(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Jasmine, I'm interested in Charmaine's gathering this sat. Maybe can get her to PM me her address?

Only me & baby R as hubby is working.

Many thanks in advanced.


Serene, actually is bad that we always sleep so late. Try to sleep early if possible; especially when u r sick.

I will make sure I go bed at 12midnite; can't sleep also toss on bed. haha...

Sunflower- can claim both. Working mother only working mums (wm)can claim. Qualifying child relief(qcf) either mum or dad can claim. They wun compute Wm on the pg though. its auto. Just need to tick the box at the riht side. For Qcf have to choose Q and input childs data at bottom. Can also claim grandparents relief if ur parents looking after ur child.

cheekrene: u gg polliwogs tis weekend?? Hehe.. Tot u say u wNna go to the east?? Haha..

mamyvelle :I confirm u gt more toys then cheese! She only have ball pit which u dun have.. The rest I tink urs more interesting.

Wa, now gt north & east side gathering leh.. Haha..

Sunflower, as I mentioned earlier, best to let hubby claim qualifying child relief(QCR)of $4000 cos this is his only relief he can claim. We can claim working mother child relief (amt more than QCR), grandparent, or foreign maid etc.

You can also claim half of the QCR eg. u claim $2000 and hubby claim $2000. QCR capped at total $4000.


yes i am going to east. polliwogs is in east side... hehe!

by the way, talking about arsenic in baby food, here is the reply from AVA:

I refer to your enquiry sent to AVA on 12 Apr 2011.

Metals such as arsenic, lead and cadmium are naturally-occurring contaminants in the environment, being present in the soil, water and air. These metals become incorporated into plants and other food sources. It is not possible to eliminate them during food processing and ingestion through food is unavoidable.

The Food Regulations do stipulate maximum limits for arsenic, lead and cadmium in infant food. These limits are set at the lowest possible level to protect consumers’ (namely infants’) health, while at the same time, technologically achievable by the industry.

Regular surveillance of the infant food available on the Singapore market reveals that such products do comply with the Food Regulations. In fact the levels present in these infant foods (such as infant cereals) are generally below the legal limits or not detected. We would like to assure you that infant food sold in Singapore are safe for consumption.

AVA will continue to closely monitor international developments on the matter and will revise our limits for these metals, if necessary, to safeguard consumer health.

can anybody give me ideas for the goodies bag? (For our first birthday bash)

I am thinking to replace yakult to some other drinks. what else can our babies drink?

there will be another expo fair? hmm,maybe they will sell those juices or so cheaper?

what will be inside our goodie bag?

Diaper from goon,


Oh ya, I 4get to upd. My friend say he aldy send our request for sponsor to his corp com dept last week. He is now overseas. Will ask him again once he is back.

Really hope to get something from pigeon. Small pack of wipe also good leh.


ur drink is for wat age range? there are alot of miniature yoghurt drink in super market. shld be cheap as well. bb at 1yo can drink yakult liao?? i nv intro that one cos it cause alot of phelgm. even my T1 i also try to avoid giving..

goodie bags,, why not u go to those sell party stuff shop at middle road. there are alot of variety [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] also sell ballons, party stuffs with themes.. etc...


Am looking at the pictures on your fb. All babies here can sit so well! My boy can't sit long leh, only a few seconds he will reach out for things and topple or he just wanna go on tummy.

cheekrene:u gg in the morning meaning u need to go out from ur hse very early leh? hehehe...

west to the east?

alibaba:rmb to give T2 the youghurt leh.. if not expire liao.. wah Gen enjoy herself ytd..aft u all go home she still dun wan to zzz..

she still very high...


goodies bag not finalise for our babies. so far i got 2 sponsorships only (heinz and goon). if got more, that will be great.


no worries, i wait for your good news.


can but i let you know later. we did not confirm anything yet. but most likely i will be going.


drink for babies (by the time 11mth or more). kids from 3-5 year old is not a problem. i scare some mummies may not like it so i decide to change. is soya bean ok for them? for goodies bag, there will be a candle inside for them to blow on that day. i am getting some snack and drink into the goodies bag as we are getting some sponsorship. got budget la, i did not collect much $ from them... haha!


oh...this sat wun b able to make it....bringing Kevan for Thomas & Friends movie in the morning

for those who want to know what is inside babies' goodies bag, here you are:

- Sponsorship from Heinz and Goon Diaper (Collected)

- Still sourcing for other free stuffs, awaiting reply from Nestle, Johnson & Pigeon

- Party bag

- Candles (for individual birthday cupcakes)

- Some titbits & Yakult (drink TBC)


because this weekend my hb manage to get a car so will be traveling to east.


i go check with ah bee if confirmed. then i let you know the timing.


ohh. thanks for the reminder. later i ask my maid to give him. haha.. ur gen so CUTE lor!! talk so happily and loudly to the television..then when she saw me saying hello to her, she stopped and cry.. wahaha..but she warm up v fast.. haha.. v cute to see her jump.. maybe seldom got pple come over to ent her..

Haa.. alibaba, to add on,

Gen is very high de. He see javion crawl there she also very excited to join him!

Javion play jumperoo she also wanna play while her dad say she seldom play, collect dust.. hee.. wana a playmate.

Winnie gal.. she NEED A PLAYMATE.. where is #2? kekekekeke


izit. she really jump til v happy de leh!! so cute... maybe she only want to "perform" when frens are around. hahaha..

Jasmine> this sat charmaine's place i cant go already. I send my maid away so my hubby say this sat go source for new one else my mum cant handle.

Anyone got recommendation for agency for mymmar maid?


i think jasmine had sent email to all of them... i think wyeth not yet.. hehe!


i like Gen. i must arrange to meet her again.. hehe!

cheekrene: wa like tat also can? little devil seldom come to the east lahm let her see scenry lah.. hehehe..

alibaba: ya lah, she talking by herself lah.. she like to talk very loud... everyday she have to talk to the tv.. hahaha...

T1 like Gen toy.

aiyo ur T1 very shy but got toy he can liao.. hehehe...

my house very messy lah.. and the playroom is hot...paiseh*

Cheese: Gen love Javion Head.. she angry we let her sayang bB J head she happy liao!

i label Gen as Hao lian bb..hahaha.

ok cheekrene, no problem we arrange and let them meet again... hehehe..

i would like to see Jovie mumble..

hello mummies,

Sorry Duckling [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I will be going to Charmaine's place this saturday as it is nearer to my mum's place... Will join in next time to your place [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hao lian and action babies' mummies,

actually there's one indoor playground at OCC.. dont have to travel until east coast.. and v cheap also.. less than 10 bucks i tink. shld be smaller than other indoor playground. although i nv been to poliwogs. if i want to go, i sure choose weekdays cos it's definately v crowded on weekends..

