(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

polliwogs is fun...can give it a try man..

Gen scare to go thru the tunnel..while Javion enjoy himself.. hehehe..

i will bring her go again next time...

Fidgets nothing much leh, i tink more cater to bigger bb?



do you warm the baby food jar when you bring your boy out? I'm thinking how to prepare his food. Gonna bring him to Universal Studios this Friday and its gonna be a long day.


My devil up from his nap lor got to go entertain him.. Nice talking to you will log in later to check on the post again...


yes.. regret last time never go.. now must "make up" to it.. wanna see bb j!!


your boy is 9mths already?? Mine just 7.5mths+. i think he slims down too cos of his loss of appetite. =(


you been to both polliwogs and fidgets uh? think i will bring jerrenz to polliwogs instead then.


nope. just feed directly. i brought my kids to USS when he's only 2mths+. there's a big baby room near the information counter. i feed him milk there. or you can feed at restaurant. food jar is the most convenient, if not cereal?


Ur PD didn't prescribe nebuliser ? It wrks better for cough .. And can see improvements quite quickly . Hope she recovers soon . Seeing bb cough frequently is very heart pain

hihi, just finsihed a free workshop by a mediacorps actress Carole Lin (林晓佩) in our company regarding color typing & body shape, end up sign up a package for the Facial & Spa pulak... spending $$$ again :p

MVH, your girl cough sound quite serious... did u on the aircon at nite time? If so, do switch it off... It happen to me & my boy... I think switch of the air-con really help leh...

Susan, welcome! hope ur boy get well soon & we can meet again... I saw ur boy hair style in ur FB, he is like my boy, got standing hair ya... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eeyore / alibaba, I bring my #1 to kids explorer last yr too & she like it. Seems like every1 here is saying polliwogs is nice, may be we can jio each other & make a trip down on one of the weekend too?

Rachel, that's what e pd said .. Might lead to pneumonia if din treat early coz almost at e 'destination'.. The antibiotic is super ex lor.. $45+ twice a day for a week..

Penguin, if very phlegmy, quickly see doc.. I felt my gal in discomfort for so many days n yesterday she lost her voice not due to sore throat but excessive coughing...

Sunflower, no nebulizier coz haven't reach lungs.. Mm.. I also dun wan to neb her, cos sure cry the whole clinic down.. Lol.. Juz now pd play wif her, she no happy already cry till sore again..

Polliwogs sound fun leh.. Winnie, I think maybe cheese got a tunnel toy at home hence javion likes to play in e tunnel..


I dunno isit true but also never go and find out...

I heard once on nebulizer, in future the cough will be very difficult to treat and also rely on it...

Duckling, I din on e aircon leh... Virus too strong already 3 persons out of 4 down wif cough.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

duckling, hahaha..ya, his hair was already like that when he was born.. yeah, i also hope he will be well n recover quickly.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eeyore, I dunno how true.. My gal got nebulized 2 times before she got asthmatic cough @ 2yo.. Then need to use those inhalers for 2-3months..


I think abit true cos nebu med quite strong .. And the oral med doesn't wrk for my boy .. But no choice leh, already hit lungs, if dont clear asap, will kena infection

Forgot to add on, I ask the same qns to my PD too, cos j scare my boy rely on nebu in future , but he very confident to tell me its not true, although I still believe it does affect

Last weekend was busy n sad . Send my beloved granny off ....

My darling 1st teeth finally out ! Bottom left one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jasmine : I have been to polliwogs n fidgets. I prefer polliwogs.. Hehe.. Ya bring bb J to polliwogs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yup my boy 9mth as of 2 days ago. He born premature edd suppose to be on 16aug but he kick himself out coz my water bag burst..


I stay near farrer park mrt lei


Polliwogs is meant for how many mths old baby ? Bcos I went to gymboree to check out , the activities are very friendly for babies between 6-10mths.. Am thinking if some other gyms are more for toddlers??

Jasmine ,

Yup he's born on 11jul.. But only slightly heavier than ur boy ... Plus my boy still can't crawl yet.. Think his development a bit slow check with pd she says crawling is not a milestone some bb might skip I sure hope he don't skip this stage coz wanna see him crawl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jasmine: i don't have invite from fb yet[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mvh: okie. Thanks! Gg bring him to see pd very soon! Hope ur girl get well soon too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wow, thats Ex! I'm still feeding my boy losec mups. Sigh.. his milk intake drop so much, so PD wants me to give him twice a day. Now his milk intake is back to normal but really dont feel like giving him medicine leh. Some more the losec mups so expensive. Unity pharmacy is cheaper, about $66 per pack.


Thanks! I will be bringing cereal. But since I always mix puree into his cereal, so thinking of adding food jar to his cereal when going out. Do you add food jar to cereal or feed separately?

Babybee, ic.. Our thread has few ppl staying central..

Rachel, ur bb still got reflux even after introducing solids? Oh dear.. Poor bb.. Does he still puke alot? I think if no puke, can consider dropping one dosage of medicine.. But u should also discuss wif yr pd.. E medicine is just to reduce excess stomach acid with cause heartburn during throwing up.. Once my gal throws up less (qty per day decrease), I stop her medicine at that time.. N I also feed frequent wif small qty.. Now she dun puke le (except this coughing period) only frequent splitting up.. But the problem is still need to feed frequently wif small qty. Maybe her stomach small...

Oh ya, I try heinz pumpkin n sweet corn puree once when out.. Not so sweet. I gave her cereal first then some of the puree.. She accepts then the next meal I mix cereal n puree.. The puree enuff for her 3 meals for 2 days.. Lol..

Recently I let my gal try HT banana puree.. Wow piang.. Super sweet till mix wif cereal she also dun like.. In e end the puree cant finish within 3 days (kept in fridge) n I throw away.. I still got another bottle.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I had a look at toyrus on the bikes. Those are more for older kids as the seat structure and seat belts are not designed for little ones.

so, i bought the smart trike plus from mums and babes.


if anyone is looking for diaper bags, mums and babes having 50% off for okiedog bags. Me heartpain when i went yday.. i bought it at retail price last mth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Mum and babes only sells Bulky items ? How bout those milk bottles or toys ? Any gd bargains ? Am looking to buy more toys for my son


If ur bb is coughing or phlegmy , u shldnt give banana puree. Will worsen the condition . Anyway try to make ur own puree than to use those jar ones. Unless to bring out


Not much toys. Got some milk bottles/feeding stuff but i didn\t take much notice cos we were rushing for time.

Lots of car seat, stroller, high chairs.


My boy is a day older than yours. I rem they are about the same weight last time. But the whole of last month, he can't eat and drink well so didnt grow much. Yesterday weigh him at the clinic only 8.6kg.


my boy spits out two to three times after every meal, each time is a little bit come out la, not the merlion kind. This happens after i took him off from losec. After increasing his dosage of losec, he puke less. Maybe each day only puke twice. Also a little bit.

My PD wants me to increase his semi-solid to three times a day so that we can take him off the medicine. But semi-solid he also will puke.. now his bib got green color (avocado), orange color (pumpkin, carrot) and purple color (sweet potato) haha.

How frequent do you feed your gal and each time how much? My boy now only drinks 100ml -120ml each time, but since two days ago, he started drinking more frequent, so bringing his intake of milk back to normal. A bit scary la, yesterday he wants to drink almost 1 to 1.5 hourly, but each time he only drinks 100ml then he doesn't want anymore already. Yesterday, he drank 1.5 litres! PD says its too much and wondering is it he is making up the milk he didnt drink the past month.

Oh yes, found the Yo baby yogurt at Parkway Cold Storage, very expensive leh. I bought a pack of 4 to try, hopefully my bb likes it.


Once you let bb M tried, can give us some reviews? The sales is till 20sth right?


I haven't weight him recently. His last weight taken is 9kg at 7mths. But I think he lost weight already. I thought he's teething, but after 2wks of food strike, still no sigh of tooth! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Charmaine said even though she accepted your friend request but you are not in her friend list. Are you staying for dinner? I will pm you her address once she gave me.


He only finished puree n yogurt. But still don't drink milk n must force feed cereal. Can't possibly give all meals puree since milk is the most impt. I tried mixing cereal with puree but must force also. Sighed.


y dont u start porridge leh? maybe he is tired of cereal for so many mths..my boy doesnt like plain rice cereal..i always need to add puree or biscuit, then he loves it..maybe he sick of the same cereal daily?

