(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

yup.. i also pm the spree organiser..

but nowadays, i can't access my hotmail and i do not want the emails to go to my office email..

so abit inconvenient esp when it comes to arranging the delivery..

cheekrene, had pm you my info, thanks.

Jasmine / Sunflower, I also joinned SMH for more than 1 year, cant get the access for WTS & spree too. Had wrote more than 5 emails to moderator but till now no response from them... give up liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

duckling and jasmine,

me too..i think i wrote duno how many emails to different moderators, NONE of them reply..now i cant be bothered.


PMed you my details already.

duckling, sunflower,

iszit.. i emailed the mod about any companies for sponsorship, she replied me within 3 days.. but her answer is they don't have any contacts..

my baby is down with flu too. Just started yesterday with running nose and cough. Same as me. I'm on two days MC. I'm having bad sore throat, he should be having the same thing, poor darling.


could it be the 6mth growth spurt? My boy also just turned 6mo and the past 5 days, he has been crying for milk at 3am or 5am. If he drinks at 6am, he wont go back to sleep. I'm so tired getting up at wee hours. He used to sleep through till 8 or 9am. But recently he skipped his last feed at 11pm, just drank at 9+pm then sleep at 10+

btw, my girl is only drinking 120ml every 3 hrs..

she can't seem to drink more..

she's 6 mths 3 wks ++ and weighing 7.2kg..

is it too little for her?

seems like most babies can drink more than 140ml at this stage..

Angel, maybe cos she is small sized? It seems quite lil. My girl can drink 180 per 4 hrs. She is 7.5kg, 6 months. Try to add milk to her cereal/solids? She shld take at least 700 ml a day.

Re: moderator

No use one I tried for many months still no reply

Re: new job

Due to new environment, I have no Internet access or to say, can't access Internet

So my reply very slow now


my boy only started drinking 150-180ml these few days. He was taking only 120ml for the last few mths. And boys are supposed to drink more so your gals' intake seems ok. As long she is putting on weight and healthy, should be fine.

Ange, dun worry abt the milk intake as long as bb is gaining weight n within acceptable weight.. I remember my elder gal only drink 80-100ml per 2.5-3hrs when she is ard 6-9months.. So what we( mil n myself), we give her more solids lor if she wants.. Her weight is ard 75-90th percentile till 1yrs old..

Oh ya.. I tried yan's cuppie.. The chocolate cake is yummy.. But the icing or the decoration is so so so sweet... That my gal took a long long long time to eat the top part.. Lol.. She is forbidded to eat sweets n hence doesn't really know how to eat sweets I guess.. I also din eat the top part.. But however, her classmates love it! 20 kiddies eat up 60 small cuppies n 2 big cuppies!!! Lol..

Morning all, I'm worried abt my boy's increase intake cos he jus started on porridge last sun. Then till now he not poo poo yet. I'm really worried he can't digest and hav constipation.


when my boy started on solid..cant poo up till4 days..then bombard when he poo..and thats alot alot alot to clear the mess. when he gets used to it, now he poo once to twice a day. try to give one fruit puree daily or add vege into the porridge, then he can poo easily.

This is what i read from DUMEX newsletter

How much milk does your baby still need?

Moving on to solids is an exciting step for you and your baby, but milk should still be a major part of their diet. Long after solids are introduced, milk remains an important part. Until the age of 12 months, your baby will need around 600ml of milk a day. Of course, if you're still breastfeeding, you won't know exactly how much milk they are getting, but four or more feeds a day should be plenty. If you're bottlefeeding, it may be time to get your baby used to a cup or beaker, particularly if they are comfort sucking, as this can hinder the correct development of your baby's teeth.

Teaching your baby to eat helps them grow in many different ways. For instance, encouraging chewing exercises the muscles needed for speech, and letting them hold a second spoon while you feed prepares them not only for feeding themselves but also helps to develop their co-ordination and motor skills.

The thing to remember is that your baby's nutritional needs are still very different from yours. Because their stomach is small and they're unable to eat large quantities in one go, it's vital that their diet is rich in fats - the main source of energy - rather than high fibre foods, which are filling without providing the essential energy a baby needs for healthy development.

my girl is gaining weight slowly..

maybe cos she's teething recently, so drink even lesser..

can't even finish 120ml..

but she eats quite a lot when we give her cereal with puree..

will even swallow saliva if i'm too slow..


my girl took 3 days to poo after i first gave her cereal..

but after a week, she started to poo everyday as per normal..

maybe ur boy is not used to it yet..

sunflower and angel, when i start my boy with cereal in the evening, he also poo after 2 days and its like adult shit.

So now I started porridge for lunch, he need to get use to it again. And he might be the craving for milk type. Thanks. I will monitor.

would like to check with you gals on where to get nice hair accessories for my girl..

her hair is growing so slowly til everyone thinks she's a boy even when she's wearing pink dress..


tis few days my ger wakes up every 1 hr throughout the nite... then latch on awhile goes back to sleep...

last time only onces to latch on for feed...

anyone of u exp tis?

Jasmine, I added threadfin and spinach. Yesterday and today he had porridge in ifc. Don think they add vegetable. Maybe tonite if still no poo, I will make carrot puree for him.

crescent, my boy wake up every hr the nite b4. Then I think he too tired and he sleep thru last nite. I still wake up very often even tot he sleep thru cos he set my biological clock to wake up at 2am and 4am liao.

my girl is learning to stand up with support.

last night, after i put her in her cot, she keep pulling the side rails and the bumper.

she managed to pull the bumper down but her hands gave way she knock against the railings.

looks like it was very painful..

sad lor..

how do u all prevent such accidents?

Angel, sweetkyra,

I have the same problem too. My friend suggested me to get a playpen cos the sides are soft. Any mummies here can give feedback?


that time some of you are discussing about singtel ip webcam? So I need to buy a webcam then subscribe with singtel also?

sippy cup

Any mummies started babies with sippy cup yet? I tried with the avent one, with the non-spill valve, baby has to suck very hard for the water, took out the valve, the water flows out so fast and baby gets choked. Can share how do you intro cup to baby at 6 mth?


The popular one is pigeon magmag sippy cup. Can be sterilised. I tried the cup and just put water in it. After a few tries she knew how to suck, mostly just chew on the spout tho lol.

Btw ppl, how much water do u give ur 6mth old a day? A must if she has started solids?

Dear Mummies

Have the following to sell

1 x Mamil Gold Stage 2 (400g) - $12

1 x Enfapro Stage 2 (400g) - $12

1 x FrisoGold 2 (900g) - $25

All expiry after May 2012.

Self collection @ Novena MRT (9am - 6pm) or Sembawang MRT (After 7pm weekdays), Weekend collection possible with arrangement

Please PM me for fast deal.

Normally my girl can sleep at 8 plus till next morning then have milk feed then sleep again . But this few days , she sleep at 7 or 8 plus then 9 plus wake up , play for 2 to 3 hours then sleep . And she also wake up as usual timing . So mean she is getting less sleep .... Is that normal ? Just now at 10 I force her sleep n she refuse and cry for half hour . And play awhile then drink milk then sleep . Hope she will sleep till next day . If not if she wake up later I will just let her cry ! Wonder is it teething that give her discomfort ...


I have the pigeon and munchkin one but my boy doesn't like it. But my mum cupfeeds him water and he is ok with it. Very strange.

Anyone on mamil gold stage 2? Do you find it very sweet?

Btw, i am selling my pampers M size (68pieces). I got 2 packs. Price neg as i need to clear them as my boy fits better in mamy poko.

Gd morning Mummies,

Need your help again.

My daughter is currently 6 months & 2 weeks old.

Im facing some problemher.

She recently just sprout her bottom 2 incisors & she had been putting in her finger to bite. This few days, her apettite is very bad. For example, her last feed was at 5.45am - 150ml of FM, then the nex...t feed with cereal at 2.30pm, make her 120ml, but she play with the milk & spits out out from her mouth which I believe that the intake was only 40ml.

Why is her appetite so bad? Is it because of teething?

Im getting so worried. I checked with the PD, he says feed her more cereals or porridge. But the thing is that, she does not want to be placed in the high chair. Even if she does, she will at the most sit for 10 mins & fuss. When feeding her, her head will turn here n there.

How can I get her to eat more?

May I know what's your baby feeding history like?

The my BB had not been sleeping thru the night for the past 2 weeks. LIke example : yest slept at 10.30pm, after a milk feed of 120ml, then wake up at 2am to eat 120ml again, then 6am woke up again.

Haiz, is there something wrong in the way I took care of her?

Mine now also wakes up like middle of night for milk and then about 5ish to 6am for another feed. He has been sleeping thr the night since 2mth+ and suddenly develop these strange patterns now.



Ya, mine oso 2 months starts sleeping thru e nite but not pattern change.

My collicks says that some BB will still wake for milk...

How long will these last? im so tired...

