(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


Then count me out cos my hb won't come with me.



So sheric & penguin are going to charmaine's place.


You going?


You're in her fb?


the polliwog looks fun. anyone gg the next round do let me know. i also want to bring my boy there.

after trying to somersault during his gym on sunday, now he loves to do that. everytime i put him lying on my knees, he wants to bring his leg over his head to somersault.

these few days the thread really run super fast leh... hard time to catch up...

Wow... Charmine got gathering same date as mine...It is ok for Jasmine & Penguin, we can meet for next playdate again... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Susan will be gg to Charmine place as well?

cheekrene, what abt mini milo in the baby goodies bag?? hehe... if bb cant drink then we drink... hahaha

alibaba, I went to OCC play bowling few times but din know that is a indoor playgound leh. It is open for public too?


good idea. i go look for it. thanks for sharing.


i never been to polliwog but i only can make it this weekend since got car, so go there to take a look. will feedback after our trip.


It's fun!

Haa.. but mummies and daddies will be bz and tired?

Cos we have to guard them and run after them when they crawl away! haa..

Rem to bring socks for adult and BB ya!

When they are older then we can sit outside and have some coffee and snacks while they

run about etc.. hee..

This is the only activity that make my boy KO after the playout.

When he went to playgym, he is still super active cos not much energy required.

jasmine: yes[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Duckling: Sorry about it... Next time ya[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyone went for mums and babes sale? Me not sure if going cos my boy down with flu. And i got other errands to run as well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


bb M is down with flu only right? how come your pd gave so many meds?? that time jerrenz is down with flu, i never bring him to pd cos many mummies advised that pd will only give nose drop which can easily gt from pharmacy. he recovered within 1 week.


the one in occ not very user friendly for babies that just learn to crawl, polliwogs looks like got babies area for them to crawl around.


they got one area with cushion for bb to crawl.. haha.. but pic in the link more fun for toddler..


I think they change the name or even management change... I don't think last time I went is call little ozone... anyway it's a very small area... polliwogs looks big...

Playdate at duckling house

Date: 16 Apr (Sat) 1pm-4pm

(Cap at 15 babies attendance due to space limitation, hope for your understanding)


1. duckling

2. sunflower

3. MVH

4. QQ

5. eeyore_03

6. alibaba

7. xuan

8. snowy55

9. chocochips

10. Cheese (TBC)

11. Winnie_gal (TBC)

12. スーザン (TBC)




i think it's ok lah, i will go duckling's side since already promise, dont want charmaine to feel oblige to let me go.. maybe next time ba. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i confirm going over to your side but will double confirm again on Fri if i think my boy's condition is still not ok to go, other wise, i will see u on sat.. hehe.. =)


i nv been to polliwogs.. i know it's definately bigger.. for me it's tiring!! cos my #1 will sure need to follow... haa.. i am lazy.. and prefer lesser crowd.. recently went to explorer kids.. i feel super headache.. so many kids and the noise.. omg~ i hope i can leave there within 5mins.. but already paid the $$ so stay on for 1 hr.. the OCC one i went there last yr .. and it's already call little O zone.. under little schoolhouse management. it's smaller but tink it's good enough. haha..


ya...that's Livia but they've got her DOB sala...so angry *faint*



more votes for Livia plsssss....lolx

do rem to click into the photo then click on like

Just went to see dr Terrance tan.. My gal's cough is getting worse.. Last nite every 30mins cough n cough then wake up cry.. Practically din sleep well n she refuses to sleep after 7am.. Shack.. Her phlegm is green in color when she vomit out wif milk.. Doc said already down to chest n air pipe.. Not yet lungs.. So need antibiotics this time.. Sianz.. Hope she gets well before sat gathering.. Else gonna miss e 2nd time.. Sob sob..

Cheekrene.. My fren fr Johnson n Johnson said he is in medical department not baby's. But will check for us if he is free.. Coz he recently flying ard.. Busy.. Guess not much hope..


I also never been to polliwogs but looks fun, can arrange a day to go thou'...

when we brought our gal to kids explorer at downtown east, that's a giant maze, she's 4yo but I went into the maze with her to enjoy the big slide...


okay then see you at other gathering. =)


i already gave urs and sheric names to her, she will invite u both to her fb event soon.


i bought my #1 to explorer kids before. she loves it~ so many stuffs for her to play. and fidgets as well but fidgets is much smaller and more suitable for toddlers.

personally i tink explorer kids are for bigger kids.. my T1 too young for that. the super big maze looks fun but my T1 was scared.. i duno why.. maybe alot of ppl run here and there.. and maybe it's because i went on the wrong timing!! it was super many pple and noisy.. v turn me off.. haha.. so now i phobia... will try polliwogs one weekday. haa.

Hi Jasmine,

Just came in finish reading up all the post.. I have not attend any of the gathering before am interested in going to charmaine place as its near my place. Do you think she can fit in me and my hubby as i have no confidence in handling my boy alone. My boy always need to be hand carried. If cant fit in its alright ... By the way i am in charmaines FB but didn't received the invite maybe coz i didn't join in any gathering before la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


the antibiotics for your gal have to take for how many days? I very scared of cough now, can lead to bronchitis, if it gets worst can even lead to asthma and pneumonia.

MVH: Xavier also has green mucus and phlegm.. We going to bring him to PD tomorrow .. Very worrying.. Hope he recovers also!

Jasmine: Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sure no problem... If cant its ok la.. Next time bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My hubby work shift work de not all weekend free and majority of your gathering is during weekend ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif] This week just happen to be his leave [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] By the way i am in your FB too your boy very cute and u so adventurous always let your boy try all sorts of food.. My boy up to date still drinking 5 feed of milk and as for porridge a small bowl only .. but that still does not count a feed lor


Why not try bring him out by yourself? Initially when my boy was smaller, I always thought that I can't handle him alone, thus I never join in the gatherings in the past. Now I tried & it's easier than I thought. =) So can't wait to bring him to more gatherings myself.

Thanks! Have you started him on fruits/vegs purees? My boy dislikes milk, and starting to dislike cereal as well! Headache. Must force him to eat. Only when it comes to purees/yogurt, he's fine with them.


Like you i am a SAHM but the furthest i bring him out is nearby shopping mall only.. My boy unable to sleep outside so everytime if he's tired he will fuss for his bed.. Very hard to bring him out without my hubby even if he sleep outside its only a power nap of 15min the most is half an hour... I tred to ergo him out but a bit siong ...


I think it's easier to bring baby to gathering than going shopping alone. My boy can't fall asleep unless I manduca him or when we're in cab. Understand it's very tiring to carry him. I bought him to shopping yesterday, less than 3hrs I'm heading home cos him + diaper bag are really heavy~


Ya lor i have yet to try out on any gathering coz no confidence .... Wait till i try 1 gathering out then i let you know if its better hahaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Who knows my devil also cannot make it coz he dont really like to sit down and play de he's those type that like to be carried around and watch scenery :eek: at home also must be carried walk up and down... After play for 10-15min he will cry to be carried liao


My boy also doesn't like to sit for long and play at home. He prefers to walk in his walker or being carry but at the gatherings, he can sit there quietly and play toys. Never know if you never try. =P



Ya agree... Hope tat i can join in the gathering in charamine's place [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Your boy weight is very good hor... My boy just went for his 9mth assessment about the same as your boy now he's 9.3kg nia after his jab got fever recovered only 2 days ago might be lighter now also..

