(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

SunFl@wer, you are right, maybe I will switch gynea after my detail scan.

If my pregnancy go smoothly, I will continue with subsidies (non-fixed gynea), cos if everything normal, no need to spend so much just to listen to gynea saying "everything ok, very good, thats all!" Now so much problems, better to get a good one.

prisss, my detail scan later then u leh. Mine on 13 Apr.


i used medela PIS for my 1st baby; it served me well for 20mths! u can search for 2nd-hand units online as well.

detailed scan

mine is going to be on 8 april... gd thing is we wl get 1 day medical leave, haha!

20th week package

i just signed up with my gynae, it is cheaper than by consulation


mine likely to be a girl, doc said 90% sure only. today baby not coperative.. legs were closed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Ya, I agreed that DS timing depend on whether bb coperative not, like mine done yesterday, at first sonographer told me will finish within 1/2 hr time, but end up takes me around 1 1/2 hrs.... & I have to rush to Sembawang again as my appt with Dr Ang was on 12.30pm... I called him to inform that i will be late & luckly he still wait for me after that...

So do talk to ur bb in advance to be guai guai ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dreymin ,

having a girl so good , can door up , so ur complexion got change anot ? pple all say if got girl , complexion will change to bad !

whoa, sorry to hear abt winnie having to go back for her DS twice! for me, i did talk to my bb the night before my DS & on the way to TMC. lol. i also pray that the DS will be smooth-sailing. so far so gd, i only took 1 take & the scan was over in 30mins i think. think bb was co-operative thruout, the sonographer did not shake my belly or make me turn left or right. i din talk to my bb during the oscar's, ended up i have to re-scan again cos bb wasnt co-operative. winnie, do keep us posted on ur outcome k.

re. kkh,

i was initially referred to kkh by my polyclinic. i din even know i'm pregnant, i went to the polyclinic becos i wanted to do a pap smear test as i have prolonged cramps & my period was late for 3wks. (my period is pretty irregular so its only the prolonged cramps that got me worried) then the urine test cfm my pregnancy & they gave me an appt to kkh under subsidy rate. we never went for their appt.

read some negative feedbacks on kkh. i learnt that under subsidy rate, u dun get a fixed gynae nor can u choose ur own. and unless u switched to private suite, ur delivery may be done by midwives & trainee docs/interns. i have long decided i wanted a c-sect but wasnt prepared to be cut up by an inexperienced doc.

on further reading, i realised kkh under private rates is not cheap at all. if per visit cost like $70 then 10 visits will cost like $700! then i chanced upon my gynae, woody & found out he has a very affordable package that is less than $600 (incl. gst) which can start fr the first time u see him & its for unlimited visits. of course, that's not the only pull factor. i read that his stitching is gd + he has a clinic at sengkang (where we reside), its definitely more convenenient to go see him than travel to kkh each time.


think that may not be necessarily true lah. i got read some mtbs who are expecting girls, their complexion are actually quite radiant.

i think i got read that if u r expecting a boy, bb heartbeats will be less than 140bpm or more if u r expecting a girl. not sure how true this is but my bb's heartbeats was 171bpm during my oscar's & yes, my bb is a girl.

Thank Angel ... cos for me, when i got #1 , also nice nice looking , now also , so was thinking should be same gender liao ! haha


How much is NUH package??

I think changing in complexion is not really true lar... hormones change are the main culprit...

my #1 gal, complexion no changed, now boy also no change...

whitelady & angel,

my first is a boy... it was plain sailing all the way... no acne, no MS, no cravings.i was radiant and glowing and full of energy. i wl join my crazy coliks and walk long dist froom raffles place to maxwell juz for lunch.

for tis 2nd pregnancy i m so tired all the time, yes i hv lots of pimples now. aso had some rashes as well which cld be coz of hormones. gynae said to monitor before she prescribe me some steroid cream. dunno if there is any truth to it coz of gal or juz tat every preg is diff? and aso coz i m 2 yrs older now?!? haha!

baby movement

yah i aso started to feel baby moving more and more esp at nite! not sure if tis is the same for u gals.


i think hubby and i shld start thinking and praying abt a suitbale name... including chinese name. we could not agree on chinese name till the last possible day to register for our firstborn, haiz!

Hi Everyone. I am Priscilla and am new here. My EDD is early Aug.I have went for my detail scan this week but we decided not to find out the gender. Enjoying of the feeling of not knowing! Hah

Welcome Priscilla, u have the same name as me...

My edd also early aug. U really don't want to know the gender?? then how are u gg to prepare for he/her stuffs??

I had my DS on wed at TMC.

My baby was very operative and i think the senior sonographer had all the measurements in 15-20mins.

After that a doc came in and showed my hb and i that everything is ok.

I could even see baby waving at us.

So cute.

Feel so happy for the rest of the day.

Btw, anyone going for the BB fair at expo today?

Wonder if things are really cheaper there.

Any advise.

Thank you.

ee_yore--> NUH package charges are

Senior Consultant (List 1) - $930.90

Senior Consultant - $749.00

Consultant - $642.00

Subsidised patients - $400

no one giving birth/consultations at NUH ah? seems like i'm the only one maybe coz its too far in the west..

Priscilla Lim--> welcome! my edd also early Aug on the 4th. btw, we have a Facebook group, do join us! search for 'Aug2010MTB'


I was with NUH for my 1st trimester but has switched to private gynae now. I find the charges for NUH private patients is higher than going private outside.

Also, most gynae there operate only in the clinics couple of days per wk. I find it inconvenient if i need to consult them urgently.

Priscilla Lim (prislim),

Welcome to the thread and congrats on your coming addition.

I think we have an upcoming event in April [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello mummy: am back!

after 2 days in KKH..gg back again on Mon..

bb still dun wan to co-operate with me...left her lips and back of her head.. she simply to comforty with the postion now.. hahaha

Pls update my chart..is a princess! Yeah!


mine likely to be a gal as well, pls help me update [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

winnie, wah, u need to back for DS for 3rd times?! seems like u have a naughty princess ya... anyway, congrat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Gathering on 1st Apr...

Can anyone update the status & confirmation on time & venue again. I just affair that I have missed out the info if it has been discussed... thanks ya!

hi priscilla, congrats to you. btw you have the same name and surname as me.


think every pregnancy is different? hormones causes one's body to react differently i guess. not sure if tis has anything to do with gender.


welcome to the grp! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my fren who married an aussie, also preferred to find out the gender of their bb at birth but she was telling me its an aussie thingy lah. do indicate ur details etc so they can be added to our growing list ya.


must be tough on u lah! i can only imagine how taxing it is to go back 3 times in a row!! hope ur bb co-operative on mon, left 2 more measurements to go. good luck!!

mtb who had their DS & got the report alr,

pls share with me ur bb's femur length k?? pls bear with me ya cos i got quite fixated with my bb's femur length lor. i can only get my report next wk cos woody whole wk not in. maybe school holidays, he went on leave lah. thanks in advance!!


I am a July 2010 mum to be.

MIM sling for sale

Helping my gal fren to post here cos she has a brand new MIM sling to sell. Purple in colour. She is selling at $35. If anyone interested, do email her at [email protected].

Anyone knows about the mean test for hospital wards. Remember long time ago, tv news reported that next time we will not be able to choose wards and they will do a mean test and assign the wards.

Not sure whether if we stay in Ward B1 and above now, will it affect the mean test for our family in future. Meaning if touch wood, something happen to a family member, they will see that we stay in ward B1 & above wards when we give birth, that will mean we can afford B1 wards and will assign B1 to family member?

My hubby has the concern that if we switch to private suite now and stay in B1. Next time all out family members will be classify under B1.

Hi Everyone, I am new here. A mid AUG MTB. First time mummy.

Just wondering if you girls have decided on your paediatrician (PD) yet. My SIL informed me that I should decide on PD soon and book the PD to check on the BB at the hospital.

Any recommendations for a good and affordable one?


not sure abt the mean test, maybe its best to chk with hospital directly on this? they shd be in the best position to advise u.


welcome! oh we must book a PD?? i thought they are assigned by the hospital we gave birth in?


actually it depends on which hospital u chose... they'll assign a pd for u... thereafter u can change or remain as it is... my gal's pd was terence from Mt. A but later we changed as he's appt is always full... for normal regular injection, we go to normal gp instead... we only see him when gal falls sick or really need a specialist.

bakaholic--> yes i heard from friends that their gynae in private practice are cheaper than my consultation and scans..my sis recommended this gynae as she went to the same gynae too and its near to my house. but ure right she's not in the clinic everyday.. at times she's based in NUH

Angel: not sure. First timer.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

prisss: I see. Any idea if TMC assigns?

Perhaps she meant that if I have a preferred one, I can book and get the PD to consult from day one.

duckling and angel: Thanks! haha.. i need to go back to scan in the noon again on Mon.. hope bb listen to mummy and daddy this round..

my princess is testing mummy patient ya.. hahaha.. i simply love her..

Actually, personal feeling, pd also must depends on fate, u must feel confortable with him or her to treat your kids... I find the terence quite good at handling children but minus pt will be the waiting time... can take up your whole morning or afternoon just to see him... turn out whenever i need doc for my gal, i choose to see a nearby gp... he even more patient, comforting to kids and a very sensitive person... although it also takes time to see him but he's just around the neighbourhood that doesn't requires mush travelling... also cost a matter, usu a pd will cost more even for regular injection where a gp can do that or polyclinic is cheaper...

yesterday night while i was sitting in bed and reading a book on bonding with baby, i felt my baby's kicks twice.. i decided to stop reading and look at my tummy and spoke to my baby.. suddenly i saw baby's kick! it was subtle but noticeable. its really amazing! anyone saw any kicks yet?


how come ur appt all in the afternoon?? is it morning slots all booked?? anyway, really hope its ur final trip for DS. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


actually all the while, i was complaining i cant feel any bb's movements lor. but 2 nights ago, i was lying in bed just relaxing lah, i felt a push or kick?? this happened like 3 times in a row with a few mins interval but at the same place. its quite subtle also, not sure if that's bb's movements lor. its my 1st time so nothing to compare the feeling to. most of the time i just felt pain when i sneezed or coughed hard but i dun think that's bb's movements lor.

anyway, that was 2 nights ago, to date, no other feeling liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

angel--> i thnk what ure experiencing (push or kick) is indeed baby's movements.. do u feel like its kinda throbbing feeling? yes mine also same place twice in a row.. at times, u may also feel like ur tummy got wind/gas inside.. this one also bb movements. usually when ure sitting quietly and relaxing , u can feel it.. mine esp at night

yes, i felt like its throbbing kind of feeling. but its not like throbthrobthrob, its like 1 throb then few mins later, another throb etc. am i making sense?? lol.

yes i get what u mean.. yes i felt like that too at times its 1 throb. yesterday its like 2-3 throbs thats when i decided to stare at my tummy for the next one hehe..next time if u feel it, u try to sayang ur tummy or talk to it, see if theres another kick

hi mummychubs, yes, TMC do appoint PD for ur bb... My#1 was Dr Keoy Soo Shin in TMC... But i found TMC very far me & I have change the PD to Dr Teo Siak Hong, Dr Teo has a clinic in Woodlands which is much more convenince to me. And he is really good & exp doctor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

winnie ,

check with you , for the DS , u need to go back again , how abt the charges ? any extra charges ? cos i also stress that mine also like that ... lucky i not working , if not doouble stress

Angel, hope we are not affected by the mean test. Of course we wanted a good pregnancy and delivery experience and its only for that 10mths period that is why we want a better gynea and ward.

If for those old ppl permanent illness, also have to stay in expensive wards, then it will really become a burden to us loh. Hope govt encourage us to take care of our aged parents so won't add this unnecessary stress on us. Hope that mean test is fair and only for those rich ppl hor.

When you guys say appointed PD at the hospital, means even for coughs or what nots, you will bring the baby to the hospital to see doc?

for those staying in the west, can check out this site for PDs: http://www.mummysg.com/forums/f73/pediatrician-clementi-west-coast-area-14395/

one clinic was listed in the babybonus website. does it mean can use the babybonus to pay for the medical fee? besides childcare, whats the most common use for the babybonus that can only be used at approved institutes?

Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Dr Teo clinic is Baby Bear Children's Clinic.


849 Woodlands Street 82 #01-209, Singapore 730849

Phone: 62696928

Yes, can pay by cda acc... for detail, u can call his clinic to check. I found he is very patient & professional...but his charge quite high too :p



normally his charges abt hw much? kidslink charges abt $60+ for normal sickness like fever, cough n flu....

