(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


hope bb A recovers soon. Weather is not too good nowadays, even adults are falling sick [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I'm still coughing.. maid passed to me and baby. My bb is stronger than me, he got the virus two weeks after I kena, then he recovered liao me and maid still coughing... Somemore I got fever, he didn't!

Rachel, thanks.. I hope A can recovEr soon.. Need my sleep.. Last nite din sleep well coz she keeps waking up, snorting..

Juz now wanna sleep but e nose keep dripping, so she pakchek n cry till vomit whole bed twice.. Now then manage to sleep in yaolan.. Din have iladin at home n olbas oil dried out Liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sunflower, ya. I think not cause by allergy too!

Hi all, I jus came back from taka bb fair. Bought lots of Bb snacks from Pigeon. 3 for $9.90 or $3.95 each. cheap hor. Other then that not much let. Not much discounts for toys.


For mag mag, no need to go taka baby fair cos usually it's the most 20% off. Can just go John little , Robinson or metro sales. Always 20% with additional further disc

got safety gate? I didn't know got taka fair. Was in town yday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ya, but since taka got bb fair n going down orchard tis sat so wana see whether mag mag got sale anot. cos wana buy another one to bring down to IFC. now @ home my ger using to drink water.

hi mummies

I need some help. My girl refuses to eat cereal/porridge for almost a week liao... When it happen I tot just on food strike for a while but no... Now she even protest sitting in high chair, and turn her whole body away... She dun even want to take first bite... But she only drinks water and breastmilk for past one week, I did force her to eat initialy or give her toys to distract her but in this case she still doesn't eat everything, just a few mouthful unwillingly... N sometimes she just vomit out everything .. I'm very tired of trying to feed her .. But if I give cheerios/biscuits she will put in her mouth... Haiz, eat junk food but don't want porridge? I bought baby pasta n mix with veg purée she refuse to eat too... I'm not sure if I shd take her to see dr.... I started her on porridge since 6 months old she eats small amount but without protest.... I'm quite lost now.. She's almost one year old but only 7kg....worried.

Scenty, what is in your porridge? some babies can be very fussy eaters. I have a friend also aug mummy whose baby will only eat porridge cooked with certain ingredients.

So you may have to trial and error. I suggest you also start her on formular milk to help gain some weight.. our breastmilk is good, but I feel don't really help baby put on much weight after 6 mths. So I give formula and breast milk for different feeds.

for porridge you can try add some ikan bilis powder for calcium and taste as at their age we cant add soya sauce or salt. my boy absolutely refuse his porridge if there is no ikan bilis powder!

hi scent, i think our girls are very similar. My gal is abt 7.5kg and this sat she will be one yr old. She has been on food strike for almost 3 weeks so we ended up giving up formula milk only and add in some frisocreme. At least got some cereal intake like that. Perhaps u can try that? This week is slightly better. Willing to eat some porridge and will open mouth. But she will eat only abt 8-10 teaspoon and then start to beat the spoon away so we don force. My girl also eats v small amount of semi solids since 6mths old. Never hit half bowl kind. That's why i say our girls are similar. Very worrying at times cos so small yet not receptive to food.

This week worse. Not drinking as well. Hitting abt 500ml+ only. But at least willing to eat some porridge. But she is always happy and active so I was told not to be so worried. I can totally understand your frustrations and worries! Let's hope it is just a phase.

I agree with Mdm Yip that u can start her on some formula milk as it has more nutrients than breast milk.

Mdm Yip,

I tried to use various ingredients to cook porridge for my girl, including ikan bilis etc..but none seem to interest her. Headache!

JL also at times dun really want milk/cereal/porridge.

He will just sway his hands and eh eh eh... very sian one lorz..

Then I have to do many pattern to keep him entertain..

then he find it funny and then will open his mouth to eat ... Must see his mood one.. LOL.

Yesterday I tried giving marmite. Wa.. barely put like one cent coin quantity, the porridge is already

very dark! scare my MIL.. then i tasted it.. dun even have the taste one lorz..

Just look dark.. I bot the vegetarian one, just for a bit of taste for him. You might like to try?

Btw, I did bring JL to PD and consult them as his weight been stagnant for months.

He looked at him saying he is too active, what input you gave will eventually come out.. haha

But he prescribe him probotics, and vitamins to boost his appetite and it did help.

Everyday he eat probotics and the vitamins, twice a week, I will give cod liver oil (he loves it! though he always gave a funny face)

and also childlife colostrum.

cheese, what is Javion's weight currently? my pd previously also suggested can add in some marmite....the one i also bought also vege de...

really lei, sometimes v sian cos put in effort to cook and either don eat or eat v little! we also employ all sorts of tricks to entertain her and hope she wld eat or eat more.

will check w PD what she can give my girl to boost appetite when go for 1 yr old jab...

scent, can give ur girl some multivit also...i been giving since 6 mths to supplement...

pekkle ,

Javion is now 9kg, he had lose a lot when he cough for that 3months, weight been decreasing and slowly increasing back..

That time my mum look after for me since he is not able to go IFC, he finally gain 400grams and then I put him back IFC again, all GONE.

Im so sad and heartpain.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Finally had gain 500grams, weight been stopping at 8.5kg.

PD also concern because his weight been stagnant for many months and not growing. Its not more about the weight.

Some bb eat a lot and just dun grow much, but only grow taller.

Scent, you may wanna seek your PD advise, he may want your ger to start like pedisure etc?

I bot one since he is already 1year old

wow cheese, at least javion got 9kg le...mine still so mini le....her current weight is the weight of many babies when they are 4 or 5 mths lor...

mine bb weight oso.. she's only about 7.8 kg... she's a petite bb to start with, only about 2.6kg when born...

but she's eating and drinking well... quite active & very happy bb...

i tink so long as they are eating well, sleeping well, active & alert, and happy and growing, there is nuthing to worry about...

Javion was 2.56kg when he was born. so i assume he is quite ok for his current weight then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yap agree with Crecent, but still I worry .. that's why I seek professional help.

Drinking 150ml,3hourly for me is a bonus already

heard from my fren, a rough guide for the weight,

@ 6 mths the weight shld be ard double of birth weight

@ 1 yr, shld be ard triple the birth weight...

so if count by tat, my ger weight is ok..

my ger's birth wt is 2.43kig....by the guide given by crescent she seems on track too...

my bb is also very happy everyday wan and active too...can say simple words also le...so i guess development wise, she is also fine...just that as parents, hope she will be more receptive to her food and eat more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yap,ours is on the good track if based on the info that Crescent's friend gave [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

if based on the guide that crescent provided, my girl's weight is not that ok..

her birth weight around 3.1kg, and she is just 7.9kg now. next week she will be 1 year old..

she is a happy baby, but some how i always feel that she is very skinny.. good thing is she likes to eat porridge and cereal..

oh in tat case, my lil Gen is not overweight.. haiz.. i count on as per crescent mention juz nice. she born 3.485kg. currently nw she is 10.9kg.


Gen is BIG when she borned, 3.485kg. Mine only 3.3kg & i had a hard time pushing.

I have not been weighing my girl since her 9th month development test. She was 10.7kg then.

Time passed fast & our babies are all turning 1 yr old .

Pekkle: she is born big so her weight of coz muz be higher.. hee..

Sheric: i C section de.. hahaha.. how long is ur labour pain?

ya man, Gen turn 1yr old ytd..

Sheric. Mine 2.56 already push like siao liao. Cant imagine Renee 3.3kg?! I tink I will have more tear below.. LOL

The first sentence my hubby say, bb so small eh... Walao eh.. he was covered with blood and i was like.. Ok, finally out. Hee.. Giving birth is a wonderful experience !

yup! it's definitely a great experience! someting which us mothers hold close to heart!

gald tat i'm able to delivery au naturel only wif gas...


From your fb photos, ur gal Looks big size leh.


I think I almost fainted when pushing, till my gynae asst had to help me push my tummy

Hi gals, finally can relax abit now..

Now at hard rock hotel, staying here to post celebrate my bb birthday lol..

Talking abt bb weight.. My pd told me normal guideline is bb will triple her/his weight by 1yo.. If u r concern wif bb weight, better voice out to pd ba.. Maybe they will prescribe something to boost bb appetite or recommend certain type of formula..

Bb A birth weight is 2.72kg.. 1.5mos ago, she was 10.3kg.. Dunno now how heavy.. I dunno why my gal put on weight better than others despite the fact she is a small eater.. She can finish one green pigeon bowl of porridge on good times, bad times 1/2 to 3/4 bowl. N whether good or bad times, we need to give a lot of toys to let her play n distract her so that she can open mouth n eat.. Sometimes she is sick of her toys n refuse to open her mouth.. Juz now dinner, I even need to offer puffs on alternate spoonfeed.. Tiring sia.. But I m glad she can put on weight well..

White lady,

I'm hiring one cos during baby full mth I didn't hire then too busy, end up never take much pics. Now must hire & doing photobook.

Mdm Yip

I alternate cod fish/pork/chicken, and add veg like broccoli, sweet potato, spinach, pumpkin or carrot..etc.. Where can I find ikan bilis powder?

about formula milk...I didn't intend to start unless I hv no other choices. Btw, my girl has never taken the milk bottle...I always latch on. Almost one year old but still wake up for night feedings. Yes, I admit I shd hv wean off night feeds long ago but I still nurse her to sleep...

Pekkle, I feel so stress that ppl comment that my girl so small size.. But she is happy n active, love to play!! I feel that is most impt, nothing else matters...

Her PD chop chop type... We Only see her for vaccinations, last visit in May... Next visit Aug... Dun think she will give any good advice...this forum tells me more than her PD does...


I never tot of giving vits... Is it a must?

Anyone can suggest what brand n type of cheese? I am trying to lure my girl to eat finger food...

Btw, I suspect my girl teething, that explains her unusual refusal of food n wakeful nights. Her 3rd tooth may be emerging, yet I'm not completely sure... Thought I saw some whitish thingy...

I went for haircut n the lady washing my hair was so shocked that my girl only 2 teeth at almost one year old, she said not enough calcium... Nutrients .. Blah blah, I worried sick but after talk to my hubby I feel better. My dear hubby is a all natural person, he thinks babies shd get natural vits from variety of food... They're still so young n already taking multi vits? So formula milk is out of discussion now... As long as I can, I will continue to breastfeed...

My pain comes ard 5pm but only dilated 4-5cm. ended up i took epi & ard 9pm, dilated to 10cm. tot i'm ready so midwife came & ask me to try first while waiting for doc to come. ard 10pm when doc came, still no news.

Sunflower, my midwife helped to push my tummy too. I felt baby movement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Scent, it is not true tat late teethers means lack of calcium.. My elder gal only starts to have teeth at 11mos.. So by 1 yo, only 1-2 teeth. So dont worry abt lack of calcium..

Small build: r both yr hubby n yrself small build? Or when u r young, also small size?

