(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Feel like crying after my sister's call. I can feel that my hubby is treating my mum like a maid but I tot my mum is ok with it. Now my sis told me she actually not happy loh. They asked me not to go tell my hubby abt what my mum feel. But how can I don do tat?? She is my mum leh. An old and sick lady leh. Really worried that my boy will treat me like maid when I'm old and weak.


hush hush jascmy,no matter wat,our own mother is always e best n always did e sufferings.u gota tok 2 ur hub?did u also feel tat he treat ur mum like tat?mutual respect is veri impt..

Don knw what I shld do now. Divorce??? He has become worst and worst. Esp after married. He always think he is right and everyone is wrong. When tell him his fault, he will get angry and shot back till he win. He still think he is rite to treat my mum this way and my mum is the one that is wrong. HAD ENOUGH!!!

cheese, yup, I feel it too. Really feel so bad that my mum is treated this way. Somemore she is old and weak liao. I respect both my mum and mil. I always close eyes when I don like what my mil is doing. Don know y SY can't do it. I have no help now. 1st is my confinement lady, then part-time maid and now my mum. Then that PIL give all stupid reasons for not coming to help (angry that we buy hse near my side instead of near them, very far, don wan to do nite feed, wan to go here and there.... etc........). My hse is super dirty now. Everyday busy with all the daily and urgent chores and no time to wash toilet and mop floor. And he help with lots frustrations... might as well I do lah.

bakaholic: oh yup, for economy can only say don't look at the surface. hee, on the other hand, my hb and i love to take cab nowadays that we are seriously considering a car! but car still so ex lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] balloons with helium sounds a good choice.. hmmm..

ah bee: if really so not happy then resign, but i thought there's a common friend (among us) in there with u? no matter what, doing familiar job is still better than going out to adapt new job? moreover if u want #2, u need to hang on there! =) yah me also many times thinking want to revert to my ex coy to work cause familiar le, but 1 by 1 left the coy till now i only know few ppl there.. although my ex boss not very good but i liked my ex colleagues alot! jia you ok!

jascmy: eh? why cannot go in? although bb x ifc so lousy, i still get to step into the ifc area to strap bb x up, hence all the bbs come to me when i'm inside, some parents even ask the ifc in charge if i'm the new teacher there! but the parents there are very friendly maybe neighbourhood ifc loh.. hee, i not planning to celebrate bb x bday in ifc, buy some things for them can le.

Cheese: when bb turn 1 have alot of pattern? bb x fall sick so many times before he turn 1? after turn 1 then how? wipe all our $ away [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jascmy: what i learnt is, don't quarrel over pils, ur parents with hb.. always get NEGATIVE comments back from them. let them see for themselves and realise their "mistakes", like my hb loh, he always think i'm kicking up a fuss when i complain, now i don't complain anymore, the fengshui had "turned", he is the one always arguing with his mum now. so i let him go settle loh, since the prob i say is always not a prob to him..

jascmy-calm down. This is not a good solution, think of your boy that need a complete family.

Frankly speaking, you should know your hubby very well and he is like that, you have to tell him he is getting bad to worse and trying to salvage this relationship,ask him please do not treat mother like that. Is just like your are treating his parents in respect too.

He treated us as a neighbour quite fierce too which i dislike also, he nv go and find out what happen and throw temper at us which i find it so unfair. It is his temper that makes everything like tat..

I am at my MIL mercy also.. since JL cant go IFC..and she is the main caretaker. She got many pattern i cant endure but i still have to respect her, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

She dislike my whole family and even say my mum etc and i still have to respect her.. my mum know my situation try not to come etc... I am trying to calm down and give her as much respect because she is overall our elderly...

Ever think of divorce too, but 10 years of relationship doesnt come easy.. just because that our family came from 2 different culture etc, doenst mean that we cant be together right?

We just have to give and take just because of our own child..

Jas- u be strong!! Say things out, but when your mother is not there first ok...

Jasmine : what other ingredients do u cook with the baby mee sua ? I have intro pork n chicken to my son yet leh ...

Penguin : I also take cab with my bb every week, very expensive lor, but can't afford a car leh. BTW do u put on seat belt for yr baby ? Since no car seat how do u handle.

Usually I also don't put on seat belt cos no hand to put, since need to carry bb. But I also scared got accident then dangerous how u handle ? Can share ?


I haven't let him try mee sua yet. Buying to keep for his lunar bday. You have or haven't intro pork & chicken to him? Mee sua goes well with carrot, potato and chicken soup.

cheese, how to let him knw its his fault. I really don knw how to let him knw. He only knows he is rite and he nvr show temper at all. See, even my friends are leaving me. I wan to treat his parents with no respect too. Let him see how he will feel. But if I do that some mad demon will start her action on me again loh.

penguin_88, my is different, we are the other way round. Everthing is not a problem to me but to him is a hell big problem!

cheekrene, u r right. He is a job hopper. Everytime say he boss very bad. But in actual fact, its him loh. We all knw but he don knw. How to let him know its his fault?

Can anyone tell me how to let him know. My friend asked me to try the soft approach, but how.... I know my own temper very bad too. I can't ctrl. But even if I can ctrl, what is the soft approach??

Going mad soon. Can't concentrate on work now. THinking of ....... but I knw I hav to live on for my boy.

jascmy, do not have negative thots as it will not solve the problem...

is it possible to get his siblings or close frens to highlight these issues to him? it may sink in better if it comes from other pple since he don seem to see it when u let him know...

does he have a self-esteem issue? hence it is manifesting in his 'i m always right' attitude?


Dont mean to pour cold water. I feel that if you can't change him in the past, the possibility of changing him now is almost zero. Change yourself to adapt is easier than changing your spouse. Also, men has lots of ego, if you tell him he is at fault he will be very defensive. No man likes to be belittled, esp from their spouse. If there is someone whom he respects and listens to, probably can try.

From my experience, only God can change him. So, pray to God to show him the way.

pekkle, his slibings can't help at all. Older sis is a mad demon herself. Always think negative of others and shot knife behind that person. His young sis won't do it too cos she knw him well and don wan to get into trouble.

Thinking of friend. But don know how to contact that friend leh. I don have his contact no. Haiz...

Don knw how his parents teach their kids de. Both him and older sis hav mental problems. I hope they won't teach my boy to be like that leh. Really hate it when my mil say "臭妈妈", "臭人" infront of my boy loh. No manners ppl! Still dare to comment other ppl no manners. PLs look at they themselves lah.

Sorry ah, I'm throwing my temper at my PIL cos I really feel hurt when my mum is treated in this way. But can only do it here and not infront of them and hubby.


Ya... im back.. haa! ystd my bday mood, tdy DK bday mood.. lolx! Like tt hw to work! waiting to get Pok! lolx =P hee


I endure in this job for 3 yrs.. since i joined, i v stress cos 1 person handle whole coy.. then i throw letter 3x le.. maybe i got lazy bug in me.. tinking of need to go interivew i v sian! so end up still stuck here..

DK sick.. ya lor.. hw to tell her? we told her when it happen onces, i even hint her say my dad sick oso close door, nebe play w DK.. stand far far talk to DK.. 1st time when DK sick frm her, she wore mask to show me (but mask below her mouth hanging there -___-") since my confinement conflicts w her, i have been telling myself to close my eyes between me and her le.. then hope she learn her mistakes tt her sick is very virus!


Ya, she still working w us and we both handle different job scopes. she also knows i tender 3 times.. me more close to her than the rest of my team colleagues.


do you hv a receipt of ur son menu? I alwayz wanna cook something for DK but i always stuck w broccoli, fish, pumpkin.. i some1 don cook.. in fact DK is the one that make me cook more often (for HER only).. i oni cook maggie mee & pasta for my hby b4.. haa!


OMG! U v kelian.. he found job le ma? hw old is he? maybe u try "treat him the way he treat you?" then when he not happy, tell him off? say this is the way u treat me.. u know hw i feel?


Cold war! don bother to talk to him till he can listen to you. Ask him if i treat this to ur mum, will u b happy? try go those marriage consulting course? i once attend 1 course b4 i get married.. quite useful..

u stay with you mum? hw come ur hby will treat ur mum "often" that way? if my hby treat my mum tt way, i rather he don go my mum hse.. i go visit my mum w my baby myself. at least mum won feel hurt.

rachel, u mean employ a maid at her home now. Thats a gd idea. So she no need to clean her hse. She won't come my hse anymore. If she come I will try to get a part-time maid and don tell him. Tats a gd idea. Thanks.

He is ok before we married. He anything whatever. He respect my mum. But when we stay together, then the problems came. And he became worst and start to show true colour (fussy person).

I'm praying to god. Even bring him to see the fortune teller hoping he will tell him something but instead he go with his idea loh. Faint!!! Say ya, his bosses all very bad and he very capable then them thats y the problem.

I trying hard to accommodate to him loh. But when I see how he treat my mum, my heart on fire liao. How he treat me nvm, but for my mum.........

Mee sua

My boy took mee sua just now bcos today is his lunar bday. My mum gave him a big bowl and he cried for milk after 1.5hr !

It's not filling. Just like adults, not filling at all.

ah bee,

you tender 3x? then your company need to think about it. aiyo... poor you. i cant vent out my frustration about my work cos i got someone spying on it lor. haha!


your hubby really need someone to say about him. you need to do something to scare him and to make him realise he is wrong.

ah bee, have to travel for work v sian...last time no kids travel for work still okay, now if ask me to travel for work will be super sian...think this is how u are feeling...

hope ur senja flat will be ready soon...these days i see the flats are being built quite fast from what i observed in Punggol...staying there and i can see the flats are completed alot faster...

i think cold war like wont work on jascmy's hubby...looking at his pattern...

jascmy > can see u really compromising alot and thats why it is v hurtful when he treats someone ur mom this way....cos you really are giving in alot and this is what u get from him.

ah bee,

i never keep any recipes.. i just searched online for some ideas on what to cook.. sometime will just cook whatever vegs i have in my refrigerator.. i never cook once before i was married.. started to cook for my #1 and now #2.. but i still can't cook for my PIL cos i only know how to cook pasta for adults.. haha.. don't know how to cook those chinese food.. (they don't eat western food)

my boy also cry for milk 1+ hour after eating the HL bowl of it. LOL. but sometime change his food also good, not so sianz for him.

Suika, I still working..

haa.. gotta work to give mama $ and spend on my only child.

haiz.. every family got problem..

my MIL dislike my whole family... tink not because of JL, she also no nid me, like her son divorce also can one.. nvm.. since she is a divorcee herself.

ah bee,

actually no need recipe, cook at your own heart.


my girl can drink milk 1 hour later after her big bowl of porridge. even i cook mee sua for her, she still ask for milk.


haa! ya, told my director 3x.. 1st resign cos $, so get increased, 2nd n 3rd (he say will rescope my work load) is due to overloaded. i gt times work till midnight then go home (b4 i give birth))..


For those who interested in running, can join me for the POSB Run for Kids [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] THeir goodies bag soo cute! hee


I might ask my hby to bring DK along.. ask them wait for me there.. hee!

ah bee,

you seem to be interested in running. i think i am super lazy to run... haha!

gosh, i thought you have assistant to help you too.

Ya u agreed every household got their own problem

Ah bee

Ur new hse at senja? I just passed by leh. Ready Liao ma.. Just no one shifted in.

Ya i agreed every household got their own problem

Ah bee

Ur new hse at senja? I just passed by leh. Ready Liao ma.. Just no one shifted in.

my new home only take like 2years? to BTO. though they say 5years. Ah bee, get ready more $$ cos many things nid to pay etc...

housework to me is a problem cos i dun do last time...


2 yrs oni? after DK bday i muz cash in more $ to my saving le.. haa!


mine is beside the ready 1.. the 1 doing piling nw.. near the KJE.. u stay near there too?


yes, but nw we combine w subsidaries, more tings to do, so jobscope divided "nicely" le.. just that my snr... sigh~ he like "v free".. oni do recruitment (nt alot recruitment ma) and alwaiz knock off on time or even earlier when he gt classes (i don ustd y he need go off at 4.30pm wher class starts at 7pm. last time i study oso din knock off early.. then i ask him, he say he needs to go eat dinner -___-" last time i juz grab those old chang kee)

cheese, so now who is doing the housework??

ahbee, sometimes it might take longer than 2 yrs. Depends. Ya, cheese and mine very fast. 2.5yrs.

My "new" home @ sembawang.. staying in 2years + le


Jas - my MIL will sweep a bit here and there lorz.. Sat i will do housechores.. wkdays nv.. only like sweep.. i see the floor quite clean, my MIL got help a bit.. wash toilet only on weekends.

I do mostly the things.. as and when Hubby will help. now my MIL got help to keep BB clothes only.. haha.. helping a bit here and there.

Morning all. Still feel heart broken. Haiz...mus think of his good points in order to survive bah.

1) he love his son very much

2) he knows how to take care of his son

3) he help in doing houseworks

4) he always left lots of food for me and he only eat lots of rice.

5) he helped me cut my toe nails when I'm pregnant with a big tummy.

6) he feed me when in hospital cos I'm laying down in the bed and not easy to feed myself

7) whenever I bought things from the forum, he will drive me there to collect



if your mum has a maid, even if she comes to your house, the maid can also give her a hand. If you need the maid to clean your house, just strike a deal with her, pay her extra, think most maids will gladly take up the job. Then you don't even need to get part time cleaners.

My hubby is also a fussy person, but he never treats my mum with disrespect or expect her to work like a maid when she does confinement for me. My mum is working, no maid, lucky my dad helps her with housework. Both my inlaws on the other hand very good life. Got maid, no work and very free. So my mil every day come to my house for 2+ hr to kiss her grandson.

I wonder if there is any grandmother here so overly obsessed with the grandchildren. My mil going Europe for less than 2 weeks, she acts like she going there, not coming back. Everyday, including weekends must see her grandson, say can't get enuff of him and will miss him very badly. Keep reiterating every day that she is going away.

Rachel, thats a gd idea, a maid to take care of my mum and also to help me when she and my mum is here at my hse. But jus worried that she will run away after staying in my hse for 1 day.

ah bee,

i think you have to be "heng xin" with your job. must show that you really cant stand the work so that they will act on it fast. maybe you are too soft.


not bad. you still can find something good on him. i think its just his attitude that make the problem. last time my hubby was like that but i use tolerance and endurance against him and he seem to change a bit. 1 thing for sure, i still can go back my mum's house any time if he make me angry. imagine stormed out of the house in the middle of the night. this is what he is scared of. haha!


the maid knows her boss is your mum, so won't run away cos of that. The most she rejects to do housework at your house even if you pay her. I presume your mum doesn't stay with you right?

Hi all!

Just drop in to say hi cause MIA so long. Bo pian my new job keeps me so busy sometimes lunch and toilet also no time to go.

Finally got a breather today because all my major events are over!

I'm also planning my boy's 1st birthday but as me and HB wants to keep it a family and very close friends affair, I'm sorry I can't open invitation to everyone.. but for mummies who invited me to your baby's 1st party.. thanks for inviting! very paiseh i din reply as I simply got no time. Anyway a very happy birthday (belated or otherwise) to your babies, and I hope all our kids will grow up strong and healthy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

I'll try to drop in again when I'm free to chit chat... in the mean time, take care mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cheekrene, so gd, u hav a place to run away. I hav no place to run. Hehee....

Rachel, my wish is to let my mum stay. My hb agreed to it before we got married... hmm... shld be before I agreed to start the relationship. After married, he changed his mind. I'm super angry of this. Feel been cheated.


wah, your hubby broke his promise. You didnt make him sign agreement ar? Anyway, I think this is a typical case of b4 marriage, his world revolves around yours, after marriage, true colors shown. I think he probably finds you easy to bully. Anyway, whats done is done, you gotta find alternative ways, be less dependent on him.


Looking at the good points you wrote about your hubby, i do think he is still a nice hubby. I have heard worst hubby stories.

Perhaps you need some form of strategy to "reform" him.

Maybe for you mum part, can get a maid to deal with the chores and tell him that your mum will not do chores anymore.

Or if you can ask your mum to stay with other siblings and he has to do all the chores so that he can appreciate what she does for him.


i dont think sign agreement will work.


you need 2 hands to clap. you have to find your own way how to handle your hubby and see how hard he can be. he can be soft at times. like what you said, he love his son very much. you can start to use your boy to make him change.

Just finish reading above posts & saw all were taking abt 'sian'... abt work, abt family issue, abt hubby...

Haiz... me also SIAN & tired to the max la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Tomorrow is baby S birthday & party celebration on Sat... but both #1 & #2 fall sick ... both higher fever at ard 39-40... #1 got it first since Monday then following by baby S since Tue... last 2 days Baby S fever was terrible as continue maintain at above 39 even after taking brufen... my hb & me did not sleep well for 2 nite liao... bath them at 1am, 3am & 5am.... feel like torturing to them but really bo bian...

PD said both kena viral infection & now #1 taking antibiotic & Baby S taking antiviral... this morning #1 'looks' ok & Baby S fever went down to 37-38... hope they will quickly recover la....

Pray hard...

I am dragging myself to work this 2 days cos too tired n never sleep well... not able to take leave cos 1 col reservist and another 1 onleave... must finish my work before on leave 2molo too...

Was making a photo slide show half way for Baby S but dun think got time to finish it too... may just drop the idea and continue after his bday... :p

Anyway... Regardless what is your problem... think of the positive side & everything gonna be alright!!

Cheers up everyone!! 明天会更好!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

