(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


ya, slow nvm , can eat can liao..cos now he rejects milk and cereal, which are the most impt source now..u need to start porridge, else vege and fruit puree wont be sufficient..

Thks ya,

Im down also.. sorethroat.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

IFC bb are like that.. prone to more virus & ppl..

Sunflower, I let my gal try banana puree then she got cough.. Dunno is it coz of banana then lead to cough.. I can't find organic banana hence give organic banana food jar.. Heard banana skin is porous, e flesh will absorb all e pesticides etc hence not good to give to bb non-organic banana.. Unlike veg, u can soak add veg detergent to try to remove pesticide, u can do to banana.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jasmine: Gotten the invitation. Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hb just brought bb to see PD and they did a suction of phlegm out from him.. Guess it's really bad this time round. Hope he gets better.

Ya Lol sian, this morning i woke up and realise Gen got green mucus flowing in out from her nose.. argh..

poor bb.. gg to bring her see PD later...


aiyo.. tat day see her still ok.. suddenly sick.. green mucus meaning heaty wor.. speedy recover to all bbs!

Rachel, I think splitting up is normal.. My gal does that every now n then.. I m not concern now coz she doesn't look like she is in pain.. Sometimes can see she has the disgusted look when trying to swallow back some of e split up.. But after that she is active again.. Her split up can kanna my n her shirt type.. But I already too lazy to keep changing her clothes, juz wipe off, too wet or smelly then change.. I thou din puke is very good le, my pd also says so..

I still latch my gal full time so dunno how much she drink each time but for sure dun think it is more than 100ml.. Coz she can empty one breast n full Liao.. Sometimes she wants milk after 1.5hrs sometimes 2hrs or 3 hrs if she eats some solids.. She doesn't really like solids so eating very little 40-50ml of cereal or blended porridge. I try feeding her more once n she puke everything out. Waste my effort hence now I din force her eat more..


Can get organic banana at cold storage. My boy also puke cereal once every 3-4 days this mth. Haiz don't know what's wrong. He never vomit before that.


For my boy, he just refuses to drink milk even though he is hungry. Can tell he wanted to drink cos he will suck the bottle once or twice then push away and cry. Then he will want to suck again but pushes away again. So that time I also don't know if it's teething or he doesn't like the milk or he is having running nose. So I called my PD and he thinks it's the acid reflux again. My PD says sometimes the baby doesn't throw up but can still feel the pain. So bo bian, got to listen to his advise to put my boy on losec to see if he can start drinking/eating again. So far, his appetite has improved after I started on the losec lo. I'm so tempted to cut down on his medication, think my hubby gonna scold me again. Everytime I cut his medication, his acid reflux comes back and he will suffer for two days before the medication works on him.


Do you happen to know if Bellamy cereal has milk in it? My PD ask me to give him cereal with milk then no need to feed him milk separately.

cheese, winnie, np... hope both baby J & baby G get well soon...

Playdate at duckling house

Date: 16 Apr (Sat) 1pm-4pm

(Cap at 15 babies attendance due to space limitation, hope for your understanding)


1. duckling

2. sunflower

3. MVH

4. QQ

5. eeyore_03

6. alibaba

7. xuan

8. snowy55

9. chocochips

10. スーザン (TBC)

White lady, Fumiko, suika, wanna join us for this weekend playdate as more slots are available now ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I didn't know acid reflux can be so scary.

Got this from babycenter:

"My daughter was almost 2 months old when she stopped breathing, and we had to do CPR and take her to the hospital. She was there for a week and they found out she has acid reflux really bad. It comes into the back of her throat and blocks her airway. Before we left the hospital with her, her doctor came in and told us to add 2 tsp. of rice cereal to every 1 ounce of formula. It will help her keep it down better, and she will sleep better, and not have heartburn as bad. She is also on medications to help her reflux. She didn't have any diarrhea or anything from it. The one and only way to know if rice cereal is for your baby or not is to talk with her doctor. If your baby has real bad reflux, talk to your doc about adding rice cereal to her formula."


Thanks for you help in asking char amine. I had received her invitation Liao .. Looking forward to meet yup and the rest of the mummies ..

Rachel, is your boy on fm now? If so, you cab try to give those thickener fm. For my #1, she has shadow stomach and cos the reflux n vomit very frequently last time... then my pd suggested her to drink friso comfort. It does help & improve her milk intake... eventhough she still drinking v little, but at least it improve her from spits out v frequent after changing fm...

duckling, thx for the invite..but this sat..my aunts coming over..so i cant join..

another time ba....

btw..the iras...i login my hubby acct, it cant make it deduct le..is it for working mummy only? working daddy cannot?

Fumiko, u mean what relief?? Qualifying child relief or working mother child relief??

Want to ask those went thru c-sect. Will your scar feel itchy?? Mine is so itchy every now and then. Now start to itchy again. I don dare to scratch leh.


i got confused over the QCR and WMQCR..after i call the hotline , they explained to me very clearly..its better to call them..easier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


aiyo, the reflux sounds serious leh. hope your boy will be ok soon. but need to rely on losec all the time ? did PD says when the reflux will outgrow?


yes my boy is on fm now. My PD recommended Enfalac A.R. then subsequently, he also recommend friso comfort for constipating babies. However, I don't quite like friso comfort, feel that the milk has not much nutritions as compared to Enfa. The milk powder is surprisingly so much cheaper than Enfa A.R. (Added Rice)


Don't think there's milk powder in it but it's enriched with iron. Anyway, I always add 6 scoops of FM in the cereal just for more nutrients since my boy is not drinking milk.


according to wholesomebabyfood webby, introduce tomato when baby is 10-12mths as it's acidic. and must cook to reduce the acidity.

Fumiko, QCR is for both wife and hubby (total amt $4000 is both claim). WMCR is only for working mothers, man cannot claim.


i had c-sect and recently also feel itchy.. i also try not to scratch.


thanks, i also hope he will outgrow the reflux. PD did say that usually they will outgrow by 6mo but there are also some will take up to a year. He was joking with my boy yesterday, asking him if he is a losec addict. He wants me to give my boy 3 semi-solid meals a day so that we can slowly take him off from the medicine.

My boy so funny yesterday, he kept eyeing on the PD's files. Wanted to reach out for it, but we kept him away then out of sudden he reach out his arms and want the PD to carry him. PD was like "you not afraid of stranger ar? You want uncle to carry you? Ok ok.." then when he carried my boy, my boy quickly reached out for the files behind him. So notty.


if you add 6 scoops of milk powder in cereal, did you give your boy 180ml of water? I did ask my PD about adding milk powder in cereal. He caution me to make sure baby has to consume the amount of water if not will have other problems.


yes, i heard about Enfalac A.R for babies with allergy to normal milk powder or other problems. Enfa is not cheap..but i notice carrefour sells Enfalac A.R from Malaysia..maybe you can buy from Malaysia, its cheaper.. its true that Malaysia milk powder may not have the full nutritional values as wat singapore milk powder has, but my fren told me its only 2 nutritions missing.. so its up to u.


Nope he never drink so much. The most one day, he can only drink up to 100ml. What problem? Constipation? My boy still poo everyday.

Rachel, if that e case, I think don't stop medication.. Wait till yr boy 3 solids is good then consider talking to pd again to cut down..

sunflower, yea called iras..and get a better picture..

jascmy, ya..thx ...called iras..and know wat does it mean liao...keke..submitting my form & hubby form now..

Hi all,

Sorry that I did not extend the invitation to others on the forum as I have not been on forum for around half a year. I am not sure who and how many I am expecting so I do a private invite on fb to avoid disappointments.

I get to know that the gathering was discussed on forum so let me clarify.

Due to space constraint, I did not extend my invitation to other area of the island. Sorry to make some of you disapponted knowing that you are not in the invitation list. Especially those that I am rather close to.

On my guest list I already have 19 adults plus 8 maids, 8 toddlers and 15 babies after extending the invitation to some mummies who wish to join us too.

My sincere apologise that I did not make this clear to everyone and hope to have your understanding.



Adding FM in cereal.

Yes, have to see what brand you buy.

Eg:- I bot HT and I can only add 50ml (1.5scoop Milk powder only)to 4tablespoon of cereal only.

Then my boy eat 8tablespoon or more but only like 100ml of milk.

Unlike others like Hipp? can add up to 120ml using 4tablespoon of cereal. and 4tbsp already one bowl le.

Rachel, my pd also told that most bb outgrow reflux by 6mo or longer 1yo.. Dun worry too much..


I also hear that fm must mix wif e recommended amt of water else e nutrients is too concentrated n hard for bb kidneys to process.. Might overwork kidneys..

I can't find organic banana in ntuc, north point cold storage nor taka cold storage, so gave up le..


it's not constipation. I can't really recall cos that time i asked PD was about 3 months ago. I go back ask my hubby see if he remembers.


Really? But now I will make milk for him first, (6 scoops for 180ml) then let him drink whatever amt. he wants. Then I will use the remaining milk to make cereal (didn't count the amt. of scoops, just add till it thicken).

she added carrot already still need more color meh...

she thought the more ingredients the merrier mah...

not feed pig what, need so many ingredients for what...


from the website, it says no matter what it's still best to feed after 10 mo so what for we risk even thought it's cooked...

furthermore, if any allergy occurs, who can I blame?/

Eeyore, some books recommends tomato after 1yo..

Think u better tell yr mil.. Juz monitor got any unusual things or not lor.. Me also ks type.. Better dun risk..

Jasmine, yup this is wat I heard of leh.. Dunno how true..

Jasmine, MVH,

This is what I found out:

When can my baby eat tomatoes?

The general 'rule' is to wait until late in baby's first year - from around 10 months of age - to introduce tomatoes.

The reason for this is that tomatoes sometimes cause skin reactions in babies. The most common seems to be diaper rash (or nappy rash) following a meal containing tomatoes - but some parents also find that they can cause a rash around baby's mouth.

Tomatoes are quite acidic, so these reactions may be a result of this acidity - or they could be due to a tomato intolerance, which may also cause wheezing or vomiting. True tomato allergy - which can be life threatening - is actually quite rare, although a proper diagnosis can only be made by your child's doctor.

You should - of course - seek advice from a medical professional before introducing tomatoes to your baby and if you are concerned that he may be experiencing any type of reaction to tomatoes.


guardian got GainIQ offer @ $59 for 1.8kg n Pampers Active Baby diapers @ $37.65 for 2 pkts


where's ur hse har? this sat wad time?? i bringing my #1 for Thomas movie in the morning

