(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Dear All,

1) All slots are fully taken up! However I can only waitlist in case any mummies drop out!

2) For those with #1 and #2, I am sorry that I could not include them in the package due to overwhelming response.

However you can plan other entertainment for them since Vivocity also got mini playground.

3) For those interested mummies who mentioned tentatively going, you still have chance to consider until 18th March.

Otherwise I will give up your slot to those interested mummies who are on waitlist.

4) Deposit: Is it alright for me to collect deposit of $20 to secure your slots?

PM me for deposit payment in FB if you want to secure your slots latest by 18th March!

I will be going down to Gymboree to book the venue and make deposit for package somewhere end March!

Please note that the deposit is only for booking Gymboree. Other payments like cupcakes, goodies bag & F&B will be done on 31st May.

Final payment at Gymboree will be done after the event.

Is it clear for everyone on the payment?

First Birthday Bash for Our July/August Babies:

It is confirmed at GYMBOREE @ HARBOURFRONT on 9th July 2011 (Saturday).

The available slot is 6pm - 7.30pm inclusive of activities and birthday celebration!


Package for Gymboree (Harbourfront)

- 1.5hrs birthday package is $370 for 10 children.

- Additional baby will be $15.

- Each child will receive a free Gymboree class voucher worth $40, and a gymboree balloon at the end of the party.

- Birthday package do not include any food and drinks, however can source for outside caterer

(recommend finger food and packet drinks for the adults and kids).

- Can accommodate up to 40 babies in the venue. However, limit up to 2 adults to one child. (Please see ** below)

- Meals and cake are not part of the amenities provided in the package.

** As we are having big groups, the staff suggest us to split into 2 groups of 20 kids.

The first twenty could do the party from 6-6.30pm and the second group to do the party from 6.30pm - 7pm.

Then, 7 - 730pm we will have snacks and birthday cutting which is provided by the party attendees.

Please note that the attendances can only be up to 40 babies due to space constraint at the venue.

Estimated Budget:


1) 30 babies - $22.50 each

2) 35 babies - $21.50 each

3) 40 babies - $20.50 each

Cupcakes: Estimated 55 (including for #1 & #2). Budget $2-3 including packaging.

Goodies Bag: Budget $5-10. Also see if we can get sponsorship.

Please note that

- budget is not inclusive of birthday cupcakes, goodies bags, F&B and other misc!

- Everyone are to give $20 deposit to secure your slots.

- Deposit payment for booking the venue will need to be done by 31st March 2011.

- Other misc payments like birthday cupcakes and goodies bags will be done before 31st May 2011.

- Final bill at Gymboree will be done after the event.



1) Treasurer to handle payments - cheekrene

2) Cup Cakes - Jasmine Goh.

Optionals (If everyone is ok with budget, we can include those shown below)

1) Finger food and packet drinks only - Purelyz (Only if time allow us to eat within 1.5 hours)

2) Goodies Bags for Babies - MVH

3) Sponsorship - Bakaholic



That's what i did. I went to their global site but chose Singapore as option and emailed them.

Hope we can get some good news.

Heinz got biscuits so hopegully they will give us something.

Jasmine has written to Nestle for sponsorship.

What other companies got food?

I will try writing to pigeon to ask for wipes.

Bakaholic & Sunflower, sorry to be confused, hehe... ya ya, those food jar sounds good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my boy also stick out tongue and blow saliva the past two weeks. This week, he is practising his vocals again, super loud, don't know if he picked it up from the yelling infant care centre. When on his tummy, he just keep yelling. When he wants more juice or cereal, he will "urm urm urm" non-stop and gets louder.

hi, sorry to disturb

can you kindly help vote for my 2 lil ones... thanks a bunch..

Please click on the link below n "like" the page "singaporemummy"


Then (album 5, photo 101 )


n this (album 5, photo 97)


THANKS n have a nice weekend ahead.. =)

My gal got hives on half her face after i started half feeds of stage 2 milk today. V sure it's the milk powder cos no other new food. Read up and found it's mild allergy. If no other symptoms it's ok. Subsided in an hr. Not sure to try again or shld i throw the tin away and try other stage 2 milk... Anyone with similar experience?

dear mummies & daddy,

Below is the list of the attendees for our First Birthday Bash. If you are not able to confirm, please let me know before 18th March so that I can give up the slot to those mummies who are on wait-list. After 18th March, I will be collecting deposit to book the venue. I will not be taking any mummies who are interested as i already have a few mummies on wait-list. Thank you!

Interested participants (Please confirmed attendance before 18th March 2011.):

01) cheekrene + HB + 1B

02) eeyore + HB + #1 + 1B

03) Jasmine Goh + HB + #1 + 1B

04) Sunflower + 1B+ HB (TBC)

05) bakaholic + HB + 1B

06) crescent + 1B (tentative)

07) duckling + HB + #1 + 1B

08) pd0513 + HB + 1B

09) MVH + HB + #1 + 1B

10) Winnie_gal + HB + 1B

11) glamglem + HB + 1B

12) dsqyvonne + 1B + 1M

13) Cinderbelle + HB+ 1B

14) jascmy + HB+ 1B

15) fumiko + HB + 1B + 1M

16) Haitang + #1 + 1B + 1M + (HB TBC)

17) cheese + HB + 1B

18) ednique + HB + 1B

19) ah bee + HB + 1B

20) purelyz + HB + #1 + 1B + 1M

21) ahnah + WF + 1B + 1M

22) mamyvelle + #1 + 1B + 1M

23) nekowong + HB + #1 + 1B

24) Cyn here + #1 + 1B + 1M + (HB TBC)

25) QQ + HB + #1 + 1B + 1M

26) xuan82 + HB + 1B

27) shay + HB + #1 + #2 + 1B + 1M

28) suika + #1 + 1B + 1M + (HB TBC)

29) lina + 1B

30) sweetkyra+ HB + 1B

31) alibaba +#1 + 1B + 1M

32) charmaine + HB + 1B + 1M

33) saffy + HB + #1 + 1B

34) chocochips + 1B + (HB TBC)

35) eelyn + 1B

36) penguin + 1B

37) sheric + HB + 1B

38) xiaozhuzhu + HB + 1B

39) dreamz + HB + 1B

40) Tikey + HB + #1 + 1B

No more intake.


1) huffpuff + HB + 1B

2) Jasmine_chong + HB + 1B

3) tearybabe + HB + 1B

4) butterkiss + HB + #1 + 1B

5) jerlyn chow + HB + 1B

6) dreymin + #1 + 1B + 1M + (HB TBC)

7) Lvgal + HB + 1B


Morning all, my boy is 6mths old yesterday. I started feeding him fish and spinach porriage for lunch yesterday. He finish half of the normal rice bowl and still ask for more. I ignored cos I don wan to overfeed him. He then start to cry out loudly. My mum n I no choice but to give him 40ml of milk, he still cry and mouth open for more milk. He finally stop at total 120ml of milk. Then he keep crying for the whole afternoon cos lots of ppl came and wake him up from his nap and he wan us to play with him.

Evening I feed him with 1 spoon of cereal and the left over spinach and fish puree. Then he wake up every one hr last nite. I'm zombie sitting here in office now. So tired.

Am I overfeeding him?? He having difficulties digesting, tats y he cry a lot and wake up at nite??

Anyone experience it?


My boy has suddenly increased his appetite these few days too. After his 60ml of sweet potato puree, he can still drink 90ml fm. At night, he finish all of 180ml fm.

Mine also kept waking up few times at night to cry when his appetite increased. we just pat him and put him back to sleep.

We are also wondering why he kept waking up. he usually sleeps thr the night. Not sure if it's the weather so tonight we will turn on the aircon for him.

I just tried out nan pro 2 on baby (mix 30% fm with bm). Her poo become playdoh consistency. Is it considered hard or normal? Don't seem to have difficulty poo-ing it out. Her poo used to be mashy when on bm and cereal. Also mashy when on enfalac ( but she doesn't like the taste and I can't go beyond mixing 15ml into her bottle of bm).

bakaholic, I think ur boy started teething liao. Mine also sleep thru for one mth (3mth old) only. Then start to wake up for 1 nite feed then slowly increase to 2 then yesterday every hr. I realized he have one tooth when he started on 2 nite feeds.

As for appetite increase, really ?????. If milk still ok, but with cereal and porridge, don know whether they can digest or not??


i started my boy with porridge yesterday too. he finished 3/4 normal bowl of pumpkin porridge, didn't let him finish cos i think i cooked too much. sub 3hrs later he drank another 180ml of FM. so don't think you're overfeeding your boy.

eeyore, i went to SSC last Friday & just noticed that they have new shuttle bus go Woodlands industrial area. But too bad it still din pass by my office la... nevertheless, we still can arrange to meet up there 1 day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] let me know then.

Ange, u chance the fm to all stage 2 in 1 feeding? or mix with some stage 1? May try it again with the same stage2 fm but reduce the amount & mix with stage 1 milk. If still got hives, then need to try other brands...

jascmy, the way u describe I think ur boy wants more & not enuf leh... why scare overfeed him? just let him eat la, when they are full, u force him he also wont eat 1...

sweetkyra, i think the poo like playdoh still consider ok gua, as long as not hard & ur gal dun feel difficult poo-ing.

My boy is getting more tam jia already... previously he seems like not interested on most the food I give him. But since the past weekend, he start giving me those tam jia look & finished the fish porridge i prepared for him... happy ^-^


which particular part did u work?? is it walking distance to the free transport?? mine is not the wdls industrial area leh, I think mine is blue route, very unique, only serves 2 company...

btw nestle send me the gift bag so I tried the rice cereal on my boy over the weekends but he don't like, keep turning his head away... so at night while my gal was having some papaya, he watched with enthusiasiam and swallow saliva even, so i took one small pice od it and marsh with fork and feed him, he loves it, keep opening his mouth so my question: what can i do with the bal rice cereal so that i don't waste it??

Eeyore, the nurse at my gal's pd clinic also gave me nestle cereal samples. She said can keep unused rice cereal in airtight container if don't intend to use the whole packet in one feed.

Realised nan pro 2 is made in phillipines. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

a bit worried about the quality...


you can try feeding your boy again with cereal. Some may take a few tries before accepting new things.


so teething will eat more? i tot will lose appeitite?


oh mine is only a small sample satchet pack so I just keep the unused in avent cup but I was thinking if my boy don't like, what else can i mix with to make him eat...


let your daughter eat? my girl is still drinking FM mixed with cereal.

re: sponsorship

http://diapers.com.sg/ replied me, they will provide some samples for our goodies bags but they need a list of mother's name, ic, email and contact number of all attendants. is that okay with all of you?

eeyore, mine at Woodlands sector 1, ulu place la... red route or blue route both never pass thru [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Ya, I saw the blue route, the bus stop at ur office there leh, that's v convenience for u!

hellloooo.. long time nv update here but i still read the update.. hehe..

sweetkyra, my boy also drinking nan pro 2 now, so far he got no problem with the milk...

my boy last week was down with fever n now, still having running/blocked nose n cough with phelgm n when i try to clear his harden mucus or suck out his mucus, he cried till very loud n very cham.. so heartpain.. =(


i read your prev posts abt the webcam but it's archived and i dont know which date to read so ask you again. Which one did you buy? Is it clear?

bakaholic, I don know leh. Initially of his teething, he drink very little too. From 160ml drop to only 120ml or 100ml. Now appetite back liao and drink more. Now he drink 180ml.

Jasmine, 3hrs after the porridge and 120ml milk, he drink 180ml of milk.

Ok, will let him eat more if he want.

First Birthday Bash

For those who are confirmed going for Gymboree, please PM me the following details:

1) Full name

2) I/C No (For sponsorship purposes)

3) Contact No

4) Email Address

5) SMH Nick

6) Baby's name, DOB & Gender (For Gymboree's reference)

Please get back to me latest by 18th March.


my girl just had her first tooth..

think she's feeling very uncomfortable over the weekends..

plus she had her jab last fri, so she had fever on sat..

keep crying on and off, which is quite unusual for her..

what can i do to help her feel better?

btw, i realized that i still can't post on the spree threads..

would like to check what should i do so that i can post there..

a bit inconvenient when i wanna join spree..


let him eat lor..when he started to crawl and walk, he will slim down.. cos more active.. my boy finished the porridge, after 2 hrs hungry for milk..finished 180ml too...now i feed abit more porridge to drag to 3hrs then give milk..sometimes they just craving for milk..my mum say if for a few hrs no milk, they will crave one..even though they just took solid..i believed, cos my son is like that!

