(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Hello all,

As some of you know, my fil just passed on. So baby not celebrating birthday this yr. For the july birthday bash, am wondering can i go anot. Any of u interested to go? Sorry cause feel very pantang and don't look nice to celebrate...

Saw some discussion on in laws problem. Yeah i'm facing my mil now. Fil is super easy going person but mil is demanding, selfish, etc.. During the few days stay at hospital of my fil, my mil almost nag till i go crazy, during the funeral, it's even worse.. She went on to complain to others about me. How i ill treat her, ask her to do housework, take care of baby, shout at her being rude to her, etc. My sister overheard everything. People see me and shake head.. Super irritated over the made up stories, i suggested to my hb i wanted to shift back my mum's place. Hb black faced at me and refused to talk to me, after a while he then asked me to shift back myself if i want. At that point of time, i feel like divorcing him, he's asking me to fend for myself! So angry and upset.

Currently, i have very little time with him, cuz mil don know everything, keep calling him.. So useless of her, my fil has many many friends she didn't contact them, made the funeral looked very pathetic.. Haiz , tell me what to do..


Rachel: bear with it, i'm even worse.. My hb is only son and next time my house definitely will invite her to stay. I am very bad.. During my fil funeral, i keep thinking why is it not my mil lying in the coffin, why must god take away my fil..


You must understand how your mil feels. She lost her husband - the person she rely on the most. Definitely she feels the need to rely on her only son, your hubby more. I know her nagging can be very vexed on you but do bear with her at this time. When my dad passed away not long ago, my mum really rely on my bro and me, it's understandable. During this "dark period" of your mil, try not to mention about moving back to your mum's place to your hubby. Being the only son, he can't possibly leave his mum alone.

Jia you & jia you okay..

cheekrene, wanna check wit u on the bday bash..

if one of us is a member, for the bday dash as a grp..do we got any further discount?

i sign up gymboree today as member but did not take their package yet..

bcos they have this 60mins gym lesson which u jus bring ur bb there to use their equipments w/o any teachers around..and is only $12 something..

Re: little gym vs gymboree

jus my 2 cents worth of opinion..

i had been to these 2 classes trial..

personally i tink gymboree is much more fun than little gym..

little gym equipments are more for Gymnastics..

gymboree equipments are much baby friendly..


My boy is v cranky now cos he is supposed to nap then she pressed the door bell. When at my place she played so rough with him. I hv some balls in a little tent and he crawled in to play. She saw and wanna play with him and she kept shaking the tent to "amuse" him till he got scared and cried. Then she even commented my boy didn't like the toy. What a nuisance. My husband is just another nuisance Loh.


Is ur mil all along like this? Like to gossip and make up stories? If not then maybe becos she is v upset now. If all along she is like this then u will hv more nightmares. not that I'm scaring u but she got no one to turn to and she will cling on to her son. And her enemy is u lo. Cos as dil we take away her son and her grandchild. So she gets jealous. That's my mil mentality. She is possessive even tho she has a husband and two sons. Everything she wants to step in. She wants to know everything. I brought my son to peekaboo so now she also want to go there and see. She must know everything abt her grandson.


Haha u told her u brought him to peekaboo?? Hmm my hb and I now clever Liao, don't tell my mil Whr we have been etc, else nag non stop. Maybe u just keep everything in low profile.


The Malay assistant in gymboree harbor front ever told me before , she went to every gym class and did a comparison .. She said gymboree is so far the best for babies. But some others prefer little gym.. Think it depends on individual.. But I went gymboree before, looks really friendly.


I didn't tell her. My maid told her I'm bringing them out. So she stayed till I got home and asked a lot of questions. I only told her I'm meeting friends and she kept asking where and which way we were going. Then today called a few times asking if he liked the place and how many friends he made. Then my hubby wanted to go also, so we went there again today. And when my in law came this evening, he big mouth told her everything, partly also she kept asking.


Ur hubby very good. So cooperative. Sometimes I feel my hubby trying to please his parents using our son. So sickening.

Jasmine: i can understand she's lost, but not the need to bad mouth me in front of others, today is 头七, she's scared.. Past few nights during funeral she has been slping with me and my hb sis and daughter in same room. Because we heard some noise and hb sis told her, then she's scared want to slp with us, giving excuse that the lights on v difficult to slp.. Then went on to tell others i threaten and scare her. See, hb sis told her but became my fault.

Rachel: she has been like this before.. I know she bad mouth me but don't know the contents.. But these few days has been real horrid. She lost her hb like my fault. Everything is me. Ur mil also one kind. Super kaypo type. My mil say i throw bb for her to look after. But she don't even know how to change diaper and make milk for him ( note that my fil learned how to make milk and made for my boy a few times ). She's been making up stories like saying me asking her to do housechores and throwing bb to her. Then my mum came down during funeral, my mil will go around my boy make him cry and she will say my boy is looking for her. Damn thick skin. She want to show off to people that my boy prefers her to my mum. But in fact, my boy is looking for me and my hb during the prayer. Then we diy dinner for guests on the last day, fry nuggets, she say she knows how to fry, stand thr a while, see cockroach then run away, in the end all nuggets become black, i have to ask my mum to help out to cook dinner. Then during funeral, the guests come we should serve, my hb busy to collect the white gold, me with bn, hb sis with her daughter. She ordered my hb around to serve the guests. My hb very stressed and tired.. Even handphone she also don't know how to use! The alarm is set by fil in the past, now by me or hb.. I don't know how long i can take it.. She told hb sis that ppl tell her don help me take care of bb, so now she nv help also we don wan her to help. When bb awake, she act busy, when he slp, she talk very loud to wake him up. Here she is, in our room. Can't understand why she must be scared of her hb. First night funeral i bring bb up to slp, she keep asking me if im scared alone and say no need to scared one.. I heard some noises but nv say anything, 2nd night all of us heard noises then hb sis told her, she super scared want sleep with us. Sian..


i understand how you feel when pantang! I tried to find someone who is interested to go for birthday bash! I let you know again! Be strong hor!


if you are a member of gymboree, yes you have discount for yourself. I cant remember if it is 5% or 10%! i need to calculate for you!

Cheekrene: thanks! Sorry it's not that i don't want to go but feel that it will bring bad luck to others.. Whoever interested can just take on and pay other amounts that need to pay, previous ones paid by me i will absorb. Thanks!


no worries. Last time, there is a mummy also drop out due to the similar case as yours. As it was pantang, she could not join in. Dun worry i still can get a replacement for you! Pm me your bank details so that i can return you the money! Ok?! Dont feel bad hor!


i confirm got replacement for you! Remember to pm me your bank details hor!


oh, how long is the membership? I want to let my girl join gym but she always fuss. So far she is ok with kindermusik. I wanna try out gymboree. If you think little gym is not as good as gymboree, think i wanna drop out since there is one trial on 29 may. How different is for both places?


cannot la. This mummy is on waitlist. That is why she can join in! She will feel bad if she dun need to make payment! Just pm me, ok?!

I feel jwt n little gym quite similar

At least at gymboree, my ger enjoy more

At little gym n jwt, they do have ramps n slides but not as much as gymboree

Both little gym n jwt have the monkey bar, both ask bb to hold onto tat monkey bar..They dun have much choices for bb to play

Gymboree dun have monkey bars.

Gymboree has many ramps n slides and They put toys there to attract ur bb to crawl or cruise towards the toys..

Then the rest are quite similar .. Teacher sing song, bit of dancing

As for blowing bubbles, I prefer gymboree one..

Gymboree blow lots of tiny bubbles to each individual bb

then blow one big bubble infront of each bb to see hw bb react..

Then a colorful parachute to place bb ontop n below them

Then teach bb abt a hide n show puppet ..

And ended wit a hip hip hurray where parents bring up the bb

I find it more interesting than little gym

My bb as usual nv sleep but she didnt fuss At all n enjoying it

But at little gym, is not tat interesting

Teacher will explain all the play station on hw to use.. Then parent jus free play to bring ur bb to all station to try..

And teacher will guide u if u dunno hw to use..

and there is a parent discussion where the teacher willpost one qns eg how u comfort ur bb? Then all parents will share their method

The membership is 1 yr.. In the end I didn't sign up the package bcos my hubby say the lessons are v simple .. The only interesting part is their equipment ..

So they have this 60 min playgym which I can jus bring my bb in to use all their play station but wo teacher guidance la..

Although I really wan to sign up the package, he say money can b use in other beta way.. &$$)@&@@

This is jus my opinion .. Like wat sunflower say is up to individual preference..

I feel gymboree I dun need sit at a place too long

My bb dun like restricted..

So she can go ard tryin different station which I tink allowing her to crawl n cruise ard at her own pace n timing

Penguin, sorry to hear about yr fil.. My condolences to u n yr family..

Guess u just have to ren, ren, and ren yr mil since she is now all alone and yr hubby is the only son.. I think her lost of hubby makes her more yi sheng yi gui plus her gossip character, sure make daily gossip even juicier.. Unless her daughter wants to stay wif her, else I guess yr hubby won't abandon his own mum.. So best way n most difficult way I guess is to ren.. Yr hubby also kanna sandwich by yr mil b you/bb.. So you got to jia you for e sake of yr bb n yr family.. Take care n we always provide a listening ear here.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow! Gymboree seem fun! I hvn let DK try JWT/little gym yet.. Cannot compare. Any1 organizing gymboree trial? I like to join [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I don mind sign pkg if DK loves it and hbf near my mil hse.. Can bring DK almost everywkend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yupz, like what others say, for the sake of ur hby n son, u gottan give in to ur mil. Try putting in her shoe so u will ustd her each n individual action beta. My hby is also d only son too, no matter hw I wish she don move in w me to my new hse but I'm prepared they will still move in, only hope for miracle.

Every1 hv her own way n character. Since u will b staying w her (i guess for ur case will b for the rest of ur life, it is nt possible for ur hby to abandoned her), accept it and find ways to handle her, to please her. Esp this period she needs ur hby support most, u, and ur son. Ur son can help her to distract her sadness away. Try bring her out that involve ur son activity.. Eg: at times my mil wan go OG, I will ask my hby to bring DK along, or if she go c doc, we will acc her go w DK..

Anyway, jiayou!! The family needs u too! Don gv up ok? Anything juz let us know here or u can text us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I wanna go gymboree trial too. My sil told me gymboree is fun. Been to little gym, nothing much, need to do exercise which our bb duno hw up to pull or or bars.


so when is the little gym trial class? I forgot the date and the thread went missing.

For mummies in the west or mummies who dun mind traveling to the west, anyone wants to try out the free trial from musikgarten near pioneer mrt?

We can form a class of 4 bbs.


The gymboree sounds good. Me tempted to try. The membership gives you free entry to the gym? How long is each session?

We tried assembling the smart trike plus and end up there was a missing part. Called mums & Babes and they said they will check with supplier and let us know. I dun understand what is there to check when it' under warranty and they should give us a 1-to-1 exchange? Anway, my hubby said to give them some time before he start yelling.

I have read that some ppl in US has that problem but well, didnt' expect to reach us here as well. Oh well, my boy just have to wait till next wk to try out.

Morning, wan to clarify that the musikgarden class only conduct on Sundays. So the date shld be 29 May instead of 28 May.

Fumiko, so u will SMS or call Chin Chin rite?

So confirmed this sun, 22 May will only have 4 Bbs:

Musikgarten free trial @ Woodlands (Home studio), 22 May 2011 4pm. Max 6Bbs per class.

1) jascmy

2) cheese

3) winnie

4) angel

Good Morning Mummies! I had a fruitful PH!what about you all??

Been to peek-a-boo with Jascmy and Winnie gal.

Hmm.. not as fun lei..

So small.. and the toys are pretty old.. Big disappointment.. polliwogs are better! But after the little workout, Javion and Gen fall asleep! haha..

gymboree is better than lil gym?Which branch is better? wanna give a try too!

Yup, peek-a-boo not fun at all. Somemore its not free for us. Hahaaa... cos we got 三万. My boy also fall asleep in the car until we reach home.

Anyone want to join us for the 22 May class??

Fumiko and the mummies going next week. I'm so sorry for the wrong date leh. Sld be Sun, 29 May.

cheese, my msg not clear mah?? Hmm... I'm confirming the class for 22 May with 4 Bbs only. So asking whether anymore wan to join us since we have 2 places to make up to 6. If not we will jus go with 4. Actually the smaller the class the better (according to Chin Chin). But I hope to have more mummies joining us loh.

jasmine, no limit..u can go as many times as you can per year..

u can download their schedule timetable from gybmoree website..

the 60min playgym timing is subject to changes because sometimes if they hold any bday parties, then the time is not available for playgym..

so whenever before you go down, give them a call first..

bakaholic, i went for gymboree trial ($42.80) yest...then my hubby dun wan to sign any package..so the gymboree staff say i can sign up for membership and the trial will be free..so i jus top up $10.70 to pay the membership fee of $53.50..with this membership, i can jus use the 60mins playgym which cost $12.85 per session..

jasmine, mvh, sunflower, duckling, sheric, u all ok with 29th may (sun)? I check with the lady chin chin, she say sat is her date to ferry her kids to classes..

bakaholic, playgym which is only allow bb to play the gym equipment w/o teachers to guide..is 60mins.

if u go for their classes, is 45mins..with teacher ard to guide, sing song, blowing bubbles..

and personally i feel gymboree has more stages of different classes cater to bb..

eg: their learn & play 1 is for new born to 6 months

then learn & play 2 is for 6 months to 10 months (crawling bb, starting to cruise a bit)

then learn & play 3 is for 10 months to 16 months..(pre walker, walker)

and so on..

but little gym one lesson is cater for new born to 10month..

i tink the range is too big..


i was at gymboree when there is a class for babies..exactly wat u just mentioned, bubbles, parachutes, music etc..i like the setup too, but didnt wan to sign any package.

can you check with Chin chin any other time on saturday ? since its only 30mins..i dont think she took 24hrs to ferry her kids to classes ba..


i remember for the birthday bash, we are each given a $40 gymboree voucher rite? maybe we all can use this voucher for a free trial.

cheese, i nv see harbourfront before..

but tanglin branch not bad..i tink is big..and is definetely bigger than the little gym ar marina sq..

btw..if u gals are particular with hygiene, gymboree ask u and bb to use Hand sanitizer before and after the gym...gymboree staff will come and ask u to sanitize your hand and bb hand..

i remb little gym only ask us before the gym..and then after the gym...is up to the parent whether u wan to sanitize your hand and bb hands...(they jus put the Hand sanitizer bottle at the side of the door)

sunflower, ya lo..my hubby oso dun wan to sign up..

so he say we will jus sign up for membership and go for the 60min playgym..

jus like we adults go gym la..no need trainers to guide..jus use watever equipment there ourselves..lolz..

ya if got gymboree voucher, u all can use it..keke


think i drop out from the trial for my little gym on 29 may. I dun think my girl will like it! Sorry about it.


you make me tempted to go for gymboree instead! Haha!


yup there are vouchers on our 1st birthday bash!


10am i cant leh..my boy usually wakes up 7-8am.. and get back to slp around 9-10am..but if majority can do it at 10am, then i will give it a miss.

i juz call gymboree. they say we can go for diff trial..

one is play & learn and another one is music..

she suggest me to go for the play & learn 1st then go for music.. hmm..

maybe i will bring Gen to the Trial..

sunflower, same same..my bb will wake up, drink n go back sleep again..keke..so 10am is early for me too..

jasmine, mvh, sunflower, duckling, sheric, pls let me know if u all ok with 29th may (sun) 4pm? thx..

jasmine, we can still stick to 4pm 29th may..

so are you gals ok to 29th may 4pm and is sunday instead of saturday...

ok so now there are 2 free trial class for musikgarten

Org by jascmy

Musikgarten free trial @ Woodlands (Home studio), 22 May 2011 Sun 4pm. Max 6Bbs per class.

1) jascmy

2) cheese

3) winnie

4) angel

Org by fumiko

Musikgarten free trial @ Woodlands (Home studio), 29 May 2011 Sun 4pm. Max 6Bbs per class.

1) fumiko

2) jasmine

3) MVH

4) Sunflower

5) duckling

6) Sheric

and since both is sunday, jascmy is asking those initially ask to be on 22 may, do u all wan to switch back or still stick with mine?

JWT TRIAL @ UE Square (beside Clark Quay)

Date: 18th June 2011

Time: 1.00pm

1) dsqyvonne

2) winnie

3) eeyore

4) starz

5) jasmine goh

6) Vivy (aug mummy)

7) ah bee

8) Michelle (aug10 silent reader)

9) mrs ahnah (just apply the card)

10) glamdem


Can Gymboree open a trial class for us too?? my gal went before also, it's fun...

Interested to form a class:

Gymboree Trial Class

1. Winnie

2. cheese

3. eeyore_03

4. sunflower

5. ah bee


i sticking with u.


i will wait for the $40 voucher for the trial class..so if u gals want to have it now, then go ahead without me.

Gymboree Trial Class

1. Winnie

2. cheese

3. eeyore_03


5. ah bee


Fumiko, I am fine with 29 May 4pm, thanks.

Eeyore, for Gymboree Trial Class, if timing arrangement is OK, I am interested too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

