(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Rachel, if ur boy is Ok with Enfalac A.R as recommended by ur pd, then conitue with it shd be ok... he will outgrow the reflux prob, no worry too much...

eeyore, wah, seems like really not good to intro tomoto too earlier, talk to ur mil bah, if u feel hard to tell, let ur hb do so... sometime we need to be more ks, bobian ma...

suika, my house is at Woodlands near cwp, u came b4 attending the 1st bb gathering mah... forget liao?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] U ah, post the durian photo in FB really make my heart itchy now... will endure till Sun after the gathering then eat!! haha!



hehe, I already tell her straight that day, they js don't believe me so find out more today then send to hb... she like insist nothing wrong with eating tomato...

sukai, the gathering time is 1-4pm. What time is the Thomas movie? actually my #1 is also a big fan for Thomas & Friends, if u bring ur#1 over, he can play with my girl as she has 3 big set Thomas And Friends Train Set!


lol.. u went to duckling hse b4 ma.. hahha..its 1pm..go lar..long time no see u..


actually old pple are like that..everything and anything can be eaten, so long as they think its healthy..they are not educated, they based on past experiences becos they brought up many kids before..i am like u , always argue with my mum or mil for the things they give to my boy.. but after a while when u think thru, they actually meant well, just that they are not educated. We knew about all these through internet or PD. Fish as an example, many elderly will give fish right at the beginning of weaning. but its one of the high allergy...but for many years, elderly are doing that, and seems to be safe to eat fish for most babies.. so if ur baby consumed abit, not alot..and so far still ok..then educate ur mil next time dont put..but educating elderly is not easy becos they always use their past experience to trash u..so u gota take a soft approach..

duckling! can offer my boy to play thomas and friend train? my hb and i intend to buy thomas and friends for my boy, but not sure if he likes


unsure about it. i did see firstfood webbie, tomato is one of those to introduce later of the year.. allergy is one of the concern..have to raise this fact to ur MIL. likewise, alot of old folks dont go by book and we are all grown up with all these. so also cant blame them for not being particular. since ur words she cant absorb. den ask ur hb to tell her.


actually sometimes I very relac liao leh... I don't mind she give fish, but she likes to mix alot of things to one dish which I don't like, like feed pig... like cooking a simple bee hoon also add so many things

anyone knows the polliwogs entrance fee for baby, kid and adult?? managed to persuade my hb to go there tomorrow with jerrenz since he's on leave. wanna bring #1 along but hb not keen to let her pontang school.


u dont like her to put alot of tings in the porridge? heehee.. actually if got more tings, good combination would be v tasty de leh..

old folks

very true indeed.. they always say they eat more salt than we eat rice. So they won't listen to us. My friend's mum even tell me to add salt or soya sauce in the porridge for my baby. I told her no need so much flavouring at this stage, but she insists and said that she did it for all her children and those children she baby sits.

Ask her why must she add salt and she told me add a little bit nevermind. So basically she also doesn't know why must add salt loh.


ya me same as alibaba..i love to put lots of things in the porridge, very tasty and nutritional..hmm, i dont think its a pig feed leh...so if u cook porridge, u only put 1 type of ingredient? like that how to make the porridge taste gd?

my mum okie de... she doesn't add salt to the porridge, she got experience in taking care of bb, when we tell her what cannot eat then she'll listen and learn from there... she's also very encouraging in bf, when i tell her i wanna stop, she ask me why, since have why don't continue...

but my mil, her experience is 15 or 20 over years ago... somemore those kids that she look after (my 2 sil, her god-daughter) all very skinny... like never grow flesh...

I also don't want to ask if she added salt, but that day is the first time she cook for J and somemore she said out what did she put in when nobody asked... then I recall someone mention tomato cannot eat, so I tell her straight... today then I find some facts to prove to hb to ask him to tell her lo...

Rachel, my mum say add salt to improve the flavor esp for fish porridge cos fishy. She will say that esp when my boy refuse to eat the porridge.

I don bother abt her.

sunfllower i mean main ingredient lo, that day she added, some which i think okie, fish, gou qi zi, potato, carrot, pork meat to cook stock, tomato, which i think tomato is additional lar...


same here..my mum also listen to me..i told her wat can or cannot, most of the time she listen..but mil will flare and she thinks im lecturing her, questioning her knowledge..my mum bf all of us, so she also wants me to bf my bb..but mil keeps asking me to give FM becos its fuller for the bb! its all bcos of 'mil and dil' for century years.. if u twist it the other way round, we also never like mil..we also dont like the way they do..if ur mum give something wrong to ur bb, u tell her nicely..but if its ur mil, u will angry, and ask why why why..hahaha so its always 2-ways..


might b abit rush for mi coz show ends ard 12 then i still need to go JW fetch my gal


i've got the foodchart u wan can email u to show ur hb

SunFl@wer, same here. So I always insist not to let my mil cook porridge for my boy. Cos I don know what she will put into the porridge. My PIL also keep asking me to give FM cos their children all drink FM. They also say FM will make bb put on weight and look better. I don care, I listen to my Mum, continue bf. They also anyhow feed my Boy with the utensils they used b4. I can't say anything cos they are demons and will eat me up if I tell them anything. Hav to tok to my hubby and ask him to stop them from doing that.

jascmy & sunflower

MIL all same 1 lah....mine last time fed my #1 porridge w 'yo ji' but she put lots of OYSTER SAUCE *FAINT* when i saw my boy too 'guai' sitting there i know something wrong w her food....in the end nxt day my boy came up w rashes...he wasn't even 1yo that time

hi mummies,

i'm new in this thread, my second daughter is also born in august. Would like to find out if any of your babies are not drinking well. My girl has not been taking any milk from the bottle for 6 weeks already. she takes solids reluctantly and refuses any milk from the bottle. she's on partial breastfeed. so she has taken to the bottle the bottle before. last i weighed her a month a go, she's 6.6kg. dr told me to just try feeding from bottle. i've resorted to spoonfeeding milk but it's very tiring. can anyone help or advise. thanks!

tink i am the only getting this feedbacks which make me v piss off during my #1 time...they said BF babies are small size.. see i so skinny.. milk shld be not nutritional.. -_-" kns.. so demoralize to hear that.. putting so much effort and time.. and that was from my mil hor.. that time.. now she wont comment any.. and my #2 is bigger size to compare. hence, i am happy to see chubby that time but now he slim down alot so abit sianz.

sunflower, sure can let ur boy play! But actually there are plenty type of Thomas & Friends toy which desired for difference age of kids. My girl has a Tomy Sodor Island set & extended set which required to set up the tracks by herself. She also has a set of Load n Go Play Set too, but these 2 set I dun think are suitable for our babies now as they are more for elder kids over 3 yrs. But dun worry, my gal also has another Thomas train with sound that will bounce back when touch any object [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My girl likes to make fun with her didi and let him crawling & chasing after it all ard the house now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Aiya, when u comes this weekend, then i show u other Thomas & friend stuff my girl has... she was crazy abt it & her 2yr old birthday theme was actually Thomas & Friends too...


tink my #1 will tag along leh. can let him play?? hehe.. else noting to entertain him he sure keep clinging on me..


ok!!good good! need to stimulate my boy to crawl..i saw ur videos, ur girl always train ur boy to crawl..maybe ask ur girl to train my boy too! i failed all trainings terribly.. haha


ur mil ever bf before? how can say such things?

alibaba, of cos can la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] last time ur#1 was hiding in my playroom too right? That time my room was really messy & look like garang-guni... I have bought few shelves from Ikea recently to re-organize the toys, this time round will be much easier for him to search for the toy he wants liao... hehe

sunflower, seems like alibaba's mil also nvr bf b4 like my mil. For our generation, mos r FM bbs. I know u r Bf Bb. Me too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ur house not messy la.. got toys to ent him shld be good enough. that time i remember he was playing with ur gal's toy bb pram.. u dont regret if he tear down ur toy room. haha.. joking!


ya. she said she got no milk so nv bf her baby.. always tell us how ku ming she was that time, and she didnt have to even jian fei already can wear her mini skirt !! fainted.. all in all.. she is a ok person la. cos she dont really come bother my stuff.. and i seldom ask her do tings.. only the most if i am gg out den she will go home early to help jagar my boys..

suika, wat bb chart? i wan oso..keke

btw...if u all wan food to have salty..mayb can try putting ikan billi...

when i cook tofu n egg yolk porridge for my ger, she dun like..i tink too bland..i add ikan billi powder..then she eat..lolz..

Rachel : your boy still having reflux? My girl also still having reflux. Still drinking 1-2oz of milk every 4-5hrly only. So heartache to see her weight didnt grow.


if u didnt change anything, can check if she is teething, cos sometimes baby has milk strikes, otherwise, can try to change the teats to bigger size.


Maybe can try to feed her BM mix with cereal. My pd recommend to take more solid so that it can lessen the reflux. Does your gal cry when drinking milk?

Eeyore thanks! I think I will intro tomato later nearer to 1yo..

Suika, thanks for yr info.. Looking for pampers promo as miss out ntuc one last wed..

Can ask abt puree?

I give my gal mix veg (cauliflower, asparagus n red pepper, all 3 tried before) puree juz now at 630pm.. Then 830pm she poo, I saw red pepper inside.. Does tat mean she cannot take these mix veg puree?

Yup, PD say she got reflux. given medication before but doesnt help so nv give anymore.

Ya my girl prefer solid than milk, she still merlion and still struggle when feed her milk. But she seems more interested in porridge yet she still don't know how to 'eat' yet.


Rachel, me going uss tmr. Will be very crowded cos it's company event.


My boy was too tired this evening and slept early so we didn't manage to assemble the bike and let him try.

