(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Jascmy, I already send jasmine n mvh details to chin chin n inform her they are goin for 22 may..

So jasmine n mvh no need send u le..



If gymboree got free voucher, then i will wait after the birthday bash. haha..

Cheekrene and Ah bee,

You ladies interested to try out musikgarten at pioneer? It's free, i think.


could be allergy. Did you intro other stuff and is that the 1st time having beef? Maybe just stop and wait for it to go away and re-start again. Beef is source of allergen to alot of ppl.

I let my gal try heinz beef jar the other day and she had loose stools. Din know beef can cause allergic to many pple. I was still wondering if it's the beef or spices (cos spices is one of the ingredients).


i wasn't at home when my mil fed him the beef. Nothing else is new, so if it is food allergy, then most likely is what she gave him. He took heinz beef baby food jar before.


I had given him heinz beef jar before, he did not have rashes leh. Maybe my mil put other things in the food. She always say put this put that to sweeten etc.. i kept telling her bb no need to make the food so tasty, she just refuse to listen.

hi hi

Org by jascmy

Musikgarten free trial @ Woodlands (Home studio), 22 May 2011 Sun 4pm. Max 6Bbs per class

1) jascmy

2) cheese

3) winnie

4) angel

5) MVH

6) Jasmine

Org by fumiko

Musikgarten free trial @ Woodlands (Home studio), 29 May 2011 Sun 4pm. Max 6Bbs per class.

1) fumiko

2) Sunflower

3) duckling

4) Sheric

5) QQ


usually vege and fruits are the only type that shld not cause allergy, anything else can be..just monitor when introducing new food ba..

one last slot for the free trial musikgarten on 29th may 4pm..

any mummies still interested?

QQ, can PM me your bb name, DOB, mobile no?


Paiseh, didnt go to fumiko house that time.. my #1 got bad cough.. so must qaunranttine him.

re : food

i almost nv care so much on giving single food at a time liao.. i give him what i eat now.. but v little basis..

recently i brought yobaby yoghurt! it's v exp but my boy likes it! i mix it with cereal and he can finish one bowl..

wow so many activities going on!

Org by jascmy

Musikgarten free trial @ Woodlands (Home studio), 22 May 2011 Sun 4pm. Max 6Bbs per class

1) jascmy

2) cheese

3) winnie

4) angel

5) MVH

6) Jasmine

Org by fumiko

Musikgarten free trial @ Woodlands (Home studio), 29 May 2011 Sun 4pm. Max 6Bbs per class.

1) fumiko

2) Sunflower

3) duckling

4) Sheric

5) QQ

6) alibaba


I just recalled my helper told me he poop 3 times in the day yesterday. Maybe my mil made the beef sauce very concentrated compared to the food jar.


noted your PM le..

ya kindermusik is tiring..

musikgarten is 30mins..i hope not too tiring..

we shall wait for those mummies goin on 22nd for feedback..keke..since some of the mummies goin musikgarten went for kindermuisk too..

Re: Food

I also give my boy whatever I eat or whatever her jie jie eat nowaday :p Like this morning, I prepared coco crunch with HL milk for his sis... then just feed him few scoops too... I very cin cai on the food 1 la; I feed him cheese bread, coffee bread or whatever bread I eat too... Oopps...


i also let my boy try more food now, also alittle bit, just let him taste taste only, not a meal. For meat and seafood, i am more careful. So far only give him pork and fish. Beef only from the food jar, which i think is safer since it is meant to feed baby.

Updated: both classes full

Org by jascmy

Musikgarten free trial @ Woodlands (Home studio), 22 May 2011 Sun 4pm. Max 6Bbs per class

1) jascmy

2) cheese

3) winnie

4) angel

5) MVH

6) Jasmine

Org by fumiko

Musikgarten free trial @ Woodlands (Home studio), 29 May 2011 Sun 4pm. Max 6Bbs per class.

1) fumiko

2) Sunflower

3) duckling

4) Sheric

5) QQ

6) Alibaba

Gd mrng ladies & ahnah!


For the time being, i don tink wanna bring DK go out.. Maybe wait till June for me..

my hby bit nt happy 'cos DK kanna virus after ystd playdate @ Peek-a-boo. She's having throat infection, running nose, cough & fever last night 9pm.. v cranky and keep crying whole night

Doc oso advice us nt to bring to places where alot kids are.. *sian~*


I think i'm not bringing DK to the little gym nxt sunday. so sorry.. Do they need min headcount? if yes, any1 wanna replace my place?

so sorry...


i give tings like fried rice /fish / chawamushi / egg .. prevent giving seafood or chunky items. this time i going easy... #1 time i v strict.. end up he so fussy on food..

ah Bee,

Yah, no hurry for me. Can wait till june when everyone is feeling better.

I am quite apprehensive to bring my boy to places where there are older kids as they tend to pick more stuff as most of them goes to childcare/playgroup.

Maybe can bring DK to parks/walk?

I find my boy too fair so wanna expose him to some sun. Haha..


you find your boy too fair, i find my boy too dark haha... duno why he gets darker as he grows older. He is quite fair till 1.5mo...then he turns darker.

feel like bringing my bb to harbourfront this wkend for the playgym...since u gals say bigger..

but see the schedule is from 6-8pm..is her makan time..


Morning ladies! IM on MC today! im ok just that my throat is very dry.. better to go see doc first before I cant eat good food!

Hee... just went out to see doc and do some chores and it's already 11 am liao!!!!


i dun think i will go for the class. maybe next time.

ah bee,

i also realise my girl got mucus on her nose when i bring her for check-up. i got to monitor her later since your girl is not feeling well. like what bakaholic say, must bring her out for walk. i also wanna boost up my girl's immune system. so far she is ok but when go to clinic, she will kena the virus.

skin color

mine got fairer as he grows too..up till 2 mths super dark..everyday drink HL milk during preg still come out dark .. now fair and nice


i also give alot thing, chin cai eat chin cai grow up..restrict too much, next time eat abit, kena this kena that..as long as dont give hard core allergy food like seafood , shld be ok.. anyway its a bit or a small mouthful, not as giving a full meal..


haha... so strange hor. Baby Lucas is very fair like you. My mum says my boy is super dark at 3mo, then 5mo becomes fairer.. now dark again.

My bro said I put him near the window always kena the sun, but that time my fil kept saying baby needs sunlight...so duno if he and mil kept bringing him out to sun or not. My mil very rude one, she can just carry him out of the house without telling me during my maternity leave. When I came out of toilet, i can't find both of them, so pissed.


I also try giving a bit of everything, including ice cream and choc cake. Only tiny bits la, never as a meal. My hubby even want to give him beer/wine.. i screamed at him. His whole family a bunch of alcoholics (including his relatives). His brother even make his own beer and sil always got drunk.

skin color,

my boy also very fair nowadays.. but i wan him to be abit tann.. hehe.. will bring him for swim when he's fully recover from his stomach flu.. hahah..


i also gave whatever i eat to him in small amt.. but the past few days he was having stomach flu, so i stop giving him adult food but he will make noise when he sat with us during makan time.. have to give toys n stuff to distract him.. poor boy.. hahaha..


hahahaha...my hubby is waiting for him to turn toddler n he will start to teach him drink beer.. i was like =__=" then he said beer is good cuz is make of wheat n malt, good for body.. dont know what kind of logic is this... hahahaha...


yah. see the 1st batch who go to the Musikgarten trial to feed backs. hehe... even tiring, treat it as exercise bah. .


my thinking now is like you but i cant over do it.. later my maid follow and tot ev ting can give! sometimes she really v "kek kiang"

calling for jasmine

can u advise what do u do with ur boy's enzema? my fren bb gal got it and the doc said it maybe is mum's BM. wondering could that be possible.. ermmm. ermm. what do u apply that helps?


why u say sorry to me? is ok la!i am ok if i nv join de.. sometimes join just for fun. if dont have also wont hurt de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my gal v tann le.. many thanks to her jaundice.. i like baby girl fair fair like jovie.. so envy! hee so at times i hestitate to bring her go outdoor swimming.. my hby v lazy 1.. like oni me wanna bring DK out walk walk, shop shop, gathering.. juz nw c doc, he ask did we bring her to places where alot kids? my hby immediate say yes, she (ME) always bring her to gathering *faint!*


I also give DK eat everythings tt not oily (at this stage).. frm rice to tofu to chawamushi to durian.. etc.. i have a collg who v restrict her gal food.. no salt in her food, no outside soup/food.. and if outside food, think oni rice and fish.. at times they go eat mac, she will order fries without salt (she's gg 3yo)..


Take care! don talk to JL too much.. lolx! Anyway, drink more honey water [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

fries has too much salt, very unhealty, so to me, fries without salt is reasonable for kids. i dont think jaundice causes tann skin..my son's jaundice hits 275 and was hospitalised..took 1 mth plus to drop to zero..now fair and nice..


it could be cos my mum BM, cos of the food the mum take... tat's y i dun take alot of nuts, seafood except fish, those tat are high allergy etc...


so envy.. mine still tann *sian~*


ok w no salt, but if u see her, u will know she v extreme. even most of my other collgs say her.. even her hby say she cook no taste.. soup like drinking water.. the healthy way of her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Alibaba, can sms me again with your nre hp no. Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I dont believe beer is good. A bit is ok, but most don't drink a bit lor. I see so many of them getting more "retarded" as they age... I believe alcohol makes people think/talk slower. Can only see the effect when they start to turn 50 yo. My fil walks like a snail now. Talk also so slow when he turn 60. My father older than him is so much more alert. I also believe alcohol is related to breast cancer as my dad's sister died of breast cancer and she drank alot. My mum's sister also breast cancer and she also drank alot. My hubby's aunt also breast cancer and she drank alot of hard liquor. No research done.. but its what i observe... and breast cancer does not run in my family lor. My mum has so many sisters, only the one who drank alot got it and she is the younger one too.

Dear all,

I really feel very lost, mil knocked on our door last night again, she say the bed very cold, she very scared, what can i do? my hb just say let her in, then every night she intrude our room, i got NO time with my hb loh, in the noon, she call him around, at night also want to sleep with us..

Everybody is telling me to understand and pity her, saying that she has lost her pillar of support, yup she lost her pillar of support then she must learn to stand strong for her own right? coming to "snatch" my hb from me is not a way out, i really feel like shifting out. Who can understand me? nobody, everybody is telling me to give in to her... Saying that if i treat her good now, she will appreciate, she will NV appreciate... Don't bad mouth me can already, yes i can help her with housechores, but slp with us? I think it's nono... i'm very stressed!!!!!


maybe is the BM or the weather or sensitive to dust or very dry skin. for my boy, he has dry skin on his chest and tummy. Pd advised to use physiogel cream as moisturizer after bathing and before bed (esp if he's in aircon room). I'm also using physiogel cleanser for his body shower. (tried other brands like sedamed, california baby, all no use)

my ger face got rashes...

i apply physiogel moisturer by the PD..

till now owas come back and spreading bigger patch..


then yest my MIL say use saliva..

but i dun dare le..


then my hubby say last time ppl fall down n injure oso use saliva..


this sat goin to ask PD again..

previously ask her y still cannot recover..

she keep sayin bb rashes are common..


my ger rashes will get redder or bigger whenever her face is face down

fumiko, I also don dare to use my own saliva on myself leh. But sometimes if mosqitoes bite and its super itchy without cream with me. I will apply saliva and itchy will stop immediately. Maybe can use Bb's own saliva. Since they are drooling now.

ah bee:- Thks! Hope DK recover soon!

It's very heartpain to see them unwell [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Im at home but taking care of JL! Hee.. i love bonding with my boy!

Fumiko, ya. like that jasmine says, might be heat rash? JL had red big patches on his shoulders and its very rough that time! Very bad! the skin is like peeling out!But I went to see doc Wong - At sembawang MRT there, he just mention these are heat rashes. That's a bad heat rash he had gotten [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] then he gave a cream and woolah, it works with few applys! I <3 this cream!

I tried desitin(my favourite for all skin rashes too), calendula also dun work.. did u try this 2?


For rashes, try to wipe with damp cloth once in a while and put the physiogel A1 cream on it. My boy got rashes on his neck and face sometimes and we do that. And i do not think saliva works cos my boy gets rashes on his cheeks from his saliva!

