorter femur length could also be a soft marker for DS.

i'm now hoping that maybe i see wrongly cos the scan was divided into 2 parts, left side indicate femur & right side indicate humerus. the measurements were keyed at the bottom of the scan, 2 figures, one below the other. i just assumed the top figure would refer to the femur length. the bottom figure is slightly longer by abt 2-3mm i think, i cant recall the exact figures offhand now.



nope unlike most mtbs who alr felt their bb movements etc, i still cant despite this being my 20th wks.

i'm alr resigned to the fact that my fat tummy is deterring me fr feeling anything.

my hb saw on the DS that bb is kicking her legs & he was asking me if i feel that. i can only sadly shake my head lor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

