(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Pris, that's really very inconsiderate lah.. since she already will drop by on wed le, why suddenly must come today and at such early hours without calling?? haizz..

crescent, u din lock the door? when i was having confinement, if there are people in the house beside hubby, i will lock the door when i need to feed baby or rest but will tell hubby before hand. there was once i locked the door cuz need to feed baby, dont know which idiot tried to open the door but cannot n keep knocking, i just ignored it.. hahaha..


bakaholic, how is the toy which u bought at robinson? is it good? how's the suction pad? strong? hehe.. cuz thinking of getting it later since im gog ard that area.. ;p

eeyore, b4 bb i dun feel so 'fan gan'... but wat they do during my confinement really irritates me! makes me very 'fan gan' of them... my mom did the confinement for me then in-laws everynite oso come! they can come then go straight into my room & sit down on my side of the bed & just see my ger sleep! my hubby oso 1 kind one.. tell him so many times i dun like them to go in & out of my room somemore sit on my bed.! but he just dun see anyting wrong abt them! i'm so pissed @ them lor! even my mum & sis oso buay tahan!

tat's y now i not very 'ke qi' to them... whenever they come & i go to the rm i just close my door wif bb inside.. dun give a damn to them anymore... since they dunno how to respect me, y shld i bother to give them respect!

u all know i put my ger to IFC.. then FIL every morning oso go & see her... alr told my hubby to tell him not the do tat alr... the teachers dun really like... then like some tiko pak like tat!

tell u all lah.. when taking abt them i really got alot of rants..... haiz! just my luck to have such in-lawss!!!


I also prefer amk since it's nearer. But I called karen just now, she told me it's another trainer .. I surf the site, can't find the amk number leh.. U can find? Can call and ask? Then we can form a group in amk


I forgot to update you gals. Yeah, the toy is great! suction is strong. But the bee can be pulled out as a sneaker and rattle. So far, my boy hasn't pulled it out yet cos it's rather tall and he just suck on the head only but tilting it.

pd, i lock to door b4, then my stupid idotic hubby ask me y i lock the door he need to go in then he keep knocking & knocking! he oso dunno how to zidong one... like keep wanting his parents to see the bb...kept wanting them to carry her, etc! i see lah damn pissed!

now they only come once a week, then when they come, FIL will keep saying bao bao , even if she playing there on the flr nv fuss or anything! alr tell them so many times dun keep carrying her, if not she will always wan to be carry.... then my stupid hubby keep ask them to carry her! cant them just let her play on her mat then if wan to play wif her just sit on the mat lah!

I called karen again. I also prefer AMK. She say her friend at woodlands also doing it. She will SMS me their details (AMK and woodlands).

Let see how.


got pix of your new toy??


that time I engage a confinement lady, my mil also comes everyday until the confinement lady left, then she stop coming in the afternoon, bcos she scared of me... haha I also dunno why she scared of me... if she come will me me, baby and her alone in the house, she say she want to prepare lunch for me... I told my hb, tolong, plssss.... luckily my hb still listen to me, partly bcos he scared i nag to him also lar... so he better tell his mum to stop doing some things...

Kindermusik- I woke up with backache today. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I find teacher Jane very pleasant but not able to capture the babies' attention. That's why the babies never respond to her singing. Haha.

There's a playdate at peekaboo today right? What time? Hubby on leave! We will prob bring baby there after her lunch.

Sp, ooo..great, then i shall go get it later.. hehe.. robinson still having 20% discount?

crescent, can understand how u feel... initally i also nv lock door when feeding baby, though my mil was also in the house but she will knocked before coming in n when she saw i feeding baby, she will just come in n see how's the baby for awhile, then go out, but i dont care lah.. still continue to latch my bb.. from then onwards, if she din see me n bb in the hall, she knows im feeding him in the room, so she wont come in.. but will definitely lock the door if my fil also comes along..

hahah.. i already used to them keep carrying liao.. but i wont keep carrying when at home, even ask my nanny not to keep carrying, just let him sit in his pram or lie on the mattress n crawl ard lor.. he will cry lah but just let him be lor.. if keep carrying, i will die lor.. hehe..

Eeyore, my mil has key to my place.. My elder gal got fever, so yesterday morning she came to our place without telling us.. Luckily we r all awake n eating breakfast halfway..

can anyone find today's and wed peekaboo list?? I can't find it in the archives, partly bcos my archives are weird...

this is how my archives looks like...


Ok, gals, once i got the contact number from jurong west karen and i will call them to arrange. But Not sure whether they are free. For jurong west, its free.

pd, ya lor... they just dun get it lor! cos end of the day they r not the one to take care of her, i am!

if given a choice again, i rather not stay near them knowing they r like tat!

somemore they know nuts abt taking care of bb then wan to act like know-it-all especially FIL! irritating!!!

during wks when i dun have to see them i'll be very happy! end of the mth going for family trip wif my family.. yeah! dun have to see their stupid faces...


your mil is great help to u right, and u get use to it already...

but somehow I feel my mil is just keep troubling us, mouth keep saying never mind, don't need but in her heart she wanted us to do it very badly... like few weeks ago, she went to JB to her relative plc (her mother & some relatives stays in JB but still need 3 to 4 hours car ride to reach). Fri sit her sister's hb go in, I think reach in the evening, sat took boat to come out by herself, never wait for her sis, boat ride is faster and nearer, cut the journey by half, and the arrival plc is in changi, then my hb say got time then go fetch her, but in his heart, he wanted to go fetch her. Go in stay 1 night then next morning comes back, make us go changi fetch her, waited an hour for her boat to reach, initially say that timing, call and say delay 15 mins then delay another 30 mins... why just go in stay one night and didn't wait for the car ride to come back and make us keep waiting there doing nothing, somemore with 2 kids, just bcos she remember her community got activities...


haha, my mil neighbour is selling their flat, they ask my mil if her son is interested, then she gave them my hb's nbr, then they call my hb and ask if he's interested to buy their flat... I told my hb, 我才不要也不会自投罗网, stay beside mil, will I still have peace?? furthermore the lift lobby comes out only 2 units, so whenever we go out or go home, she'll definitely knows and on and off she come knocking on the door, save $$ for phone bills liao...

Eeyore, crescent

U r lucky. Your in law only appears once a week. Mine comes 4 to 5 times per week and still complain we didn't bring my boy to their house on weekends. My hubby is also complaining his parents want my boy to visit them. My Mum didn't even see my boy once a month!

Eeyore, my mil now dun help me take care of my kids le.. Dunno why.. Maybe coz of my sil's bb.. She only come n see my elder gal awhile n then my hubby sends her to woodlands causeway point.. Sometimes I dun really like coz she appears without telling us.. We only knows when we hear the keys opening the door..

N I also think my hubby pian xin.. Coz whenever my mil comes, he will drive her home though we only stay 15mins walk away or 3 bus stops away.. But every time my mum comes, she goes back herself n she stays further (yishun) than my mil.. My hubby seldom offers my mum.. N now my mum helps to look after my bb n this period my elder gal is sick she comes every day to accompany my elder gal..

If at any one time they didn't carry my son for whatever reason, they will also come my house on weekend. They see my son more than me.

tat's the thing abt them lor! they think they have the every rights cos our hse is appearingly their son's hse... can come as they want...

my mil when come over for no reason can open my kitchen cupboards/fridge to see... then got once she go into my room (wif hubby inside) then open my wardrobe to see all tis without my permission!... then i scold my hubby, she open my wardrobe for wat! u dunno wat is call privacy ah!

Rachel, ya loh, my Mum also nvr see my boy that often if she stay in her hse (sometimes she will stay in my hse to help out). But my PILs is confirmed every Sat, plus most sun and PH. And hubby always bring my PIL out but my Mum only stay at home everyday. Not fair rite.

Don knw y PILs and our parents always have different treatments. They are all our parents who bring us up.

rachel, my mum oso dun get to see my ger often... cos she stay in JB... so unless she comes out wif my bro or i go back... but we call each other very often, i even compliant to her abt inlaws...

MVH, same same, my mum also go home on her own. Somemore she very old liao (whole body ache) and she still come to help and go home on her own. My PIL so young, come my hse only play wif Bb and hubby send them home. SO ANGRY! I complained to my hubby and he will say thats his car leh. Of cos send his own parents.

talking about in-laws is back again.

i can understand you ladies feel. i even worst. i got "bu zi dong" SIL who can come to my house at 8+pm or 9pm. that is when my devil need to sleep. i was damn pissed as i myself need a rest too.


i could not find the list too. seem to be lost. but i only know pekkle is not going.


some of us will be there for lunch around 12+. i msg you my hp number in awhile,


if she always comes then I would say she doesn't trust my mum in taking care of my boy, but in actual fact she got more exp than her... somemore is in my mum's plc, I just find the fact is a bit awkward...


strange why she open your wardrobe... I can understand bcos when I have a house on my own, when my mil comes she'll open my fridge and say we don't have this, don't have that, the next min, I'll see it in my fridge, then I'll tell my hb, she wanna make my plc turn into hers is it... btw, when u open her fridge, u can't even see the light...

Cresent, open wardrobe a bit extreme leh.. My mil only comments abt things in my kitchen, eg soya sauce put outside too long, not fresh Liao etc..

ya lor! so rude... tinks she have every rights to do wan she wans... dunno the word 'respect'!

then my stupid hubby oso tinks nuthing wrong... just say she wan to see only... WTF lor! wat's that to see?! nv see wardrobe b4 ar?!

i told my mum, she oso say wat's that to see? so rude! even my mum dun even open my wardrobe, dun even come in my room so often unless i call her or she needs to attend to my ger...


yes i am going again. hope jovan get well soon and both of you can come down to join us.

let me recall who are going to peekaboo for today and wed.

16 may

time: 12+ onwards

1. duckling

2. sunflower

3. glamglem

4. sheric

5. dreamz

6. cheekrene

7. jasmine

8. mvh (TBC)

9. tikey

10. ahnah

11. racheal

12. babybee

13. huffpuff

18 May

time: 12pm

1. starz

2. cheekrene

3. suika

4. ah bee

5. michelle (ah bee's friend)

6. xuan

7. snowy55

8. mvh (TBC)


u stay beside them is just like staying with them under 1 roof. ask ur hby don chong dong. i so envy u all who don stay w pil. i stay w them till my new hse is done in 2-3 yrs time.. BUT i gt a feeling they will move in w us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sigh~ never hv a "home of my own", even the new hse is under our name but the feeling is the same..

I still pondering shld i hv a dragon baby nxt yr or not, although tot of it, and alot say dragon and tiger is gd companion.. our babies is tiger ma.. i tot of waiting my new hse so i can bfeed in peace in my own room.. but 3 yrs later.. sigh~

music school @ JW:

i stay west, i don mind go if u all not enuff babies.. but seem like no1 wanna go le.. lolx!

ah bee,

if u want to make them feel they shouldn't move with u to the new house, try this method, don't engage their opinion for your new house, everything u try to plan yourself, don't discuss too much in front of them...

crescent, open wardrobe abit over extreme liao, no matter what or how, is still your private stuff.. being a mil doesnt mean she has the right to poke her nose into every single lil' things..

ah bee, I wan to go leh. Let see whether woodlands one need to pay.

Sunflower, I'm busy now. I will call later when I go moo moo.

precisely lor!

regards to sitting in my bed, my mum suggest to put my bra & panties on my bed see they still dare to sit anot... hahahaa.. but i nv try though.

ah bee, agreed with pris.. dont mention too much about your new house in front of them.. but then again, u also must tell your hubby cuz they might probe n ask your hubby abt it when u not ard.. luckily when we had our own house, my pil never say anything cuz we all plan ourselves..


sorry don't think can join u for lunch cos my hb wanna have lunch with me before i go to peekaboo. but most likely i will reach there at 1+pm. will u be in peekaboo by then?

yupz, i never mention to them. usually i don do the talking. but my hby did mention once our new hse is ready, they wan rent his mum hse out but i keep quiet n see how.. i don wan commit.. but somehw i know they will move in, and HOW TO REJECT them wher they are 60+ already... sigh~ i did told my hby b4, my neighbour mention if separate stay, relationship is better than together. headache*!


update me agian :D

