(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Thanks all. I will try my very best to change him. Hope my boy can help.

ahnah, u finally decided to have a second Baby ah. I have the list of things to do if u want a gal or boy. u want? If yes I can email to u. Jus let me have your email.

Ahnah- what your food intake is very impt too. eat more leafy thing, no seafood, meat etc..

wanna complain abt my hubby - he is a workaholic.

Always work... go home also on lappy and work. feel like throwing his lappy away.. but, he pay almost everything at home.. trying to strive harder.. so.. have to keep quiet at times..

The scientific way I knew was to have male's sperms in female's body 1 or 2 days before ovulation. As the sperm with X chromosome can survive longer in the body, hence able to produce baby girl.


for you: Sorry it's not 1 or 2 days, its 4 days.

The sperm with the X chromosome have a longer life span than the male sperm, but exhibit decreased motility. Therefore, intercourse that takes place earlier may provide increased probability of a girl.

You want - a girl. You know you ovulate 14 days before your next cycle. You must deliver sperm no closer than 4 days before ovulation. This way, the Y carrying sperm will likely be expired and the X carrying sperm still viable. When the egg is released at about 5 days after intercourse, the X carrying sperm will be in the fallopian tube waiting. If an X chromosome sperm fertilizes the egg, a girl will be conceived.

The critical and perhaps not so obvious tip - don't repeat intercourse again for a week! Make sure fertilization is with 'mature sperm'. To sum up: If you want a girl - aim for earlier intercourse before ovulation - at least 4 days before you ovulate.


Hope ur 2 recover fast! DK flu still hvn recover [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


If wan baby boy ley?

Rachel, yr logic is correct. But I thought the sperm expired 3days?


I also very shack! Totally worked out even though only started work 3weeks ago. Wake up ard 6-630am almost everyday, start fighting 'war' from 8am to 5+-6pm.. Lunch only 30mins or so.. Rush back pick my elder home, settle dinner, younger one come back, play wif both or do housechores, make them sleep at 9+pm. And almost everynite I concussed wif them. Then wake up at 1+am this hr to do things like sterilizing pump, packing elder school bag etc.. Then sleep again.. Anyone here lose energy easily? I got headaches after handling students.. Sigh.. Now thinking of hopping.. But dunno where..

Jascmy, I also quarreled many times wif my hubby especially after having kids.. Good that yr hubby loves yr boy much! Do u know that I handle 95% of my gal's stuff when I had my elder? He only played wif her n full stop. It is only now that we have 2 kids n I can't give full attention to both, he started to help out more.

Don't think abt divorce so easily coz it is really difficult for 2 (stranger and become lovers) persons to come together and live as a family. I don't wanna start all over again especially after having kids.. I believe in communication. A couple must really communicate well to understand and compromise to stay with each other. I always tell my hubby that but he also refuse to communicate wif me at times.. U 2 need a good talk. Find a day go paktor together, be it a simple dinner or movie, then slowly talk abt each other feelings towards each other, then slowly talk abt each other's buay siong thing la.. Take things slowly, don't rush coz I think men dun like those interrogating or fault-pointing type.. Jia you!!

Duckling, hope both ur darlings get well soon.. Take care!

I worry abt my elder.. Last week fever, sore throat for 3 days. Also din sleep well that 3 days, coz sponge, give medicine, monitor temp etc.. Peifu that u shower yr kids at wee hours.. Now she recover le, but seems like having flu.. Voice changes n sneezing today.. Keep falling sick.. Sigh..

Share on tips on how to get a boy that works for me:

1) Deep penetration by husband (so that male sperm can reach destination without much effort faster)

2) Husband ejaculates after wife has been stimulated (cos female vagina becomes alkaline when stimulated, therefore this promotes the activity of male sperm)

3) Husband to be on the top and wife bottom position. (allow male sperm to reach destination faster)

4) After you both are done with the job, you lie on bed with a pillow below your buttock. Clean yourself with wet tissue and then wear back you clothings with the help of you husband and go to sleep. Don't sit and stand up to go toilet. (let the sperms stay inside for a longer time)

I did this for my Bb so I got my boy.

MVH, Thanks. Thats y I have to look at her strength in order for me to survive in this marriage. trying hard to change his attitude, sensitivity and temper. If not the fight will go on and on. Hmm.... he seem like a women hor, sensitive and mood swing... hahaa....


so to get a gal ...

1) NO Deep penetration by husband

2) Husband ejaculates BEFORE wife has been stimulated

3) WIFE to be on the top and HUSBAND bottom position.

4) After you both are done with the job, DO NOT lie on bed with a pillow below your buttock. DO NOT Clean yourself with wet tissue and then wear back you clothings withOUT the help of you husband and go to sleep. DO some situp and stand up to go toilet.


ahnah, u r right except for point no. 4. Please clean up no matter what jus that for Bb gal, can go toilet to do a big clean up instead of jus wet tissue.

Morning all,

Just finished reading all the posts.

Some problem here... sianz with everything. But most sian with ... THE MAID!!!

I used to call her my helper, but think I don't think she appreciates my respect. Going forward, she will be THE MAID! damn irritating man! Cry on her bed at 11pm last night, and refused to tell me what's her problem. She is like 50 years old liao, still so childish! maybe going through menopause? Damn sianz lah!

Jasmine, after a few relationships, I have obtained the enlightment that when we least expect a man to change for us, they will! The more you want them to change, the more they resist... just my 2 cents worth.

Hang on there, its never easy when it comes to relationship. Even THE MAID, also have to manage their feelings!

AhNah, how about using the ancient chinese calender to predict the gender?

wl, Thanks. Jia you. Every human being is different, really have to spend effort to manage. Its even harder to manage when staying in a same household.

The ancient calender thingy don work for me loh. Its show gal but I got a boy. Hehee....

Ahnah, u can try.

WL, I also don know how much time needed. But its a 40page bk. Shld be lots of time bah. Now gcoupon having promotion leh. 1hr left to buy it.

cheese, don know how the rest managed to do hor?


I also tried similar method to hv a boy when im planning for #2 and it works. Photobook has some ready book, can just download and upload your pics, quite easy.


I took about a day if you have all the pix on yoru computer. Just cut and paste and use their effects. Mine was quite simple. But i haven't sent it in yet cos i wanted to include his pix till 11+ mths.

Now they have 70% discount for imagewrap book in large and mid size. Quite worth it.

Thanks jasmine, I bought liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bakaholic, mus spend one whole day sitting at infront of the PC to do ah.


i done my photobook on last sun and i just got it yesterday. hehe! i used 3 hours to do it... simple and fast... lolx.... i also tempted to get 70% discount but i got nothing to do it... i already develop the hard copies of photos and keep in album instead.


xin ku ni le. it's not easy for you now since you are handling 2 kids. but think about it, your work place is really near your house. if you were to hop, there won't be a better timing to arrange especially traveling time. there's a way and you need to see if anyone can help you to fetch #1 so that you don't need to rush.

Cheekrene and Bakaholic

Wow only a few hrs to a day? Mvh, Eeyore and myself took days to weeks lehz. We don't just cut and paste leh. Otherwise defeat the purpose, might as well just develop the photo and put in album. We try to think of layout and storyline.


wow! you got event PG on that day, right?


actually i am lucky that my girl's photoshoot tell lots of stories and its easier for me to do very fast. i did not add in any words so everything turn out simply well. i did not do photobook for her birth to 12th month so i develop all the photos and put into album. luckily i can develop photo at 15 cents. only special photos will do on photobook. keke!

That day i wanted to use the discount so i had to finish all in a day. Me too lazy so i just categorise by mths and occasions.


wa storyline? i just want the enlarge photobook of the photo shot pics. no layout/storyline. =P

cheekrene, bakaholic,

yes engaged my photo shot PG for the bday party.


Enlarge as in One pic one page? Storyline as in got a story to tell , so when someone flip to the next page, there's continuity, sort of linked thoughout an Album.


Urs Alot stories to tell , ur girl so many funny expressions haha

I haven start on photobook eh... wanna do JL new born till first year.. haven go and dig the pics i wanted.. dun noe still got what occassion to put the photos... many pic to choose..

Im so lazy.. just wanna sleep.. haha


you are right. i also got a few pictures with low res. so i did not make all my photos in 1 pg. i even put 6 photos in 1 pg.

