(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Xuan, my gal is coming to 7months.. I dunno why she doesn't like e food I give her.. Now she can only finish 2 tbsp of ht brown rice cereal wif most of it on her bib, hands, face n floor.. Last time she still can take 4tbsp.. I also give her veg n her fav pear purée but she can't finish 1/6 of a medium pear nowsday.. I reckon it is her stuffy nose.. Coz she has a bacteria infection in her nose for 2.5 weeks le... Recovering but very slowly.. Hence might affect her appetite..

Check yr bb.. Is she comfy wif the feeding position? My gal can eat better in bumbo chair n not high chair.. My gal likes to suck her fingers or toys while eating.. So I let her suck so that she can eat as well.. I know it is a bad habit but now I want her to take more solids so no choice..


i've received the reply from cupcake momma. she said she have yet to open booking for July as she's not sure of her traveling plans yet. For now her baking slots are only open till May.


i saw at your fb. looks v cute. but does she do whole cake as well?

have you figure out how to post pic via iphone? if not i help you post here.


can you help me to consolidate on the cupcakes instead? on hand, i am coordinating on attendance. i need volunteers to help me on others.

Hi Sunflower / alibaba / MVH,

Suggest to meet for lunch at Astons at Sembawang Shopping center. We can call for reservation & tell them we have a few strollers so that can find a bigger place to 'park' our baby. #1 can play at the outside playround too... :p

North gathering:

Venue : Astons at Sembawang Shopping Center

Suggested date: 26 Feb (Sat)

Time: 12 noon


1) Duckling + HB+ #1+ bb


Pls continue the list... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cheekrene, wah, great to see so many mummies have confirming the attendance now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xuan, my boy also dun seems interested on the cereal & porridge... so discouraging & waste my effort esp cooking the porridge for few hours end up he will eat few tea spoon... arrr...

But now he is getting better... I realize that I boy tend to like 'salty' stuff compare to 'sweet' 1... he likes biscuit too...

So what I do now is I cook the porridge w ikan bilis soup… And he loves it leh... u may try difference ingredients... I believe sure she will fancy on something 1...


u may want to try other brand of fm? i boy was allergic to fm & i actually let him tried few type of diff fm b4... he end up settle with NAN...

mvh, my boy terbalik w ur gal leh, he is better in high chair compare to bumboo chair when eating... i am thinking to sell off my bumboo chair very soon :p

Jasmine, i still dunno how to paste e pix, u can help me.. Thanks!

Duckling, 26 feb I can't.. Celebrating my elder gal's birthday..

Aiyo my gal will Lick e high chair instead, so end up sit upright becomes slanting..


I did give her food jar of different food or fruits. She only take 2 mouth and dun wan le. End up i finish all.


She sits in bumbo while I feed. I also let her sit on daddy's lap but also failed.


My mil tried cooking porridge with different ingredients too, carrots, pumpkin, ikan bilis, scallops and some others.

Really don't know what she wants man.


Count me in for the birthday bash + hubby.

The small cupcakes r really very small.. I think 1.5-2cm in diameter..

Anyway, somemore mentions tiger food jar can cook porridge itself rite.. I have a tiger lunch jar.. Can it perform the same magic or only that particular model then can cook porridge itself?


u sure 2cm? thats really vvvvvvv small leh..

u can look out for a hollow hole right at the centre on the bottom of the jar..that hole will 'cook' ur porridge.


im still coughing leh..26th feb is 2 days from now, dont think i can recover.

hahahha jascmy... soya milk not xian dan leh... not instantly can see result the have to constantly drink... then after awhile u will notice...


I thought your gal like minnie mouse, how come never make that for her instead??


where do u work?? I don't mind weekdays to sneak out for lunch breaks at SSC.

MVH/Sunflower, is ok, we can change to meet another date, let's discuss again...

Xuan, emm... like that a bit hard. FYI, my newphew doesn't like to eat porridge & cereal too... & what my sis do was she added/mixed the cereal direclty in his fm for him to drink thru bottle... sometime if they really dunwan then bobian, still need to find a way ma...

eeyore, I'm working at Woodlands, ya, we can arrange to meet on weekday at SSC, woodland Mart even RP for lunch on weekday, i m sick on the kopitiam ard my office liao :p

crescent, I laught out loud when see your word 'xian dan'.... cos at first i tot u r talking abt 咸蛋,and wonder why 咸蛋 will increase bm... then i realize u refering to 仙丹... Hahaha!!


I first tried similac, baby vomited a couple of hours after taking it. Initially thought might be allergic so switch to enfalac to see if same thing happens. But she didn't vomit or break out in rashes so I don't think she is allergic. Poor thing, first time vomit milk, so now I condemn similac already. Haha.

Do u give your baby 100% Nan or mix mix with breastmilk? No taste issues?

Some sources do not encourage mixing formula with breastmilk in the same bottle, but never say why. But this is the only way I can get baby to drink some formula.

sweetkrya, actually NAN was the recomendation by pd. & my boy is drinking NAN HA (there are NAN HA & NAN Pro), HA is Hypoallergenic for baby who allegic to fm... Accd to my pd, he said NAN formulas is quite similar to bm woh...

I mix the Nan to EBM (gradually) like following;-

1st day - 1 scope FM + 150ml ebm

2nd day - 2 scope FM + 120ml ebm

3rd day~ now - 4 scope FM + 60ml ebm...

Sometime when I bring him go shopping or outing, I will let him drink full FM & he seems fine with it...

For my #1, I also weaned her with mixing the fm & bm, so far no prob at all, so I think it should be ok to mix la...

First Birthday Bash for Our July/August Babies:

Confirmation on Venue (Subject to availabilty if everyone can confirmed. Please see deadline below.)

To make it easy for me to coordinate, I am choosing Gymboree (Harbourfront) due to location which is near MRT station and the staff there also can help us to coordinate and organise activity. Please note that it is not possible to cater everyone's needs, hence I need to re-confirm the number of participants.

It is confirmed on 9th July 2011 (Saturday). The available slot is 6pm - 7.30pm inclusive of activities and birthday celebration!

Package for Gymboree (Harbourfront)

- 1.5hrs birthday package is $370 for 10 children.

- Additional baby will be $15.

- Additional siblings will be $15.50 (Please note that if we hit 35 babies, siblings won't be able to join in.)

- Each child will receive a free Gymboree class voucher worth $40, and a gymboree balloon at the end of the party.

- Birthday package do not include any food and drinks, however can source for outside caterer (recommend finger food and packet drinks for the adults and kids).

- Can accommodate up to 40 babies in the venue. However, limit up to 2 adults to one child. (Please see ** below)

- Meals and cake are not part of the amenities provided in the package.

** As we are having big groups, the staff suggest us to split into 2 groups of 20 kids. The first twenty could do the party from 6-6.30pm and the second group to do the party from 6.30pm - 7pm. Then, 7 - 730pm we will have snacks and birthday cutting which is provided by the party attendees. Please note that the attendances can only be up to 40 babies due to space constraint at the venue.

Estimated Budget:

If hit to

20 babies - $26 each

25 babies - $23.80 each

30 babies - $22.50 each

35 babies - $21.50 each

40 babies - $20.50 each

Please note that

- budget is not inclusive of birthday cupcakes, goodies bags and other misc!

- Payment for booking the venue will need to be done by 31st March 2011.

- Other misc payments like birthday cupcakes and goodies bags will be done before 31st May 2011.


1) Treasurer to handle payments - Any volunteers?

2) Cup Cakes - Jasmine Goh. Any volunteers? (My idea is to get cupcakes so that every babies will have their own small cake and a candle to blow on that day instead of getting everyone to cut cake. #1 & #2 also will have 1 too.)

Optionals (If everyone is ok with budget, we can include those shown below)

1) Finger food and packet drinks only - Any volunteers? (Only if time allow us to eat within 1.5 hours)

2) Customise T-shirt- Sunflower & Jasmine Goh (Budget for tee is $10 each.)

3) Goodies Bags for Babies- MVH (Budget is $5-10.) Any other volunteers to help out?

Interested participants (Please confirmed attendance before 18th March 2011.):

1) cheekrene + HB + 1B

2) eeyore + HB + #1 + 1B

3) Jasmine Goh + HB + #1 + 1B

4) Sunflower + 1B+ HB (TBC)

5) bakaholic + HB + 1B

6) crescent + 1B (tentative)

7) duckling + HB + #1 + 1B

8) pd0513 + HB + 1B

9) MVH + HB + #1 + 1B

10) Winnie_gal + HB + 1B

11) glamglem + HB + 1B

12) dsqyvonne + 1B + 1M

13) Cinderbelle + HB+ 1B

14) jascmy + HB+ 1B

15) fumiko + HB + 1B + 1M

16) Haitang + #1 + 1B + 1M + (HB TBC)

17) cheese + HB + 1B

18) ednique + HB + 1B

19) ah bee + HB + 1B

20) purelyz + HB + #1 + 1B + 1M

21) ahnah + WF + 1B + 1M

22) mamyvelle + #1 + 1B + 1M

23) nekowong + HB + #1 + 1B

24) Cyn here + #1 + 1B + 1M + (HB TBC)

25) QQ + HB + #1 + 1B + 1M

26) xuan82 + HB + 1B

27) shay + HB + #1 + #2 + 1B + 1M

28) suika + #1 + 1B + 1M + (HB TBC)

29) lina + 1B












No more intake.

<b>Please do not copy and paste.<b> Just update me the number of people and who are going. For those with #1 and #2, I am sorry that I could not include them in the package as the main celebrants are our babies. However you can plan other entertainment for them since Vivocity also got mini playground.

Thank you

Eeyore, I wana order Mickey mouse.. But she doesn't have e design.. She only can make the outline of Mickey head without face.. So what e point.. In e end, I choose pooh bear.. First time ordering cup cakes.. Yup e cuppies r really small!! The big ones ard 3.5-4cm in diameter.. I remember the big one is $3 each.. But really smell nice leh..

Eeyore, duckling, wat time is yr lunch time? My gal normally naps during lunchtime.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Cheekrene, please include me+hb+baby for the bday bash.

duckling, yes I also heard Nan is closest to bm in terms of taste. I will continue w enfa for few more days ... If really can't up the % of fm to bm, then got to switch Liao.

Sweetkyra, mix bm n fm can.. But if bb can't finish, yr bm is wasted.. N before 6mos, any foreign food including fm, mixing wif bm will affect e body iron adsorption of bm.. But after 6mos, e iron content in bm is low so it is ok to mix..

eeyore, ur place there got bus directly go ssc meh? what is the bus number huh? normally if i go ssc, i tumpang col's car go :p

MVH, my lunch time is 12.30-1.30pm... but sometime if go out far, snake a bit till 2pm+ then back :p. btw, when will u be bk to work?

sweetkyra, ya, continue enfa few more days & add the fm amount gradually to bm, i think when she get used to it, she will accept it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] gd luck!

Sunflower, mine no holes in e centre.. But got one big n one small holes at the circumference of e bottom.. Guess cannot cook.. Sigh.. Thought of getting one of the cooking jar.. Any idea north area got sell? No time to go taka or isetan..

Think bus 858 goes to ssc?

Duckling, tentatively 1st aug go back work.. Left 5 more months.. Still no one is confident to take up e challenge to take care of my gal.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi all, its been very long since i come to this forum..

haitang, can you send me your recipe?

my milk ss drop a lot after i start work..

i still let my girl latch on but its not enough for her..

quite depressing when i see her cry for more milk..

today my girl knocked her head on the floor after climbing out from the playmat..

not sure if i should bring her to see pd..

Hi Cheekrene

tentatively me and my Gang Will join the bash. Guess Will he crowded i think Will park #1 and maid at the outdoor playground.


down with cough also. Gotta fix another day.


added you in fb and include you in our Aug2010 MTB group.


ok noted.


shall we vote if anyone would like to have tees?

First Birthday Bash for Our July/August Babies:

Confirmation on Venue (Subject to availabilty if everyone can confirmed. Please see deadline below.)

To make it easy for me to coordinate, I am choosing Gymboree (Harbourfront) due to location which is near MRT station and the staff there also can help us to coordinate and organise activity. Please note that it is not possible to cater everyone's needs, hence I need to re-confirm the number of participants.

It is confirmed on 9th July 2011 (Saturday). The available slot is 6pm - 7.30pm inclusive of activities and birthday celebration!

Package for Gymboree (Harbourfront)

- 1.5hrs birthday package is $370 for 10 children.

- Additional baby will be $15.

- Additional siblings will be $15.50 (Please note that if we hit 35 babies, siblings won't be able to join in.)

- Each child will receive a free Gymboree class voucher worth $40, and a gymboree balloon at the end of the party.

- Birthday package do not include any food and drinks, however can source for outside caterer

(recommend finger food and packet drinks for the adults and kids).

- Can accommodate up to 40 babies in the venue. However, limit up to 2 adults to one child. (Please see ** below)

- Meals and cake are not part of the amenities provided in the package.

** As we are having big groups, the staff suggest us to split into 2 groups of 20 kids.

The first twenty could do the party from 6-6.30pm and the second group to do the party from 6.30pm - 7pm.

Then, 7 - 730pm we will have snacks and birthday cutting which is provided by the party attendees.

Please note that the attendances can only be up to 40 babies due to space constraint at the venue.

Estimated Budget:

If hit to

20 babies - $26 each

25 babies - $23.80 each

30 babies - $22.50 each

35 babies - $21.50 each

40 babies - $20.50 each

Please note that

- budget is not inclusive of birthday cupcakes, goodies bags, F&B and other misc!

- Everyone are to give $20 deposit to secure your slots and it is non-refundable after I have finalised the attendance.

- Deposit payment for booking the venue will need to be done by 31st March 2011.

- Other misc payments like birthday cupcakes and goodies bags will be done before 31st May 2011.

- Final bill will be done after the event.


1) Treasurer to handle payments - Any volunteers?

2) Cup Cakes - Jasmine Goh. Any volunteers?

(My idea is to get cupcakes so that every babies will have their own small cake and a candle to blow on that day instead of getting everyone to cut cake. #1 & #2 also will have 1 too.)

Optionals (If everyone is ok with budget, we can include those shown below)

1) Finger food and packet drinks only - Purelyz (Only if time allow us to eat within 1.5 hours)

2) Customise T-shirt- Sunflower & Jasmine Goh (Budget for tee is $10 each.)

3) Goodies Bags for Babies- MVH (Budget is $5-10.) Any other volunteers to help out?

Interested participants (Please confirmed attendance before 18th March 2011.):

1) cheekrene + HB + 1B

2) eeyore + HB + #1 + 1B

3) Jasmine Goh + HB + #1 + 1B

4) Sunflower + 1B+ HB (TBC)

5) bakaholic + HB + 1B

6) crescent + 1B (tentative)

7) duckling + HB + #1 + 1B

8) pd0513 + HB + 1B

9) MVH + HB + #1 + 1B

10) Winnie_gal + HB + 1B

11) glamglem + HB + 1B

12) dsqyvonne + 1B + 1M

13) Cinderbelle + HB+ 1B

14) jascmy + HB+ 1B

15) fumiko + HB + 1B + 1M

16) Haitang + #1 + 1B + 1M + (HB TBC)

17) cheese + HB + 1B

18) ednique + HB + 1B

19) ah bee + HB + 1B

20) purelyz + HB + #1 + 1B + 1M

21) ahnah + WF + 1B + 1M

22) mamyvelle + #1 + 1B + 1M

23) nekowong + HB + #1 + 1B

24) Cyn here + #1 + 1B + 1M + (HB TBC)

25) QQ + HB + #1 + 1B + 1M

26) xuan82 + HB + 1B

27) shay + HB + #1 + #2 + 1B + 1M

28) suika + #1 + 1B + 1M + (HB TBC)

29) lina + 1B

30) sweetkyra+ HB + 1B

31) alibaba +#1 + 1B + 1M










No more intake.


3) sheric + HB + 1B

12) tearybabe + HB + 1B

14) chocochips + 1B + (HB TBC)

15) dreamz + HB + 1B

21) butterkiss + HB + #1 + 1B

22) charmaine + HB + 1B + 1M

26) saffy + HB + #1 + 1B

28) jerlyn chow + HB + 1B

32) dreymin + #1 + 1B + 1M + (HB TBC)

33) xiaozhuzhu + HB + 1B

38) Tikey + #1 + 1B + 1M + (HB TBC

39) eelyn + 1B

40) penguin + 1B

42) Lvgal + HB + 1B


<b>Please do not copy and paste.<b> Just update me the number of people and who are going.

For those with #1 and #2, I am sorry that I could not include them in the package as the main celebrants are our babies.

However you can plan other entertainment for them since Vivocity also got mini playground.

Thank you

Jasmine and Cheekrene

Ok I check with my fren.. If both ard this price , then we ask if tee is needed, else can do without tee

Cheekrene: i want join.

Anyway, dear friends from Aug MTBs.. I have the followings to give away.. Priority goes to you all.. I have been trying to exchange for similac 2 but to no avail.

If any nice souls want to exchange with me or i'll give away.. Pm me or msg me if u have my contacts[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1) friso gold 2 900g

2) dumex mamil gold

3) nan pro 2


Angel, actually i give him porridge for lunch and dinner already, and supplement 1 time cows milk in the night. my ss now just sufficient for him only, and a bit extra for storage.

currently i'm still not working and am a SAHM, i actually have more chance to maintain ss. drop when i'm lazy to express regularly (sometimes twice a day, without latch on), tired & didn't eat well. so other than supplementing the herbal meals, you must take care also ya. will pm you what i have taken. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

