(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

I spend abt 2 weeks to create a photobook of 114pages for my honeymoon (long long overdue, coz din develop hardcopy at all).. Got about 2000 pix.. Select abt 300 pix.. Think e pix selection process also takes a long time.. I let my hubby vet thru once n he comments some pix put not nice la, layout not impressive la, then have to redo some pages lor.. So take a long time..

I m going to do a 40pages 1st yr book for my gal.. Think selecting pix also headache ba.. Last time my elder gal I do a 24pages also take about 1week or so.. But that time I use snapfish, it got alot of nice background to choose.. Photobook background so limited.. Think have to spend time searching for nice background images.. Dunno how long it will take again..



Thanks for sharing the lobang for photobook. I bought quite a few. Decided to make for my mum and mil as a gift for my boy's 1 yo birthday.

Cheekrene, thanks! Ya.. I also thou of location since my current place is so near to home.. I also thou of changing part-time but part-time no cpf n no benefits. Somemore my work part-time means only teach for 8months, rest of 4 months eat grass.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] dilemma..

I realized I only get to interact with my younger gal less than 2 hrs each day.. Coz I need to settle my elder gal first..

Anyone getting a pg for their kids party? Can pm me the contacts and estimated cost?

hi mummies,

i m looking at placing my gal in child care centre when she hits 24mths..full day childcare cos by then she will be staying with us at our Punggol house..currently weekdays she is being taken care by my parents at their place at bt panjang...

wld u all know of any good childcare centres in Punggol? i am looking at Learning Vision at block 201D and 128D respectively? any reviews on them?

Ah Beee,

sorry, missed out your question.

It is believed that if intercourse takes place closer to ovulation, then the probability is greater that the child will be male, due to the high motility and also the decreased life span of the Y carrying sperm.

If you want a boy - aim for later intercourse before ovulation - say about 1 day before ovulation. Frequent intercourse around the time of ovulation. Have your partner wear boxers. A male with a high sperm count is more likely to have a boy.


sounds like u very xinku. Your hubby doesn't help to put your elder to sleep? My colleague shares with me that before having the second one, the first one must learn to attach to the father more then it will be easier, if both stick to the mother, then it will be too tiring. My boy also doesn't want his father. He prefers the maid and me. As he is sleeping with maid, he auto looks for her when he wants to sleep. So life is much easier for us. I too find that time spent with me is very short each day. After work its so late already. And soon he will go to bed.. i am also guilty of watching too much korean drama now... maybe i should just stop the cable tv.

Nowadays, my boy has become too friendly. Ever since his great-grandmother passed away, and he started to interact with lots of strangers at the wake, he now can go with anyone, even strangers. Brought him to the park and he will walk up to the strangers sitting there and want them to carry him. Yesterday, one auntie carried him away from me for quite a distance he even waved bye bye to me excitedly.

Hello everyone,

Forum is so quiet these 2 days; must be too tired after the party. Just finish with my girl's birthday party last Sun, really super busy preparing for chalet. Anyway this is once & only for her, so worth it.

I'm back to work today & was so tired; totally no mood to work.

pekkle, childcare in Punggol is always full. Maybe can call them to place in waiting list.

Rachel, ur boy so cute one. He still waved bye bye when someone took him away from u. In a way it can be good & bad. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crescent, its at Ah bee FB, go and tag, I haven go and see but some mummies help me to tag my boy. thks mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya.. this thread so the quiet...

now my sales overseas, so im a bit relax..

just got to know ANOTHER colleague leaving too.. haiz.. sian ah... no more lunch kaki.. haiz..

To me, everyday is the same old day..

Im only expecting saturday to come.. so that I can have more time with my boy..

Everyday is so rushing for me, even though now MIL is helping to take care.

I have to rush home to feed, bath him and then we dine out to eat.. I dislike my MIL to cook

as the kitchen will be very oily...

Then got very little time to play with him as he need to sleep at 9pm now. Last time even earlier,

because in IFC he nv really sleep.

Time is so precious.. too little to spend time with my own small family..

Im so EMO.. LOL

last night i brought my girl home from my mum's place at 10 plus..

when i was taking the lift up, my neighbour (i nv see her b4) commented, "so late still not sleeping yet?"

aiyo, i felt so guilty..

makes me think about the time when i was not working and looking after her full time..

she seems to sleep more then.. now once a while, she has dark rings around her eyes..

so sad..

She is 04 Aug. We planned for chalet & dun wan to stay during lunar 7th month. so celebrate last weekends. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My Bb put the whole pacificer in her mouth !! How huh ... Any Bb also like that ?

So excited ... Am celebrating Bb 1st bday this weekend ...so fast our Bb turn 1

Is stuffy nose symptom to allergy?

I fed my gal a few mouthful of chawumushi during dinner, then 1-2hrs later during her bedtime, she seems to have stuffy nose leh.. Got those *chok chok* sound fr her nose... She wasn't this in e day leh.. Strange..


Why dun you let your mil feed your boy while you prepare dinner? Or you can order tingkat so that no need to go out.

I prepare very simple dinner, either steaming, boiling or baking. No frying cos too oily and needs time to clean up.

I also dun have much time to play with my boy after work cos he comes back about 6plus from ifc and sleeps about 7ish to 8ish. I will try to finish up all the housework on weekdays so that we can spend weekends together.

Rachel, I juz wanna try giving her egg white since she is 1 already..

Sunflower, her stuffy nose is ok after that 1.5-2months long of stuffiness at 6mos+. dunno why last nite get stuffy again.. but i see no rashes on her body leh..

my baby gets stuffy nose and sneeze quite often..

but most of the time i dun do anything much..

just let her smell the olbas oil when she is sleeping if she is breathing deeply..

am i too heck care?


All babies are different, some has more allergic than others. So just monitor and exercise some caution. I am also guilty of introducing certain food too early despite advise given by experts as I seen so many mummies here giving all sorts of food and their babies do not seem to be affected. Hubby already told me off, said what's the hurry? Sigh.. i still let my boy tried egg yolk before 1yo and hubby wasn't too please. Lucky baby has no allergy to yolk. But after the beef allergy episode, till now I have not given him any beef yet.

To answer your question, stuffy nose is one of the symptoms.

Here goes about allergy:

The look and feel of an allergic reaction depends on the body part involved and the severity of the reaction. Some reactions may be localized and limited, while others could involve multiple body systems. Reactions to the same allergen vary among individuals.

Symptoms and signs of an allergic reaction include any, some, or many of the following:

Skin: irritation, redness, itching, swelling, blistering, weeping, crusting, rash, eruptions, or hives (itchy bumps or welts)

Lungs: wheezing, tightness, cough, or shortness of breath

Head: swelling or bumps on the face and neck, eyelids, lips, tongue, or throat, hoarseness of voice, headache

Nose: stuffy nose, runny nose (clear, thin discharge), sneezing

Eyes: red (bloodshot), itchy, swollen, or watery or swelling of the area around the face and eyes

Stomach: pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or bloody diarrhea

Other: fatigue, sore throat

Gen is on milk strike. she dun wan to take milk for her last feed.. the porridge can last her till next day monring?

was thinking is she bloated? she neber poo for 2 days liao..


Gen had already grown up and i think it is normal that she dun want to take milk on her last feed. as for poo poo, give her juice and try.


Maybe the room she is sleeping in need to be cleaned up? My hubby's family has history of sinus. So I am more careful with his room, make sure no stuff toys, and bedsheets, pillow cases have to be changed frequently. Curtains also have to be washed regularly. Bath towels also change everyday. I have also installed an air purifier for him. I hope he won't be like his father, uncle and grandparents sneezing every morning. My boy used to sneeze when he is just a month old. So I kiasu, quickly go and buy new anti-allergy mattress, kept all the soft toys my mil and fil bought. After that, my boy no longer sneezes in the morning. My mil is a messy and unhygienic person, I believe that's why both her children got nasal problems since young until now. Cos prolong exposure to allergens/dusty environment will lead to nasal allergies. Hubby's brother just went for operation, but still got sensitive nose.

rachel, i think its the curtain..

just washed it last weekend..

hopefully, she will feel better..

actually she dun sneeze that often..

just that if she had stuffy nose on a particular day, den she will sneeze every few hrs..

n she dun let us clean her nose..

will get angry even if we clean her face with a wet towel..

hello hello..

cant rem when was my last post! hope ev one is fine! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just changed new job.. in the transition of learning and adapting.. sorry mummies, have not attend any of ur birthday parties.. either busy or sick


i tink i forgot to arrange to collect the FM from u again.. within this two days i will contact u .

1st birthday

a small affair with immediate family and some close frens.. tat make up ermm.. 20+pax. lol. tot not doing big. but end up still many ppl.. intending a steamboat.. none is prepared.. haven prepare goodie bags for kids that are coming -_- bz bz bz..


last time when i don't have a maid, I just make steam boat. 15min max to prepare. Buy shabu shabu meat, veg, noodles/rice, so when want to eat just dump into the steamboat. Food is alz hot and easy to prepare. And only need to wash one pot and a few plates and ladder. If need to cook 3 dishes, usu will take me 45min to 1 hr, cos im not an expert kekeke. Got to wash, cut, season, fry/steam/grill... all in all takes away at least 2.5-3 hours after one meal.


Rachel, thanks for yr info on allergy..

My mum called me this morning, said bb A got runny nose.. Then she also admitted that she might have pass e virus to her as she also got a bit of cold.. So I hope it is not due to allergy..

